'.-.I- In ''tr- '. ' ;..-i,' ' 1 ivv;". ., ... 5 -jr. .-. , 4. . j ' ,, , . ,ii mum 1 . .. r ,f . u ' Thft fir 1 mrS;; "r: it j);:; . lliatc" c-3CfU fa pper publinieA iiV ' ? Jut Pmi ?',' j:--a f of tcvflution fcaTipg ftcn pieVy'give . ,i jplace t U content pt ' of ; i.eligion,- bin-tfeM!ng 4 cont det?cc tbr tmiverfal fuf icicrt-fand MX- tl)Frenclr,ima1i;rai)t of Queen Elizalcthi. t i,t i n 4? j -xVeii wlihtcl e5'PS t!ie;rra ''fpWr$:'.c6mWn;'ib!thc to. extend the tute'ero rTccTrtreiprfif!lfui1fcer i huh u;ui'u, .e uuii inc ever v.ui rcmi. ,'. 1 Eut mirCDilufani as ta' the. iriOtives nr - th riim " lortunatfJ'.' l- r: ,- .'rccn raade)i;'an4j.profBlgated,,! as ;''a-prptelV: j'" Tf-! S gainft jfciV principles bf public-law,, tt)-wTkIi -jcf well Jcncwhr, (he canp anwill tpt,darC;:)iittft)an.iiXant flatfUat R-,at tliit- indebted ' Tlie great pant ing and America, arcrlcft emiFtly nnfetded by )U jlnovn tenauty aod jnjf ericufneft of ijr. cifpn. 2S K ?'n! - the imprl&ent, the c. ' - T" WIV , : and good lieighbourhood, trin-., to pieces by I ; faflion j plunged, br' intrlgflrtte ' demaeoces " ' ' X V 7 r y. ' u u'c " ' " ju:ce prcVaiJctJ,., and JbcVty o bear thetlc huAlv b,A nSrZ.,d .J.Z:L Ai- m?:-t ratrce,:;of the mfuhsofic e on hfr flafr.otj.be unable to contend again a the holt c , L,; : ed Wher trerchantspf 1 ties, fuch as v.e hive above ftpplied to,. tell iis 1 harthy. punilhcd by the tonnentinr, de 5 V-iAra i'-.f.t.r. ...t "...,no Fn"I7; was the lancuaste-nrf. the ieftdctit. !, as- well at i-afccttain, unltfs thev infiftj Hi- ' 1,. "T'S ircmwlat 'fci.cn rale, thar.fe- luthowcvct.cran.p- wcrd w e ChrfUians knew tUt ihc inov- ttcxn-Jaw'-.ff nations iceans. Ihat.pt blio law, ,or! rathct pra6icel.h,Gh lhe.prtknt;naiiors of Et rOpcJtavd tki YidL:txM.utiitch: chcrV Left, lxv tver, thc, jrr pie cf Qi,n! r'bra- ' beih JU.nld Lc U6 n cient, v c vii c!fctnd'to " tiiues full ir.otc it canjji Jhattte tasir tie 1 itrUri('Jx&e, jit ntre t rikirtly arpli--tatie, weflaU SpKal toihc piscine onhq lientb Duien uitu.-. . v , -., ; hefsir:cp,t:inr be tailed the ivaigait n M f I-rarcc, "x- pjesfiy !cekitd !,o U lcco fiiie, rot r nly the 'enemy's gicxt Uvre mi 'braid 'cf artutrl vef- ki, iuf u - ?f rW This I rings ; u tl tcn to the cioib. ti ihe icventcaith. ctntriir.. . jjic oi i ranccr-i nnatJieenniizrresoftheKepub. I:.jf-n' .'' n . .... . . J. wciion i loriucn it really is) till creachinw I . ' .V , ... , . f fn-,r;ffy, a int i- 'u t 1 r i J tentiaryj notJipg- able, r.v, toccnic to 4Jananci m and.infiilelityr.il til bawline for, that I LuunU,f..t change which; they have the' mdacitrt Chcrch and the .-Throne.