, t . 1 ' v . ; L !.. ! . .-ri - -v ! i .,.,,v ... .... . ' " ' ' ' ' ' 11 ' ' , 1 ' ! ' I - ; .... , ,a,i" ' -'.-f:' COUNCIL of FIVE HUNDRED ,f hun tnd Eceninc Sittlrig. Nov. to. it 6 Vclock be coiiuci! of fire arcJ eoaftituted thealfeWes. the majority i havin? repaired to the ball - t R.iomoartt took the chair invited ih council to relume theelibera- ' BeViwr retraced, the eent of the day .He praifed the cortdua of the troops, and the prudence of the officeri, the dangers Vhich Baonaparte h.s run,; rhofe of the le- rinstife body itiel', t be wild om ot me gc i as tne courase of the two gre- (UCM a de-the enerals direao- th'e line, Yadtr who covered the general with bodies aad their; arms. . his proponon the council panca of which was, tha '.nf in1 chief Buonaparte, g iefebVre; Morit. j Berthier, SerrorierJ.Le. clerc. Bbornont ille, Money, Samte, Reicy, AadreofG, Solignai ; admiral Brnli, jLouis RnnWabarte. coWander of a ftuadronk ;En. reoe Beuhnais, aids de camp ; the (uperior . adjutant; Berariner ; Sparre, officer of the ic. the crenadiera of the le ruin" . " . giflative body, and of the executive . ihm fth. 70th. and 07th of , th arid :h of dragoons, and the grenadiers -hk rriAc k buckler of their bodies and; their c iinnninirfp. hate ' eferved well; oi arios iui uuuiinj'-' m i i their country, by faving the majority of the legiOative body and the republic, attacked bj a minority compofcdof afiaflitis'. : . v Chazrl propofed divers meafures of Public NVch wereui frrti to a commitfe of five members, of whi ch he hirafel f w as one, as we'll' as VilUtird and Bouiay de la Maur- the. .:-,; 7j:J ; " . . ) Lucien Buonaparte pronounced a difcourfe oo the events of the day; He defcribed the perpetual efforts' made by the feditiousjmcm bers of the council to lmother the contti ra tion.: and to fubttitdte in its ttead a regime of bldod and profcriptioiu - Bcuiay de la Meurthe made, in the f Five, a report tin nUn whlth had been referred to ' The council of Elders," (aid hej " ordering the remoTal of the Legiflitive Body to St. Cloud, had for its objea to arrpve at a favorable goal for maintenance of their li berty. They have been convinced that there exited reai vices in the organization of the conaitVtloa HThe reprefentativer of the peo ple miiH candidly avow what experience has itfelf'prbved; there eaift in our o(gani aation vices which; from its tOablifhmcrit. baa never ceafed to: produce dtftraaohs m the Republic, and with refptdt id the f ecuri ly of the canflitutioa. U,naa nunerto 33 its obia ;Va&s have proved this. bonths fter it was ut into , execution, the Dirertory was obligid to maKe the 12th Fruftidar, and foon atterwards the aad Flo raf, which was alio made neeeffary by the .nature ef the choices made at the eleaions. 1"hus there was kj. ireeefnty . of proceeding frdtri violation to violation, at it were by ihockt It is time to confider of improve ment; which produces the necedity of! a pro tiSdnaland intermediate ft a to," which will prepare the means of making the people en joy their rifthtiitt their full exient." j Villetard Xeportedfrom theh committee, propofed the following refolutioa. I'K . V Tha councij of five hundred, corifidering tbt fitaation'bf the Republic, declares! that the bufinVfs ia urgent, and , adopts th fbU lowing-rtefoiut ooa : . : y . Article ift. There ia rid loneer any Exe. name the them.-- in failed Some are no longer members of the, national' Re prcjcnuuon, on account ot ine excellea and the violent attempts which they have uni tormly made, and particularly the greater part of them !n theitt Joubert, I Joaanne, ng of this morni ng. i a jot, uupiMDtier. Arena, Garpud, Quirat, Leclcrc; jCfiippers, Briche, Poulain Granl Pre . B err and,- Gou pill ean, Danbermep(h!j, J Marpuefi, Guedon, Granmaifion, Argnofilcd, Doiimond, Fri lon pcfraixBergaueA Laziroul, Mount pellier, Conftaht, Brion Deftrm, Carrete, Laggarrierj Cayrand, iJegot, Biin, Bonlay, Party , Sonilbe' DemooA Riggonur, f Men tor, Bolffie-, ;Bailly, j Bourier, Pritcher,' Honpre, Declere, BouffA, Gaflitj Lao rent; Reitz, Prudhom, Porte, TrucbDeibert, Leyris, Dache,. Dehille; SteyenoteJ Lefage Senaula, Chatemele, Andre, Demartelle, Colembel, Philippe, Moreau, Jourdan, Le touruent, Citadella. TooVdap, Bordas 6o X danger. : . ! .. J tth 7here "rolutioni fl,all and lent bv . . . i h, j ....luinary couriers "'!n'- Pu lifted p u an ine rrirm.it r . i- ii "M.iuumi oi i 1'Ci L ; ; V ' 1 . . i be he to irted' the and Rcpub- l dbaHs made a fpeeel, i v hich he f raced of ,he;d?ffercnt Ugiriativ.odies, fur tonventio nd alfo the faulu of thefe different rMIerablies, as welfaa thoV Of the prefenc councils. He hewe that the prefentconftnutio!, .opened the dor .of-conti mi.l revolutions which ou!d end in anar Chy which was always followed by Royalf; He afterward., prbpof-d in Addr'efs to the rrepch peoole nnnn tK- U .i , , j r "v !ugu wmiio i I lie Members. 