LONDON, March t. I !.f I -I Ttaty hetw:tn Ruffia. d?d Swrdgtx a r the treaty ot frKndfnipahc .. ... th 1 humeror of all .the V- nn the other par, -concluded, J0" .1. irh n'ffMftftir .aifchi.s. on c J r fiiackhjliti, on ine um Id ii Gatrclin:.oa the 1 sih ot December, V-e nv i contraainr parties guarantee ' . .1. Lrl r sll 'iltllr Sff?t&. k.iiy to :icu ;,v?; " r " T ' n-i- M-i-'iJi" tJ.c King or.aweoen uni" . pe- li e at Ndv. the elements, thinking it miidi itiqr jprobaU ible that the appearances tl tdiliRjf, have been aiiumea by tue- enemy as a ttr atageni to decoy us out n.iull thejgaJes cr ihe tquihox;, than ihat they ihemfeives Ihouidldi-eUhej rhardy or unwary enough to bratcHu dari ra!lea have been granted by all thejHatfonf at w jir witli Britain 10 U.e L&d ' He lion, "a Letters from rNapies'iraie, ma m? ; icw uim i yw new cuuuituuon. 11 1 I t W betfecn ' leflandria rd -Aquiy;- to fopport the attack mtoiuud ll Kivicra cii Le va me. ' f ;;': :y:-.'r' 'I he rhortality of the French troops;;n I taly is (iat.ed to have induced their coihmsnd-Vt- to otter a Neiociaiion to'Ottt io ap prehe.itive of the epidtmic dileafe fpp-eding Vii hwh trf.nni. had aPICtd td 'II At -nnfiice. fieoeot the Vae:te.i Malta, hs been I 1 r and.J ail h with c pn- all r '5 . 1 v : m .1 . t. n t r rl ' a tl II ihb n-Lil efiicacioas aieaftires or ;o repair ,,, the mbrt imimite correjpoijdence. I .ile each, cfser prompity -rana, U,,.' arty.exterirr iruif y '-r trouble :.LiKo (ilC. OI r . i tic I -VV- r ilov in tiai . : , . 'ft l' K contrary, all expectaxjon, ii( iri ihwu'ti b atiarlud in his European; 3ir:ceit tlV- nnS x loon u, i...., u at' a ent4 to h -lilitie. In car iSefe nefeni7tions :,t..uUt not j ucu, reliili'be lurnish' ii, 'Oil .demand, a in-. I'iniiti'r of tiwns. a' folloiv lisiveilli MiciU t!ai furnifh 8qoo nu auJ ?soo trivaii;, or dragoona, at r - . i . lOI Ul lllHliVirV. V "Cdlin bn-f iUn i& aprniDied to r!ht corn. manh of tt.e r.Jii.nca, oli.., on hoard of tt h eh Sir VV iliiini Paikti w ijj noni his, tiaL M- .--I.' : ' -- !.: - -: - i - -i i -. 1: 1 '- ! - . -i ' ..... e through ail tui of echoice of !); ;paM viall'd i j on i Iia Z ' 1 ; " 1 I I I iojtei ot ;o cans each, .Jn tne part j Msj;iiy ihe bmpetor' 5 11 thei Kofliasj, ere H,ilUe luri-'iiled to ihi ali, 'OOP Arf and 4G0J! cava try, or dragoons, at t - convenij-.cj jo- til: party Cftifed upon, r.s-v.iif is of -ti.e; line lr iv 60 tr 70 gUni, ,- " ..... ' .! . I I ' i I. I ' il t . id ihrte. trig?tes'ot I30 gv.iis e.ach j ; ( 11V. It the luccqurs ttipuiaud n ne pr et treaty, IhouU) not' be found fufbVien tor fce dftience oHhat. one ol the contracting irh Ifiull hf attJtktil the other r,.-rl bv the combined Rutlian. and KnnU.'h 1 and and Se,Kor.esi . lien Mall na. w lib tooK;nn puage 1 10 ben.oa in a ItUcca, f-a very Dfl being iakn off tle !iiighi9.f . Savons by jah Eng-. I i fli flnjTHe? j wii inde bfeH-lor 'lst fAfeiy to the fall tailing! of the lelucca, and to the Eoglilh fliips' carr ing away her topmalt, i The AuilriJn Inurnalaare filent as to the t)aiiicip?tion ot the Court of Pt 1 tying in the war a pain ft hi ante. On the ifeihv ult. the fir'd divihon of ttvftiaui -palled Cracow. 