A -lnieiFra -.with the chief .command of (be f .dema-nded by one of bh aids,,'? a furPenfpn - c . . I -!. i i : t . I, !; A . . i ' f . k 1 1 i. m i o n t of tui i.'?Ejo't ) richfti the 6rrdgc of Lodi, fhoetjng Long; lite the Rc-pobliCrL' but the dreadful fire of- 'mi ememvi nivrni? oDnea iuir progrci,j General Berthierj- Matferra, Cervonia,-. and jlf g Frnch'armv in Itaiv : and atchiawed thofe : i' victories, which. have eciiprcd tire; anions of UrwCniT dttonJ AoiffTF"'1" ;h all the ancient Avonhus. . . - : . GENERAL BUONaiMI -Thc, ,biflU of ;Lody. fonght on the aid : 'HoMrAltED tb wianWfe'WIlo- '! Flal:(Miy;tOtb) completed; the orer Kj uti . Haniba.lwai nriplingAtex, !l 'throw -of the Afcftrun pow.r io ItIynd d- ; der i&Ottf Ctjalv CM' ded Sr,Uy; :ta;tbe repot.ncnroi tne renca cndid.rcfox'.raUirVifa!ne.s'iand'to whdi nyOn. this; occafion a bati.tl.Gn of gre culture rex . j -V . .....j ttuU 1: ,rlUrL, hrtr. 1 ail, before t hVin. -nd Whofe galtxy of F.nf opekti hroti.' were cawr ptNed-M -yield lhc P?lnr ooty, -T' .-Thit- extraordinary taaoV ". ' 1eoneBiiaoaparE U"aa berii I 7$7v th town oAccio, in jCorfiw, and ia rhe.fon CrwrU oonflparre. riisatuct to tlx? ciH law ir Rome, but breathmg thft fpirit, irbitH chVrac1eri2es hi foii, ,bUid f;d the Gdwir; atd ta-ilc paVta -with tbo elehrated Faoli, Ua. the" ever tnemorabla r'ftr.gede by a ha odfuUf bra,c iflacders, foil the .'tyranfficat cdfqrts, of Lewis the VcSv. He wit aifooa a. future occafion, fet tjld to-reprefeirt the Noblei, in a deptitS Vion fen'tito'aU'Qn the King of f'ran-:e. -He tfrerwa-nls Iif d;in ihs'firaateft: iatimacy :.u 4 ' ' h f r Hf i if. the GoTernor, ' i"ad rhe deathJof his frM-nd.- de Marb?aaf Continued tff;natroniz his family, and placed hii facond ion, ;polcone auosapartc, at !of arma far, toor hoarJj fd-that he might be enabled to elT a junfiioo lencrM pork.i ..OuVthe yiia&t.Biirpnaparce rejected the. propofai--nar.ibeii da) and night,. nd. - eventually thVartci 'the' "Ons cf the Af-, jtrian intrigani. Uowever, a ftifpeofioh fcf iartns took - pU'ce,.foon after, -and prepared thi w'ay-to preliiniariff of pf acc.betwe en the y Emperor and the French Republic Which f were .figned in tne courfe oC a Jew.dya-: But at thiaVperioJi the Aurian p!er-Ja j Italy,; was reaucen. to au;empry-uairc , r aeed vaVcirafta ha'd to. bend thtit filvri look? noble dF f cf L6 march r b which he afterwafd fared hira . feJF. ahda tew ol hif retrcgade. ioJrinrs. - ,i ; ' -ris to hU nerfon," Boon.par te is of a fmJl ftaiure, but .admirably popot tiered. ,fJeis of a fpare habit' :cf;)oiy, .et . robud,. and- M'is ffctmnlexion. like that or all the male , of fouihern clfaiatesj olive hia.eyeg)t?iiie nil cnin Drominrni. iuc - jowcr -u i ins f a c e thin, and his fo . e h c a d t qu a r e and pV, In refpeh to.his tnind,-t.e aMi(Csi luoil aiiaiiiuicins. - uc iiJiwii rs irt the ECULCrMiLiriia:, cr miluar; acc-my Th advantaiiea refuiHg from tins UniinaV rv.l wefa-flot lJft onyoun; Baniptrte; ' Ha ' i bets' appI1d' htr.ifi?lf whh eqr. J aaTJyity atld .1 - . a-n h a n ffii r i i n arr of jvar at a'rjUrjicince. , Th-rejrav-al- nd hahtt tliat 1:1 lU'.iib iiiiiii. - - . ., . ifipoonced hinV cquil to tlte'fuuuiou for . whih he feeras to hare been dadiaed ; i'n-f- ftrad cf iiaitUin the f rivclj'ies. of the age, hi mind was1 coriiti ally occupied inf-ufelul a..Am. i .'lai.rfr frm th Iiua .ih rlutarcn. ;a volume of