f." -i M '':'? ,! : V ' ; 'U . "iji- ,J ..II" , -. ' . r:,i,K- .0- '4? v -wr THE N O Rf H C AROLI N A MERCb i t ' L. U C I LISTED fUBLIIHED AN'CIS CO U P E E, . r . f . 1 ;. f K O M. E U R O By the EarlofLtic:f'er Brit.fi Packet, arrived . at Ha if ax, the tnit. in f:oys from ai mc&th, bringing dates to June iOtk, tA L I F A,X, i July 17 We havefftopped the prefsto mentionlthe grrivjiV of the Earl of Leicefter packer, from fnlfiiboth'iij 3 We luve papers by tier td the iCtii u!t. Genoa (till held out.' The French army hating cro'Sedi the t ftlps, hA fetched the ruins ot rirdnn ietcnet 1 . the drooni; on; the fanguirx ; more pa' tnylins the trench ha?e I oj lea. 1 oJUwinj ex. 18P af-MA j. General Melas ha-1 pdrmced isd 1: was expected tht a general engai;e inent vroufd; take place in a few daya which would, decid the fate of. Italy. The Auflri" jn aririyuhder General Kray, had retired fc?hinc the Danube, -after leaving aigarrifon Jn Uhn, andjGrneral Moretu did f nlt f dif eovcr a portion to advance further into Ger fcianyj but as i detaching a part of his army to jtsly The;renwal of hofHlitic in Egypt is con irmed by official advices receiv-d by frovernmenti i A- report prevailed i that the French fleet (wai at Tea, and this reportiwaS confir!medly ;an Afnerican7eliel j vhich; the Countjsf ,itK d Vifdn?, which C5ine throtiplil : l I r wai attack- ountjsf o Leicefer fe.l in with, the nisf- J ;pr wHch!r.' pnned th'atj he ha 1 fall n in.; r,itH n Vifi'm'r, which C5ine throupli' thm) , ll !s intelligence 13 truest we 'have bat our btae :;:r 1 II foi in giveja caumUf -tf ii Thfc '-treaty bt!ve Auierics. wa , proprciijn!j tail vas ex pecljs'd. would in a very fhurt finally concluded: v.o iirJ goon . hi s 1 TV received large fuppliii ef provi M 1 1- A fs, May 17 : Genoa1 ftill hbMs out. s The foil tract of an ofhcial letietfrom rue-Id Maffha! Lieutenant Count Hohenzollern o .ajor General t3e Nicoletti, Commandant , of Milan couinslaccounts of tbc lateft tVcnta in Ithat netghbsprhood ' Orcfcl'e, May 14, Yefterday ed by the whole garrifoa of jGenoa, jThe nelled a tnore fevere ;eiigsgeinet; We I had the good fortune to defeat the enemy, j . lien. Soult (the firft after Maflena) hp Adjuanr, a Cclbnlel, a fid'; maiy 'officers: ' wej-e.'nade' prifoner? by ut, about 1000 prjvatea of the enemy a troops killed, wounded or -made . 4 v 1 - '"!' .. t if i- priioners Among tne wounciep is tue v.en. of Divihon rioipitalet. VJur.Iols amounts to about a 40 men. ; Milan, on the pa-t of the Imperial com mandcr in chief, May 17, iSoo ;-j (Signed) j : . .; ; 1 tk Nicoletti, Ma, Gener A wt!$esj, iMay'15 The Auftriani bav vacaatrd Nice i -1 hey entered jthe Repu ' ut htvc; bren repolied by General Roc Drive rvad ght Honourable Colonel Clinton, by ihe Ri. Lord Grenrille, hia : Mij,ft y . principaj Se- " ' cretary or Slate lor rorrin nffairs. J ' e.d-ururs, UIn, May 23 l8cc: Since the armj croiTed the Danube at this flace on the 12th inll. the ene'my hi, no f 5ntur,d to Undertake-any .he of confeJ quence: in the niht of the 18th he pa(?ed the: Danube, in confiderable fprcej, at fb?cJi; . and the following day reconnoitred heVoQ j tion of the AaHrians. on the hi-iKt. i,A-i' j ;be town "'cb Ik found fo formidable,' 'that" e re.croneo the Uanube io the courfe-of ihe night, and returned hi pofitiobl-between that river and the liler, without iiemftJD'g ' toy hing. , , , . 