.5- 1 '; llLT ill 11 t J -TV.' r( Ti TT i - ' - ". ," k.- .-..r V: t sVtfv f"v V- v r4 It r.-- - - . -' . . , V1- O A -,Yt jA'KxriKY;aVi8ecj Mi v 1 ' r i r.n-1 I l 1 I V i W W! i U V - i : 1 : A . I-, -' , . T H U R.S .if C O N G R E S. - HOUIB or KEPREIENTAtlVESi .' Mr. J of officer to Friday December., FcWrtr. from' Kentucky Appeared v;. da V. Was ooalifit aTid tooithis leal. ;" M r. S p s a Vc e r 1 1 i d be fo r t h H o u f e . R e port of ttie Secrettfy.of the Ntvyi, on tht jttter. 'of th -KreDch Officers confined io rosl at Berrmgton. io cn ft-e of Ncwjer- J t n t , ieiuen.. j ( ' y,. . X be TtfVrerary in bii report . tht proper "adrthem' M letve wa jifver refufrd for the de pirtpre ofjrih officer4 (prifoitet of wr) p i foreign, or rfetftral countrT, jwueiicwcr proper ipplicatioti wai made: fo. that pur 'WP. ' n treply to n infinuition contained L rK. lrtki- of the' French Officer, the fe irtisry ti'S.HH thatit is a fa, pWir known that American j priiii "r havbeeif Sreafcd witn IclV indoljgenee than any Frencn prijfooert erer t xperiencedN in -thi. country. The report it a complete rtfaution of the injuftice ! which the offi- I A petition of the inhibittnts ot tne loutn .ml. nirt of the ftt of Mafrchuetts, eoupUiuinR of the' unequtl 1 operation; of the t ... Ira rt4 noiV-rriadaJ will read ind 'deferred to'tiie committe appointed to fiim'M outiuet tHat'toDiect. Mr. t Hsr-rfire tented a rietTtion- of Samuef ' Stfff. 3 J! Utc celleaor of tht revenue of the United State for a rfiitfion ot the itate of Maryland, now in confinement for arrea ngs of yhic money doe the United States; ..4 ..:'.. i' i'iKrM frr certain ireafont t.,t.i. nttirinn ftated 1 Refcrredto the Coin? hiile to whom Wat referred the Bill from thVlenate for relief of petitions tciifiifd for debt, .--, Mr. Wain nrefetitedlA petititfrt ry9 prayin.for m cbn6nbation of the title pertain !and( fold to hem jY Judge Syms, which thev had imDrored arid frtiled, under j he idea that hi contract wi vaUed with the United States :t which were jreW and refer I red to; the cotrimittee adpbitfted to enquire whether any and what alteratieni sre necef- fary to be made in the exiftlngIaw for t the fale o-fthe public landa of the United States New moved that the petition. of Temple Elliot, prcfented all the Iaft felkTon, and the reoort mad's thereon by 4he then committee of .clatmt, but undecided -upon,- be referred to a ftlect committee -1, his 1-motion wii j objected toaaV-th -pe tition I was committed to. the commntee of claims. Oil motfbtt-of-'lry-ftDr I o Andrew ppottwoortjit. imq at tne t ait ; feffion. and! undtdide npWAi referred to the committee of claims. Andt theh the houfe adjoarned till Mdhdaj I. ' c moraitg 1 1 o "o'clock. M 'I ! , 4 .- .Monday, Decembtr 30 Otif, day for to which xnor brder of ?ne the dVy ot ri, from tne cotifWt5 -t( Yrhotri v p.rnmn'ifA tUm Kill frotn the Senate for the relief of perfbns imtorifoned tor debt, reported tpe lame, witn amenarocnt , was made tne order or tot row. '.' Mr. Otif eaifed for Ue on the hid to provide for of tht inhabitant ot tn The iHoufe accordingly w of the h'ole in faid bill ; cbajr.i ! - The firt feaion having Nicholas moved ttf ftrike out the wordt which give to the Secretary of 5tate the. power 01 ditettinjjr this marlhSIs in the manner wnicn the con ful 1 (hail be takeiJ fo far as ii not in the bill oariicularlY Ipceined wr. 1 enumeration ed ; States. cnt ?nto a committee Sr. Parker in t&t 'been read J Mr. I I : : . . 