H A N D SBURY A 3 A L 5 8 V ji Y.- PUSTEB & PFBLl iu iID " B.T Kuk. 153 T H U R S D A Y, 'April 23 . i i - 3 R T I s4 ! S A L 1 !t-A.NC I S C U P E3 r - i . . , r-, M 1 Late Foreign Intelligence NEW-YORK, April From Londonpapers to .the 2ti i. March re - 1 that this treaty it a treaty cf- grrjeral pact ncation r 1 jus was this as the conftam tee with of objrc" f the ccived at the office of the Mercantile Ad- vettifer, by the fiiip Eliza dats from Plymouth. 1 - , ; Brown jj 24 He;28th.uif :' He his not broV th P"!?11 EnVUnd ciuld not . I "He -report VIENNA, . February "7. The day -before ycicr3ay a courier arrived from! Luneville, whence he had been dif- The 28th.ulr He has not bro't as. -yjjas expected, ihepaflport for the Nea politan miniiier, the Marquis de Gallo, to ieoair to France It. is thought that hisniif- jTion is altered, ami that he will go to Italy b tnothcr buies. 1 V Gen. Moteauln confluence Vfr I inlici tali.int' rf j,.. r. lAutlHa, has cohfeiited to abate jbutidn wnich. lie had impofed' ! 1 V I is Gorernmeut I but all its efforts -havfe been in vain- Europe kno ws all that Britifh Miriiflry have' done. to prevent the fuecefs of the negeciitjons at Luneville, In gih V3in d:d sn agent, authorifed by tiles vcmnicnt, declare id them on the Oct. 1800. that France was ready to enter into a fepacate negotiation with them, ris declaration was snlwertd only bys a reiulal, France rr enorts 1 of fcrrre i or. vaiai3 be iinmcdi- of the, ir. the deputies of Upper the contn- that upon province- Tjhp. lLn?iiln minifler ns received omcial difnitches anaoncinfr that peo Abcrcrom bic h'd unepeaeiJlVf appeared on the coaiis pf tjypt, tpe begii jninp: of Janusry, and that the dilejaihark.tcn or hisf.tro.ops wa er fedted almplt wahout' any difficult, at Da sr.cfta. Itjii fa d that the Frep.ch had no knawledge of the plan of this expedition, & that they vlere cTeri ignorant that frcneral AbtrVromb e had quitred Port.Mahon- ; baodon her ally; lSinceV that period, and af- ter that ally had cdnfrnted to treat without Arts, 1 . dary.cf he , t ajtp theT not to f p a N r v of Government, Feb tti'c Con fa Is J to ihrl 1 England,r, this government feeks for other . means of poltponing a peace, which is fo ne ceflary to the whole world. , It violates a Convhtibh lonfecrated t?y humanity, and declares war agalnlVfiiheirnen. t advances pretentions contrary to the dignity & rigl!its of all nations? ; j' All j thejeommerce cf Alia, and immenlccolx)nies, ate no longer fuffici ent to fatiify 'its ambitiot It aj-ms againft" Ruilia, Dennark and Sweden, becaufe Ruf - - . .. . 1 , 4 lia, Uenmftrk and oweden iiare, ;by treat es. wnicn itatcB tnat uen vernor General of Eevoti ti ar.d nier comaunder of the trccpni 1 1 . 1 . retain their former occiipaticrl ..! V v v. V tne enc is to be Go- ' concert -was tonr!nf?wl he htty pieces of cannon. The vernirent is to di pliy on this pot; take, place till the treaty is rati : j .. - ' February 12. The m'nlfter of police being, i Catales had Vmbarkcd at tover his, gveri orders that he ilould atflr fent bsckfto FrplinU, - Feb. ; M. de' Gal!o is arrived in dutlity cf Ambafl'ador IVIsjefty. of a -raifMndf ratrding , be tween the Efnceror Paul and th? Kir- cf 3ycacn,is uniounncci as js ano her ciiiaii to Feb. 25. morrow. is to be Go-, Gt'n. h - y ;i bcih" iil V1. dc Cr.bentz,2 IV1. de.KalkzihcW peeled -'p