ThNorthGarolhm M A G A Z I N E,; for .164.. ; 197 in force. I will go further, and, readily admits Dire&ion bf the Divine Providence, a fafe and jthat the intention of the mmiitry was not on- honourable Peace is sfecured yithair-un- ly to promote "the public good, by tHratyv.. bounded Addition of Territory to the Britijb - but that Mr. Chancellor of Jhc Exchequer had Empire ori this Continent., " : ; f therein a particular view to the 6 eafe, the We beg Leave to a (Tu re your Excellency, quiet,rand the.g6od--will of the .Colonies," he that .we will moft readily join, and contribute -having made this declaration more than once. Tall in our Power, to bring, to Effedt fuch falu- Yet l fibldrth in his kind intentions towards the Colonies, in View what your Excellency has been pleafed; and, taken away-our fi-h, nd given us a ftone. to recommend j-vviihmg nothing-more-than -WithTc; igardwtheprniiamen v -belongs not to mortals,.;tis poflible tbef imy , tion, and tend Jo the.real; Benefit and Happi-' ; - have been nvfinformed and deceived- The nefs of . thsProvince. , : " powcFol parUFnwnnnfiico by- :r-'yams ' Muffaf Prefideriti'-"- " thunfelves,-and-vvc-rnutt-obcy. -Thcy-only -"-yTr " n ' can repeal their own aSlY There would be an Vhub bis- Excellency was pleafed-to. return ' . end of airgovcrnmcot, or a -number, of ; y.thtfollowtnS dnfiuer:-: ' - ' ; . fubjeas or fubordinate provinces ihould take" "T AM 0?3Scd to you for tfnrwarm Addrefs, upon them fo far to judge of the juftice of an 1 therein you express your Sutisfaaion- in A3, of parliament, as to rcfufe obedience to it. ,us 'Vlajeity.s havmg procured fafe and -, - If there was nothing reftrain fuch a ftcp, - honourable a Peace to Britain and .thefe Ariie prudence ought to do it, for forceably refilling ; rLoIoriles-d,thitJ will roncur in .t ; -the parliartnnd-the--King's-lawrlrh1gfi fucbrLaws-and-Meafures-as-will-bebncficuI -treafon;- Therefore let the parliament - lay thls Province, which you - have alway s .en- " whatburthenithev 1 ,- "" : it is . our duty to fubmit and :patiently bear them, till they will be pleafed to relieve us. The: PD R E. S S: of the Houfe of Repre And 'tis to be prefumed, the wifdom and juf- I''vu t h's EyA T. H U R .tice ofthat auguft Affcrn will afford I) O B B;b,: Efq, Captain -Gtneral, Gsver- Ms relief- by 'repealing fuch aa's, .as. through :rr Ummander in Chief y tti andover bis miftake, or other hTiman infirmities, have. bce?i ..WW l'v fW NorthGaroIina; " . . .fuffered topafs, if they can be convinced that IR n . , ,,.. ' , - . . their proceedings are not conftitutional, or not ,. W . wjajeiry s moit aumui and loya for the common good. v v Subjeas, the Members of the Houfe (To be continued.) OI nuc,uu7 UI orw aroitna. return your. ALcuciiv. uur .i uituKs ror your opeecn at the Opening of this Seffion ind " beg; Leave TV I L M I N G TO Ny November 7 to aflure your Excellency,, that we continue to rWMrNorth-Carolina," Excellency A R T H U R D O B B S, the Courfe of a long and expenfive War, now CaptatnGeneral and Gsvtrnor pina. ' nourable Peace. :;:jff''Z. 4J 1 . .J."." ! We (hall not fail to take into our Confide- rMayii plcafe your Excellency 9 ration what your Excellency-has been pleafed L Wis JVIajeity s molt dutiful anQTecpjrnm loyal bubjectsv m effab Province j defire to return your Excellency lifliing Courts ofuftice our rrioft hearty thanks for your Speech at the ting Publick Schools ; and every other Thing Opening of this Seffion. in .our Power, for encouraeins; iand lecunnff icings,- we ice ine vv ar ac an ina wn len nas pt tnis rrovince. been fo wifely carried on, by .his Majett ; by And, as the Tax on Trade, lately impo - a,;j,-,l.i,,,irir ,1;, .(-;.." ;.r-"fLTTiT""'.-'fpr(Ti'r'i'V - 4 . 1 T-rr 11 'I n "I 4 '"v J ' '