. A . ' " '"p-iw iu mmmu i-i.i iiininn. nwilini.tf .-. - - -in in - ' II 1 iWI .-t- - y. j - "1 ; .', j ' -i fe i J , -, , : . ..... . T .. , . r. , fT"m - -j; - i i i iii ) iiilMM rw m m w i - 1 . J . mm - w i & f - a.... a . r i ft . - .. v .. r m . i 5KBTCIT OP qROROfc vsni:iarcM; i.ati: prfsidkn v of TflC If IEj STATUS OSfl AMHrUC. j dilprderi litjj- Ametici bid 4 ra?ie if their height, aid itbesame 'prrfmiyjf.i'l oni tint the difiirs between ti.3 two eonoU tn coui. i o'HMt decided by . arm when th reprrCeotarf rvof the thirteen, province afcAfttcd la PI jUdelphia, on tits :4 diY oi uu.iri, y4 uj mis -famous auemhiy .Mr. W a ln gt tji w 1 1 o n e : no . Ameri c a n til i" , lilted in fj higl a degree at he did military experience, wijh refpedtable charaer am rvl appointedito the comiriind of the arniy which afTeiibfed.in the New-England Provio .eei. to ho d ia fcheckj the Britifh ;afpy unde General Gage(thjrnj encamped atiBofton. If thefe eircqradi ices. had not called Waning! ton 'forth;'! he rouldj ha?e lired Happy, ado", .diej bbfeure, ii a refpe6l)b)e ; cpuiury, genf tleman in) Virginia : notar the fcene opened, vhich made name imoiortal, fo depen'i dencupon: accdeat is human fame and fo gresi Uthe. power of circamftances in calling forth, and pe? haps et en in forming, the ge nius of men, , - ' ' , .' : r f0 the niooti of Ju!y, i77, Genera! Wafi ..Ington took t lie comma d of the ! contincnt'al - army before Bpflon. !! To detail his conduitt Jn, the years Which; followed.- would be to relate th I hiftiry of the .American war : ;molt memorabfc,and inHruOice part of Uril jo manner fuited t Jts importance i and dignity. VVijhiri i a very fliort period afief the declaration of independence, the affairs. o( T-merica; wereiin a condition . fo defperatc?' that perhaps nilhing but the peculiar . ch4 TAer of ,V aniftigVon's genius ccVd haye re!J ririeved them. Acliity swas the policy of in vad'rs ;In the fi ld iit battle the fuperio.. r?,y'.jof a dTcipl ned army is difpiayed. jBut deliy wasjthe vildom of a country defended by U'lcticiphnoJ loidiers againlt an i cnemyl '.Who .'mail b mire exhaufled by time than' he could be vtreake lied by defeat. It required the confammite pridence t!i? calm wilcinm, the " inflexible drmaiCtl the . mo lerati and- well a. j balanced temper of i r VVaftnoaton to emi -brace fjch a pi n of policy, and to perfevere it :-to rcfi; :th: temptations of enterprfze ; to fiitthe con fid r,nce of his foldiers without the attraction J 'f idt ory to fupp'ort thiflfpil" rit of the arrnyland tha pcop'e a'midli tbole flow and cautiois plaiis of defenGve warfare which ar more Jdifpiriting, thin defeat, if felt to contain his own. ambition and th'eimnetul oftty of his tro tpy ji to' endoe temporary qbfeuriry for the fslvatroa of his couofry :ftnJ for the aftajnmeot cfjfolid and immortal glfory.j and to' itrer i even temporary Irei preach and oblol'jyjjfupported by the appro batian' of hi! owi cornfefenctf and the applaufe of that fma lis number of wife me? whoie.praife t; ip earne: of lhedmiration antf jrfiitudi cf:;poleriryJ Vlctoriour generals" eafily ac cuj f e th e c on n d en ce o f t i r a rmy . , , T he i rs 1 fw)ever, Is! a confidence;, in the fortune of their general... Thu of Vamingtons army was a coufiBence in his wiftfom. Viftortr gWes fpirit fo cavrardsv and even the agita tions of defeat fimetimes 'impirt av courage of difpmir. . CouAe i infpirVJ by fucc( nri I r m lu h IM m tt I m A I rv A r n am mmam rZf orfeven by'talamity, ! bat it is generally pall asd by iniclivity f fyflem of cautious del fevireU trial of human fortitude; id by fence is the On thisloccafionaa well as throuphont the whole public life cf wa!liihgton, he refuted ar.y cd ai y.ftudry in ary oflice civil cr.ailitarjr. j .i !. 