CAPITULATION- i the Daniih Artr. i-.j Th in the ;VtiV Incites.' Tflanns of Sr. TV.nmas lan ,; John's, and their dependencies, ! are reUy placed und?r the. proreclion of hit Wqpntcr Aiajjitty,-unfl by a concul:on or Ur4 it fhall be fettled whether they arc lo l Do'ifh or knal fh property. - ' ; " reared. t rr he illanJs of St. Thomas, and p thrir dependencies I muff he the r frfrce cr his Britannic in'g advanced a lean to the Ja.d pi.anters continue to pay tnc method re(r!aICtj. bnio :y; . 1 hc King of Deurk Jetams rhe rioht Ul "gae .u the laid Uhtis wi.h the piiou the owners, in ex icccaent in.Uvorab'e commercial "coni uric.' rures and the prefe, t circuUance,, make ajeriy , on the car-dtrjons as follow : furrendcrJ Military honors n The re to be fhrwn at t . . i . -. .tinue to wfar ther I words. offr c e rs ; to kc cp r a in d i; r jJ-AU the Inhabit art tc of the ifland are to fjy ths rullcit Ifcuijity tor their perlons ci property; and other rights, as well as iz'z exercilivof Helicon. .. Anfwer. . All lJar.iI inhabitants! and the ibiJclf cf the iflnd and of the U. States i .America lljail enjy the "fullfft iecority r jtucir pcriwiis ana propertie?, a? wen as e iree exercife of refjigion, providetf thev not endeavour colluiivelv to cover oro-: tlind. By properties it to he underltood doJs and merchandize now on fhbre-. 4.I Arms and amniubiiion to. be delivered b a ccmmiilion compdSedrof officers of both rtiei aifo thenigaiires and. prfoviiions,- 1 ivhat c!ic riiaybc tonnd in the fort as it . . . .J . . - .. . , ; , 1! u be found planters'; the off rccordinor to h's laid bUyei the Royal ioar tlie benefit of But with ref. made upon the tod; 6c drawn tip ; tver , in iiurfe... Alt7- Danilh ofperrs of-the garrifon, cfScers and fa dors, to be ctmdufted and theff xcHca 2nd tlfewhtU to benrovided with r pafjpo At iwerTT acc ordi n & t o r e t u r n $ the, fame law as-oWrni tht Britiih W'eirJ India iflands. ' . ' , 5 Qvrnitn'r'y land ft'f to thrir native, coun thar may -deli re. to proceeel to I2 ;A fecrer and jfeparate cunventioii td pernit f Jie inhab taois of the -neihbouri gj iftinds or from the n-tn ti trade ihnher in ordtr to provide thelvouutry wuh frtth proi vificnsw . ' T: . - " "Anfwer The affirmation to this pronoG-f tron mutt depend upon the decifions of hisj land, - - '''V rl-'-J ;'l . ; I f1- - ;If The free coloured pt op land- i)3libi repardedand pj fodcrs of . war. iid '"will be cenvvrd f. tofore. under the Danfh Co j" i. - it f . . -J . 1 - - ; . i -i t pu2!ible and every thcy.fliail not be forced to s I cuty. ts garri E'iropc as fpced:! on tnutt be conGdered no pymi-nt' thi?'vear oi fm j which ha bien effeded fur mt piantert. Anfwer tp the U(i mide. pect to the pavmeht! frv h- loanadva.cedby the if Denn ark to the planren, it i afted to lie lefr m rhJ .fermiriationof the Knxg uf treat- Britain iij ' Irejand in Coui-cil, how they ar to be made! 1 '.' . - : " - . - I :1. ' ' io -inhabitaarftall b; compelled, to carry arms or perform'y duty, when iic nas mads his oath of military obedience. Aniwer, Agree to, Lot they will be re- Hueireu to take an oaih , of k leunce expref ling that they w.ll r-ot tithfcropen'y or fc- ucl,y ooany imng hoitile id the Bmiih Go - - r vernmcnt. ( . i' 1I 1 ne Americ-ns . (ha! be