I .4 IE,W I O R K, April 10 : Tfa-ic Bell, of the fchopner Am- wVio arrived heic oil Monrfay 21 ft nit.' .be Vpoice 1 ' en marviftct'iresl againft thej union. all appear to be J cans. Capr ricah. c :fJriB t hit nn the ,uh,nn'f ,P1r Ichn Adams, in fight, of G'Jadoloi.be, who mentioned to him that the j : M Effehdi (U.n h war VMTTianil. vait.. m...- - - - . v not htm tikeri by ia French privateer Cayenne. I I mcnting his irmt to the mimr' r '' ! . ..u... i - -.'", wvicunam w,lj proved from MU. letters from from the genera s of ttje army ? mcb to Vienna, where ie ja to f i favourable to the oif and, iron j Lai evenipg arrived hiilBritairini? Majes ty's packet Kir I. Goweri capt. jL)eke, with tUe January and February nU;la- She left Falpouihithe! 1 2th of February. hs the mils were, not delivered evening, we are unable to lay before oor reader any detail ed extracts though weare aflbred there is nothing in them of importance. While capr. Deake was preparing to go on republic I , f 1 February 4. : I i J T"ll inIltnh. . I IT t .. late Envo? of the Grand J firmed, thai the Ruffian trooo havV C aeignor, ito tne v-oun or v iniu, waa toe- 5 jequence or ; the clilr.ercnces "the Merrimack, a exoneoofly Katcl : by heaJtd iri thiJAjind ofRhodei, for jcarHing . the Court ot Vienna and ! Peterlbu in a morning- paper ot lutjoay; way jon a correiponocnw .wiiujum.miu, j ciit.u orneri ro return home. 1 hi. Sir S. Smith haa lailcd in another on Dalnmia. con ; con- ' event i!ript J baacaufed.coafiderable anxiety lhrouohouf ' ! Geny ; and Enillahd iath"tftn!v I n ircaiy wi"';f 1;'5"'u-j 1 rrre fi iruc - uie,aiter fce reerTibfifK- mpnr nt inn tiii.cii raMKT-n..: . editor of th'u running over of lb 7th of fliore, tHe nrj7.(ir had the nflvileaa' Oi to ---- . r the columns of a London paper February, from which tit ii enabled to Hatejn a lummary way. 5 That the Eoliih goe.rnment bad received clifpauhes'froai Jarats Sa'umi'rez, at Jerfey, concerning accouRts of iwo engagements be" tweeii the; Cliouans nd republicans which terminate!! hi favor of the former- h That tfie: mpll aive prepiratioria continu ed to be mide for opening)ihe campaign, the allied armies on! the JWne and in Italy .be inia thej moft formidable rtate.j - - the hoftilities h'lcommoncel henween Paifwan Oglbli anil tieBajlhiw of Belgrade; That the committee of the Senate of AVer temhergwhoiemecting was lately dhfo!ved hy the 'Duk'e, had aidUkeir comprint before the public isa pamphlet j TfcAt Partt ac-' 'counts to the 2- nf February ftated that th Warfare in the weft ern departmer hasbten rather favorable to the Irpublicahs i fevcral of the chiefs have receive terms of psace- The troops difarraed and difbtnded. The Paris papers alio ftate, jtrjat oajth 25th 'jen a feve re engage me iit topic jplacc between-; the Chouans and 4he Republicans, whi;h ttrmi: Dated in iatot7 the Jatter. j That Lor d lG r e n will e's.'re f u fa I to the r ranch ti poKen liy bv the pris7f ournali That a tfaarrfcl has comma nder of th Aulfriai troop in Tufca ny, in confe-iuence of thedifbndnient 'oftbe pealantsxoitrat.y 10 the wilh of Mr, Wind- That Cadiz ffnd St. Lucar have been ofli dally declared Jn a Hate of blockade by Lord Jvfrlth. J t . That the .lone expe'dYed revoluiibnln Swit- ierland Wad taken place on" the. 7th January, the fie directors difplaced and the executive power entrufted to a provifory government. That Mamain, fo celr bVated, for the alTaf fi nation . of the i'rincefs of Lambeile, has ;been;arretedl i :: Vf ;-. , J. Vhtt on the 5th of Fruary ; 400 vedels nder conyo, failed frotn Portfmoutb, for different paris of the warldi : - . i, That on 'the 3d. tfe America Vefl-Idia and . Lifbon packets for January, were de tained byicontrary winds.! , v That at a late .meating of the Whig C lob,, Mrl Foxiwas toalted witti unboupded teft'- monies of regard. In Dublin Feb. 3, the qtieltion lias cu LuuciuMj "7-"- iy uuciua ?, ucui wi iuc uium hi; .mniiiniCtian tQ iQ-J VVallaee in tnj urituo.nouiebf Mom- tne emperor Paul.! Rtiiai end n!afH iP- .'V 1 -llL J,h-S--Li'l'rx?'L I. if". -i I r. . 1 . 'e ' ! 'I i I I::- :-- J'- Oarxi . .jM rto.. 7 V'Vt BMcaiqn or tne j n vucii terrns or reciprocal iriendlhip. that 1 i Mr. mons. I ' 1 : There Was then v oiei 1 2J,bdo feamen, from lh ft!traUori dftireufhftances (inee time, ier- I ; ire bitt f ence of the latter. ! , i that I The piakue, which carries off nu particularly bj the furrender of the I tbefdothern extrVmhiesiibfl Franr ' ' DutcbjflJet, it was demed pijudentftp reduce nifeUs itfeif by pimples on the tenfeue which treat with with nuch acriroot. Cett place Mr. WiiUham.Vthe BrrJtai minifter and the jfUnibn em ( tht the allowance tbi frar ioJooo men. fliouldbtherefore mhw it as rerolutioh of the committee,-that iio,too men moulde pioytd fijr tke fervic of the navy for 3 vear i860, includipl 22. 