4 , ' ' . June to. ." ' 1 . All' our remarks 'with refpeifi to Cfentrar He doa not Germany, hue. 9- HA H the A! L E M, J'.sIy 581. J private htier frcm Htii.fzx cotitawrthi foU I -jttng a&Htionql intelligence : '. j ; " t lie i'9h of May the ChannH Fleet ondtfij Lord St. Vincents put into i otbay in dulrrl. l -veral or the thif, diimalted, and cilier Bre(t aclu3 St- Vi Iwife materially iniured. a . . r I p:nei fleets an opportunity Thisi ve the to leave -i-which ita fald they embraced. t, and ly failed- the 27th i pfj May, "Lord incehtv, with aj many of his tliips as rould ?e got rc idy, acd StvtrrA joticrs that had j.oined' him, put to fea, in' quejl of .the tnmy.,' Should they meet, lYe confequer.ee is obviouL---Thc Duke of iKent leave thia place in '(hort time, .being 'ai; we iiave juft f learn by tae; packet appointed commander in chjef of the army in llreUnd. Capt rf the. packet reports, r'htt Geaoa ia aclually , relei4ed. bqt we do not find c hhl report rau4 thentjlcatell--its,, how'e v r, more tiun I pro babte. Royaliftn is faid in the late paperi J,0!g4 ground faft in! ; Pa rh-L-fcut j .whether for L'ew js j Vill. crl kina .Buonaparte, is perbip' ( probjeaiaTi&ai.' I India's lyet, no- tning refpctlihg Amjficn arTairj; hniidd the inimen'fe pet plcxityj 3rid importance of &urpjieaa politics trah'fatlantic concernsap-.' peat banotIctdt,, ; O Operations jin Italy, i N " D 6 -N,; June to. : The Hsmburgh mail arrived in cc;urfe; yef terd.ay. General Mela's, as we. hai previ ouilf ohfervrd, appears to have hadjearfy in farniMfoa of the progfels made ! byj General , Bertljier'and Buonaparte, He was to proceed to Turin. !the lih of Mav. and liavn2 ef- t ifted a iuncl:on with the ! Aultrian f 23,poo) near that ; pjace, it w he tt niTmnfi t one- . rations againft the ene.ny in Piedcnont. ! : MatTena, Itill makes a gallant dejfence in Genoa, amj l)0p-s of the fpeedy ed'Jclion af that important ciy became ecry day lefs We are ?g3!n upon fhe Var boundary of France, . fThe AuftfianS hied oil through the mountains on the to Conjv This precipitate rttteai can iioct. be j occauaasc bj(the indtlosis of. the Hi - ; ." ?rr 'io. : ,' CJ Mr. .Arthur FaL?ttfc frr S j:idy frornlPalermo, riv;j on alio ant, Tfho ar 1, Goveruinent recrived difpatthe? from liorti Kfiifi, of a very recent date and of a confidmbltf im portanc. fiisl Lor(!:!i!ps; d fpatcb? ifter. ilatiiig ti furrrnder of the c'.t iei oS Sawona on the 1 'th' of. May, in confequence of fanainr, mention that en the 19th o ti.s fame mdh'th,: the Maiftrates of Gei;oa requ ffhd per4i(n on of General Ott to fend a t of truj to General iMeljas'whic -vis :&f ; Ther i?ta.reof the mflige tjas' not 'known, bt H is fuppoifed tp'Coctain an oti'er to. furrtider up the city pn certain conditions. ; Mr- Jackfon's difpatches frojn Turia ion- firm the j report) of ihe Wiarcli otj General pie las towards Piedmont,' for.the; purpole ot at tdcklna ihz armv of Refervei tJcidrs it re- ceivra additional reinforcement 1 ..-.it 1 . t., 1 t.t n.'.. that the ,w hole of Buonaparte s exceed 19,000 men on the I 5th reau I is ,certainly drawing oft mj from the DLnsbe, to kippoit the pro, of the Chief Gonful-in Italy. ; I -A-:, !.'' ' ;:1 'Vluiie'e d ' Thm nnrmmt n f (irntrjl IVjeJai 9Z the left y:ng of! the armyr of Italy hevp It is ftated army didt not of May ; tart of. hi attended by aivery cavalry, expecled with complete fucrtf and.