1'. ft 1 . L - .. em,, m ii v uni i? ii inr iirmr.eis ci n sinintcn mat tirled.. His intrepidity rer copld have matntainec: ttfril order fuch circumHapCf if it ht arifen frcTn ambition or tain glory, fr ops robot) nt rves or difnrdrrly enth uf.a f,n. ti flood the ttft, bfctufe it gressr. out of the deep root of principle tndj duty. His niod tiras fo perfectly framed, that he did nLt need the volgir incintiyes of fam and gllory to roufe hiij gtfifiti In lib pablic flrtttt wit s principl of futilclent force to excite t)ie Ume great eiertioni to wjilch the rabble of herpes mull be birndfaUd by the foye of power or of praifr. 'J'i'::;f :-y . ""' -:- It Ja .hardly nrcejTtry ro fJjk9t the criirlCj which -flowed fiifn honeftvwlis tempered in fttj exercife by.,' humsbity r Th character of Wafliinoton wia not deformed by any of ihofe farioos pafljons vrhlcV driye; men to ferocity V ' His mitttafy life w3s joo ttaioed hy mility cruelty k arid if we la mented he fe verity of fomfof hi ajfla, we never were at liberty to, '(jaeflioB their juf tlce. It would be unji0;p afcrjbc the mild nefs of4 the American war exclutivtly to the perfonalicharacler of Wadvinffton. It ir.uft be imputed in a great maafure to the jobriety aim nioQeranorr Ter was 4 Civil u.j happily brot ot the .national- temoer. ' war fo fpojlefa as that whfch f. out between the two nati ons of the Hnzllfli race Not a finde! mafiar ere. not a angle alialimation, no ilaoghter in cold bfood tarnifhed the glory of corqueft or aggravated the fliamepf defeat. Gallan. try and Ihumanity cbarafterhed this conteft rbtwcen-'tvro naxiona bh h amidfl alf the fiercenefs of hofjility fhewed themfclvea wor thy - of each other's friendfliip, ' - VVe are well aware tjiat the mllitarvl critics of K oropp, accatl'omed to the viift arid fcien lific plans, to the complicated yetj ex35ls m o v e nj e n't s , t.o h e d a r i n g ; a n d" f ji z n d i d ' e x L fioU I of jgreat European gnerali miy con fider the imoll decifive foccefs in a wicliki. uje nmencan as, a very madfcuate tfe to the name and plory of an illuflrious der We: feel all the differeneea wftii-h nn ' r - ' ..-.'.r i ir on everyJi the maimers ot the ludnment of military crlttcl on th: fupjea To us it feems proSabla that more genius and iudfcrhc'rtt are nerVefallV erfed Wy uneducated generals and smqng ir- proffo i turn of mechanical ticf. 1 h? it fufllcrttjt for cur purpofe ;! for we ere uov conUinplatffgtbtcharatfer of :ims whofe leart praife is that of being a great j ct-mtnab derj whofe valourwas tfis minifteriof Wrtnfl andwhof military eniu'j is chiefly1 ec noire' by.-beio. employed in the JcfenkrV of iuf- cht.y remarkable,- th?r thonghr a civil Vonteft difgraccd by there never was fo few violent or even ambigooas "s as the; Otnencan war, 3ret fo.pure , were Vhc. moral fenriments of Washington, that F.could nnt look back on the period i of boftiliiies with -pjuaru. -pwaiva-r-. .n r itsrlinrf'dtJlemait k who yiHted him iter thej peace, f.sd effen: atempted, in ain. to turn ilie coiiverfatioil co the events of the war. j At lerth he tho't: he. had found a favourable jopporrunity ycf efFeaing his' pnrpofe they, were riding ic etber over-ihe fcene of an acliU wWre '""T,"S,1, unnuci had been t! w r,,s;-v r f no fma4 janimadverfion. ; Ctuntf.iL--l-.40iJ to hiai, Your conducl I Sir,' in this aAiori has been criticized.1 Wafhingtolo made no anrwtfr, but cfapped fpufx-o' hia horfe t af ter they had pahVd the fieldl he: turned to theltalian and fa?d,; Count V , 0b ferve that you wih mcto Iprak ofj the "war. If is a conyerfatiori- which I always1 aoid ( rejoice at the eftblifkmei)t ct liheVtles of A. merica.