permitted without refttaint tojexport produce of the lliand ahd provide nectftrU. The u.ha'4 I bltants alfo to fh;n! ri 'IhiJira: . ... ,r . ... tJ.iwer. i nele colonies mult trade under permi&on tojdepart in the moQ cciivenient mauner vxihjp'porr- bat' their lUy. htrj -iiiiin iJut rAitea a n.pnin-i .mtflioned vfTkeri mtli be .Wajcfly lhall direct. ; "17- ' derftcod it -is horn d "tii n,-J blunging to the Un il, ibeftfc' W ether fubjects cockered zs neutral, at ro be 'I t J ne cil:cled ;or a bis c o i 1 1 ti r re ti ra . n rvn? r t v l f r;:n f , J! . cTotinue a fuch. ! - hers' and to ; r.iwer. 'Agree.d; V ;" f I ' iS. Shall l the police cf this idandWlinuc to. perform their ctfcYul cfuiy With ihe"fam' aitfiority a undei-.the Din! fliGovpi nment. snd with the known uf?ge if the'feo ony r Anluer, Areedcniejsl ordcttd .. other- I19. The property, afloat ccr.fdfred fo be given into the hand of the rit.fh Co.n manderk cor fide red, : it is licped, a left under fequeflratipn, "and rot be difpof et bfA hut iri'caic cf a declartion d war, &c tal ftch property to be treated in the fame manner as was tfbal, in cale bf dc'clarat oni ;byf Britifti cruisers before the pirefrnt inilun .derttanding between the Uritifli and Darfli nation. - ' ' ' "; - ' :-) -j 1 ; Anfweril Ths property afloat will' be de taln'cd apretabre' to hu fvlljelly VinttniCioti in; the hands of Spent who '.are refponli Me for; their coiducV and afel only to d.fpofe , ofj-per'ifljabltrt'icles. ' It will pre bab y be ;foimd expedient 10 fend pal t c f thils j.u perr ry to Europe, to wtit hiJ Maji fly's. decilU' V i on. dulirnce fhewn them. " r uo.miunry co o quartered sn hnules ?t irt b-irragldi. artd decent Vnoms ito n. M bv the iuroherliCounci', and a com- scion anoointed to that mirnnlp. i . I. . J'Thc, Danifii lawsfand ordinances tb re. ?m in tore Anfwcr. The:Danifh free coloured ped-j j tlje &tpty. a l. cbur occupied by , the - VI svrf-nm.cntj and judicial bfces preftnt officers. Ii ii wu.j,ucdi iive piace to me Ijuflic ajf Ctpcn-ha.fJtfny Aniej hrre. by the Errhlh lit of ihrcs ct the icvv and t wo refpecta- 'cpizcnsj' pcqyai'utd' with the .Diniili Jfh taws and ' otoi ef ft e cstid r ..ill lis n for.i ' i. . v . - . ... ! . Dir. will be Ztia : J r. I ' , .; rot hi forced tp cp sny. n: "thry-niuft tke .the oath if fcrniabSy ro the ai.jvvti to 'I he prcliir.i'nu'ry a:t 'this nrmofi d"rr.r.id1anbn d; r r 7 . ... . : i ; - n ffficcrs lent on bo?rd the jfj .tt afcertain t het number oj Dnulii tioopn lu land at le-ff- - ' V ; Anfwsr. His Excellency 2?. I riC irrP7 tnrirenn ro Ihr n-arrifnr it-iy duty, buj Jji-ving -firreat rracliceih ihfe iflard. wi;l bc! conf i.e. tfered it iklbcntd to remain und.flnrhed as' . . . . l r : . ... . . :tT .1. . A " cies on . wnicii pnds. that., the rrmatii in perlons fillirg civil Y 'P ne L'porcbaticn of their Ex '(JomnianJera In Clhief-''--' la to hi a I," to lie croman prelnt.. 