: S-1 LIS B V JT' Printed fit. traitaKt'D' by F R A N C I" S COUFEE. " J Nan sre to repair 127 T H U R S ) A Yt Octobei i8, i8co! j"; ':- London. JNorthern alli.oce it is fai, fft ij 'I J I vi V. I . I'. I M IMIV IM-' . r.:. u 1. ' " ; I " .1 I . - II" The recruiter go on with connerable. heredilary-'Ot'c'sV All- 'tb'e reetmehts re ;o "i-CSeneMl Count S; Julirh, 2Te ofrced uuder X 1 "'VbiV DO take place. ! which the A part at the ntcciaiion waica are dow cxpcciru icr a certainiv to The new preliminirirs ol peace! uflrian cabinet htt to Fans by be con pitted jThe complementary troops ine mediation of the cabinets i of Birlin be marched in difTerent lirtctions to to the arrniet We are aifured, that already 90,000 ftrong the army of Italy is tt it, howerrri hoped, that the armiitice 1 ianuine are Pecerfbngh. and will be! followed by peace. yLetterf Berlin announce the arrival of Couh: icQietiicre. Irorn Co. AUGSBURG, July 2 j. i Inters from Ratifbon ; flate.;lthar In t' jjiht between the 24th and 25thf ifuly, two courier palled tnai i.ay ; one Praliian the other a Bavarian They are faidf 10 have beeo .charged, wiih difpatcbes for General b. I which 1 it is believed, relate to a vhh the Elector of Bavaria, j t js re. that Ilatilboniwill be declared neutral. and that jbe troops pf" both powers will be Imov4 fony 'ti to ! distance of fix Jcagues. P A R I j S .J . Augiift 4.. ! ! - An fid de-Camp of ihe firft Conful hai re- A Rullian snibaHador wgs like wue expeciec 10 gu( u iuiiu, wiiere me Covejnroent bills have aain rilen A cent.'fA the hopes of peace in hudria Auguft 10. ; .; Friday Paris papers tolbe 6th were recej e d nd i-vb t Hru b to Sib in. rtached town yeflero Mo re a treaty Dorted . j turned from Jnfpetfing BeMide, which (he- Hates'-do be provifioped for one y earj and in ery relpect ta the Jjeit pomoie Kate of de' General Bernadotte is bnfijy employed! in' Irengtbeiiing.all the points on the rweitern j co a It. cohrntinn ot tils L 1 ' Uilot be extended there is everv reifnn tn They fprd nc cfeciai in telligetice 1 cfj. (X p g i h e fit ociat i o nk be t w re n Aufiria nu i rarCe ; hut ?rc jreneral (com plexion augtirs taicurablj for 'peip.jr- The rturn ot Ccunt St. uU?n hcni Paris for ' Vienna, andi tli'e departure of citizen liurosl ' fifft aid-de-isnp to the Chief C oniul, for thi ' fame capital has given r;!e to a etjy natural ( luppafition that Vreljn;inattes of pepejare ii a ft ate of (orwardnefs. 1 hey left Paris on the fame day, but did notltravel in fcprij)r!y. Citizen :Dui joe 21 rived at Stralburg bn the 20 .inltant, ht i8 laid tb carryl w it h bini t.e.u!r timatum cf the .French Government, and to be authorifed to terminate Ifce. neociauoH, a formal treats of aeacle. It be wbfefved that 18 serle td take any from the appreheniioii In the hid be L O II D O.N,, AuguHJ , hv ratifvina -J " J "to -------- I i howeve, to be obferved that ; tlelre is nbt the finalleU remilHo'n c icnry in ihe hoftilb p r e pa r a t i o n 8 e i t h er jbf " e ,'-0 r Au ur(ia , ' .; The "Hamburg riiijl cfu!ean Sunday a rr ive J on TburfdayL but the conjtnts wrfe anticipated by the ;F rch;pn psrs -liThe ful - lowing article appears froin .yieiie J'ily been ers from i Brofl'fsof the 23d of lalt French papers Hate, ihat-; orders en rrarfmitted to all the ports! oil Hol land, a equip with the utmoft expedition ail the fiiibs of wa,r 'there.