000 marines. I This morning Cajt.j J. Rradby, cbmrjrtan- der ofhi ' Majefly Ihip Ariadne, j arrived in town with difptchet to ; got ernment, which I were fent orTp his MajeSy at Wjind- . . r " -' ; I - - - " T': I. 1 I3y this conveyance. accounts werejreeeived of Cap ain Sir florn Popham lvin reached theUlIian frorities-on his way Peterf- burg. Where this afacer is to aft as Infpec- are He terminate in a prodigious fweljjng of th neao, and the patient er.crajly, diet in h ! courle of twenty-four beWs. A line of de; markation has been drawn in fevers J parts of the country by the French! to prevent thi. extraordinary difeafe from C O W E S, d it ion to Brit early in the ly a dj ufted itfis iatended, tor General of the'! Ruffian forces which j ii to be brought irto the field again! the enfuine fprir c. , j The arranr-fnints for the intended expe- I trance of the 1 V M llicli i 18 tO t ii ace Vig campaign, are now near- l hsve the chief cjnmmancl Britifh forces ;j their battalions d firfr,.fecond, and thi regiments gMafds'afe to accompany himi The the foot T- IT? ' rrnmnanv mm. 1 ne numan troops at Jerfey and Guernfey; ano aj irefh quota to be Tent for the fervjee of i England, with tiie allied power in their endeavour to ettabUmja monarchical government ijf France; Several recjuifitiooatare' nojwjlgnitjby the livery of London, recjueftingithe Lord May or to call a common hill to f etition fbr jeace Veftminifter. and; fcveral eotimies ihd prin- cinal towns throughout the country derliand, will Quickly folfo the cxjampU w un- HAMBURGH, Janua ry ;s8. . AArdintr tn authentic inform10" new oiurcciicri tioTc, ii iik , fi Courts of Peterlburch ard V.una; L Among other taules, the former U b veJPen, difcontekted at the eond-tt ft tne; uitr.ans ftulation ot Lincona. will not however a. icootiuue to lup- with refpea to the ca Ti'.. P,;rtr of Bma , ., J i. . bandon his otKAiiut 'portVheo"uCeJ -,t u;u the etcommcdation aetwee tht Court of Peterfborgb and Vienna remains in. furpence, Martial Su. war,V ilUII continues jat Prague, and R&f n, trao'ps are new c loathing and equipping. ' Mr. J Wickhani, t t!he Eijglifh JViiiiter; whoie! extraordinary laftivitjr in . fupport of the common cauie cas never ioe torgivcu wy the French Republic, has let fome the of theldirTcrcn- preadiii uielf. FertiJry 6. Artivtd ' the Bcftyn packer, Matthew jStroug, mafter, from Virginia.. In t. a$ ilpng, 1 1, flic was boarded jb tt French, j privateer; the3ptsjn cf j which opened all ! 'bfa leitersV nadelaxnciedbis paptrs for up- ! wards of three hours. I Capt Stronf. during I 'Uiis lapfe, meDtionfd(to the French ofTlcers, that the American ambafladors had been cor-j djally received at Paris, and remonftrarecf on the violence of tbeir proceeding, after the pacific difpofnion the French government had fhewn ; fwhich hei believes iiia'uced the prii J-J -ii1,J -I. .V:-.-." - r vatccr; men 10 reieaie n.im; -v-apt. otrang" was informed on board lhe Frenchman, that the privateer, about 10 ftJas ; before, had taken! a lare fhip letter oil marque, belong-' ing to Lancafter mounting 10 guns, afferi i fevere action ; Ihe iwsi bound from St; Ear i tfolomcws to Liverpool, with a v'ry vaU able esrgo, FRENCH KKPUBLIC. i bur eh for Munich,' iiforder to coneludcj defi- J4w. ...... 1.--. .u:u n.Ani. r liite' the treaty by which with as phoned until the Wednefr A petition From the eorporav.u-0n 5aUaIjonf cf hi. troops, to be emplby ed rora tne guild ot mercnani. , xr aLd Jin- the fxda !of the Rhine I The lEteftot Legtfl&tive Body, 13 Pluyipfe, Febrarri.L;-. Jn fjpeaking of deiieral! Walhington, Felir Paulcn.' faidVi j. (i ' '. 1 4 ff,1 Thii is not the moment to retrace fa thie hall, all that' that great man has done fr the fteedoBi of America , the number and impor' tancefof his warlike exploits j the generoufti infpi ration with which he animated the Fr4u'cbj who fbuirh t under him, and the fublime acV by which he did eternal ' honor to his no'J mory, when, after having contributed, foi much to give freedom to his country, he laTcl down, voluntarily, the ; fuprease power tol hide his glory in the obfearity of private lifWv ; . : J ; - ; : " Malice an4 mean jealoufy hjve affempt-i. ed to 'fprea'd a deadly venom over fo great life ; Dut their perfidious U'Ccnuations are loft in the.univerfal faffrages cf his grateful felt low-patriot and of all tb free wen in the univerle. j Vv Yet he is no more! ! eologium affords pleafure who has doubly merited the civic palm,: botU as a warrior and a citizen who combined' ot froln Augfr J every virtue with every talent; who, after; naiuf prgun ana iu poor tea tne revolution uy hisabilities, h!s valour land virtue, knew? bovr to terminate it byp the moderation as. well as Jthe wifdom of his jcounfrls ; who haaV done more yet than render his eouatry snta That Hero whof to great, minds ; 11 on la I aug- goidimitba ; and trom in1 V ..f fmiiii iiiiln'nii