- maQefly, ftroke diminillied the btr ot his enemies. . : The Qruggle that is to decide the fatf cf Genoa, will probably take placej in thVpJains 6f PiedmooV where the ftuArji n cavalry are eacamped . in very confiderable force. (The Briiilh fleet,, under ' the ; commad of f ord Keith, has rendered the tnoft uiefuf ferices to the common Jcaufe ; but Maflena feemk de reruiiocd to hold out to the laft extremity :"- -l'st r ." ';-; k .1: Operations in Gerrnany Vienna May 1,7- io.ocp rkinforcerpents r rnarchinc towards babia. Hi e roads arc covered withamuiunition and a gens LONDON, Downing-Street Adifpatch, of which the fp Iriiiiery , June 7j low ins cxtracl, has been rtcei? td fioui Xientenaut-' Moreau, are fully confirmed intend t o p n e ! i e f u r t li e r frit o ia ftretchisg his liue into the Jyrol and Vo.4 raioerg, tor tTie purpole ot favouring tbe o-, , perations of the FrenxjMrn)v i of fitterve. to i I which. he had alrea'dy VdiftatclJed, by Mcunt pt. ootfcard, : '25000 itpen. J . . O u r pr i y a t e a d v i c e s jr ri Harnhur of the ;L Sth inft. inform us,rth;stMorca'u ii "t length retreating biJt very fid w, and every day" ht?S' retreat is Ufa losing to th.ex, erTulual atteppts which he hJ made againll ' the very llrpn pofition of ti e Adrians before' U'si thn hi hiog been forced. at tle de. fire-of Buonaparte, convened to him hy 'Car not, to detach iS,cca men, in prder to coveY 1 the fcfier Cantons, which are murh threaten. I ed bv the: flufirJ&n. and trlirrililif tn fniw I port theimovemems of Berthier, who is paf-'" fing into Italy by the Valais, at the head of more than 2500 men from -Switzerland, .to the army x?f Referve. General Kray, wbofet artay is every: day reinforced; follows him," and wi'l; no dcubt prels oprn l-ini fo cjMely; as to embarrafs him greatly in Lis retreat The forces which failed In different troojit fhips ftem Pdrtfmouth on the2Sd. ard frrm P 1 m o u t h o n t he 3 4 1 h o t May, under fe?led " orders, appear to have been .dcilinrd for Ojui- , beron Bay, where they wefe diferobai kto,af CarnacJ under the nrriera f rnral Msit J lind ; and the next day, they" -attacked and carried fortPerithievr.' . ; The prefent expedition to Quiberon ia rot undertaken, like the. former one , in June I'795t ' with a. view of fomenting an iJalurreclich in the welternildepartments ot r ranee, but to keep the petiinfulaf as a Point l'Appui,- acd harbour, for our ftjips of - War; and. thereby 1 to harrali more effecTtually the trsde of 'the enemy,1 particularly ' in provifjoni, bttiveea ; the weftern cbal) and'Brefl, ; Til French hav demanded hr following V coptributiona ic Subia.--Frcm the Land - ? grave of Furftingberg 5000 fiorins from the town of Ueberiitigen, 3ccco, Wemruin , gen, ifjooco ; Biberach, ! 45,cco"; "Bucborn, ' ; 30,000 ; RaveTifburg, 130,000 ; Plullendorf, 20,coc ; Salmanfweil,N ioa,cco; St. Blaife, joo.ooo ; the ..Abbey ! of Uutthau, 50,000 ; Alth'nlen, 50,000 SdJufTenrjcd, ac,ocoj J A bbey o f Weiflena 0, S5,oco j jWangsii, 5c, boa. " , 'v. -! I- j The Fcudroyant, of 80 guns in her en " gjtgement with the Guilliamej Tell, expend . ed 169 barrels of powder, J2C0 xJ,irty.lw ; lb, fhot, iatwexty lb. ditto, ico eigbw teen jib. ditto, 2e, twelve lp. ditto. Au though much damagei, the was witbin a ve ry fhor? period ready for fea;-2-Lord Nelfonj' i had previoufly been landed .at ;S; Jacufe, in confequence of a fevere iilnefii . . .Frankfoilt, .(near tht Rhine) Way a4 5 is on I Yetteiday leverai oerman urpuuei ; p"" through Nantz with jpaflporta:iion General Mo- Ject3 nt nas num. Si ! r

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