t "v; E R T. i S E R. i" 5.- , -1 .'PkINTEO Jcc Published" F R A TC I S CO U P E E. - i 1 r . . l i .1 it a .u R S I) A YOctosei 30, x Spoil L 6 N t0 N, Augult 20. ELionprte nas declared, mat pi.it tae win cf ti French people to have i. nay, and whi the faU niy is growing or building, for f: ia ot learUiy wliat means tbsy arc to h, the otii;il Pper u dilcalung the method by Jwvhich . it 1 as to cetea: tne m. v iaceiS the Keith?, aott the Nellons Now all tfteie elaborate difquhuions appear to us very fa- pernusus if it be only lor the liropje and clear j . . . . . . Ifa bn, ibai ir it.be tt. people to bayea tyitmuft beibcir.WUUo Jigft peace urn 'Hie Paris paper inform, tKat reoiUtlon sin Switzerland jhaa complete aain tcken Oiacf . 1 ne former conncni nave ocen ioo iiftelJ;. and ajnew . executive !goernment hai beenfappointed. Whether this government liitqoo'lfii of one confnl, inve(Ud with fu- pra?e ppwer and two others in vetoed with jjo power at all, fand whether the Reprefen- btWe government of the Swift; 1 is to be pur t fied -as in France,! by a filtration upward, re fecrtts whiich wc ire at prsfent forbidden to know : when, Kuown. perbapa thcy wi!l not '..1 : . . - i " be very well; irnae.ritoori.. i Tjhe letters from Germany, (1 a it! rand the pi") fofe Mat that a Cortnrefs will be held a- the the 26th iail. at AuburK, for of a ncgociatlon. Other . letters the Conprefs is to be held at CarlefijVd ; tint General ournoutiile is immeJi a- i torair to that place, - in order conlereoces. letters from jPruifia fay, that nrjo ar.ecarrieJ on rapidly at Paris, 'Vie iJtrii.i i nej.Mag 01 rruuia, in run Denb.irk,' Sweden, Spsin and pcrh.' Rahjj. labours to ttFecluite the peace of Eu- xope 1 cr?i ir he faie pur. fay. Id )c ten id v-ith ill or at leafl of ithe Ccntinen? , and to bize an; arq?d neutrality,;! if the war bcr tweeh France ard England lis to continde. rrt arrive every day from Paris, Vlen Co fia arajTeterlburz. i Priiinuiries 'cif. peace have beep fjzned be fihe Frenchl Republic and! (lis Dey of twee . 1 1 18 - T! Hani Ihe cqada liaro fayi is rerv rnuch" drffa oadait of the. French 'in the court of 'T; Peterib'-irs,! U Dey ters from tuberl with Djcov of Wirtemburg, land attachsa more Importance tf it than ev'fn to the nofleflion of Malta ; white Pruffis is alarmed' at the conriuefte of the French in Germany, and ! dj their ir reaiment of the Eeclor o TV . M either F-ice. f erejore-one of two things irnuit r k . ' .J . " iZM i ' - 1 BjonsDarrtt - rivdfl make -a . 1 - - . . , ealfd ac Eavaria. , - ! 'happen, mouefte or if his ' ambitron induce hrn tinae the war,1 ic Vill be mafe dreaptul jliaa . 1 - nert lprinir to cr-n out the late bnfortanaterQueerj Matilda, j fiftcf of ' - :- .? .-i- ! Vol 1IL i i I , i ! ' - iU .- I( 1 - till his Britannic Majeciy, waSimipriroed (he was permuted to return tp pell j rlout half a mile from this is a gi rdenl called ;Harri!.ets garden laid by tradition to be! the :(pbt.:wh2jre the murder of his fa her was cer pe tratecl Frederick II King of DenmlirJc, conflrtii-l sd Cronenberg in 1 577 , and fortjfied it flron v. It Is fifteen mileV from 1 CoDedha. ffeni lneir the town of ElGueur, arid isl the beft cjefencc of the countryf whether; againll thofe who would attack it on the fide oi, the ocean, or within the Baltic fea It li' here that the King of i he Frtch nliniiler Bourjoirirr fet . from HariburjT tofCrpenbagen ,od f the I7th u uraer to ire prcfeni aurin t-ujru yiit orthis r.egociatjcn-' ' ; Since the channel Jleet has been niider the comrnahd of Lord' St. J Vinceat, '"tbV Road? of Brefl bis never be'eo fcTcompletely blocadej. We ar informedj by