;-r'.l-!:,'M D V E R T e r: -h :.l ': . i'l ' .'. ; s a l i s b v Jt r t-iPKtMTED h ; postfi Hi'-t -rti 1 T H U R S O A Y, March 2o..iSro4 . 99 - --'- T ;T;J-V-: -v.l''- iV :.'! '.': : -.':. ,A .:VoLi II;'' . V , : A- ': f B E R -N, November 6. Uid here, tht tbe brother ol' tht jo&cr Ducos, has nau . i.umw vuu ' ' -.u Lu- ft.vhrttiice Charlies, and Spre an idea of an armeiucc. u we (fyii Tome private Utter they ap- I to areevrcll f . i -.". j 1 ? . ... .1,- Wltri.tie D1-, - j-ljttsT, to the following ettecc : ; - K ,iWt)or prefsut government. 1 think. j3ly xC declare 10 you Uiac a ir?n; U.nal sccufaiidhis prepaTifig againft W ftoslyMuppofted, it you nr idopi m??fures ioflairtiy . !! ,;iTbt all the tranrportcd wll? wno, inTcrrociries, are pot accufed of any L'criaie, be immediate!; fet at liber- i,1 That theindiamenri equaHy.ridicu- uriaft. drawn up by an atftmiioti na.rimifm aeaiofi the provifional trament of Zurich, be, fpeedily annul- - H' ;iv "J - " I. That the aooJition of tythes (mani robbery of the charch and of properly) I '.' i: . i. 1 Vo.. iwmmA ana till repealed ; or uiat ujr. . aeot of their ap'pomtments, mor than ominiiUrs of. worfhip and pa ft ors be U,d from the dcfpa?r into wtnca iney Jcbeeo plunged. f ptopofe Ja.s, .vhich, Council of State cpn- (tiiutes part of the Executive Power, for tbe di feu in on cf thefe propoffd Jaws, there is a Tribunate, of a (eleel body of tbe Renre- 1 body'to decide'upoO ibeApropofitionS after they have been diiCuiled ar slientra to. HThe LefiiflatiVe;Body is tp tonfift of oo Senate rer an d members : the Tribunate of lob" i and the Council pf (late cf 36. j I " V 'i,-. Executive Pcwcr. : V- ; ; T hire is to be a firft or principal . Cion- ful inrcfted wtth power to appoii;t.and move MiniOers. Generals; amb20'ador, . t ,1 . 1 ' ...... , 1 .. . Counfellors of State Theft: are to. be two other Confula to difculs! public rostteri, in conceit with' the jfiril Ccnful. They art to- haire but a jconfulaiif e voice i tbcjr pcifons ': ,!'! !.1-:LI' - I Tit, i r : ri iA J-rM I re iiivxuiauie. t rv . arc, "'" tr ' : " . I ' 1 i'l' 'ii'. , t ' . . ' L , LI ?eara i Iftev mav be" re-elected incy .. win at tnejLuxenjburgn, the two others in tlkej pa 11c ii 1 nit n 1 1 m the pavilion of i he- Tlmhr The.Cbnferrstive Jury at xhe Louvre in tlie palace of tht inrtiiuie, and the It fiifoi the buildings ot ipe Sarhonne. The ir ialidi WiH be jranjsferred, to VeriaiMe's, and every hinSvhicli!belongs tn :.ih minilicfs at ari lach-as?ithe Ktatt-Maj6r,i the adminift'ra-i be official! 1 C,n ihe 2$d inft the 1 3th Deceniber r t-b legitjatWe body will be a fie n, bled, and ob the ji7th tb Cpnflitntion will trarfmireto the departments lv several journals nave liated that fcinzen Sieves i s t t be Prtfidenr'6 f, jhe C c n ft i I u r i on - ary jury-: We think tbtt we can ftg e with confidence that this jury will h'avf no l-rtft- ucni. ... oil uic-niiiBprjs ccropcung it wiu, he equally" qualified to exer cife the -lur.cl rods' of if.-- j hyer a guard. The grand Coulc! will iravelP0'?''1? f ,-500,000 frakrloiaUfyThereVire be. t fec?, ) faopted. w A number of .; fia tWo Councill of State, the ee foiJ the theif report of'the fame nature, which; pro Department of iFlreign f. flairs, snd the o- i n.ote; this or the, other r tjnn; and confer: hJwJnLfrn!?1,r. The latter I? befe lh7 delerve H At - crenu t . : uecsr. tur . 