-1 Tho,e-,i;ho want expenen.ee cfthe ccnfcquences,- fuay, forauht I knowy be excufed for ctnai ving at thefe at ttn7p3 ; but, foVr-e, wlib havefeen afls paf. Jt,d a republican lc,;iflature," ore fraudulent, than forging .rccininx 'j for nre," who jjaite jicci' . republican olljse'rs H -jf ate oiFc'rshg their coun-,' try for' fale for a.i'ew th(iuianvi 'jot dollars t for ire, who -have fcen - republican judges become felons, and felons' become republican judges' j, for rne to fold hands . and tamely f Hen to the infolent eulnci.ls of republican governments snd fulers,; .would be a Ihameful abandonment- of princ:pie, a daltardiy defefticnof duty. .Witfi tbefe fentiments, then, I refume the publicaii. .. tn of a Daily Paper, duly apprized by pall ex---pcrioncer'of the hpftilitf fhnltiex.ctrt - ly refolVcd to repel it- by all " the hOnourabls , means in xnr power.' ., ' - J.v-. ; - . From tht favx paper nvt hen-e alfo taken the filkta ting ohjerjathrti on . car 'late Trsaty wiii the parties will necciatc hereafter, at aVa'v mem tun.--; i i.us are sn ijicii'turies- and m-; fults-and the treaty iSdttMWf Aidion the lljel,7'till a vis.xz'icr.ztnicr.t time, and the par tics exter info a .Cr.nvtmlcn, confiliirg merely of commercial, regulation, which, as we' fiiall prefently fee, "arc levelled t'ire.cljyijainA - the principies and the pcwes-fGieat-Britairu 'i T- The iourtetnil) r.rticl e v( jh e Cc mention ft fr pulatcs,,-that fretJJjps HaU mUfrce' gesdu '' li tuns thus - . . ! .14.' It is fijru!nr,cd byjhe. preret?rtrratyV tni:; free Unps mall JikcviJe mlnre the - tr.ee- cJ-m ct poods .j. .... . butas U-at xrj.y-bc yet tcrsr cient for the peca in civilians, let rs rrr,i;-ti ,,. -J. r.. i ,-n Js, and that all things on hwrd j cfntinuicg furajreal to the practice rf ir"nce ' x.ned fie, bc4f rKing to tl e Citl- The Ordinance ft itgi, was .militated byVnc'l - lC O N V E N T 10 N : "-The papers. lahV received from 1'aris. have brought us a copy v the .Convention, as, it .is;? u v v r t v a v v ft f ? zens of one cf the cbntraatiiui'Dai ties'. aklio' ILlhe carAo;i of ParCioL irlijbebns to the cne- J mies of the wo ; ,it being. thderttood, never-- incieis, mat conitaoana,gacqs wju . alw ays -br--preidIr1siewie" ?g.re?d thap-ihts" frced)rntht 11 extend t.6 th pcrfohs 'of thofe. f who ftiall be.fouiid 6nbciar4 the free (bips.T althctryrtlicyhculd be eeaiic's to 'one of .the: . two ci ntra St ng partiesrnd it (hall, not be 1 ; lawful .'to talfi' them fro'iif jfhe faid. rce hips,, 14 at kaft ifthey "are. noVfoldiers, and aclually M 'iri-threftmceoftheenem This article ii-notaew 1: the fame-.flipolafi'n . I is to 1 be .forin'd in the.ccmmercial treaty betvee'en Teldets '-. .yi.U ecoileft,. that, Co lately- asj the.-cemnaercUl treaties of many .other pr,.wers.-;But, v - an accommod.uiph "taking place ' The- forfi---" -fin Ufutpcr discovered a .difpolitioh'rahehlipf! ' tile thari' otherwifc towards Mr. Adamn whofc liuu'iUle fuppMcalnl'were. trctled'''.witJielvle1yt Jkdi , be hvecn : France and. Amei ica. Qtvr France and America, pf 'yt as well as . jn the j 7 , . -i . - . , 7 , 1 ' ;". y while we allow that thcllipulalion .contains. nov ining unprtccuciuco, we ccuicr.a iir oppoiition" to.,ihe Iniblcct pretentions' of France ,and the more infolcnt ailcrtions of her hirelings ' in j,his , -'-i-.