The :North-CaroBa M A G A Z I N E, for 1764. ; . . 165 fey, for which Purpofe, an exaft Survey of both . loft a moft faithful fubject, and his country Places will (hortly be taken. : v in general one of.its-highelt ornaments. We afe credibly informed that thefour Ships 77v c." On Sunday laft died Mrs. Harris. lately taken by the Algerines.and faid to be Eng- , many years miftrefs of the Two Blue Pofts, op .:!!. mfeSpi church, Soho ; (he weighed not aflfcrt-the lead Violence to the Britiin rlag. r r v j 1 n. T ' 1 dt is a Matter palt all uoubt tnattne great ,om- .r,. , V?T" v- - -:.v eumfance that muft be our various Readers. - Orders arc given for three companies ofithe; r .Yefterday two Meffengers were difpatched to the Royal regiment "of artillery, commanded by . , ;v Right Hon. Willam Pitt, -at Hayes. the Marquis of Granby, to be in readinefs to T-X his Day a -Cabinet Council was held at.S J Ames's. . , 0 . , n t t Yefterday morninp- the Frl of Egmont, (fhey wnte fm -Dabnor that the beft:Ir,sh firft Lord of thc Admiralty, fet out for his feat bitter fe Is there for no more than hour-pence per i'' ir . . o c -i h :D.,..jr,u, n,v in r.nnn s,krrnr, at Caftle , Enmore, in Somerietfhire, from per Pound for Cambridge Butter. whence, after contmuing a few days, he will I The Princelfa and Terrible Men of War, with accompany the other Lords of that Board U) four Spanish and one - Portuguefe Werchantmen, Plymouth to furvey the fhipping, ftores,. &c'. laden with Cocoa, Hides, &c. are arnved at Ca- there. diz from Carthagena. July 3. Laft Fnday morning died, .of an left: upwardsLof 40,000 1. in legacies, and a InHami turned to a niongft them 1000I. to the Right Hon. Wil- mortification, aged 72, at his feat at Prior Park, lum Pitt . - near Hath, Ralph Allen, Efq; he was quite A French gentleman of feme confluence-- feTifibleand"Tcfignedo"thelaftr"and f(rcom isl3telyarrivedin London , who keeps ? 1 pofed, even in the nibfl: excruciating pain, that - cretaries coriftantly employed he aflced bis phyficians the day before he died, Jufyj3 Tlielrilh now rp'inufir:ure broad - when no hopes of his 'recovery and narrow cloths -in inch greit perfedtion that niany hoursthey thought ihe mighty iye,3they which they told him pretty nearly 5 he then home confumption, and they are fold at re i- thanked them for their attendance, and fonable rates ; the ..wool,, blue, GTay, pOmp . -- . Iff t ri 1 .- t i t r- " i . ; iltiired they would leave-mm- n,wasuniver aour, die, broadcloths;--being 17 s. inlh ptr fally known to have lived in the conftant prac- yard, and the beft fuperfihe blkk coffee, cla tice of every virtue that does honour to huma ret, and drab colour, one,, fhilling cjieaper. nity. It is irnpoffible, to We are informed that a few days fince died exprefs the full extent of his fingular merit, at his farm in DevonHiire, M In every view )his-charglerh Mknt,ualmoftbeyon fortune, acquired by the profccution.of a plan ed, having no relations, is the followincr re-r of his own invention for the improvement of markable one : u I give and bequeath untD the revenue ofthc Poft-Offi cialtlohisxouritryarfpen dcentrnoipitancyy-ana innne reiier-ora greac leagment to iiim who bravely defended m variety of objedofcompaffion. merous fervants,,and dependents, he adled the. checked the dangerous pr arbitrary part of a tender parent. His benevolence was ; po wer. i ; inaeea uiiuuiiiiucu,ttuuT:iu-icticuy-wa .... . ( . 'J - ner illy ejeern id that the amount of it will pro- and the young Prince his brother, be difcred. Hi have both- bably never be difcovered. His public chari- got the hoopins: 1 r ' . I 1'. . 1 ' aa t " 7T - . ' ;.;...,....,.-... ties were alio very extenuve, ana to tne city or un the 27th ult. the King of France re- .. Bath in particular but had ho. other hurt -i : iiefa(3or. His lofa indeed is, jri every fenfe, than a flight contufion in the" leg ; lie was able publicLLxalamUy-foiithei :;r'r ., : :r : ; r "ZIZ "- the cvening at thcjhurcl