-' It is faid that a fleet is to be afTembled ! for the protection of. the CD3i: crHciiland; as well as lor the protean.. on of commerce iin.; the North SeaJfTo? fhip? oi the line of. ,8b guns, lately bullti'at rimilrMim and Rotterdam, vill ioon be ar- tnetl atd equipped, . , T p.; ,Thej account which was. faid to haVe. communtcitcd by private letters' from Gi- t braltair; with, refpeft to their' affain between j adiuiril Duckworth's fquadron andi.a Oaniiii J fiipateraii-l conrov: nuhlifhed in the Times.! of 1 O'i . .i J ' t .7 ,1 -; Saturday ,: is completely unfounded ; It pro bably arofe from a mifunderlUndR Which formerly took placr between- the itLniefald frigate on the LiPoon flation, and a Irigate 1)eloniag to Denmark, but ;was foon adjulied to the fatislaclion of both cpuntriei; j f ! 'Augu I 7 - . -K By a Letter frons Paris we find the Ame rican rhinifters make no prcgrefs in therex. planations, and that . the two republics re not for the prefent likely to be better recon ciled, j The object of this fufpenfe and delay ft Qbvi oitsi France, by ' holding doubtful 'sbanfty., trill 'animate her partisan ia A me rica slid iht'miclstel her opponents! j and in ty ciurfe fhe wilKthe more probaoly conr tiaae to fteer; with tlie view of effecting a chiaae ia the Prfidnt, thcelcaioa otxthbm comes on in a lev mcntns. "ft rjrWate letter from Hambdrg oy yefterday's mail, contains the following .rJage : ? It is reported on the authority of fbihe very Uefpeaable letters from Vienna; t'sat jCou'nt Cobedzel has had a conference iib Sthe Rulaan Mir.tTter was likewile pre- 19. ;' In oir or GernvauyJ counts Ircm e two thi he& . , 1 i with in" h in Get ;nent, tppei Court Gazette, udder is the. following pra 'iUti Drefde n, fay, tint foreign. powers will no longer vjew difFerence the progrels of the rvreni minv. and the ruin cf the cbnt promote the advantage" of frertafri conneclioo " . I ! '.Oor accodnt from Egypt by h(l mail; fta the renewal of bcihlttis to Jiave bee a eve i fetited :; at, iafiead cf only ten tho lfapd incn opinion a piraraph is esirsCied i -.'V Clteq July whub fays ! The BirorJ Dol i,,,, u.j F.iJliaa .o.iMuci, wijo prejioesiin the Coc'greU ot the German, Stages included ith:ii thle lire of neutrality, the deputies of hkh -flate .feiru bled at fciidefl t(ie fuppliea lor the army bf oKf-rvatJion, Which p?otes the .'nott'b t i Gem Janv, tbult bevond three il 1 r.thi . !. - i -. . m hope, that byi ibat pertqd, peate will be rettoreci to tirbbejw U The aco 11 or" the detention ti ihe! Danifb frigate andjhef c6(nof was ohl tlie 6ib cjoiiirnunicated by the ItTelegff j:h to ; Hris, wncre it is iajd, Denmark, - U.oodh; ecad.-d ty ltullja arid Sweden, (Hp againfl England of her ealtern poflelhons. i , f;The ohjea of rhe I expedition wOchll failed frcm' Portlihoutb on' Wedne fday , h rid.! ! clnu-f jjriied aboul lo,ocojfbjtf iers .Vcst&iije's t re sjs it ought, a profound fecret. pery r.ir.g that diftinguiflieJ jj gallantry 'ctt ateiiitve may be expeded from them. , j 1 i Th quajJtuplt-aliiance, faid to be forming in the rorthj appVars to engage a3 ccnfidera ble part iorj of public a ttentioi it p&ji4 lo re 1 1 i ge n c e of t h e c a '"rjt u 1 e of the' Da i j fi f r j g 3 1 and her eo.nvoy .was, cornicankarjed by ihs elegraph, frcin Dunkirk tolParjj qn'f the It is Itated that Btilua and 3wed ti concur in the'pl2n of n i armed. aazir.d rh 1 nrcr ntr o! d rriar!tim I i ; . . ' r 1 . !. -r ' 1 dominion of England, but that Oenma'rke, ia a verfe to become a party to the; confederacy, i rcrXi the prudentia , cor fideraicictbat iha c u 1 d t hefre by ha z ar d j f h e . I cTs 0 f i