2$. The fionally an compofe-do Lepifluive Body creates ( provi. Executive Conlclar Committee. Citizens Si eyes and Rogers . Du co? Kx-direaori, and Buoiiapafte, Ueoe raf. They (hall bear, the naiie of Confuls of the French Republic, ? j 3d. This Committee it veled w ith the full powers of tie direaory, anl fpecially com midioned to organize order in all parts of the AdminHlration. to r.eeabliui tranquility,' and to procure an S r ana toliq peace. 4th It is au'horifed to ! fend internal honourable with a, power limited accofling to j Delegates a own at that Legifla. their the They public (hall commit- ! : the power; 5th. The Legiflalire Pody is adjourhed to the 2oth of rebruary. It it to meet period in full power at Paris. 6tb. During adjournment of th tive Body, the Members fliall prcfervc indemnity and their conftitutionalj fecuritj f; ; 7tn. i ney may, witni ut loiing fit v as Repreferitatives 6f the ..employed as Minifters, Diplomatic ri gents, Delepatet.of the Executive Conliilar I Com mittee, and! in all other civil functions. are even invited in the name of eood to accept them. 8th. Befbretheir feparatibn, and during :he time their Iittin? eacn cauncu name from among their member tee of 20 Members. .Li oth. The committee appointe-d by councils, will, in coniunaion with the x ecutire confulate determine upon all j urgent objects relative to the Police, Legiflation, and Finance. .Jr . loth; To j the tommitfee of the Council of Five Hucdfed will belonJthe right of pro podng, anbj to that of ihe Council of Klderi that of faeaioning tbeea.: J j; J i th,5 'The two committees wjll a 1 fo, iii the order, above menHoned, regulate' the changes In tfcofe parti bf7the jconftitution which experience mayihave mewn r; to be in cVjnvenientj or vicious.) .5; ' . ' .' ' 1 2th. Thefe change can have Ao other ob jea but that of confolidating and jguarantee- ing inviolatly the Sovereignty of the pe?pleV thr Republic one auct indiyifible, trie- Re prcfentatives Sy (lem. tie ftTviGoB of Power, Liberty , Equality anoTkbefafefy ty.;, ,. -.1 v:h-:X;-... 13th. Tlie execotive confulate tnay before the other committees bponl thefe fubjeas ' v i - 14th. T ie two committees are prepare a civil code. ; 1 5th. their fitting will be held at 'Paris in the Palace f the Legiuative Bo they may be convoked extraordinary' National Reprere.iati.es incurred and upon- -i ;helmeafures;of public fafety which were to ' e taken.- ;;- , f'j'.,:. 1 ' I At oce o'clock the three coLfoIs came acd took the following oath I I j--. Fidelity tp;the Republic, one and indi. Vilible, to Libertv and fn..i;tJ repreientative fyftem.", fj I ' Atthree o'clock they proceeded o tha crtftiily of thenominalion of the intermedi ate committee it ia to be compofed of, tbe? following Members.;'.; . (: . J '1 " "Ik"-. ' Cabaris, Marthieu. Dannbu. Teauvais. tetrnger; la Marthe, la Lozere. illetsrd, Caffenave, frgeville, Vreuze Latouche, Boulay, del Lucien, Buonapate, dandin de Arnould de la Seate, GifadFcuzol: hnt- let, de la Gironde, Devenelc, Thierry, Bara ra des Ardcnnef, thaza! Checiier, J'-qrenot, fTheifle, Goulay Ludet, Thibaulr, Chabot db (Gard. ' ,j- .Jp ';;'V;-'.; . The Prefident then adjourned the council to the 20th of February, at the ordibaf piace or meeting. .. j;. vg,-.j: .; : FURTHER DETAILS. ' Of ' tht jitKg if ' Mr ic4 li ; Jr. The principal features ef h?s fittifjc, fayt the l ien lmforme of the 1 cth we have eiven with fidelity. - We are to give fome further traits of the fjeech of f-uonaparte. it was notja prepared or didaclic. dicourfe, but a rapid fpeech delivared under the preflurc of circumllances. ' y . i- v . . It is on you alone Counc 1 of Ancientj that the fafety of jbur country depend. That of 500 is delivered over to intefline divifions, 1 do not conceal it from you, that I never relied on that readers of the; party are "3r of Proper If .;j committee their views I''-'-. charged to y Da for the satiteDirtclory, and the follovfing eroosf ratification of Peace or ifl sic of greiijpIic J council, where the w fit tine and whence emiflvrits have at this moment de- parted in order to excite a ccmniotion in. Pariii. The dangers arcprefiin, evil in creifee. The roinifter of the police : , informs m jfhat in Vendee fever al1 places have .fallenr. ihtq the navies pf the CtiOuans. ' Muchlagi-i taticn in thejjcbunci(y If I muftexplam ' my felf more; j I miat name the men, herrt I np w- proceed to mention. ., The di tect ors h arras, Taud Jvlaulins have propofed to me to potjmyfelf at the bead of e partywhicb (had lor jits objta to overthrow cli .thote who entertained jljberal ideas. The jfTerent faaibns have knociceil at my door ; bnt I lUtcned to none of them, ijfpoke to you with the franknersof a foldief who has al way; followed the dod ;of war, wuhout knowing any : thing of tbe arta of elcqoecce. Lei not thofe criminal plans intimidate you Reprefntatives of the people ; furroonded by knj Brethren in arms, I know how 50 pre fervjl you from them. I can attetl your cou rage s and you, my brave comrades, to whom ihave been painted as an enemy to liberty,, yoii grenadiers, whrfe : bayonets I Have fo ofun turned to the (hame of the enemy t . , .1 I

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