which, h always carried ;in. hh poeltet, ne icarncu an-eanj wsjwr;.u.uj tise mannorsj aad;injiate th aclicnsrof-.anf- fnatched a -ftandard from the. Wand of a .fub- j ahern lik darfir on a fi'roilar xc&fibrf aitd ; placing himfejf in frbut,: ancimated; his-fal-J diers by hi cVranli: aad ;g(Vitulatiori (for; 'hi voice was drowned .Mdrrheolie. of itleij noile: of tire cankon and inufoVetry). rtdotyj on more arranged. ccr fe.t under the uallic. ban o era;--f ' y ' f ; . .: ; l-r-: : iVi ; t- :! : i Jo the winter of ;I7Q(. -General , Bitorta-: parte was united Joi Madame Bbuharnaia, . a; beamiioVFranchjwaman who hadexpeTifcea a vairfery of-perUcutioas during he rcin of, Robefoierr. Ker tormtr humand, cnerar Bouhamoi. vas Prefidtot of the National Coovenrion,;when Lwi the XVI repiir to raris ; ?nc, nowevcr, ici a fiwuu i teVtorHts. 'J f" ,nrrt;rin,n riVntilances for .'France and' atjhls nials, and wac rever feen in.thetfli&bt'. Spain ; aod theeiea of the court ot Vieeoa, 1 cu ogrec, iuwuic, ; e -puiieu" many aniinfaa of al! Kurope, were at lengtn cx-. cd oi. the archdAke Charles; who was faidj to po(I'efs the mil tarj talents of the houfe of. and fpeaks 'with; Kc:r.sn fJner.ty srid I qutnee. ' n wove ei iv c d as aiitn-ir-.r. ed. and in a nrett n.tafure 'obtalnrtl. th'd of :l 79 7 opened undff.the j maftery Ver -his, paUions; "Ke is abfirinious ' -Vith th?s difpcir: :n and education, it litile vvonder t.Oit in? hould have dedicated his life to the prof ;llin of arms. - VV e ac. cordi'ngly fid him, while yet a boyy Pr" 'fentrng hitr.fs'f as a ca'nJid3te for a commif- fion.Jn tht artiPery, and obtained a Lieiitej.- nincy 'ift the .French army, and fervei) a inch .tnr three vaim in tns Tafrimeiit of LA In nao-benig elefiet a T.Teurenant Co ''Jonel-bt a corps of Curn-'an national guards in adivity j liur bein iaimicil to the.iewi of tffff: Cabinet! who wsra foe, ansxinv -T-or- fici to iEngMnu, he retired ffotn ii n'atv-c couritryl B,id fettled within mhtrtn le.tVoeg, " of Toulon. Hi5 tal'snisv however,. vrs ioa.;ritty -w-ll known to be iu n cred to remain rc LaraifK; s and it. vas accardjngly determined: . t- J f. ! l ' ACl'akl n on lit nnnr.Ce th ft'rm Ot Jtaiy. 1 nei conic ii, uu Iong-bfore birjh and genius between j man of Uf ltrioAja extraclion, furrounded by; flatterer, and educated in the-corrupt. circlea of a courtr-aodia hardy Corfican, biought up amidjl perils,: ibreathing the iritS;of the ancient rf publics" acquatnieo machinery of modern wartare ; ditedin every thing -under his-own eye whofe miCi trefs was the? commpeweali hi and - whole companion wai - Hut art hi 5 .yet at t,ns period Buonipara haicarceiy :And atteri defeating inc jauum. iuflria.thiall' conquering General, with r,ntWhtrof rjuraanity that would have-im- mo(fa;lized. an "ancient fa ft, fen t front hh head-quarters at Gae.nturt a;leiter ";iin lorlog h. of lhe Cttr of lhrin huniar, trittT, to'uft.hia , exerttow for peace, to five tVr?aiiiW: He was threfoiv caUfd for'th, io iift in 'refcuic he fortref? of Toulon frorcy '"Jtiie Engliili -; and Uir bting advaaced tit the' pnk of.GcueraljOf arti'lcvy, he direcld, : . onder Gwoeral . Dugomaier; the attacks of - the various redoubta that farrounded " and - fenViien-ett' this important poll ; anci finally reUor.ed tn icej' 'of the Mediterranean to 'TtJnce,j.;4r-.