Y-,, ' Vol.: I. 225 No; 29 The' iN 0 R T H - C A.RO L I N A M A G A z IN o 9 .'- - OR, UNIVERSAL INT. EL LI G E N C E From F R I DAY December 14, toFRID AY December 21, 704 'The Remainder henfivc view of them. Yet forry jyn I to fay it, many elaborate wnterjtjyw - 0 the Political and Civil - - - - ' W expected from a. iecretary to one 01 the quo- Brltifh Colonifis. to O M E T I M E S we have hp T n,aji have this ranfolation, that I have been conuaereo amy fanen into what is calJed very pood company, " ' ' ' J ' ' . ,. v ... - - m " a 1 m 1 1 j " kZ"i. corporations in -England :, And kli il m5 be urscd. th,at JA "u v L. . J m A - a ft f v- "V w-i M . if I I I . I I w than for them.' who befides are ai;tKe expence nf their corporate fubordinate government. 1 anfweri i. iThofe corporations are reprejent z in Dariiament. . 2, The colonies are a have been a great expence in Taifing men, huildinff forts; and (upporting the King's civil government here. Now I read of no gover nors and other officers of his Majefty's nomi- a nd 'amongffome-whd he feerTYe below flairs. I agree with thj Admihiftratory that of whatever revenues raifed; in the colo-: nies, if they muft be raifed without our con Tent, u the firjl and fpeciai appropriation of them oujihuuj and all the other Crown officers for it w6uld be hard for the colfts tc)-b th afterthis77It was on this principle that at the laft affembly of this provinces J mov ed to flop every grant to Jhe officers of the C rn u;n m n rft efneriall v as f k no w.,forr, ivho 1 V W w m - - . 0 u . T w J w " I - "---r- .- T J ; nK'Kl n KtnTi lnnor t' : 1 know of no forts and, fu " prri(srtharth thiak it V injuf- biiift at its own expence, or of any annual le- tice to the frame of human nature' to liip- vics that they have raifed for the King's feryice pofej if I did not know it, "that with fimilar and the common caufe. Thefq are things vjews feverai officers of the Crown in fomeof- verv fitting and proner to be done by a fubor- the colonies have been oufhinc for fuch in aft dinate domini,M 7 - . , th ey - are able ; - bu t it- feems Jut r. equa 1 they, fliould be allowed to..-aflHs the "charges of it themfelves. The rules o equity and the -principles of the conftitution feem to require vthis. Thofe who judge oL the reciprocal -riKhtr"that (iibfiftbetwe w i (hhdvtOTch 1 1 1 o th em : But I would :not give:much: for heat inthe exchequ attending the execution ofit, and the. appro priationsto thefevcraLofficersprcpofed by -the laminiiiraior. vv nat wju uc inc unavpjua- bWdinat7.ftaj rules than are applied 10 a corpprauuu ui uuw- war mould nappen, and rt mould be neceliary ' toiMnakers, willnever have a very compre- to employ as many provincials in America as '.:f- "; . i! - r. I;; I! 3 l;f T .-I IF I: I m; r 1 1