1.1 BroWn, Chttnplin, .Cooper; Dara. J. Da? venport; Dickfon. Ecjmond, : Et'pct A. KoHer, D, Fofier. Fteemaji, Glen. C. GooJ.' r)cb,E, Goodrich, Gordon; Gray, Giwoid, prove, Im!ay, S; liym::- Irfnlliv ?J raikcr, ;riaixr roweu, Shephard, riicmasi Wsr'f- . cheai t. C. Thomai. tli worth, Wain, U WilUarot. vVbedJ I Hill;' engroffed 9 1 1 I nna tne oiu was to be for a third re adipg; to- root-ro w . ; The Speaker. laid before the houfe a let ter rojnvihe Treafuter ofj the U iuted StateSi Containing a ftatement of his fnccies account uaucu u; mic preper cJWCr, , WOICD -'WAS That mm committee Al m w a . rm. W M it..J. 4 ..:xir. mrinaii trom tne joiut appointed to coniider and;re?ort wfiat , mea-. lures otignt to oe adopted m hoiJor; of the memory of Gen.' Wafhington, made another Report in part,' wsich was junanimpufiy agreed .oi by tne nouie,. in tne word loriowmg, to wit . . r ... . -I r-. senate and tfnited 1 iRefoleed, by the Reprefehtativea of the poiigreft alfemhled; Tha) idt to the, people ot lTemble on the aad "n b e Hoofe of . latee, la feconimer'd 'a " k- .-; the united JStai rt, tor davtof Febrnarv neir' infuch numoersand manner a tnay he con- khe death of Geccral. George VVajj ington, by jfiiitabla Eulogietj' Orations and DHcourles a ior by puouc pr ay era, j J And lie if further rttohea lot the United Slates be r equeftcd ib ?nend the fame, bj a Proclamation .porpofe. $ Adjouraedt; That tfic PreFrfent recbhi- for that jANUAiY-1, 44 a-aaw t . s1 (- j faid J this proviGon w as not to. be found in of Law I th jormer &' and this Aibjeft and he faw 5n .h-fiUt Uf PnBfvlvhii. late a coUector 'nf iHv rnuc for fa'itl count?, now in con- finm.nt ' fni- arreiraaei of money; doe the ttAw.4 vr- 'and nrivinkCo be Iioerattd was read and referred to the fame ' ' ' 1 '-! .j ' ' - ' ; '" ' i iJ 1 ' ; T TVxm Wnr went Intn" a ' eT ommittee of the . whole on the report of the felcA eommitfee whom were referred the bill from the (e- Nortliampton, I no reafon why a man whd was bound ,ty c ora- to stt for the relief of perfona inip'ifoned fdr debt, Mr. .RotledgC in the chair : . nri- k mendmenti'iropofed to i II. uiil auu , r.i be mde thereto hiving been greed toy the, committee, Mr read, and a- Tones moved enti theYame fo at to-prevent debtors leffeuditfg their creditor: b,(affign- Ul l'll and the bill committee Mr. Otis to amen frnm Afruclirt(T inents of property ; wbich Troducecta ! long cilcullion atter wmcn, y Grif wold, the coma ir tee rofe, sb was again referred fo the feieft Who reported the smtndments.J f A mmfttam fro-m the Senate by their fecretarjV informed the houfe tSat, the feoate had pafled the bill entitled " n aft i fA.vfa1'.fin th riTevilecelorfrankine to William Hehty Harrifon- delegate from 1.