i . 1 1 !' , ..... . I - - ' ... J- lers are alreatf? S Alii I S B U R .1 S A L I S B V Rt S Printjed at 5fc JjybE1 11; $ : is '1 : . . i I :.. .... 1 - - PtTBLl IHEt "( ;i- sf. 1 j f : : . . U A w ' . MERC, t) it F RANG ER, ::-i IS COUPE E. - ; J.. .IV I i Vol. III.- Contiouatio i of late i 1' FotkIji InftUijenc. ! M I L A -N, ' May f . 1 ' 1 1 iHead-Qnsmrsi Albensa; May In orHer to incrr sfc.the diflrefs of the clMy blorkadf cl in Genoa, to . . .. .- . 11.11 '' . C.i . . m itj iruiiite iiiii more ui , pickch outr fifle tof t he ramparts ; ia ;fine to nj iei "0 nis troops worn down by j i;. ordered. fe?erttm ail column to cia the l. 'tlie enemy s' detacbmeht in the p? I;7erj and the Valley, of This cau fed confiderable alarm in 5- ene pface. Viae b plicrd permit jttack pofted. Genoa. ;' ;J - -i 'j' i iv. ' ';. ; .'r ' : . The riwerv of our volunteers (oon brought en ihem; the fire of all the batteries butl aK broognt in, taken at that The enemy hat'deHroied it Alhn ga depot of ertillerj, with its lihcratory ; however. 4, j in return, have ot beflton cl; a confiderable powder magaz;iie, . Weil as, twenty pieces of cacnonat ftUffio.l I &c ; taulPd pen eiUm tl;e to be pui fuef towards L.ang.uegua oy 1 1 lettltd in perfta ritja ui7raai Linifniw v;u trtnouncei! tne prclest cofcttnuti&n in 16 thouin many o to the bullions, them had penetrated . near cur .ofs was not : conflderan I r . I . . . ye, I pur piecss of cannon taken on the Pont j. ... - -! , . : - -: 1 . I . i i . . . ' were the j- it CariftUano andj 20a prifor.ers. I price of Je valour of the repimenti of Spit- The enemy has Gnce been dail? warried in ; , . s . - - t th!siy b field Marlhaf Lieut; Ott. to whom 1 have eciruitrd the command of tlockide.jin orrtet- that might haflen Savon with the brigadivde Latternjanrf1, id in the corps of Field Urfhall Lieut. -Ej f- thz. f arri ved on the27rh A nril at ! Bdrac ,Di Ltatne, ana t maae arranpements to at fm a 1 1 1 d i i fio n s , and I h a e 0 r dred thevbrigide of Lattrrmann to I take pofirioh-tiertr, jft Ufilo, lb the hiean time i Uiall Wairtill l rear ot tlit ieorrs of th f. t v r. . 11 - - f HiauLt-it, wjhA arrived yeHexdv a( Foca Cuirario and iNallino and, from thence 1 main to chnf allev ir Krm . I ir V "-- "V ouu vrnote fortune it . followed t i ! . M1 v .:, r In the laft century, the inteftine dir.fioni bout the form .of governments lo drlrlitWd the Rate, f bat the Genoefe Were j, obiigecjl to put themtW lometimes (under iibe protec tion of the Duke of MiLn.i and j time times under the King of Kraace ; but ftrfe Utter , treating them hh intolerabul ballrhtiDeft end rigour,! they Orugled harobuiuhnic. cefsfully, for liberty, trll. that nifal hero. fsidrew porta, in Ija8, rtfeaed iiislcoantrr 1. cjut of the bands or . iir tyra 1 rr. i r treedcan, and! eftabliflied :ountry matter?. to mr tne severable tnteUfience that! he haar srueJIv bombarded h ih. irw.lill 1 . - I ;. - , , a it.: . . J " siv;i umn ot ttjeJiemy wbjcbmadejt iae ttielr Irom total dtftructiowTwa" objip:- two of re pu I fed a c o 1 a fortie from Genoa rear Coronato, t occalion he made 14 officer! at j' prifoners. Our lofs in ff a ,irJ the above .fbecticned aft ion, is very tdnfi derble Top much carutot be laid of th bravery and cjonrtancy of t ne troopsl Gen tt particularly notice he counpeous con-J I 1 : ! .! ' - . i . . 3.