-r - i 2 20 North-Carolina M A G A Z I N E, for 1764. -1, S, i-01!' 'Vpolle for Ihecolo- ofTrTe dominions, more full, explained and t Ti 1 , . . vw id it uiu-r laumiimenc, ana tne acts ntrfnrrfRn nj I, . " , .--.": '"en j is 11 pro--:.- WDiunment. and the acts ' of fiirrrffinn , 1 - - . ' Y ' w 1 J dllu v uqjongmg ; 1 flat tms conlt tut on is thV mnfl th,t the experience" of the- prefent -officers free oncand bv far l!" -L 5?T9? th";;,: At- 7V " -r -every, ipecies or eartn ; 1 hat by thu. conftitution m Lk'.? ( uPfher (or Cana.fhould of his.Majefly's dominions can be taxed with uke HUce, which from the known temper of but their content That evervn u? - ul :9"" v . .muuiu uc iaiar tnat otner Amen- wouj.d leem io be a contrari i Aio : . xi- .1. . . 7 T Y " " I J pi CI ICC poffib,l,ty 1 ur being ..able to pay them, the no.' in fuch a to mXHrff .. r--M . H . v i V v.n-iw a guou provincial oe continued in the en bvment r( rt.C r ; v - fuvvuuiD uuminc, jeguiauon, out be a o renrefrnfpH In notherrcountry, as exigencies may require. nroPortion to rhV S never..was,andnever-will-be -attended w;,h r,J i:n -r "r wu"" ine .ever r oj 6--." icuirc poporuon to tneir numbered eftates. in the hazard. The e u . -:"xT"-7V..r:;rw " w.uuiu urmiy unite a l parts of the BrifiHi m t -" --- m- . J --- M . " . rono 7 "vt ju,uuu vete- p. re, in the greateit peace and Drofrier wns half 3000 miles from , were very rUder it invlnerablVand perS name, tri ijfTjTtrt "nf k.V i -i i r. ' : , ,w HMVUm W1 1Jia wuuihi v? owed nis 23,1 6. SIR, .falfe glory, to Scaling the affeaions of an ar- ExtraJ? of a Letter from Gentle ; n,., t my W the commonwealth. 1 Hints w W hUn omi; . ; ovemo. occur frofii ature of the: fubjeft I am "Upon :The are fJeliirprprl-Jn ,.r .irja:J . v -"vuiiiiy, ana amount to no re- Lk 'r V our iire, and iry flexion on any m,n. The beft army, and 'fc v1" ment.-; came--to- thk r). l .r- i ; T -vviuuuu, uy a Majority or 24. to to. to continue fir frt,xi':. rv . 7. H r ' "i-iions 01 tne late . :Therum of-my argumentis, That civil go- ?T4 to 10, to continue the Wail nffi . or o'd : 1 hat the adminiftrators ,0 ,he Agent at They a!(b car- of it were originally the whole people r That "ed.!he appointing a Committee of Correfrondence they might have devolved it on whom they d.rea the Agent aforefaid, anJ elefled fuch -pM::TJiit:this devolution- -thegoodiofhe r lords arid commons, the fupreme facred and B e n j a in h a J k l 1 n F (Vi ?rf'ng thc Ho' ncontroulleriegiflat :.. ken to pieces : That by the revolution, it was N,'ner of the reputable Inhibi(,nts of this S and Couhty ; and on hh embrhVg, Was faluted : .the rightid liberties of the fubj J-l-:-,: . . . U0P'e nJ a Amhm was fungJeoWpo ft 7 - ; . V . i