- ac ii United Sta'tea' north- wtft of the river Ohio, arid making pro ill on i Mr. Harrifbn preftnted tfirtt ftveral petir! .U- firf rfnd bV til tne meuiutu vri;. un;n.rnr of the ttrritorriortne uni c... nnrth. weft of the river Ohio and the lecond by Vnumber of the .inhabitants ot tk.. rfinff for a retifal.i of the - laws authorizing the. fal. of the public lands .wthe 3d of a number . ot the inhabitant! of he county of Hamilton of the fwae territo- fo 1 emn oath to act in conformity o t hit a cl, (honld be fubieel to direclions which the; fcru- Ju.Vdufnelt of hit confeienci might lead him to refufe to abide by. - - , ' Oii thought . ifnetefTary Uhe ippw- er ot civine direaion purlutrit to this aft, (hbuld be lodgea loroeTriic w rent whether with the SecWtaryjbf State or M L.kv, kroner olficcr ii In order thai if a ny difficulty or emoarfaimicn X execution i were fhou! beded i hi flue on wit muii w ..-.. -r peartd in the affirmati-e po-negativt 4.. , n. - Liu L.Jn Kn bone thronph and i 4 I1C OIU IX""fe .- " ! : . -ikiU. herein filled dp, the committee rofe and reported tne -lame "-u. , r : Mr. Chriftie renewed .tWbtfon made. . i. orbited '. I long d.lcul .on. ..-jo. wia nnauy io j " lhws : j ' ; ' . ' L - , A F:E IK A " vvc . ;) i i 1 f MrJ Nichoiii faiicl , thit concejring it nef ceiry fome reduajon mu puouc expenaiiurc , . "--. cbntempleted of this nature, flicpld be made tad cenfidered as early as poffibl, he vi puld; take the liberty of Iaing the following i re- folution on the table.-He would not now rtyjany thing to :he merits of u but gave notice thaf he would jfonje time.ijn the cburfla of next week call it up lot cbufidcratian : ; i f The refolution isan the toi'owing words neloKeo, 1 nc 10 mutu 01 jw; , ,- poucta. 1 ir.m. - Avi Tulv t int, entitled M Anlft . tir' augment tne army 01 incj uoucu jiic, - ana ffor other purpofet, a athorifft the Prefi-. inv.f Alfton. Barley BimodR. Brown, Vrii' n.JKnrWel "Davit 0aWfonr tannine, .vv. T i -L in Dent. Egguaon. tl Griee. H.nnib,. muter, mVT Ra'odolpSmiHei.Stf i;.irvrr Thomofon.' A: Trigg,; J. Tngi ....... w - - :...- ..r. - , , I . . t Tan: Cortlandt, K. Wiinamt.-ry. JN K. t A il ! : lor the better organizing of the troopt of tho'f TJnitd Stated and for IQther pbrppfes,!. 1 authcTifet tne appointment of a C o antr.ander J of the army, and.a .Viowff".H f -ft" - ought to be. repealed, j 1 . ' I Mr. Oiia oblerytd, thk tliongh fhe :refb liition was oiftred tb Vtf on 4ht ubltj, and." he was thereby precluded from a d ifcuff on ot-t itt meitt, yet iii jicef tp defence, of whib bdth jlhat. gentleman and ' himfelf were" members Jhe' confidered hfmfelt ca)!ed on to declare, tfeft the committee had,! called topori the Secretary at Vfr for all fiiclr! information as Spuld ienabJe them to. dige(iV r iSC .mm tt the military 'efiablif' i, idii i lie re miffht .havft. only' on-, the Mcflri; Batr, BartUt Bird, Brace, J ifnent ; and wat ineretorc 17 folutionwat now offered, at it n nnneceflarv impreffion, Tibt ....... . ' . 1 . j? army and the puouc put upon our impenoing-. negociationrwith Ere nce.jftnd that thof; i wat probable that ,niraijEication bf the' txifting miluary ; t&mcot; oaigo bt a- - i ..." -v A '1 1.