- ' 1 I duel of , Lieut. Jucheniri of Spleny, ho i in the above Idftie, atracte the en;emy at :. it - wat JOti this ed;t6 fubmit to very V fcard t a vsrt this j the point of th tto T i! cpmpanyi find a half, and after killbg reat cumber! urovc mm oacK. i ;; tick on ti e folloiwia morninff the poiition Ffl Sr. aatus,-beyond cappra Zoppai , 'fl to me was tm onthe ejmove- pJIdvatiliViwhh a column bv the mouatar'rs Tvarut .ui)c incicguo ana ZdUO. 'General Lattcrmann was at ihe lime ti toUfla ek Borgol Ki n a le a n d Sa i t Pa n t a Vo1 n e . EIajtpenerai Gorupp, pqftid in t he j eicvi ronsof Ceva, and who had been reinforced by F. M. L. Kain, was directed to? com trrr.ee operations in the environs of St. Ber- Kiel J Marflial L'ir utetlant Kaira !rake ort his fide a vigorous attack Coi de Ttndt" !Intimidted hv the ' 1.. . U J r -:!---: nients, jthe enemy ' abancorifd, without mak ing the 'leatf refinance, i this fb highly ad van- tagfous pofition ; and on the 30th of April le tookfthati '.of; 5t. Spiriro, rontinuinoj to Mcupy Laono, Caltiilaro and Roca Bardetia I the fame day, removed mV head-quarters" to Finale. . --" . J..! ' -h-i ' ', r I ' li The dolumn which had taken the route of Ihe mountaJni, ; adranced by Sept Pins on Won'e Calvo or Montr Zu'ovo, and thole, by Bardinetro tow it da Roca BaVdrna. ; General tr had Goropp alfo marched from St Bernardo, ivrd Man re Gal. . Je made a ' function rutra with GenerarrLattermariB, who ld'anced alone the coaft towards Berfi. 1 c: On the ift of, Mav. Alainr-General LaJter tnnn attacked the poft of Lbano, which was n pcueiiian ol the enemy, fquadron! tae cth rePiment of hufiars. commanded V - 1 1 i ... ' of who, Captain G3ver.da. fell upon the enemy I jfcai ideffcended from the heights into fmall plara.ctjiok l ofKee rsiand 200 V loldiers; and forced-tnem to retrea. precipitately towards Bqrhetko, a place which the enemv fortified witn gneat car. On the 2d of Mav, i eftab'ilhed my hfid 3trterjai pietra, waiting. the progrefs of The i.ng at prelent accountlof the for ward fhrf e havener; with a E N O A. tity arid fiate of Genoa, in Itf-j, bed ... ...... ! 1 II the iubjfct ot contenation, aa j to lay before our readers lUe iol'owujg tiiftoi iKal account of the f m?, together wlitb tlbthj of the Bochett and jSavona. if GENOAij a republican Itate ot Italy boHnded. on the north bv ritcmont.i'lhe. iiH I! i I . w i I I lautle. and the Par&efnv on th tall by! thf ;(lates of thftf Dike of Tufsny , , on tb fouta by the Mediterranean lei, and on the well 'by the country of N'ce j it is about 1 20 milej 'jn length.' but fcarcely 'in aVy ' part . 'inore ihan tvrtntv ift breadth. J he country 1 hountalBoo9 and part ol if cbered 'wlin 'bar ten rock, which ferve for its dele nicer Some or the mountains- are covered will 4 . 300 foldierljtwnh were, that the Doge and foU Coun' tr, as well a 'color's ll.ould appear in nerfon at Verfailleil and sfk pardon ; and !tat the ftate fhowW difr arm all galjies excapt fix, with promif rot to fit bu.t more without theUqnferr of the king. The ancient jnobility cotinft if iZ families, and are them vvhem Aidiew Doia, in I5?8, fe pa rated frrm all the fiff, nd de clared on y capable ot'jhpfdibg it he thirl effi cei, and digr ity of Drge ; all the ether i d ha b i t a n t s o f G e h o a t e 1 n g r e d u c r d by , hi to the tlafs ol .commoner a. &ince that tim ir1, has been found necellary to' cteate other nobility, I who'1, are allowed io keep manufac tures of veUet filk and cloth, to Jcrrn the mi.Mar operstion C3ryii'H uuun, sou 10 nr iiurti in mcrcnam wc arr jjn b,fg -' j 11 loiber fiandy eratta re lei bid f den. The I ord of revr rr n ent is ariftocra. 