';Jarvr iireaing the pr ihe tnalof allp:rJcn (ram, , ;: . W rifen, aad;,nWh ,dc ' - i .'ft!.. Lie ration of .- law' and equity jari terraineJ upon the E -X. 6 V I fion of all. qoeftlom of aw. on the circuit,1 tliher from : :., ;h i Tnd&'' or ,- . r.4rrtion. or if xomnetcnt .iurnlr of judge sn. fent : to the en in v. j"; - . decifions (hall be had on convrovefiet at! prefent depen .frrr m rfeoend in the fupetio irid equity,; with as much difp jrUfrtifi nnlfible. - "1 it tf it thurefareenafled by theb iJ 'jftbe Ft ft ef North Carolina; a by tnaSed by the authority of the iame .nV .frir rhtf-niffirift of thIS aft, th Of the:feperior;- court? of law an ?hin this ftate. lTiU meet and aU i.u... LsV In ach and every year, city Of Raleigh, on the tenth days of lA ts.Lw .,A it faid -days fhU pen on Sunday the, next- tacceedingds, fo the purpot oi Ciermiuu& ,17-; j,; fins and reamning uuuc circuit; .'.:--,: That th I laid Udges. or any two of them, at th jflrlt I:..:-, r,.fW of thia . act! fhall epPbint aCicrk of fkill and probit;, who ft,!, give bond with fuOiclent fecanty, pay able to the Governor Xot the time being, in the fum.cf fie thonrand poundt. conditioned for the faithfdt dilcbirge of his duties. iri of fice, and for the fafe keeping bf all record -committed to hja cuQody ; which bond ftall be lodged with the dietary' of ftate . And hold his offic during good behavioar, but before entering upon th ertcutibn of his of fice fhall, before the faid Judges, ox either of thtni, .take an oath of the fa-ae tenor apd tffeft as that prefcribed for tht.Clerka cf the faperior courtt of law, ill. Anibe'i: further stated, That, S when I fferanT quettions of law of equity, hereafter i dall arile upon the circuit before any of the Judges ot. the fuperior.courts, which tha ' judge fitting may: be imwiliiogto deterraiae, J and Ihali be defirous of farther confidtnticn w-M- 4 - .Kir.nr ' Trith the hothcr Judges; dr Where any queftions of law pf h..:tr.Jv .riifR on - the circuit and have xemained und ecided by realon oj a, ' J;r . r- Jr .l- nri the Circtnt, aa either cae the Clerk of the diftna. uii der the direction of the judge thep Gtring i before whom fiichl qaeftion or queftipnt fball : arife or come, fh'allVmaka out a trtnfcnpt ; of the proceedings in the cafe in which iuch iaettion dr queftiaris: fhall mrife, and dehrcr the lame to the Jtidge betore or ritinn nf V r.rm nr cfe fliall be made nn Kw th. rA,tn(i in rh rnurt and uncer tne direction of the Judge, or by the Judge him : felf, at the nature of the cafe maj require i tad ftsch tranfeript or cafe fo maae asjj-iurc-faid, the Judge fhall file.at the meeting pf the Judges herebj appointed, with thir Clerk. , , .. . ' , . IV. And bt it further. tna3ed? That the Judges at their faid meeting, at -any two cf them, (hall proceed to argue ; and deter aine all o4ueftions fo as aforefaid brought be fore them, and thall fet for ten day a at each and erary meeting uaiefa tht buflacfs fhall bt P Cer2 - r 7 udo.. , 1 1 r J R."- CCOMmn not "exeedinc fifty po oi!fiaii. uiKIrh from Tiealurer lnall be authonze fanie. : l r". . J ' and after -.the paffing of this ad the fuDerio courts of law and equity, fhall be and they arc iicrcuy uiviucu inu. iuui i mudi , diftricts of. Morgan and Salifpury fhi coml- pole one riding called tne nrit riding ; tne diftrias of HiiUborouffb and. Fayetteille, the fecorid ridine ; the diftricls of Hafifax, and Ldenton. the third riding, and the dif- tridta of Jewbetn and VVilCotngtoo, tne fourth riding; . . ' ' I ' And whireas many fraud are; v fogfened. to have been committed in the Secretary 's office, and) it highly concerns the juitice anc honour of the ftate, that the perpetrators of the faid fraud i fhculd be purfued to punilh- ment - si - ' ' ! ,J vrrf: it therefore enafied That the Go vernor for the time being is hereby autho rized and empowered;' when be rtay detm it; expedient, to ifliie d commiffioin tb thJudg- them to fit any time of their meeting hereby appointed, for the tral of fuch perfoiji ii fhall or may be apprehended for and on account of their hating commit ted, been concerned in the commiflioh of, frauds iv the Secretary s office, or in the ofHce of jkhn Armftrong or Martin j Arm. ArrtfT in the fraudulent ifluine, procuring, receiving far transferring lend Warrants i o in the fraiiduitntiy luwfi. jy ceiving grants on fuch warrant at jany of the faid office. And the faid Judges., or a-( ny two ofltbem, upon a comsniulon ta them diffted es aforefaid, fhall eonfttute a court for the trial of all fuch offences, and fhall have all ahd lingular! the power and autho rities Beeefrarr for the trial of the otteiices i ' . . .-!.'' 1 n - ft. i aforefaid. this ftate, rals,j and each of itliem,' imrnt diatr 'l the afHng of this at, to appJy fcr. a'j ih from anyl Juflit.of ihe wrs? it .lialT Twl ... t e Attorney and Solicitor Grrse triatr i t after "fid obJt Peece Vithin this pate, vrarrarjts to apprehend tvtry fuch prrfonas they fhall fufpect ro'. have been concerned in the cornmiflion off any of ' the which to all hereby; ,s And war re in apy court fhali.and may 10 rxt i until. Itw'erity ben he committed within ay diftfi& of . .. . 1 1 r i .. i end fhall have power ana eutuon ty to girt Judgment and awrd execution 4" thereon ; an j lawy'ofage or caflom to frauds or offences herein mentioned warrant or warrants (hall be directed the Sheriffs ot the ftate, who are levcraiiy auinorizea to execute tne jam if any perion apprehended under fuch! ranti (hall fail or refufe to enter In cognizance for his appearance to be called under Urn act, he be committed to; the gaol or the county bich ha fhaK be' apprehended; if the ame be Ute. it not to tne aoi oi tne t Htrict in. which fuch county n ay be, dava before the fitting, of the court (hall; be ordered and conveyed to the .gaol of the county of Wake. ' - -i-1 ! ; , XU Andie it further enalltdA That the G- Yernor it he ihal! deem it expedient, lhall appoint a' public ngent, whofe duty it fhall be to collect and arrange the teftihiony gal rift ; and attend the ptof?cution of Inch perfois as fhall be charged under the act j and 'who fjfiall fign and . illbe fwpparjai j for witnefles, and fhall and maytfeKe ouf! wari ranta againft' prfonj fulpected of any of tht) ofTences herein mentioned; ; - " : X1XI. And be it furthr enhfted. Tret be ths dety of the ( Attorney General to attend faid couru j for ten daVs unlefs ti e l ufinefs fhall be er determined. AncVthe Attorney .and citor General, and t he public to be appoioted, lelpeclfrily r faj! ici:or and So which ;fl aU 1?C foot'' Soil Aent ; hereby fhall rfeie for atttcdiog; court called under thia a . i :

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