the late difpitches that fra.n the month of May not a dngle lellbi has aiercd:tWort. ; Yet , BreHt; !;liti;ated ja.t. tte eTctj-tiity of BrftanW j, a Iterile rovince, aH i l:e rnoSJ bar rrn part ; cf it an only pncjri provifioni by fea ,Ve S'cd incon j J?qtiende, chat ibrl greatell fcarcity I prevails j I rc doth lauhe town ad on board o: ine h rrcivt oRnlurh iri in Wlttt Cree TJ tiii, efpeci-iOy wine'anJ brandy. C?o'iUiihrr r!J ti nlace which Adm1. I ,J- 1 jlappoljed t attack, is a lortrels in lenmA 5n-4K-;"3T of 7'land. near EU mm w 11 HI -a U v - ; r,9 ----- f;. which: buaVds a pafijgejto the Sound. levied for; the taken b the klutieof the SooDd are Denma rk 1 1 hat been Swedes more than 'otice. .'" f ;.; ; :- AUGUST 27. : k ' 1 ' '1 .' . The menaces of the chief confnl iPainft Portugal, and the miffion ot General Berthier to. the court of 'Madrid :.j the demand, if it be truej iof I a paflage through the papal territo ries for the invafiou of iSJap cs, and the new appoinupents oi commatioers in chief to new. armies both feverally and col!eliv'cly, indi jeign power. Had, thcpolicV of .BuSr.arw been rellr eclihteneti ahd hrrvik. .j : . T r t toroirtinrf h have ihrowsn the halanr (. . i would not perhaps. w. vjcrmany out ot trie bar df ? Krifccc his pUr-srlmble thjle V ajfiittfi corcji. ror, rafber than ao fcUoeantiikrrlman 1 : Uapnaartf has inaiU the rocr riJr.ts, ; cf Tiip with ro.-i-4 . i." : L : I 1 ; i'. C nnf rK -A i L .f . j UI ' tr'nge Ml UlS poMti cate the' "Cvhile: hi vaft projects ot. Buonaparte ; vho, attempts ro .dilate a cohquerpr's peace ffpm the Meufe to the.' Mincio, isldif- turbing the ilurnber of Spin, terrif ying for :h arms ot tribute, and endeavouring icaru ai me ooriom o; inc. u ion of tht earjth is noi full of Vl.at (itt doss lie deg!cc5t. to ;;Tected tugal wi to low difcord at the bottom of the What; re labours ?! taten h ppeairs Impolicy peiidin hie, we Open to. he embroil ? The cor inent ot E'irope pt'lViVa'vakefvtb Hs dangers, arid of de-Jarin; , the ' vaLt pi ojet4 khe .n gociatiR3, will jbe as oicf ta- trufl to tTie comman cjaufe, as :t is tic. ill he commonCil anprehe nlioil; lVie rersoval of Gener l .M-nftri from comraRm in Italy may b; varib;: t'y'accounied far. -.A msn vtho.i as great it war, as in famoas in character, raey1 h ; difmillea or preferre ;', may be vnt-ji or. rr y be Tuer fluous.; '.His removal "my lt intended as nerr cv to the Cifa)piues, whom he has robbed Ting lerotity. jun the of p! or iip a 1- t arid p.JUged with ihf unrelei of an Arb H:s fcience in the ar:t ly, he may lead the fecodd arnjy of refo into the Tyrol, where in the event oi reneitfalof hoiliiities, the republicans will doubt lefs! attempt to force theit wat, qu ino on iKer hnnd the arrr ics ! 6f the , lihitie and of Iralv, and adancip in afcopunon agiinft ejery part of trfe herediijary flates. The importance of Rjifia has Cn . - r rwomept. I -he ofii&tioh5 unnrr which (th cal of her prrltvererlct me, pnr il'C will cpn-, never risen op; ax . at the ir.e . - -4. . t f diitiiiriiT elt in the icate or r.u ri c rifonif -k c rAs of K.:lair4 j he tiates ol the tmplif. aid difblay.of her power in tfje taut. ductal a new order of things, irtdepende:tly of any imimetTiate gratification. or indemaiiy' fh ic may Jic at from the fuccels lf the war.