-V -i j: : X".--i l "-.': r jx .y 'V;:-;:,.; ; V:rtv. . 1 '"- "i c-; ptE N O RTH - C ARC s a l i mm m r AND S A LI S B V R y. Printed Published by F R A IN CI SCO UP - .i.".--J'j'.;rJt'-'-t--'-, . T,, . - 1. Nom. 84. rtrom a r G azette hStht United Stntet. peinff jatelr on j.vifit at Gcrmtntown, clfifed V. rrmarka on the finns of wujtu a ru narormra are 10 com- f an ilmanac to be pybliflicB by for the -efafuing year, forcibly T H U R SUA Y, December: 1799.' I did ever to muclV'aUhond with nw opinions, . jto another plc ? are npT-xts;p!tces '-'j ft rip v. and new dadrines ;and, at rhe fame time j ped; snd (pohed ? are not ajter pleafene . I - vaiiwi..v4;.vwf..n- -www. . , j,, v.uu- ajfl'i i?ij irjpin-iter, r is 1 a uu uncc its coiiimcrncnjni, uiatij ; .fine 001 coniuma .vjtn IHf jire or iue ch this The exteniive with s almanac hsi met bme yearsipaft; oino to the indonrv, eftnefs aud Hippjlntfa of feleaion wbrch apprize the editfe appears to: me ftill Licient far thefe 1 IntereQi'iJc ' remarks i-'ui, every patriotic, every pnuo . jainoi vis cNca upon in thel our da j s k wjth reference and humiih toward are 1 hia I'jcidations of real truth, lute cccie vith convincing' light. Cchcerning the ear htju ake in the next i ,- i - yerfe, it is remarked that ihe Greek word nifiel a tremendous fliiki.g of " and if fuch a fiiaking; of cm f the ftste of civil government is the emblematical imDort of tliefe words of j prophecy, to what period of the world : whatever can they be deemed fo applicable; 1 t :o the prefent i or o wn-n Hare of thin&t ; properly fi i i II things V i pires.and 0 f I yeah JAri;Jjd'oW let us! fee Vj'lirgr ''!- h onderfland tljis is the yearr 1 7o8V-rrn i ft 1 hi'Jdea tilings of God,' which day to dsy difclofing in the, dread 1 . that ar now i throughout j whatever, as to the pre! Tope "I J fh ... ent flate of 1 The irerfe which fb!Iow$ attracts fpc notice j bt which we flial! give aJ. flior; a time ; like the; prefent, vhen ' th 1 is bumtocftt1Ider,, all who feel the ilire falfe-abafrmrnt, Hiould approach. A nd mark pith Kins where waves tKV I a,wful rod-''" 'I .1 Oi him reigns the mJr-.;' the e- i vpninir frf?' 1 i '- 4 '"6 VT"- . '.. y ; ' - ;. :e; mini that at this feafon H not fen- !p occupied with and alarmed ar the de ft? tiori of . the wrath of tli ivioft High. iiheft reieiit drea jful U ifening of the 'ltrand (pieodour of all greatnefs add r'afeatening faberfiod of.all good order i:ifl gDvernratnt i -?f luch h mind there ixay'pafs i2nheedip; by a ; dilcuCiion ' J3 :j .ii ii5 uiiur-r 'ri nor ioitv t nbef but too rffa 'j a encreafc the flraft. Vrrf? to. .!- And the great city was divided o4 ilitr ab- fsi uproar; and to become neceffi'ry to vit.fc . (, j., j.. bu will therefore doubtlefs have Jhe ks ot very irs5! hy of your, readers (for o 12; the cnclofcd a plact in your n convenient, paper i AMICUS A K S j; "the Signs of the Timet) OST Readers (fay tle OritiCh Review 'wil. agree" 'with EtUyard King, Efquire, Author of this learned worx, tnat the . lufion of the prcfent century is marked iiftin eui fhin z and , ftriking eharra'acrs .: . to what refult they tend is wrapt injthe intmspr and direaioa of Divine jFrovi - c. "'With becoming awe ana timiuuy, ith convidtion," Mr. , King points 4 out tarts of ScVipture-prophecy, of which, iecluret, recent events are an accom- lent. Some years ago,. ie nereaiterj 'siefied aiperfutfifion, that H the pour ir. of the ieventh vial, mentiored in the nf the 'Revelation, chappcr XVI. iwai- t. "1 J . V iA i m ri n w intnrmi nt til t ' .' I ilillU i 'J w w " v , 1 , h :s indeed come ' to pafs, almoff in I