h k r v a I ti a the Eafl and Indies, trade fhe had jcarried cn ith inll. ordially ncutrahtv to? mar it trie having fallen in the barth with Meher, tftt Turks '(till upwards of twenty thufatid $y ihe'fwbrj; and b? fublfqoert hunter. thi4ft an I fat igue n the defert. ; whi itt the mult tiide 4tttibuted to thefe Jotter daufes the 1 the hr.ds ol plaeust' which has made, atid continues niae, ti c nioll djrcadful havecib the remains. o f -1 h e O i i o ma n '.. a r m y ' vi, f 1 v Amnr the niimfroiii rcrfonsTV no fell into .' . .,t 1 - .... ? ble pclfeflions in f and th firrratlw t ? onrinc the war., Accounts frcm Hamburg ofjUbe: 50th "uti me, aflcrt, that all the. attt mpi ot Buflia and $wedeh to draw Dtrmatk. into ti e r,cw;alii J.. .Lnt L A IT . I Jl l, .... nrrvl . wlj ( t 11 I J I At Ccperihapen it is added, tlheyl tremble at I i. . r -L . ' I I. . . : 5 ,i. . ' tne Jdaof ruptui e, j wl'ith wouiasexpoie tne country and their continental ptjCtfliOiiS to the r.eje.Dtmeot of.the jEnlifij. . . f It ii ctlrrently reported and generally cre dited at Hamburg, that the Court cl Ludoh the ill TrtTrfi rrfr,i! j1 V- . .V"-" i --r;. .. . - . u. i L.-.yi I J-d-n .-5L 4 P.,it;rV emhairv ut C n..ntin-nle: whb exvk W ttates, ,inar,ineyniinegciScc fu vircu a- T " - - r r , i ; 1 ! i ? ri?. ' r .l- j; ..... .rU. T.L.n th nlnrr t tea m i am. ci i..iucuiiui. m iut .uuijijii is upon J he point of a peifr it re (ccrci!iat ion with the Emperorl Paul. M7hai Ucd. rf ihia cjefirable e-ent more credible it, that the armed neutrality is no longer 'the topic of difcourfe..' . 'v .!' -- ', :; - j-vi:. It riowWpef rs that theiPoi tuf ulefe .mbaf4 ladorlhail no orders to , 'l,eave, ieierfljiirph,! ur ju.'ily apprehending Ifuch an ' evenr bad batrle T c ear dejd. ipave of his Court to return heme o tie I An articlr frcm jibe Haijije. r;f the 1 2 6th M3 j s - ' - 'i i t w 1 r aaiift' a arv r i i r 1 nil. rijLii-" ----r- a ' j -.. . .1 ; 1 C.reraKUcoft difirnguedati elntion ald tionflant.nop, is Jfujly Undnefs, rrhi. gentleman hat beVn prmiU tonfirm.d, by letter frcm Hungarj ind fe ted to rejoin the GraifalyWef, "ihbhJin-- ral pjaces. All the RuUl.n. hate; alia he w, n otsr iDtellnce wijtte Jl. oittea hat ctty. . V i;Vv ..; r w 9 f v v r r nn a 11 1 iniiiiia rift rai w olace Several of the lnirofdu.te.l aeiermco.; i ..Ui.c...,. afford new roonds to belie. e that Kleber is J.-" 1 '- ' I. I T If thoivp'n from tbe (late of the pretend thkt he would not eafily fjnd a plat a - u m r 1 ai w w 111 . ti w.h ' x - - - itna to the'nlaeue i m ... s, . W 9 - ' i ; The PrU DaDers of the 7th lneiuuve. rr U O.I- 1 received At ihe'clolei ol this conlcrence Jpropo- it is faid is accompanying the Count war. cocfiftine of eigbti fail of the line, and five frigates, has been feen entering tbe: Me irf rrihean. If is conieclured ibat this I the fudroo which 1 -. - . was .tared ta cave Isiiea from Breft abo-st a month ago, end that in object is to arritra at Jgypt, by (leering clofe . 1 to the African coatt. The Paris papers of 5th confirm the report - . 1 . . . ' lien to Vienna, tobe empowfrVd fome xnatttra which wfc objeaioa&ble to the 01 reived yefterday. are filed wjfn car 11 nf in immediate peace With tba rbperdr,. . fnme f them even, iutim ate a,1 belief that .u- -lilinr!es 'are alreadr cbncloded. rnirne. the conftofntial fiiend and Sril mtinm Jhi nin I1C i - ! r .! t. . .''J ..,.- , tT..,r A to arii!u(t t aedcorfairs Aelocgicg to barcclonai the aMve were from Tufcaoy, jbq d-a If f- r 7 :i 2. " I 1