. l -Mr I S I B U $ A (D H. :.T liS:'E, TzPuxnt d & r.SitUD t F R A NC I S' G O U P EB. p. I 1 ; 1 V f. r Nr. 1 s u r. 'r : . v..v" .1 1 ; " . .. - L - 'l i . I ' ;: 1 -'-".'.:, S A L T NEW-YORK, May yfteT'day arrived in on, j the ftiip Suffolk, 20. a: day t from Lon- brJngiog papers! to K48thnf ADril iftcltifivff. Te mtclligrnce j whjch they contain is. ihlV' interertingj JSfew and 1 furprizing; 1inUr3iT3in Jiave talrien DlareL vvtiich will (robkbJy ter the w.hjole face.&C Efiirope, I Iri the Kalticl the Knlini fleet midtr Lord Ndfbn have, attmeved another u?ar Tic- oryi : They verviered Wororrar, in' this i country, reappointing) rum AmDauacor troro riullic. 1 be menen ger came over from phin p?cket. raptain mail)1 and arrited in' London about j oelock on Monday the Cattecat. land laflfdd bv the idrtrefs of Cronnburcr before he iycs of his: .DhifJj M kjcftW land npder the very iiattery or Qpf rmanfnt capjur- 1d 6r skiEmHTEEN SHIPSbut pf tli at wbre litatidned whole: Navy of Deo' Hambyrg in the Doi- xlearne j (wuhoat : a eight night- His difpatches 'VErvTT.THRE-E lark!, with the Capita of the Efmre, had Hi g nil in on. thus - c y JDf! to! ibs PiincW Chalks icf lkfTe Cait J General M fHD'inifii. (or;cs, prevJcully Uqthis evept pizeo ofriMmourlh v stn isidoo troops. girrifohed thatiy. i f were delivered to the Chaplin bfthe RiiiJlanj Legation, in llarley ft reef, & an exprefs as fnt off to Count Worotiiow, at Southamp ton. The mefleriger brought a Jerter frqm M. j Vander Pahier, the. Kufiian Secretary of ftate to Lord Ha wkelburyj diir Minifier! I for Foreign Atfairs acquaintinhitri, with me event," ana sijwnng him it wa the wilh fif the jSmperor to rfe.eftibliHi the relatiohi of amity between Roffia and England. letter wa alter br ought j'rwr it ren by the Eml prrpr Alexander birofelf 10 our Kinjrfull of the tn oft conciliatory ";; cxpreffions, ''j Mrl Sharpe, our.Iate Confut in Ruftia, but new in London, i$ laid to1 have received paflpcrt and to have been ihreated to returfi imm diately. The Britifn feainen' have beep felt I at libejty by the new Krpperor, and the fe- qneftratbh taken off Brhiih property ipcludi iini; in t m A 11 a v v f were mlored ott tide of he ea-i of 74 guns,' land a? large frigate road of Loptbhagexv rd .gnlHipiyVtWitnoof.'inaQs) ifje flat,, cn the. fta (board trance into the arlenal. . i f The.day after,' the- w'nd beirr fouthtrlv. tve again exatnined their foiitipi aridcm to the re(ojutioi cf atuilng iihcDT trcca f o u t h w a rd . ' , . . . , i-'.--- I Vice admiral Lord ftelfoa iavln orTered hjslerviccsjfcr conducting the attack, had, Ibme day? jfcefdre we ertwr.ed: ihei .Sound fhifted hisrlag to the! Elephant! abd . alter having examined and bboyed libe souter channel of the. middle grocnd hi -lordfiii jproceedrdith twelve (hips cfthe jiDr.naai ld in the margin all thicj frigattes,, bomhs, fire liitps, aWd ajl 'the fial5 veficli, and that evening anchored eff Draco rcin to nuk his aiipcuuqns tor tne attacK, anq waic lor the wind tQ tne ioutbwardf N '-i - i u. that the re- I he Rmneror - - i :. r - is dcidibit Jay by" a.rli.'oiqtlte 'appb -others with greatei probabihry ppi The nerw Emperor Alexandtr, has iready difcovered !a difpefition to purlue. a different poIicyjand the Ruffian lAmbafia would Jdon'lis. about to re'turn to rcfu'meliisfi.nc-. .tioasj This angurs a ihange in ttie Cabinet Y Pcrer (burgh, arid