1'v-f-.v,:. Th I urn (",t .. -IT ! ' NE 764 ISorti nn, r;intnn He was a Gamefler, an aban- j i TYk ..Kr v i HI ifnVip m p iv and Atheiit. To aordPteS moft of is jabou that arc new to him) ought to be well advifccl", as to the belt method ' ww7 - r. J' "rv contrary tolNaturc, ro nunuui, tu &,VJil and Society. He perfifted in h is Vices to the laft, and fell a.Sacrifice to his Debaucheries in the Flower of his AgeT He died in a Public Stew holding the aiid (leiiyino; God." : It is needleis to malce any Aencc119.as.upgu fore bad habits, get the ..predominancy : for though the method, propoied. may appear to him , mod troublefome, yet by his begmninj; to work i n the properefl man not only become familiar, but . (till, more eafy to him, and at laft more am ply reward him .by an advantageous file ; when the obftinacy or indolence of others fas bun&lers in their pro- feflion) by bringing bad goods . to- mirket, are d i fappoi nted inxM reptions t h e ir pro duce dc-fpifed, and will either lie dead upon K irhafaterr t tmu it atronqe a ppea r 10 tno- from all thofe extraordinary Qualities both of TV n : r. i l U v 1 1 P t LiJ h r r 1 m n n n i h I i t : e VCn the unhippv Father pronounced fo in a Son : their hands, or. be laid tor a tntile, ana con WdthlfDlire 4 ;. MmIIpv. r i therefore to oovertv, if.not to want and mikry. It is with a benencenc vievy, mat 1 atieuipi "to offer my advice, that the planters may. have fufHcient time to redify th()fe errors, too com nvon in the cultivation ihaFmblr idejired jlaple HEMP, in th is Pro v ince, and '-..kYk .rrU pvr;r the mnfal Srntiments of I fhall only mention the three tollowmg, Wiiiwii ui uun y v-Avnvj v . . - . - .. . . '.' i j . Ei& dplBBtiotf r , . . a i ...L!.i: u..XTnf.,ro Jo anrl fhprhv mifca'rrv thev" have themlelves M A V j J ' j ' .i -only to blame. certain between the Shadow of Doubt, that Virtue does not confiit in the PofTcIioii of the greateft per fowl or external Advantages, but in the right Ule and Application of thefe, from fhinincr Abilities which the human Nature is fufceptable of,aver 1 1 ha t Infam y and Gontemp t whi ch is the nat ural Portion of Vice. If Parts allure thee, think how Bacon fhin- .' .. ' ': . ' ' " : , ,-ilL , - The wifeft, brighteft, meckeft of Man kind. Exalted Capacity, undaunted Courage, profperous Succef$, thefe may only expofe a Hero or Politician to the Envy and Malignity r P. .kilo . R.iKnc Tnnn ai the Praifes are added 6f humane and beneficent; when In- dewed canvas : they dew-rot no hemp in the FirL I advife; the-planter never to dew- rot, but to water-rot the hemp wherever it can b e done, as de w-rotting a 1 ways difcolou r s it, running it to a dark grey, if not. to black, and will never bleach whitev fo neither fit jor can vas nor making good colour'd : cordage ; more over, it is always tor be fu(peled; in ftrength" and quality as mill-dewed, . the bad cpnfe- quence of which, I lhail only lnitance in mm- 4UUCU AJl liuuittuw tu uvit-. 7 " . ......... .. .. r 11 " ' U" i fonesaiTO EriendMrf Friend flii p-fin vyitlelFTsen t,-or joihs in the general Voice of Applauie and Acclamation. The ';'::-noBcflt-Calitics:-:of : theMindsvcn: when attended with Succefs,"if they1 are not influenced by Virtue or right Intention, may rather excite Envy than p;ainApplaufc : And uence, -t nat ive m 1 1 iv add as-a-nece liary Uonleq into England. Secondly, L would advife none to twiit tneir nanaiuis more tnau uuee in uic middle ; for twilling it up, like hands of to J.3CCO, as.it cannot juftify, neitheir I may ven ture to fay, "will it be infpead, till the pU tpr imrlnfc all that labour V and. Thirdly To Wf " . - W .... I "if -:Kr TtlsjjjoTwerri direct bad Intention, and employed.to diitrefs Mankind,, die, as is commonly found to be the cafe, but" 'Tis Goodnefs, 'tis rkht Intention alone, that fpeftors, that ftrift juftice may bc:dqne to ths prevent putting up the loofe tovy in the mid die, as is commonly: found to be theca"fe7"but aptivates and delights Charm which fo much c Timely advice to S felf interelt is4h fpur to in- duftry, fo every planter to make jhe public, in return, for .their generous bounty given for the- encouragement of the planter only ; therefore avoid putting jn the- tow in making up, and lave yourielves the timeana trouble, &c. The fx-.''" -. , Si V. "'.-l.'i-4. ' K.i-! f J 1 - . - m Bail MM v,- v.V r . -fli :1'!',1' ' 4i! -i, S1; 1 1 I - r - h-1 11 mm : -fifw'Jj''-' if 1 . sit I i;-. . ft 1 it- 1 1 ( ii i - 'i , -C r, IP

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