- But the time of ti e Oriole wag a hortibfe period, in whirh thi Kfttm.n -compelled to do mapy, -ihinei rtpbonant fo their ntiri ' - ! - . , fo fatal lcre even the mildVa civil cot5mo Jon to meo morals, nd fo ad nibble ;wae the tempcrsment of the iran who hA- j mucli magrprrimity not to rake up arms tc I the call nf Inc ' " i . ' ;fcVU,i": u ioo oeiJcfie a parity. to dwell whh ccmpUcency on. the!' recqiiecjion of icenca whkbi ' though try wcrthe fcurce of his plorv a11ni.r! fc ope. for the difplay of M talents : tfian for me exerciie.ot 4iis huK&niiy I j ne conciunon Pf the i'slnterjcan and glory bf an illuflrious comman' : reei an tne ditrcrences which up I ". r 1 v1 ! '"""'!! war prrat; fubjedl is d'ie from the; ignorant to J m.,tld aftjington to return to ibcfe dornefi ; s of the art.. Bol we doubt thej Vc f5enes from w ich notbirg but ferJe of; - . ; . . . ; ... . 1 regular armies, thm in t hereon t efts ofi thofe commanders who are more perfediW inflrufr. eii in military Icience. ft is with the arts of war as with every other art. .Wherever.ay art is moll peifeded, l there ja' leaft robtti for the eteritous of mdividual ;penus. Avhete moit can oe'done by rule, Iealt lrleft forita-1 lents.'- We accordingly -find that thofe fur prizes ai.d Oratageins which are fo brilliant and interfiling a part of the hiftory of war in rare, aifd It is 4 rlv to part times, are now infinitely more becaofe. vigilance! 13 now mare uniform; the maani aT delejjce. more per fed. now muco moreeafy than It was forme calculate the event of a catapaipo from the numbers of ihe Contenains armies, the; fori treues of which they poUels and the nature of the country :wbich they occupy. It is itn poflible that.tbelart of waf. fhould ever be fo improved, as. to obliterate all dierrnces between the talents of genere?! : bud it is certain that its-improvement has a tendency td niakr the inequality, of ibert tateoU fefa felt, f it cannot be deniet tb'at they who bed know .'the power of t he-at t j re the moll fober admirers of ,the ta.ehrs of generals. But vvhatver he' the Jqanefi of ihefe pbfer vations it 'm nil be tiniverally allowed that as, much judgment and intrepidity may. be fiiewn among irregular and imperfecltly idif ciplintd armies aft under the rooft .highjy im quit ieems to have had the now to A. him; But he. was cot allowrd Innt to ej.joy this) privacy." The fupreme; government ofS the Uuited States, haOily- thiown upy'in ' moraent ofturbulehce and darger, as a ten? perary fortification aoainft! Utterly unadequate tp.the prefer vatitf.n of en corfufions of civil .war hd bin i"t':. ;',, ,tbe morality df the people ,whrcb rerderecf i the reflraimt of a juft ayfd vWoiouiij covera- y ment more Jndifpenlibly -neceirf rVj1: ' ConV fll cation, and, .pa per money, the twi greaufi' fchobls of rapacity and d'iWeily -in the world, had widely Tpresd their foifon a morg the Americans. X)nVicf their own : writers tell us, that the Vhile YyiUm of pa- per money waa a fyflr m of publip aiid privatV fraud?. lo this Hate "of things. Whirh : threatened the diflaiitf.nn nf mn;ii;,. nj'7 government, good men faw the neiccfHt I ofv concentrating and invigorating th'et ! fa pre me ' authr:ty. Under the ioduence-jj of this conviclion, a convention of delegates wasfaf femblrd at PhiJadeiphiaV wbicb ftrfngtbehfd the bands "eft lie federal Union,, and below ed on Ccngrefijthofc powers which were nei cefiary tor the.purpofes of good government; Wafhjngton wfstbe prefidentef this conven? tion, as he, in three years after, was elecr ed prefident of the United States of Atrierica under whar !wi called The New 'Co nil i" ' iutiobr though it outbt to have been callr : Ses' UamfaV'a Amcticaa Revoluiion. vav v 1

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