- 1.. ri 40 : heLNortJjCdrolwa M A G Ai l NrE,fori 764. one of her Coaches to take them thither,; and , was of 30 Paddy Roatsioundered or drove that they would find, on her. Deceafe, that ., afliore. , (he had riot been-unmindful ofTthem : which Snow'Succeft Ellipt run fhore; ; . proved to be true, as fhe; has left them hand- j Snow London, Black, ditto, nothing faved. fome Annuities for their Livesi " She was in theiid Year of her Aee."- EdiiIndia ; Intelligence '. . Trom Madrafs we learn, tharthc Violence of the Rains, and Want of Ammunition, would ; red uce Colonel Monfon to the Neceffity ofraif- - ing the Siege of Maduhtra (100 miles South received from Bengal the , i th of -November ward of Trichinopoly) afcer having with infi laftWMadrafs, declare, poiitively that Cof- nitertabouicarried:onuriApproacheSp wdrked-bT3crtoh6unter(crao Snow, Neptune,7 Tracey, , ran foul of the Calcutta, and bpth funk together , -, Snow. Nel lyi Gibfon, drove aftiore, and beat to pieces f - . . The Hope-- foundered. ; We are aflured , that fever al private Letters Cawn, the Rebel Seapoy;" had 450 Frenchmen to Death ; but whether the Patna Prifoners and GofFreesin his Service, who Iid Claim to ihared.the fame EatC-is not abfblutely afqeriain- the Fortrefs in Virtue of hi Ufoff's Cefiiori of ed. ; . y-j it to the French King in and protefted" " The Britifh King, Pigou, and Pitt, Jack- agafnft the Attack; Three Men of War, and fon,from London, , are both arrived in the J 2 or .1 15 Merchant SHips'wereifaaftcdj E andgrtlyflSa I Litter fromB " happened at Madrafs the iift of O&ober laft; iflandu fituatedat 4 Degreesno -Minutes- South Latitudes and about 30 Miles from jlmboyna dated Septem I 2, 1763 .IIlIZlZ - The firft of this Month, at -five in the Afternoon, we had the moft terriblp Shocks ofEarth-quake The PlalTey, which has brought home Gover- nor rigotrMrs Yanhttaf w Du Pre, Alexander, and Wilfon, cfcaped, by be ing at Fort St. David's which the Vein of -Wind- d idncitrTeacbr- Yefterday Morning earned Half a Century paft. The firft Shock fhburnhamPearc were arrived ott the llle )t Wight ; from whom we learn the following melancholy Ac ' count , of the Damage done in Madrafs Road, . the 2 1 It of October, 1763, viz. Violent,-; that no Body couldrftand upon his Feet. IRhInh Ship Union, Reynolds, run afhore, and beat to pieces. Houfes, but were np fooner got into the Street, but they fell to the Gro .The fame Evening, and the following Night, weihadbixtecnrShocks-fliofepbut notrfo vip- . Fazala, Hawke,Lawfon,: cutaway mafls, lent as the firft. At the firft Shock the Sea ; and foundered. , . Snow SeaT3oat, Gi bfon , anH Ketch Tryal, T5 three M inutes (welled with ihexpreflible Rapt 7Gilchrift, 7run a(hore and beat to"pi ece!S.iz:i 0 f La nd. 1 beat to pieces. ' - T Houfes of S now Calcutta, Watfon, foundered. The folk, Ad miral GarnilK ; the Ame- . rica, Captain Pitchford ; and the Weymoth, Ciptain Collins put to Sea the 29th, and 1 returned t h 02 4 thld i fm aft ed , w i t h mui ter in their Holds; the Governor a n dSub-Governor , the Powd er Ma gazine, the Board, of Trade and War-Pf-fice, the City "Gates, the Armourers , Office, ;ccF that all tholeLdifices are untenantable. --Phe new Churchy which was not yt-fimltiedr isjcracked.on every SjdcAbbvc threes -Fourths o4ob-I:bSsGou n hi pulQSearw ith no wb u t-Hcapsrofums t Ironr foreigrr the Men otyvar, and returned with the Lofs of . Help.tne Ifland can no; recover from this Dif- her Fore and Main;V5afts, : ' after in ;lr tn Admiral Cornifli, ;he Captains; -Pitchford Caftle-ir fpl i thiJfe V c fj 1 j P I a c e 1 n credible - and Collins,' -are aftor Captains, except Captain; Tracey; and up- of Loitfr;olr,: - 7. 1 .-.. .