Admiral Gautheau'me's fcj; ken an Enghfli frigate. The Britifli government, as ready . announced, connriUes to 1 -1 ilTativc 1 jT lie peace of the continent has been figt . I r. I I.I h ' . tillat Uundville. If. is loch al the re.iich rtriie oeinreo-i. 1 ne uri? . v. iin waai ine uoun- H 'heir rt y tries d d not rihfne. . M neir rty; isclir.arion ; their victories ought thir pretenfioni. After nUorincr the ancitnt limits of Gul, it be- lenj'v to thtin :to reUor- to- liberty, , nations hjiu'i werp unrted to them by a coiRKion origin, and the ties of intereft and nisnners. Th2)fre;edom;oflthe tilalpJne and Ligunan. Next to this duty, there, was hlch uftice,and generchty pre- bpain b?s independence, and th,eir nags. ,j he pow ers of the North, UBjuftly-ftuckf'd, have a right to rely on the alSiftance if Frarcey The French Government will with them . . I. --.I' ' 1. ' average an it ry com mo a . to al nations withbut at av time forgetting, t tat it ooht to contend tmly for Peace and the happinefs of the world.) The Fint Conlul, ! vSinheld)i I " 1 ;i buo?:aparte,; ' r By the Tir flh oriu!, . H B. M Apl retary of State. A (Imiiar niefTace was (et to the Con- ferative Senate, but trie Senate having ri- len before, the orator i or goverwtnent ved, it will be. received to-morcoTr at o'clock Ms expected '.;is daiiy ex- drbn has ta- has hern al nikt war a. mutually guaranteed their loverejgnty, theif l nainft rhifcrable fiflierpen. l'Le ; otder Vjnun it naci given to rejpece tnem oecn revorked and this1 viOjlet-t deternjir.at.on, vvhitli vyourds the rights of people, it has wantonly aggravated byj not :d6'ininvnicating" it' to citizen Utto till ten d?y? alt cry merely to have the odious and baibarous sbility to fail unawares on poor fiheitne.n, and t capture them, in coBtempt cf f the praftitie of civilized; nations. - ' j 1 Thil conduct has criicf.dl that Frchch governnsent, ni. The kinr: of ecured. another vv fcribed to1 been faithful to our caufc. ancf has fuffercd for it.Neithei1 our reveries, nor the per Mioas' insinuations of'pnr enemies, have ttu sbe to detach h m from bur interrft.j !-- I I " . - . 1 . i - ! Id? iliair receive a Jufl return. A Prince of; lis blood is to be p'sced , on the, Throne of Tufctjny. I He Vci-ill rnre'niber thrat he owes; it to the ftdlity; of Spain, and the . friend -lli p of FrlnceHjs roads and his ports wilj lhafatrsintt. our ciWnr!. 'and become the r)nn of nut comrficrce ;snd our -.vcufcls. . ... . ... : .ftria and in this confifts the! arri- two P A R 1 S, February 14, Yeflerday even'?ni; the rlewa of the -ion- Wcl and i 1.' V of the the r rr.in tUr fwr oregn alfiirv; accordingly Avrctr on itu ipitt' to citizen utto tne toiu vu g curr : M, Cinzen, the Fill Crnhd hating cotjfi- dered your 1 ote of the tor) Pive (J5 0 i ) a I'd t f t h e - pa pe r i r.'c 1 1 ( d . ch 1 gt n ier o acquaint you tht ypu ate to tuit Lcn- don and return to F ahe. .''j' j'; v, ;': " ' K " On ieturnipg vol) will eddr e(V to the. !5ntifH eovernHient a note to the foilowing 1 - - - I. . I T ' .- 1 c t u lion of pea c e fpread th rough every' circle. and was announced a: fery baU. Itii im- nnffiblii to defcrib?; the imnrtlfion it- has maus on wic defcription and exultat U 1 ' . The u nde t(i one d' ha Vf n z fnrr fnn ni c a t e to his Vovernment the dtclarati cn of 'the a j i. . 