11 , ? A.R. I December 14. pjSerent TonrniU have given in a lift of .CaoOiuaies ' iur j tuc y umuMuip '." ter part 'of thern have pointed out crti. iVolnry, Berthicr and Talleyrand Peri d as Cbffea-naes I to j Buonaparte others, 0 pretend to an equal degree of informa- i,aTore tis that Buonaparte will be the ConTu!, and rili have for his colleagues it anH r'amhacre Thefsction oi the itiert are .eacerly defirc'us of feeing eve ; thirg elucidated. We think they mud ' wait at lead ten davs. ' ; . I arisis at this moment the rendezvous of s!l ait burigenerals. I f HEW, CONSTITUTION. " !ouncil:!will ha'e'.tlie midiative. It will have alfo to Jud'e 'and decide on litirated qucftions in the dbarrment cl the r.dailraity.i Such is the Govuirnir.ent. " The Adminiflrotion is corfided, ; ; l. "' 1. To Miniuits, or Councils of Admini ftration, fuch as 1 he A cn irfilty. v,. 2 i To Admipftrations of Comrflun e I'o f 1 o fquare Myrianyet res, a Allied, by fomHiVflion" era to be namet4 by the jbonfuls; I ; i ; l- with th tr inirniflion ot tire oroers Ol tne L OtlJ D ON,; December 14 " The afT4ance of Paul f. ' to Francis 1 TJ. depends,' at prefent, on the wi'I of Ltfwarrow Wej aire informed that' Mr. VVjjclvInn , fccuht de Lehrbaph nd Fizte Efierhsry, have uJ pittd theirj effort's to incvee jhe old generaT not to abandon the ft,rchduheo- th? merc of an enemry much fupcricr in cumbe r.' They replrefented 'to bim that he wcu Id capcte himfelf" to ithe d-ari?er of lofinc; the title of MiniftersV frori tie acts of the AdmiHiftera-1 Italicus, Hnce the b' tench -n5ghr re-ccVqtteir I tive Bodies, f v ! " " 11 ,ta? rf ahena, -alter fubdoing tfcenfc C'.'- i: nri,i rwtir.il A rts' mull be hened by a rlVA!- UfJr rhiov frsrt he executed. The , . . , j , a . ' ' nl' t minnicrs 5'ment. lor 1 Tuh?rh ftia fular Acls agreeable I fnr th law; are refp'onfib.le, each in bis depart! I Krayard V3elas, r 'the Execution of cOnfular jacls; by the army of ill -e coitrary to ths law, andj for f know what effect Bonaparte a(fembl4d at the Confafr Pa , on the 8th off December.: the two Le fatWe Commiflions. Roef Ducoi took P ciuir.- " ' .. r . . ref? rhinlin of the New ConI I. -t : : -.-"Til .. . -i- - i iwa, of which we have only hunerto coTi rq imperfect fragments, ; ! j , nU difcufTion Was calm, and every hbj of Co great a caufe. They fir (I dTi- u in whole, and then articie by arti- : - . , ' I. ' r luAMal ' Power : '. " It mall be atterwards organized -By the th in-; fhoiild threw himfelf intcthe '.Mllancfe irlr abior AO.doO men, and attacki'tfce jrries of J I , ! " . . . I. , ' .'r . -r already threaten d in f rent Chanrpicnet. - W e do nc thefe re m rn r a r c? s have produced iin the mind ofSuwarrow. (To fof ten it Uiilmpre; she emperor has jufl lent to him the loMoVvirs kiter :-. . IVy dear held ntarjlial priqcc coont Suwarrow, Italifty, . ; . 1. 