1.'. i 1 - i .vood, and fon fmall iv but a e yield -rood pafture. Ther li. i a riJ ouaniity o arauic , 10 th it the inhabitants are obliged to . purhaff part cf their corn from other countries ; howf ever,: tWooglicat they ear: they are fupplied tvfih j excellent legumes and other vegetable! tor thejtabW?. They niake a cofderabli qua nitty; of, wine, and abundance of ejtcelieti truiti especially citrens, orngea, pcmegra4t nets,! almonds aiid figs. A reat many mull berrir. trees are railed to feed llU worms ?ard d1ii?es ?rew in gteit plenty, efpeciaVlj round the pulnh ol Spezzia. Salt is produced fuflicienV for exportation, i The inhabitants jare RoJSan catholics, and fubmit toibe tri. Ibunal d the inquiStion. ; The Prajeftants , dwel in tne town, are not beloved, but el iri floni I who :are liifTered by the mag:ftratee to d peace Tbe ranufaclures are not fb rifbing as theyj formerly were, tfce mbfl coni uiucri gc colamn of the mountaina This toiumn on & 3hd yerterday took pofifiion of jMoait, ,-3iea"na of Roca, babona, befides forciogjthe nemy tb abandon the iinularlyj advantage 8csjcfiion of St. Spirito. ; The enemy ffed Jtb thk greateit prccipitatibo to RoCa (Cui trom ihence byKlbenga to Atatfio, 5oaftQtly purfued byfthe cavarryi The cMalry fell apqn the rear guatd of the enemy, ltlr Al )cnga, Sevca ofiicere aid 1 07 foldi fiderable are velvet, piufli, damaflc, ent kind, of ii k, gold and filver flufis, lacei glotes I flock logs, riboDa, fop, PP t imititelthe Indian, &c; IThe loancyacrurn r.dr.giNr!nrfd il too' w re at -r rice be ine paid for tfe articles thev marufaclore I and the infecuritv of i their potts conlibot preatlv' to enfeeble their commerce The bankiag bulinefs of Genoa is vcry copfidrraf lie be ft ble. and the bankers are'cltecmeo to an Europe. -The city of tal of Liauria. It was i deftrojed : ibv the Caribagcniao and rebuilt by the Komaasj Genoa was formerly ike capif The foi tip..' The kChjef.t. called Dogf or j Duke, te w.hJch digrVily ro perfon is jr emoted till he fa fifty years of age, and has for tlftpen- yean left off all trade cr occupation not ccnf'fient with nobility Every two years a new ogt h thole n, and the former i? J incapscitatfcl during five years to hold aain the fame t.rA ; liuwc'ir, .llv lie) a ji vim iiui uiuv uiu. ed him and a; perilion of 500 life : In ti'mei of feacej I the Republic keep on foot. a body of-5CCO regular Deitoea tneie, it nas alio a miutia, cafe of neceiTtyj is obliged to tak The cavalry, in the time of ''!. t . y . -Ir only to aoout 000, who ar by reafon of the badnela r fleet of the Republic, for its victories over Veniciant, Spaniard continuing a corfld aarainia, tviaita, Cyprus, and man Mediterranean a the Black Sea, t is how reduced about ten tniles ed.ro wards t 1 1 1 veral baftion rrn rftcVt or hi' ww ft reals a re two ire fill ted with r (hop. T( flile, nd) -LvJ . . .. uic, in 11 rurioaa h raid, fou Crofades their fharl thedraj, i es, many domed wi The X)dge tioo,jcxcei rial and the entrac . 1 1 34,000 m fcudi for 7 r 1 1 M 5T , , ,

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