- It may true thkt neither, huria, norlthe court of Berlin, fo long the arbiters of tht German ftmpite, may fee with uhqualihed U i5ifAinn the Dowerful aid which is lent to it, 11 or the authority . which wi.il be.rea belong to! fo nowerful an interference s from thefe feelings it is impofTblftoargu nv thiat finidrbuE. AuHri'i Uarids in pre need of the a.IHlance of Ruilla aruj the Ki- nfre which its chief b?s v bfeni'nnable to drO- .I'-rt .Ulrli hi bn betrated :bT r.he ICWl uu 1 v " X r neutrality of its.ncrthsrn late fiiay hcriU tr look up to a power ecually capable to mo derate between tne rival icvrrcj-jn of nev overtures from France. nevr treaty nf aiiaricc has He?h ccnclud Vcterf- This- morning -nxt feteived Ifaris papert eel between the courts of CerlfCjacfJ to the 24 th infl. which ;ercj; cttained by ot Ger a to defend it froai eiternal epe- cf flie hj miesV Ruflia will thus hold tl c balance the -Empire by the jutted tie, ih lervices renders tol it, and .ine win o j the rvo great priricrt who have refpete hi;herto at a domeftr"rivaI at W cii at a ter but a-; ent mutual con prevalent In T7?ong other articles, one li quoted,, wnich. itr.tft ihzt thS .Delllyerent !owfr. . n" re ----- a : t . m, main maners :a Italy of their Yefterday a romonff-vas very the citv. of frefh overtures for 'peace haViog been, made to thii country by the thief con- ful. The ftndr, which hd tJillen. in tne morning, role towards the elele of the da-y one per c ot. and couhderable pmrc bales were made We have not jearnt thai acy iheflen oer has arrived directly from tri? chief con- lul, but fbme advices f rem Mance were, wo t believe, received by gjye r t err n tj on bu n day , Dover fori Calais yeftetday. j WieunderfiariU Ve Herd ay from Vienna dated ihej t$Vi mlt; cooiajniui the difpatibes which the Auttriao goverrtmtnt. fter the receipt -f t.le deterniiriaiiori cf the court of London, tranfmitted to "Paris. In thissanfwer Bunoaparte hat expreaed wii- lirif cfs i tria ioinfly Up dj. I couucii wis held, and it is probable .that a fc- Se-'ociatidn bstween tlc ihre powers may Ditraculpus convetfiob whlcfj pzi' upon mm ;r the Woly. Lard ! Buonaparte's tniraculo'js cpnterfion in P4. RKirie beat Jean Uebry J nrfracle in the d i t c h , . o u t , a od ou t , i( it wcr only for this reaion, tnat Jean Uebry was in trie ditch, and Booraparte was never, in Paitfi ne? ; monthe vaft projes -ofjthi chief corful, are mentioned the In.v4fioQ'Pfi Naples, hick mutl at any rate be cbntirJrent ipo'n the r.e4 1 17. 1 .V - J gociations Vifons. The fame mny ba - ( laid of the invalion of Portugal, jTbe Liihon mail, w ilch arrived on Satird&y 1 mornin , brought advice .which caufed i: 5 lwtle fenfa tion Mn t le city.,- Tltey flae, that Bnona- parre had .offered to fella paci fo Portugal for one ihiihon and a Quarter; ;'( ;iounds Iter. ling), together with jiiberty for French iliijps to enter the ports af that kind rmlipon- the footing c fbe nioft favoured naticni ; la the event ot a rcfufal, the coKil irijp'jncf t hia is vaft projrO ' of .march, ng -f xl thoiifacd . men through the kingdom t. Sp .in. Noihioji can be accurately afcertaifletl from the Paril Journals, :refped,ing the luc cefs of Citizen Uutpc'si mifTibn but vi e, fit d, that on the day cf hivfelurni tlje Junds fell, in coofequ-ccr ef thi jre'rort.Cthai-,ipe aTfifwerVi was not Mti&iacioryi We hsve reafoti id think tlia!i out eo ernn-.ent ii n ,rr.4lcfCon of ihe aftfer that has b'jfen- reu'rfled I ! The funds had yrtlfrday ifjeinoon a cohr- Hderable Itarr, in coLfctjutncc the rumour Gravelend parage efl?l that arrived at Dover on Monday night. ; paprof jUe 23d men. lions the intended jour ney of ihej King 'of Prullia into SilcGa, On the'!bbf tt of peace ve find but one paragragh in the Clef Ca' binit, !it is Izid (fay this journal) that thi tre5irninarie of peace are finned andyB"; to treat with great-Qri'ain aod Auf tL Upon thefe difpstlhes a cabine.t -1 a this fortreVfsla'RdyalFaUceiVltf'-hicb I"---'.