with the Dajvi0f';dfaf- rs.i wm pioDaoiv De ratal to the iNortricrn Confederscv. . - rv I ' " 1' ; Axeport was prevalent in London on the lSthlof April, that Sir R. Abcrcrbmbiei ibad defeated. the French in Egypt ; and that Sir John B. Warren, had! taken; 16 LONDON! April 1 5. -Ti. recort of the death of the Errneror cf.RlFia,- whicii yc. innounced'in ourjipa. per qf yefte'rday,, proves to'be; well ft und- cir- -I lnK ftiips.. In cenfequerce of this inteili- gence, merchants j who a week ago have fold thrir oronertv in RuTia for cent. yefterdy refuled o ; the rrcateit joy prevailed throughout the mercantile I world. No happier eyent could have cccured fort than the death of taul. Th's ; fundVj rofe nearly two per cent arid the fpeedy di flo tation of the, Northern Confederacy wis regared as certain. i V Iff Frtm tfo Lev Jen pazettc Extraordinary i . We d n e fd ay", Ap n I ' T 5 r 1 1 . .Idmiraliy office jffril JI5. Cant. Qtway, oil 'his. MajeHy's ftp Lop don, arrivecfin 'town- this ; morning, j vviih diipatches trotn admira ujr Hyde rstKer, Were carred to a commander' in chief cf a iqpidrca of lbs J ijs cocnrr'y's ferv Maieftv's Ifun? cmplcved on a narticular ler" s J 1 - B i i ! " ' r - I : - - r 1 the, Loraon," in Ccpci:h2gen Eads,' on the It was agreed between rnaining (hips with Die fiiouM weigh at the fame moment his lordlhio did. land menoc the Crown ,'jbattertesj and the fcut (hips of the line that lay at-ihe entrance of the ar fenal ; as a.lfo to cover out difabled (lups -ai thsy came ciiit cf aftion. . . ? ; I have row the honour to enclofe a copy , of vice admiral lord'PCelfon repute to' me. of the aclicn.c.fthe 2d iJft. 'Ills' lordftiip has ftated fo fully the whole of his prccced trigs on! that, day j a'i onltit'b leave tne 'Op portunity to teltify my Entire acquiefence and teftimoiDV of 'the bravery end inticcidU V " 1 ed ; but fo many falsehood have been cu!3tmg refpectirjg the fate ofi his mate!! we at rirft reccivtd it! with fui4cion. K Tt ippejiM that on the 23d olt Ihis JiDfjertal Majefty went iro relf as nlual,, and ! next Inorning was fcjund ItfelefcJn hisjbed, bav- vrL H,ct s it is, givcij, uiiif in an, aporic-uc 6 th in ft. of wfiich "the foticw-mg are ccptesi; j ; SIR,: lYbstt" will be jItaied to acquaifit j the Lords CcmmJl:onf rs cf the Admiralty, J that fince my letter pf the 7d cf Inarch, n rSnnhftiinifV f3T Winn IJI? rrfi . T Cir J tin the Sound till the. jcth. when the -i . i ! - - Li.'..; l!f. 1 rr.--lti.--i t -4: - 1 qmefay pbrfbo ..; He'id d'ifguftcd jbr tfrotit fd alj-his noB'es andjefficers jtii&tng ) them Intj5 favour oris day; Land difgracirg them me next. Hi tyranny had .Je'ft him no vrupi j . ne ;was urtvriarjy natea ; . every nd'njidual was.afraid of becemfne the vicr tifli of his ranric. "T he hiftnrv 2nd rirac the Jin fp an Cjourt pointejd out his fatefj he liimflf : HrraHfd ir:1 and felHnm twice in the fairje room, r The prefenr event was forefeen, and predicted by per fcnsiin this country the beft informed on Huillan affairs: - - - ; ' f. ' r Hjs eldcft fon. Alexander, was immedi-i pieiy proclaimed'! en pet or and tit com.' .meDled his .reign bv ifloing an uliafe or pro- r if ?n w c" w'airead on "L nargc-an-; ripuic:ng,. hst had pleated Uod to; Mhis father, who had oied in an apoplec--5 , the gbveinmlnt had tdeipolvcd on; Vmhi that he would! fUle with iufticel and .follow the maxims of -his' iMcftric-os crand-j jcrier-5 Dy yhichnfean$ he bored to con Mc fit s jieopic to happinefs and glory:' i Among other ftrps of the new Eirpeiorj A- Mrr, Gjipatcncdia mciici ger to count ihlfted in a moft yip Vi.: to the N,;:V with loch violence, rrvtrt rr fc . its wind as lent fquall from ihe S ihd North, and blew th fo great a lep, and vi to rrncTer it i:npcb!e Icr any (Kip to have Wig h ed her 2 ncho r . T he w i n d a 0.d fea were fofviolent, i as ;o oblige ,nSar.y ;(iiips "to! let" go,1 a fecond anchor to prevent .thejrn'i from .drjagg'in'n o t Wi 1 h fta nding "t h ey were rising whh tvyo cables n crdy arid jby he. mornirg the wind veered again to i:he fout i ward cf-rhe weft. ! : J , On the oth cf'laft month, the wmd halvv ino- come to the north wariji wc pslled ia;to the Sound with the fleet, but not before; I had -liurcd myieit cr tne Hotiue intentionjci the Danes to eppcie our p-tfage, s the pa pers marked, X, 2, 3, ,and 4, will prove ; after the intercourfe there cctlU be po dcubt remaining of their dcicrroina" tion to. refihV . , I ' i:: f '" : , r:: After anchoring jaboiit Hye or fix-.: "aie from the ifland ofi Huin, I reconnoiterecl, . 1- ft J -I "M - If - I Um'ixl vyitrl vice icmirai Aciionnu 1 vi .nww'i Graves, the ; fcfmidAb;line ot fhips, ra-j deaus pdritbon, galleys . fire (hips, and. gnri-boats,i flariked and luppbrted byfcDiteiv-i five batteries on i the ,Sjpands callfld thn Crowns ;',tbe largcft of whith was rnouo with from fifty toievcoty pieces cf cannon; ( thefc wtrc aiaemmanded two fijifis ty vithsvhich the adioti was SlLpporUd throughout the line ,1 ,.; j h ; j.:NAIk " ... i- "VVas it pctlible for me to 3t!2 arly thing to 1 he, well krbwn rerrewn' Lord JSelfon, it would be I y afiertirg, that his exertiens, great? as they have neretctcre oeen, never iiigner piun 01 xa m cochrry's tcrvice. ..:!., I have cnly to -"lament, that the fort cf attack,, cor;rned within an i tntiicale and narrow pa0Vge, excludrci thejiliipf partini iairly undcr;niy command, from the oppor ' Ibnity bf exhibiting their ralctr:;fcui I can, vyith truth; ajler.t, that-trie fsin fpirit. and zeal animated the uhoie ;f the fleet ; rd i jrili'that ;Se'cqntei in '-y hich we are en fcaWed, wdl, on fotne fcture day-, afford them an occafion tf ftiewrg that the who!c were4ffp?rf d. wijh the fame fpirit, had ihe held been rufhcicntlv ex tea: five to have br0t concern -I'mentica he loGs of captains Mc lie and Ricu, twp very brive and gallant -rtjincers and whofo &lst as I im well informed; -'will he lenlibiy it into aciion, - , It it with the deepefl hve lelt .behind ii.d children, the elt tir the. families they thtm ; the fcrnser a wifd alter an gcd mother, j. ,,1: - . 1 . . Frcm the known pallantrv of Sir.Tbomafi - Thcrrfjfcii on former ctaficns, .ht .rtaI; . fervice ill have to rftret the loft f the ifutureUxJmiens of that bralvc efficer, 'whpfa. It 2 was met ofr. Uf ;i. : ; For all bihcrajtticulaM;J bfg leave to refer their Icrdlhtps id Jcapit. Otway, .vjbo was with Lcrd Nelfon in the latter part of the tibo And able lc anfwr .qtsefiions that be thought jnirceilary- to put "to, fherp., A reiurn of tbelillcd :arid wounded you will tecjfeUif here with f . - 1 wVe hc hen our, to be,&c. H. PARKER, Elephant, D fiance, Edgar, Rufiel, Ganges arccraccn, Poljphcmui, Ardent. Monarch, -Re I!ar Glation, Ins, A

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