pie-nnudc.U ,; ; ; " rJ-.: :-; r, ICin'g proceeds to examine " the'fes l of this divine prophetical deciarstion U3rningj;which mud be doae without jf.'The better to etfeft his, purpofe, Vrfes of the 'chinter, from 17 to 21, SfffcclufiteL are carefully exhibited inj the Crijiisu OrecK. rxc . inuu .. :hunieffs,' n3 lightnings feem. in the pro phetical language cf all the prophets; to de notf information' of new things ; dorines. anaching'of new opinions, g,ood orjja ; , 'colvjjlior.i cf truth and bringing divine UutVto light i 7 under this purfnotlon, he ;fay- We cannot- hot ackaowlcde jwith. 1 x on! ih m e n r j t ha t no p2 nod like that com -Jnntini: about uS8, 'did ever : Co much ftpip fwith all (forts of new informations and iiiLbyeries ; concerning remote countries, rand concerning natural hiftory no period into . i tliree parts and the cities ot the nation .fell thus tranflated, Mr. King regards , this verfet,;Comfaonly referred to Rome, as alm'ofl: Onintel' igible : he remarks that ' jhe. Greek word in its trnefi import, does not merely ..(i'gnify a city with its walls and buildings, but rather the jcivil ccnflitution of V country, or indeed a free Hate as diflin (guif'ed from a kingdom,' nd ho accord ingly ft-fknfiates in this mjipner; ' & ! (late which wes a great cne, becahie divided is to three por.r1o.ns, (or lots) snd the ftsjes of the nations (or.the Hates anjo.ig the' nations as dillinguifiiiog them Irom tha kingdoms, fell.- 'L:. .-': :.- . ' ' . :. J ''-'! lfthis.'trajjflatich be tuft:, .with what awful aftonifhment riauft we behold the events oif the prefent day !' Was not Poland la .tVate, rather than a kingdom I its king be- ing merely elect ive- Was it not a great; one ?, be;rJg one of the Icrgeit, .in extent of land, and in its produce, frcti the fertility , of its' foiljj.of anj of Europe! . f . nd h Sat Vol n 'A acl u ? ITy . be cpme divided intn t h ree , portions or lots f One to Raffia; one. to Germany, one to Prufiia. And ir not this an urrparciielr.d event i and, event unlike a , ny one that ver before happened in the world. And U n event, to w'riiah alone, of ail nthersl thefe words of oroDhecV could ever 5th anvi 'srnnrietv bf aobiicd I And M V ons fell; jignify ftateM;s lift." oguifhed frcrni 1 and is not that fallen ? rV?" not Holland a ftate ?--and i$ not that.-fctlen i as not Genoa a (late ? and ie not , that fullf n jWas i not j ':Yen!ce; a fla:c'.an.d'.: Unot iJ3t fallen ?-rrWerc not the dominions .of the Houfe of Auftria, ih Italy, (lates ? and. are fthey jiot failep ?-Vai not' Swiiterland a flate?: and 'is it not fal?en ? In fhert are j n c t ? ajl t h e ft a t e s i n Fu f 0 p e fa 1 ! en . ija , 1 1 ihe If? airs in What connituti the ; Vflern en- pire'.and be To n ged 1 5: t h e W e ft e r n. c h u r h J ion which this faft and tremendious. woe lias j been, poured out ? -ftpd waa there ever; a neriod of the world, when the fe words ot prophecy couM be properly snd in ferife applied before j'-; ! We rod not dimifs tils 10th, rfe chapter without allowing .a littl attention to its luft claufe ;f-and great Babylon, come iu remembrance beforei God to jivc unto her the cup of the, wine of He fiercepefs of his wratii.JMr. King Has ;fhe " concurrence of the ableft interpreters in concluding lhat by Babylon,; Rome. is intended ; "A nd is liotRon: he aiksj incecf filled witS the efef wrati and vengeance ; and torn I t oVfeJrjl by t he icq u cge" i.a'rc n o t i 1 9 J . b - 4 ft - cd treafurcs fort and antiqulry;, removed cvteryj of the herte nefs of ancerj and violence ? V H "rfht Iche -na'-1 j pal power atj Rome, which wis cne 