1 ' " .H.V' ... . 1 Le Rufiiah Corpa in .Bobeznia ? flimated at 45,000 men,, ;.'. ' I There. are i 0,000 French troops in Flan ders.' to covef it Irorii an ap'prehtndcd atlack of the ErglHIj. ;; 1 . French tro67s ,ar daily marchiirg into Holland to completa. the auxiliary force of 25:000 men in Lutch pay. h . Gen. Tarleioii is to have a commanc in tie IVcrei expedition. ! Gen. Fox, lit is laid, was to procede Tome time lince it and another regiment, to cnnia4 lhe " tack ct Malta. Icrjrlalit'ax. exprefs came I the fhort lpa itf i prf v sous -agreepen't,' vfliijl; aflm wiyi irtater nu 111 b e t, j o f j v e; (t e 1 s . ) i t u c i in i 1 1 e d To 0 do by his own inuation. j' ' "'-' 1 ' V. This rn-nce to be in force foV SyeifSi fThtfe are followed by ibme oiher article fflifefet importance ' .j: Treat t tet ween Rufjid and Portugal, Tfe treaty oralliancc, between pvifllaj-nd ortugal, was figned at Petet fourj, the ;2irt actember, 799.. 1 two M'R vJllfIions ; . they declare tnat their object is ;at'to do wron to any power, bat to con -ibe to tiicii T'.Vii'n! benefit an4 frcurify, to the Te.tilabiin.,nent ot peace in Kn-lP'- I uUipulated .that on trie requifi" on ot cither -of. the twr powers attacked j:h ir puliVdlun, Rullia is at hrft to fur- Roaoo'i.-.fjatrv. nd that Poftnali on ' other handi is to1 furnifi to 1 he RLffian Minifte at FUt'Jn - anrl --. Prtni'h'WlfillteTiurnrniiiie'' five ln the' " frne hotel. 1 his iii conjunct has; prcdu ceca corifid'erable degree ot ahimofiryiiii t een ; the fervanta of theT two A'mbalfVdorsV-l' Ft cm ' ivords they at lenbt rofe en! mafle, and . proctded to blows V hatever lijfilory da' ' cidJd lor ihe jmpeiialUh or the replbticaas; w e 'have; not heard !j but the trr p ittics ara .f (till!, it' is faid, in a gat e ol infur r ct ?on. ; rtf ' The nobles which formerly ri etiv t d, pen" fioris from the republic oF Vcuict"nov. btg about its llreets.i ;' - f -V, . v.-'j' 7 i '-i!- : . The infeription on the gate of th ThatU leriies, . T hat the joth ot ruguft had def, 6oyed Royally, and that it -Ihcutd 'never l revived has been, by ordr ot Buonaparte ftaken.dbwn.: ; v;viY .K H-' i jl he Will of GeWal Wafliington is eve-- - II is laid," wS o pruvpuej uiv 5 1 j w ' t . t - r 1 om Minorca! . iiii I J LicKoaiLxJiixiplwJijLhi f 7 te,rstTom Vr.alknd) and J whole life guided him in ihe flpnfai tt his. ample properij ioe fiimuiiiiiui ni 11 bJity. aire the propagation ol knowledge, Tiif khewthat u-ithc-tit Irt fdom people can ndt oe happy ; and that without-knoi'lcric' a nation ht-a but little chaNca oh lung bung tree. . Ke tRiancipatfC hiK. dates' alter ih.a wife's dedth. lmprovirg upon. this direc tion of her hi fbnd. Airs WaLington, to whom we knew not how we can pay a more j 1 ! ...r.i ; ... t h t 1 . . . - 1 acceptable tribute than to fay . that flia w as) wjdt thy of luch a man, has, it is j faid,j aU ready emahcipated them. Hef bequeaths the 'property given him by the go-jtrrvment (wihicU he recieved of:ly yp'ori cor.ditit n that he (hould be; permitted to appropriate Jt to public ufes) to the founding an Univcrfity. Ihe bounty tot the