'lint niuli be fab- I vernr is not cpfc'ifd 6 fig: until the return of rhe etne: fee the Britifh;troopsi! . l'e In the ecjteral clalci neiriral property to be relp r as at cfSces crllencifis her event liritshnic rijefty in. But I i' V to Jiwful ovners ii alfb comp his J ! n .irf'$ and public" treafyM-es,1 all. Ocn ketfpiv'trc and accounts, afchieyes . . V . . t . r i J . I remain m ritolefted under the ..; -.. .. mu- :he or the leibecfive ofHcers Ifor riecurjjv ar.n nf " h ; 2o. Iii regard to the twelfth article cf the csf'pitnltrbn. referred to theXdeternjirat on of?his Brit5T!nic A'lajffly, lit J& 'hopfp their I5ccellcnciee& the CcmfnancJers 'in'Chrt't will give a provifory crder to ftdrnit'all trsders vi'h DrovffionV' aj heretof'nrf.' heanfe thi' i i maim irom mn eoiate wants nr mrnti mm P c'f 'h.i:. ifi j iijight becxpolcd to ir conviniencie and fof-)"-otfttrd a herei j ferir jr.-f ' .''"'' ; - " verl;ment, and 'j Ariwrr. The Co'irrn archer in Chief, wilt ' ' i . . ill:' ' : . i 'l - - . do any military tike the carter irto c6 tide 'ration, be L J dijTpcfed to do what ,tc of udvantaae, j i : I i t J , !:! . . .1.- j " be ifi? lo and will be three ttibin he Diniili Go the capitulation particblar Vecarded prae"titfontr in the co vmwrr . -.rtiii, i.tvirg uatn or aner-, ce.-.fC- 'H-1'- .. :.-: K-''IfV t.. "jii For the ufe rf .thl and ether TJarifh i iflands has been ifTued by .his pcn.fii Majelly paper corr, whereof a f cochder able ri he has lent rd v3nd zi j ;fcmis kqw in-pcffefHon ofl ile:'Commnniiy' j. and as liuh paper money has h5therto paffed a of Dani(h,; and 6ed l:to the Great tife and convenience of the in- t. i. t ! . . :. 3. I. 1 J - . I- . i. :m k ,; r .'.1 iiaDiiani uopcu. tnai tt - win ntnceiorta uvrf. -All '.pro pent v belong? no: to or theQc,vfrnmebt mufti bej piven up sntafinjr Vhuftt. all niihllr I rr.. be fu6ijiitted to the 'infpec- ft-lh, and the records and pa f us: and pap avfthe lir l4 proper 9: til. iMai v;rds' bs allowed 11 . . .!..... V. '. f bird propofiticri tary -ports - and iio-asioon a tnc to .remain tfy the King of Denmark hav 1 the vells and all rifoperiie ..... l 1 . : . I . - FiirViA r hat. mirr hr rrriive. time; the D2nifh colonies remain ijipolTciiip of his Britannic ivlajtity Anfv. er. "To reply .to t additional, all the forts. mii capltOlaupu ii ratificci bylei Cdintaander ip unier. - . : . . j ..... .. . t ; .. .-'.' .16. Itis reqiiefled that the military and navai officers fhoufd! be permitted either. to remain nre or to return bj the way of A; m erica or any other jneutralj flate, and that the private Joldiers and fader fhculd be I piUVIUCU Willi pa UJ-'WI w : 5 Anfwer. 1 he efficers cf t Ihrpnfdners'ci war rn their Ipai tic noi to icrtcuH aciaidj aad as belonjrjj be orcJere d topafs(at current rconey : , .prchenfie I ( Anfwer. i he Com man den in Chief per i afloat , in this jjt he paper money of Denmark to pafs;-:ive- during'jhel currfntfor theconveniene'e of tbr colony, ". main in nolle Hi ori 1 'i ... .ii.-. OUl UU I.Ut MU lUiUII II.UICIIUIQI) IU lObC it in lare payments or Engiifh ftarenfor," therr .;wages.... rj-.,. :- - vh. . j.ji :...,.;--:;.. ..: '4. .-.-4, : -j .-;.. :;' TtcviaSxt itb, March, i8ci, :, : - G. V- Von Sthoi .'I to he army, ate - cfhoiit5ut, wlil have en 1 ..h Fred. Maitland, Brig. Gen E. D. King, Capt. H. Nitf ' Ralif.edt- i . -. u ' John Thcs. Duckworth, U. Ad. : .Thomas Trigge, llieul. General. 1 1 ii! 1 1 - j i . r The articles of capitulation cf the o ther lllands iurrencered toj mc iSritill. vers n I 1 i ' lixniiar 13 ice aoovcj I".

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