1 4 j' . i . ... . . ' 1 ' 1 1 . I." . J. he rplendtd actions wnicn you nave per" formed, fluting '..the' 'courle of this 'campaign., Ytrithm hiaA C.i the irmv which I placed on- ?aae of the artieUs were? ' ftronfilv tomr 'ijQiit theyr'ers carried br p great mi 7 : othlsrs were 3 reje&edV and itisvaif. ,n ouoaapart, manifettea nts won - fal i'r.r hiavtncr . Collected Conftitutionarmeans eftabliflied for formation of Laws. . 1 ' . ContervaHis Pcnrr. :i TLii.::. kh -. -hnA-v of. frrtn 4n to -t.A-r ftiy lifeJ Thev i tiiiift . t 'Am ' war Voir'tiia ft'd ' jr I taly, hve fiHured have a qualification land rental of i COo J yelu tna ruffiages and admiration of ja.l tu r.dyc a i. - ,.Lr.i..J. .1 S: llrlil- di.ir-.i!ftories vdu'-have rendered francs a year. vacancie in their rani a reaicui V ,j gfatiiudti and thf y give j oil thr jtRelt- title XtA - -riitT as the man moft fcTio'p.e rt to i i- 1 . U ' -I : ' "h opinio n 5 far iaml asaintt an article, ed and ruded by bringing the njajor.it .to flcmblv dit nor VebaVatei till ; fven nent morning ;and the ettimable, was aooointed'to dined tha alterar "Qjcn were made . and tlie act win jjc iue le public in fAvr Javs. f-en Rtrderer. h a s no w; 1 i f t ed u p anothef ;'iu, i ne!oiiowing 11 mc .. c : as- gives to the -public ellabliih- Lepjlaiiv: Power i is :o be! a Council of State to take ''nSa'lI exercife various far.dions. i. They elect the members .of the ,?n 1 ve Be dr. and -the. Tr ib una t e , ; a nd fiL. r. .k- -i;fV f-thi!Nntables of the na tiosj or elecledf the third degree. ' . -:. . Thev fiiall pronounce on the uhcon- nitutibnal afti cprnmitted by ,th.e invipiable 1 1 ' - I .ha I WO-1 I 3I1VC. L.U LV I W oouies ui. iwv . "if;'. "' -i , - r er Inlife ttiit. into the order ct is - i he JM " ' ' - , ' . ' f : " ' I !' t-if i ,y Tie v fiiall exercile tnerignt ot furc on the lift of th NotableVot the natn, miy eveVyiy ear reduce one hundredth. part 4. i nsy c r- j i ' - re fa, ettablifhed in y. armies iter reward heir Warlike braeryi Beceive then, Jthe grand: refs of that order, as a teitimonyj or, rti: hUh effeem and triendimp.- at me fame time,a? commander-sv crol, (and fix" cVolTes of chevalier, the formet othich yob will give to General Pareralipn,: as; an ac- khowledgmcnt or in '"'"fo;. M,V and ccur?ge. The. reft are delbned for II.O y ... b iu v w f. t3 r ' - - . ' . i. . rfT - H Vl K II 1 1 11 V 4 W 111! AVXT 1 "X? rn4 Inrvl tol try .Se cumesv.or : ctrthe oincers M"r . ' u --- - rome a Grand Jury lj"J-W JJ ?J ,..,! ',, rn Vnu hall ludge mcft worthy Hiph.Treafon,:jmpureC to lue grrai . H1 adto.tbeir Clo- VnnAtnltirtM. null. u II :--t - ... . i . I nrKi rrrVi coin tr out of office,' or ,on .. .1 . P-Luimttte Bndv. 5' r r.1 into .i.fc VY:r ' r i The manner in hich the Cnnfervative Power lhall fiiljup vacancies in their - own Bodv, is Thrcecsn4iaetes ftiall.be prefen ed to them bv the Grand Council, one by the Le2ifiativeT3ody. aW bbe by the Tnbu- i. The Grand Ccaijcil'wtll be alone, Ic !f Mst God prefeTve youriheahhiwy dear pnrce, to .ccompUni the grsnd eHerpwzsr lirmed for tneiccpnvuu - fe'- r ana ; mCKT iiShe aliies l for Ihe fplendfl if the cmpirVit and for ycur own Lk:2 . lion (Signed Suwarfcw li complimented in fatisfac? I i ' i ; -' lettiad- I: if '".:. ! i i " - 1 V J.'f r:::: "' l -H-';i. i t : ti -V'. ' i. ' ' ! 4- ,.r, i t" ' r r.:.f ( -i