date is 1 h lis m a d e a fo urc of benefit to the ftaie, and property recci-, ed from the people is conrerted to the noble purpple of propagating knowlidgc among the people. . . j . i ,:- - '. if , .. -- v Government, we underiland, yeftefdayjl received b exprefs the refult of tha debate io the Inih ?arliament on 6th ar.d iooll iro--L.:ib r it., inttniicd Union. .The from Holt head to Lonoon in :c of twenty etht houjriand a UUI 111 I ! ' :,. I - . , Whenlthemealure 01 ins un.u y,... nrlt Rulfia,' a ron, of 6 fiiil !ot war, five from 64 to ) JJ a fr;s'e of ?;2 i or 40 r!b fdrnifhad1 with money, at jthe op ion ry iquau-iemployed four droit, lor illy. the. KiPiT Great-i ; lo be furni&W by th:S r, . ..A.a. .1 ic r-mnltrd ope etithe advaota tb -refult tr cm it to-rbLbpirf at Jll w unoeiftand, be the Ubhfli. ot TrelarAi; w'ith additional diviponi of( roteft them. T he w ifdom of thi j fvltem iqually confpicUSin each of a parts ; tor call ror p that has, on .u n Lus oUafion's. dimnguifidiitfelf fcr, u. tility and galUntty, be too largely mencu , . Rk-0lut-10Q(i upon ihi T.foH..r-.r"'f 'I" "j"1 li.mrnt.i th. ill.b forwarded o tg!,d nKttiricd . thei a all c ij i " 1 ' . w. 1 -. i Ireland. The Uniori rts fcon will by will by iretumeu ; I" j" HTr - M Bill w ill then be feroogbt in, and a rlp9n -.f J . ; - itv...r nl t k l-i(n rXTM it has Dafled t.ntf two '1 " I - 1 liament jth'ey be out- Thel.atid fthenartt rtqiiirino. 1 he axil pet Wortuj'af. Ilhall alwava ! he- I o ... r . . jointly with the RuOi.n ib 'lmf i f thii L itin. If ihe iaids are nm rffirii.n the contr$cting pr" !tmi , ,. 1 ... aJftftiiiice. ! ie !) r cut nj Hull !iot maUe peic rr truce without: iucludOg nrnPAAtt.ft AFtfl m ui uj? jui , j ,i the clofc ol the pr.Un: .eman.f- . . w I . fi '. hi anv nw election. 10 will riot, rt ie y " j , riiri i ii' .he nretent Members for Loun : - ..,L R.,cl.i,Utiv for Ihe i'tj nJ ...i tt..:.;-Jrf, will be returned td the Iro C.nt. This arrangement will hicludt 6i Members: therernaiuing 32 ;.wiU . 1 . , .h vita I Hnroufihs. vv a be ctroien rroni w . ,i " March 18. ' hae not heard in what ; manner Bilhops and i8.Peei will be cleded. the four1 We irofcft to feci a UttU une.y: t tKe though s of the vhoie enanpeVuvvr:'"- lt LOWER El feE, AftUS'l The f.fchslJke Charles is arrived at U?m. Private letter frcm Vierna afTure. that his rdvsl hiphnefs will remain in the ncigh bourhood of the theatre of war. ; j It feems at length confirmed, that'i prince Suwarrow died loddenly on i tha 3d ultimo on his eflate near Kobrin.r i '-" 1 . The French are ee'dcat ourinr,- with might, add main, to raife ten or twelve millior a of livres ircrti the merchants of Holland, whom theylfuppofe at a lofs what to do with thir capital, Tince they have been hutjoot from, trade and navigatioD, by the .blealj JS r reocu imeriy 1 ' i r--, VIENNA March rc j The TurkifhambaiTaaor here, Wing re- . j i:r .a.. k: courier from, con- dantinople, ha. publifhed the fctrowinp .b llraft of the capitulation concluded, between the Grand Vizier acd the Frerch Genial, KUbcr, refpeaiDg ihi cttcuama of Efi7P LfWarJs cf 20.OCO Auitriant ire . . 1... . 1 ' .vk :