'fo tcr 1 ; rible, and fpjowineeripg, ."ar-fi" encfe-Jntta r7 i "J, eno,i in oti.er . parts of the jholy propnecies, tpretoJd to be at the end of ,1260 nd Softer j: . "6vi ijjc .very . orginning tj the years 53jr Bejifsriar pot an eid Moh'i :j empire and .dominion of VhVGoths.at oiirer -: 'vjner h.nct:torwarc!?from Aip:?? no power? in ir.ome, that could be faid rule of er the earth, excepting viihe( iJEcclaH--aftical Pohjcal Power. nd if :hcf? thlri are fo then jtruly tbar gret city Bylon f a fallen, is falleii is tkfowndewn Jjand ftjall be found no jnr.cre st. sll." iLj;. '-r r-i :-'il ;. We vecTurj not to controverr thii prhtle (nap's- . ex y cjfjt i c a s of ? I hc figv.t i;of "t h e tinries.- ; Thly are ftngularly nrlSjn ami wear forre featiiVes nhich n3y have 'a re fern. hlance f o wiat btt heeo for ag?s obfcurely, and emhlematicaljy foretold. We approach1 f i.c iinQjuc iifer ctavs 4 .-, v J rrrmble whilft I write ! God forbid I hoi Id rideacf eciy. Bot jfj I do apprehend a lighr; ;I mjifl 1 oogh't to jfpriks and write wWli circum fpeclion thai wi.ich I apprchecd I m na rafii enthufi4ft.-I defire ro be exceedingly guarded ainft errorand .'haviipoVliev the lea ft prelum pt uc us Idea of intending to prcphecy'j-pHiis concluding; vords-; are j Thsfe ar net -dajMo ccmplimentHawa jHe trOthpf tjo be tiBiid in declanr iti rruth is aWfulIy great. Let it.eer frJrly be brought jo light, and left to ha oyji nergiuc ftrjerg:h to . prevail," :" v'r.i-i.-""-."""'- . The fsmepious and learned iu"rcr puh-. H0:ed a book in the the b r . ra "to - y Ji .! ' 1 7?s8,-,in ' quarto, entulcd, Morris of riticifhi, tending lolllaOrrfome t pgea; in the Holy Scriptures, upcnj pliiiofcphical principles, snd an enlsrgVd view of thngs. The Author of " 1 he purfnits of Litera- tare,': (.a production .fcif h , hak Caofek much? fpeculationjn Etiopeva!Ed-'&U j I ea r niug el oq u e n ee , , nd Hal pfc : jrji Pf j frrt hes not been exceeded in the prefent sce I calls the public attention, with niuckearnelU the next words, The ftatcs nmong the nati- f nefs, to lorne. parts of this work. Speaking of Edward King, its author, he fas Ha fVcms to approach the (acred writings! with that probation of mind, that JAruftvjof his o w n po w e rs f an d . i h a t f a 1 fe a b fen) c nt jjwb i c ft. are required of tHofe who defite to look into, the hidden things of God. 1 fhall contend' jfor.no interpretations given be Mr. King or; by any other nisd, out I niay propofel thenrt to public coufideratipns ; for 1 never obferv cd mora caution , nd morevarinefsJ lliaii' in this writeri The evehlj of the wojfld, of the Chriftian world," are lb awful.nipio a larming, aa" to induce us to believe, that they happen not. witbout the immediate providence and decree. .of the fuprenje being, for the: fi;l i ri 11 i n g o f r? e n r e p a r a it i o n s f o r t h p fe j j; t i m ? r , when: the Kingdoms.-of this world, midl (io defence e)ffal. human poliey ) become .the Kingdom of God: and of his -Chrift If j I will therefore, ofier.tp thinkiug pe'rfons feme parages from this work, by . Mr; King', writ- I tcrt fever a 1 'year's before the prefent f events had taken pi cicved to are rt :urope,prrciiM.beHccn hc.p6flible.":I amat jittle.Mifpofedte iJlbn "ndenthufia'fm va'n ;inia living ; ?id I do not give; them a a aclditiorff to the idle prdphecies anj random !?coecl I tures vthich have ppear ed in 1i: mimbiri tt the circcmftance which peculiarly ftfijcf tsc is this ; enac they wrc written witbou f i : I " If:. ay "-:.- '; V ; -if-: j - f5 M 7 7;' to 7 pi i -V

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