0 Vol. IIfc .r- ::":;'M'X':X I , - y. J ..... . : i .... V.' . r. 9 1;. No. 33 NORTH- C O iri N X l , . . 1 N E; O R, U-N If V-E-R-SrL I ;N T"E "17 MG1N C E R; From F R I D A Y January n, to F R I D A Y January i8, 1765. 1 B O STON, (7 New-England) Oct. 20. flatter my fclf; w -7-r-S ? and all the Britifli colonies on the continent. of ! Copy of a Letter from JOHN HUSKE, :Efq the ileps which ought to have been T to the Committee of Merchants in Botton. taken for the mutual intereft of OrenuRrJtain Copy of a Letter from JOHN HUSK E to the Committee of Merchants in Be .,. . , 0 . , r . , . "u "ci volumes, aim irom me oinimon or Wtjlmtnfrr, Su Martin sXane, H J764' which, what has been done: muft.prve inef- iLuiuai lui tuc lcrvice.or docq. Gentlemen ) 00 N1MarI wasfavoured w,th this publication, and .t is now thougJuadvife, " " : 3c 3 letter from you, as a corn-. abe tQ defef it to the approaching meeting of 0 1- mutee of the merchants at Bof- parliament when I. doubt not, but an oppor- ton, dated the,ioth of- Fe.bru- - tunit wi offer of convinci yoll, thJtPthe . , - :ir ... ... ... arv laft. accomoanied with a r , i n r ' , n ftate bf the tirade of vour oro- vince, and a requeft that I might ufc my inter eft and influence in obtaining fome favourable alterations in the renewal, i&attempted cf the then expiring fugar aft;1 The regard due to fb -refpeftable a body of merchants, the im portance of the fubjefl, and, the particular ef teem I entertain for each of "youf to whom I have the happinefs of being, perfonally known, ' fm - . ----- -- - v . ..' I ' . . . m u it nave com manded an imm eaiate acknow impcaenment ot my publifhed in all the American newspapers, , was nne, malicious, and tntamous n the jCfflJlniyft beg leavCtb irour worthy friend for the exculpation of ' my publicbehaviour, who heard what palftd in the houfe of commons : he has alfo feen the trait m e n t ioned, a n d ctan give you a clear and circumftantialtietaij of jhe wholes But as tb- my private conduft, you will 71 lierfuided lnuuige me m uyingetore you. a rew anec- , , ::zirc-tl r- f-j- ' 1 - r ",uu' wvuig.uviorc; you. a rew anec ledement ot the honour voudid me had not . .w:u.. .7 :.;r r . 1 r . .. , ... . . : "vj.flHu. u'.uiuuic cue ctiwi or mem 10 tne- an oppofition to a bill, then dependmg in the neceflity of my vindication,; not the vanity of houfe of commons, which affeaed youriradei afTecling confr quence. J777 "7- nayigation and commerce, in feveral eflential From my arrival in England to this dav, ! points, exclufive of what you wrote oni; fo have done-every thing that the "narrow comv enffaced mv attention as to make that mark :tc ( aui -..-Ai ' -- 1 1 , f 'u iyM!n,C.mpat,4e V'y,0Ureal mtf reft mit of, to aHerthe aft complained of by the ' The ?,H be,ng P' .1 Mvei o" P'y'"? merchants qf:Bofton, fo as to make it aiifwer- to your favour, but finding on.refleaion great- their wimes, upon the principle of fuch change er difficu ty in conveying an adequate idea of being for the intend of the whole Empire : what had been oppofed, . and what-had been and to procure other riSIlations r.fpea.hrr fe. propoled, than.l at firft. apprehended, I deter- vcral branches of American trde, kc. which' mined on poftponing myanfwer, that it might labour under injuduMoUb and ddiruclive im- oa accompanied vvith a. Uttle tratt, which 1 pofts and: reftriaions,. and-which no , power, V but-.