--.---v. - 1 . J- -Z--.---V 0 " , I for may, be granted, : or:,withh.eluf at ; the . pica.? inre,,pr.anjr.- contraj&mg. party. , whoever exa- .minei. the bel)t,vr,ij.ers -qn.Uicfubje wl find,, that, lcpg;firtce the;ftai 'fiearJ; thirprefent -relative (late, ,it was ihe gencrbl prqlliit to pr,o1hibit4tfS'ff iphatsver with an enern;y l As the nations grew more poh'ftcd -(as it is eaile), -apds.their;relati(:ns increaied; by means of Maritime coro e'jfic1????' f this; prcWe W ' gradoallytc ,fifcctLW,cj; , ccniiprd to te :ve;ijels; & t ptopertycfcntroici, to certain articles 'termed r: ' .7 ' - ' "'' - ' ' " ' mark of dii'refoecl. notto'fav contemn "and re! , dicule. It, is evident, that at that tnTie,;BfiO--j rvijrtehadnodeftrejo forma convention with r7t? -hot to wait the refult, of the. cnliung -ice-, tjon-cf TrfCdcnt ( t the United -States, whkh. was likely to transfer the treaty maling 'powe :,''" from Adamiio JiTerfo'n,:Vncl thereby, lec'ute. . ; toTrance'etciy gtat i fi cation': Saiict 7advSniagcl tb at hcKcwnwant vanity: and ambition;'- could 7 tftand.-Tl.echangeinjh ;'- '.V the fucy'xonclQiioirrf tjieprefen Convention K v do noi Ifcmple to-attribute to'tbe unexpeae4 ceflive -ti eaties.- in w hich 1 rar.ee. sr r7 ... . her -Vntereflirpff fcrifced; cfufcd,;:HTraiuedtr " the pctmiffon vihich isxcw cfrjiterded for as" ai juJtiailcr4fetreatic " Ii07j7r?;r(craredjolhe Republic cf Hcl- land, 4hat, -Jf- vy:.cod '. ftlcKgihg .to ler'mn were found Cn heard JutcK'.ve(lclsf- inch grods Aould be condemned as goc'piTaiiitb, , ,dcclaralion.l,er practice was C0rfct4nfiblev chtr-; in the whole wa 15, .which ended' in 1763 cn'lr ' iirtj-t.yiW-$ecriego. So that imlels the men of the 'V mw : Hyle'f "will abfohurlv fanf-culotte . ys, ' nndnsfitt'tijcn tt thaf t'ur faihcrs vere an-' tednuvfiiusj'and thatwe-turfelvcs .vcre bohr . -id the CEes Cfuiiticvutv. rruft ''"tin V,i acbft that the principle adhered 40 Jhj Great' '' Auiniii w a j.iuiuj,jc 11 ifcu-twciH mw oina-' liens, ihd fs naort ever, farflioned by the ptac .lice cf France. ; , . ,fXy: V -;.,,:. - , 7 ,t ' "':--t?tw: neeriea.iiifni atf mpV. i;qtff?nt'hi'; .mwly aCumed tighf, .ajter liavirig .denied 't its; cxifienee, ixl the moft folcmri and' .formal Won-, ner, we are atn lofsto corctiv'ew' i Jo her--treaW' jy with Great, Britain, fiipulates, that lieu- . ', tral batu ir., isft 'far as the-xtntratrng " patties 1 ? are contetned, fhall ' srake .neutral oods j-; . end in an t fficial t ote frcm the tliefi ;. Secretary ' of State, Mr. Jtficrfon, to citizen Genet, Ihe explicitly anatntain jh.e':gcn'ccal','jincipl' ibr r " iL53l,J lig.vv ytu t j w uiciLarca S lJ flrcng;avwoTds can be,; ars hs follows I Abti;yc t ctanot heidct ;bvt that, .bj; thei -gcneial kw cfoatiocs, the gcodsofa fncjifl f J...,,... '. "1. -iiV;r"'..,--y-''i-'- 's-t I4-' ..V ,

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