-;!; v-ijj ';-v;s- if ; The conqueft of Toulon contributed nor a .I't'tre fo raire lha credit of Buonaparte ; but tne tneindrable . CommorioTi art Paris,, deno- V jninated the inrurrrsfllon cf Vendanriaire e vinced to the ..National" AflTembly. aqd to the vorid , 1 trial; nature' defigned him tbencoun 1 fet4 difficult tea;" And it' is bu; jufce to add, thai the pvp'deratic'n -difpJayed by bim ontbia occafton.l is perhaps.unquai!ed in the hifto- - ty of -the ; civil, wara.of 'mdderri tianes. 3 .. V. fWher. fietd naW oert4ed fpr the exer-. lions of ! Buonaparte, ir a: was iooa alter :i l ir. .. :f.r Umv: (valiant folfTiers ai wmutt liinavitabiy faM in a turther prolecuuon of 'Tl 'LL. Unieft"- It is eflehtiaP i faw tne Conqueier of Italy, . to the inT.reh nr cratifyiJa. tof tne .paiuom-ui f..itt......-, . .. ' i r n j a nation far rerriov.d trpm the iota ire oi war i ; u ill whlf - - : .......:.; I ;i , . . v. 1 that we iiiouia cohim.mc w. w-. -----ther' WithVelprcT to invfelf gallant G? tYeral, if the vovertufe which. 1 have now tfie b'tfnor to rake.to yow,' could be the tnens of fparinrfthe tif of 'llne : man,-. I IhouU think liferfproude:f of the aivic crown to hich my, interference woiild eMitle-mej. than all.t!) Wel.ncho'y glorr which could refult frm lbe mo11 urn,a,"fc p ploits " " lai fe days, p'rinc Charlet. replied, that - tbougS his duty called him rniake viar h. defireJ peace for; the-h?Ppi' ; '-r- h naaafc : he had no full power ta ' VJ'-M m fnhiofti but. muft - I tr-at upon iQ.iutr".v. - -w--:. : , r Jf' - ... i.r the nrinca fritndsv but has hoi nvnions ; and ' preferves far better than ojjher men do by m loquacious nypocruy r .j - : .-; r , ibuch is a lfafty tpanfeript, of the oualIli7"i c;ancn3 anu aicnif vernenis 01 iNapoieoae jucf. naparte. And .w hether 'Mr. is a Corfican or . a Krnchmn Tew or Samaritan1. v.cryj uaX, naruicl rradtr mud icbnfefs. that all the fnfen; i did jritlet; of4 mgnanimoas AltXtnders-ii- , Julirious1' Cxfar's, and Ttteran HjiaUaL5s--- ' are evlfpled and bbfeured by the flmple . na'me r.l General ljuonapftrte. r frlo w pie afingMwill, DC uic lai ot iome future ciorapiier, whole :i fortune it may be to record thq aclions and d v e n t u ri a o f t H is . t r u ly gr ea m a n . Th c fa(hionable a.da;e of b e -.'in oi t y is h r 1. , Nrst; . bonumJ will .tlfen hefinpefluoui and nia- lie,(hrfelf, .be. to"ngutlieq. v" i I'Who .but Buonajrtt,w-vcoulJ ,evf hve tuought 'Aud whs the account far,-jrai-ni!; Oefpef ado eoTald be giiTlty f forhi ' a dcd f, jTiweyer, JiUQNAPApis lull uvea and Riujl cfey the fat.rei.6f. the Matnr ibkrV ! a.ncl poiinaVds'of Tur&iPi bravadoes; tihe, jiompletc tht-rand wor.T-.fpr vhich he..ap. -4 pears to havr been. fl?.fllhfd; and jfdr yvjiicri. nature nas ieen o ttuerat j - tuuwinjrrjer ' All great man are in forric of corc;'tr,.;Tg.rab by civilisation ? ." i ' . l' . '"ri:'Tj t'.' 11" .l..i ' ii j.oiu an kjj-,' in. - couiu ,ve laoricared aflija ailiflhtion-(or' who but I tULLY A N E C D O T E.S.. hours alter A Felon In Newgate, the night preceding hisexac-iitionV acedfted Jack" Ketch thWs ? rs T am oing abroad .Mr; Iierti?.i( jou have any "murfg'l or ..commandt .iq: ycuir friend. 1 will deliver them.5' Nothirg at WrtTeriK-'YnfWered:Tackysbitt.-tc.,tcrrow t 5 will probably "trbufale jou wiUi.a-riiJe i 'LA fJa dy ; p z 1 1 i n g a' t u he; on e t ab le , a fi. e d , nother: If flic knew whatfftie" pla j ed I do, a&iiritcd!lhe : 'You pU '"the foe!.' ) i -2