The 1; fXbrtfjlCikofis M A G' A 'Z iiiari- i ' -i; i -. .;v... try tell!; him 'he i I .Ti'jlL - . i cncc -r!npt of DivL . .-down to the Centre. j- . i m r t. . rmlt:lt njs rctrrr d . the I'tat.latt, aWancTothJ: .Ji - c ynwn.,ni r; ,.; " T - ''"ri""?.--"" rc .M vanity wrfi not . . - i-p-'-wtrr, nunc uneaiy .?-rtth their Burthen, be,auto rmize firlt them! ' fciVf, Jr1) th;? :-heir Contry ; to them fuel r.ri;x; Luthr.Cahi Father th'e rrcat 1 1 I pO L-rsral ot.her I: raw-Uiu1 it, r' - . u:! f iutyt ihc 'Ages thvy ivoi ;t, ,;n f 'better ct .his' Virtu Chariot immediate as ht(l 35 thu Q a 'Ht'fhr il he de cs not order hs o the Door, and dr Kingdom, to give' hh.O- rjnin ; not -according to the Neceffity of jthc C Hl,mlir hc already Vtfi.Iv'J to ;i .1 t xpJfU;'c of hi. Uvn iTPoujj ;l:c .public Cioi l (;0 toltc iLti :vh'o Qnfirlr'nce we aire at orsicnt. thrnu-rh the H. ruiit of their ncnerovis Labour 7 Tn f-nAi J freely, of no one Mct.l purelv arid fni.nh. hnt : r- - "iuiic vs j;i net weaTv liinij or urcefs wLthihis Miilr i,: V Am lr the.Ai:it'i frl irjr? t...k! :,.. .1 i. r UUt, anJ aftt-a jofwiufa his tloneffrjon his1 raa?e.v?s-cocipos-d qf ; a very little Lsilvcr ' . Mt&Ul and Irav.U.r ;w.n lUaL.Vl ; ihzrfPtncbtficti and, hovveverpccttus to the have any Uitrinfick Value. Tq taakc.this appear )et plainer, and that. ; according to the Proverb,, is kst Gold that felhtert there Is not any one Virtue or Acroni , plilhrtent to be nam'd that wc tiivc not a V:TKoufantl Pretenders to 'i and yet 'tis Odds if 'JSnt In "A.noularid ceo make their Pretentions f.c;,- to the Courtier, he that folicits crheUiat enjoys Preferment, and; he'll talk of Lcya!ty; and rail at DifFcalon from Morn ii'tjtjll Nisht, protefl his whole Soul to be de tot ta.:his Matter I Interefl, and that he tniuld gladly down jiis Life In hb Deicnce : Bit convince fiira in the Middle ofhh Ardour t that he is juft; diflrac that ' hitVcnfion is i ilopb'd. or that even liis Enemv has cot the :J5tart'. of hrm in the RoyaP Favour, his Zeal vrill drop like a Peacock's Tail j hay, 'tis wll whu wwuiu nave youDciievc rn! C:nvrfdtisv is in iieovtn who hurries from ? Mid-Lhan-e to go q Pfaycrs i who icves his , pinner arid Company abruptly, to go to Pray ersj jan'd who even jdtfiurbs hts WirV at-Mid hightto go to Praters.' Go to the Salaman derCoquer, who Hands all 7ia!s, to have it ' ! under Hood (he is above aQ .Tern to the amiquated Prude .who plirmcs her felt; on her Virginity ; jthc notable ! Wife, who' makes her Yoke Fellow s Martyr to her Huf-i band; only in Companion to her Children ' In fhert, got cugh; the World, City, 'J own,! vi v,puiiuyt ,.iiujt(n, vuurr, uur, anu change, is noi? Pni&Mk to be found every where ? In one Vord, have not'wc Pr;t btck Playrrs, Pindfeti Orators Pindbcci A poftlcs, Pjxckteil Phyficlans, Pinihbic Poets, 4 tncjfM i. u'tuciz: incpetcK o-- -s, and all but Pindit: I'S " ? TobC quite im- if heccrshormttantly turn the Tables; com- partiaL I donrt r. r-"but what I rnvfelf am'ot .Pism that MeriL ts flighted, and join '-with the ; the f;mc Hypocti..1 - Mixture,! and caft in 'DitcontentedtorailatrTim.nthe pretty mucli the 'fa..:? Mould: Sometimes. J ?fefr Hind fto-tohc Patrick he that fpeechea p-reive, I want Colcurrfometimes Weight,- rajnaentcfCrrutionfcndfeems'mpft ten but never ifthelFire j i ts hoping by what 1 .derlwnct:d;ioftheCalam Quamitjv'I dill improve in Value. ' i;:'Vi ;:1 : r- -- r1 :rf-;t..-t-"-"-' . . - Ami" . f:-r"'r:- "J !-. Mlfrh.':" I Prv ' 1 " 1' 1 i i" 1 , ' ' . ' . .. - f f 4- : i i. .' : f i!