-1.85 :No; .. .. . ." The AT 0 R: t H - C-JLOriNvi A': V .: 5V .: - ... - ,v.v---- A o 3 ? : - OR, I A TiJ UNI V E R S A L 1NTELL I GEN C E R.. From F R I D A Y N o v e m be, to FR LKAJCNpv:Ember i 6, -1 764. E N G L A N D. Anno quarto GeorgjL-IIIRegts any Perfon or Perfons, . from and after the puffing of" this Aa, at any Time before the 25th Day of December, 1770, and from thence to the Lnd or the then next beffion of. An A .-G-T- for the Encouragement of the - Parliament, to import in Ships belonging to W M A L E-F-l S HI R Y: in ike hSsf f'ifn''s S"? s' (whereof the Captain ui ivjduci, uuu 1 nree rourin rarts or tne . Gulph ami; River St. Lawrence, ani on the Coajls of his Majtfifs Colonies, Mariners are ms Maieltv's Sublets) Whale- Fins, taken: from Whales caught by any-of - 1 11 a 1 vicij ui y mcvjuipn or H E R E A S a confidmble --0 Whale-ery has been dtfco;. t f i f J 1 VSjf v ccl2!" C or iji I p H -7 a 11 d ? R I v t: r of -St. Laurfencc, or in; any 'Seas bn thc Coafts r of any of his Majefty Colonies in, America; wthbut payingany uftom SubfidyorJDiiS tyfor the lame, dthr Itban and ejxeept the Rate or Duty ;common!ycalled The Old Sub- " -7: :;7V7,V7 , conu, nuuuiea, An via tor the ; iivcourvze- tne Encouragement or the Did Hihcry, it : Duty no payablejipon Wh ken from VV hales caught in the faid Gulph for and during the faid Term any Law oi aivr 0 St. UuKnc the Coafts of anyLhib-Majeftys Colonies-inj : : -vJ :l America, were, for a compttent Time, lef- Provided always,. and be it Emaed by the fened andTeduced ; Wc yourMajefty's raoft Authority aforefaid, -That nothing in this Adt dutiful and loyal Subjeds, the Commons of contained," ihair extend,, or be conftrued to - vjicdL uuuii 1111 r4iiiciii aiJcmuicU) ceil rousiolrmprove the Adyantag that have ac crued tcr your Majeft Ceflions made by the late Peace, moft humbly oeieecn your iviajeity tnac it may oe iinacied 5 And be it Enaaed lftnt-Meftyrhv and with the Advice and Confent of. the Lords Spiritual and Tempordh, and Commonsin-this p r efc n t Pa rl ia m e n t a f- (embled and by tlVVu tfifty of tlie farrie ; it Ur&Al L and , may be lawfu 1; to and for extend, toallow , the Importation of Whale Fi ns without paying; any Cu ft 0 m, SubfidyVor Dutyrotherthan and Doty commonly called the QM Subfidy, un le(s the iCaptw ingQfficeRHehip orV (on importing-the-lameflall ft before one of, the Pnncipal Officers of the 1 Cuftoips jntthq:Port; :br J Pof wo f I ftip 0 r t aTi oin 1 . (who is-and are hereby a u t heir izo and:rcquir-K cd, . to ad niinift er tucfc HDith) Iiha tlltbe: v ."'r .1'! , . ' 1 ' I Is 'f- .5.1. 1 1 .Ht''?"l:t t t -mm w HI ; 11 ' i U! 111 1 Ji ':"':r - .1 ,1 H ' t I . 1 if V:!f!' 1 : . : 1 1.J l't) "is:. 7' M'rL'W.:. i'ii:.;.'.1 -5 ...If ' ( I -ma -v . , ; ' ! i 'l i!' fill'1 "!, J i t i i it. h ? r 1 mi . Tl i1 !i. :trr 7 ' imp "!i 'ii' ( I