1 . i !, . u 1 . Britifli jvliniftry, that filhingjboars will be he public' mind. EveVy claU and ptured well as all .piherjfynemv cC i;bfcitiz'ens manifeft th CiJ joy (fcls-a tclto fWi '-'L-'? ation.' s iboni as this jovM in- ;.fted upon!; .thetf .ft ConMhacorfidered, tclligence.f cached" the hofeF Longuev'U, where there was a rnalken ball, the ioxn- A France by cmertaiii ents, w pledge of j jce -ALtiria, Iicucernrth leparatea irqm extentiv?' regions, vi and, with the cfTuGons of patriotic eiuofir fmf: they learned to blend the frolics 01 101- a I the tted 1 nolpi.otr iht i rivalfhrp, and thofe reffnt hich have for fo many ages been t h'e . t or me n t o f h o fe two- Powers, and pro" dv ced the calaniiiies of Europe, By this treaty every thing is concluded as tq France. Siie will nave ro longer to contend witlj the fcrmalitiep and intrigues of a Cojigrcls. The Government; owes a testimony .of fatisfaclU ,0 to the Mlniftcr Plenipotentiary who has readied this nerociatiost to lo fortu- rate zn iiiue. There remains . no interpre- t - . . 1 f a tition to be dreaded, no explanation to oe demanded, nor any of thole equivocal dii rJotnioos.l in which the art , of diplomacy Peace; , the fvft objecl of the general, is I J V.J V.t Upal rniiverfatiohl, and the bcibm of the KepubUc lwen wn Jivelie.lt emotions of gratUudt. . 'i li'u mornina. at fix o'clock, repfca difebarees of artillery announced the happy intliience of the concluiton 01 ;peacc the Emperor and tne uermame r.mpuc.. About eJeven o'clock th tnjnifterjl and thccouofeilors of ftate proceeded to the ThoUleries, together- with a great namber of the members of the tegiflanvc Bady, & fcveral of the rblic funaionaries both civd arid military. ! 1 :' ; ;-v J " , After the audiencc which. they - had from the Chief Conful, Buonapart went to the Council oif State j where he acqutintcd th members with the conditions of the eaty. At ten in the evening, the' band of the Conlularguard affembled in the garden of the Thuillerei, whtrt tney contmueu(uDu The that if cn ifre one hand this acT of : the. M5 -tifh government, 'contrary tb ihe invarabkc ufa'g of civilized nations, and to the xorn rncrf tight whici guides themi even in time: of war, ihouM give 'to the one now waging: a character of cbflinacy and fury w huh would j deftroy kae veiy refatibns cf cultom in a I07-1 aljwar on the olhcrj, it is ImpoOible not ta perceive! that j this condcel of the rgh(h gtvernaient only tends further to esafperatcv the two nations, r and jto retard the period f opeace; j that in conieo,nnce-the nnderlign-' ed can po-longer remain in a country where noronjy; every difofijion to pesce isabjuredyJ but whereVthe laws and ule of war arc not underfeood and vio-ated ' 1 . I -The bnderfienedl has therefore recfived ardtti to ouit Eneland, iwhere hit ftay it in verjrf efpe A ofelefs s and hJs is at the fame government having always had for its fufi defire the contributing to the general pan -ficati.on, and for its maxim the alleviating at much i poflible of the mit fort ones of war, nnnot. 'on its fide thlinkfof renderirjjr miter-4 able jfiOicrmen yiaims of the prolongation of hQailines ; that it. w 11 abttiift from jepri f.t.. nd that it has ordered, thit taS i I.. r , ! f J I 7 1 -I 1 1 1 windows of the Chief CoiifaU JepHti thelgcrna of a uiw war Wny is it Mtf 1 -" r- .T,.,i 1 i. lv""1

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