1 - l . A I H-CAROLIlM': ! t- IS BUR, Y AD VEiR r;fx; s air, ipW sWti: i.i. BY i ' 7. . 1 i : H"i 'Tr i . iY. : S; A -L; I S ' - ' : . -,i . . I i . ' Li. If v. j. , i. ' 1. V i . - I i . ! . . . ' K -r LI rill IN A XM C I pj the King of Svdep, according tohfeh jeU,dte -.tjo 'oiifpjrin 1 ihdrnrelef.' in time jf waf i Given at j.Sc. Pctcribugli; jihe Jt3l of Dcceaibci ;i8oo ; annexed to the onientioh of ar iticd neutrality, - hd re-ferred.to-io the kd article that inftru- mcnt. j; .! 'i " , ' il i ''V "! f We Guftivos Adplhhus. &c . herehtf BiaL- iOWn, tnat navine had recerit exoeriehce dangerous and hurtful reftraiht and un- ;tiiiu .jW.iL w tutt tumxnerec ana i irigation fbf neutHaitJ j wc ha therefore ought proper, jat rtreit ibr themaineftahfce the rtgUU ' bf b url f u l?je ai, ' a$ fit) aa th iijbrifijmen dfleertaw principlei, in oh- cts 01 genejai tpte,ren? to pob4ifli a dehnitc din a nee fo? the nlivi nation ofs our, realm. jcould not efcape c wi war it:uic our attention, tnat in powers which take no UtJn it, haveja itutral tight ta continue ir commerce ana ttavigauon, in iafety, rght vvhich Mcortiljbly efiilts from the ijfett jndeperjdence, which belbngj to evfei rjgovemmcnt. j ! This! right wfrich in prac-!. :b is often ;ficjlatec, though always univer !y ackcowlc;dged;i jjre.lupipocs however i obiigation.oferinjr a impartiality to-1 ird$ the ;;heIige i!.cnt powers j without fa ?bringeithcrj to hCther$ , prejudice, & io a careful pb'ferance of the obligations pridecl upon: rrcates land upon; public ordi-; keesi The ohiervations of ihefe otiia-i s and duties.! derived from !rincmle-u- ycr lally r vognitld, j or ietiqijt h in I parti- yy as without j them, all - pretence to c advantages! ot reutrality fajU away and ii3ti6n is expofld to embarraffment aU tys prejudicial .and ioften attended with nnl. -,Y, J, 1 r: Ti. t TirJ.i':.: rc declare the foliowioff regulations to be c foundations ofj the rights ard duties of e legitimate and neutral navigation of Swe- i. In order of the captain, and of thc fliipper, a xuwlpp with . the fame fignaturw and containing he lift of the fsyeral arttes of the lading j 5 the ftipuUted; 1 terni of the freight waSf a ctrtificah fjtslih'itt tucK is requWtcV! If the 'fliipS deftination be oiily to pprts within the .BaUtf or to the Sound; Ihe Turkifh and Jitin palles are not necctfaty. But all the o;cr papers above fpeciHed with out excVptian mull beib.'ihe captain'soQffcf- lion. Uvered in a $wedifti porr, unlcfs a nhall nave been bv accident or hv i prived ofj her papers, 'ih which c?Ar thefe ujj wv cut wcu in iur cigii ,porr .pro Vided . thej captaiQ Jnwnediatciy. upon hisar- rival (hall take care to, mike an authentic and duly efifiedjd the accident or ;aledging , tri p grounds upon which he jlbicitSythis renewal pfpapcrs.h .4. Th Captains arclfuf bidden to take apy doubly papers or invoices. TheV are til.-...:- 'rJlli.1: j j -l-L-.. -h ' V . nKcwfic jtuiuucii 10 uiac uic ci any reign ag 1 2 Every caoiajn iseiort fiht"fxA,9 1 f; 1 tic, in biils V that a fhin be recognized ' ivgdiih, it muft ljlve been built in Sweden, iwiuc proyinccs ppocr owcoun ooinTnion, fcav been ftranded! on the S wedih coafts. id there in Idue iform fold, nr haJ a foreign country, j by a. legal and authen-i conveyance! nurichafed bv I a sSwede. Iff bgedln wary-it jfhall hedef m$ legal, if Ut three mon rhs,'befbre "the iclual ruoture. Every purchatd ip mft rlnAuraiized, But as thd haturafizarioh of vcfleiVlcValiv rchaled in foreign Icoutriei - bnt fin the jueli cantured bv a nrivater hf a 'hpllmi. Jit DOWe.r. lla mtAn rtrawn 'ftrw - if r1C- ' ccable difciilfiooL It is her eby refol ved that time of war! no fliiailiall' be 'kiatnrdii7H.' iich fhall have oceci previouflv the 1 oro- rty of enei: of toe belligerent !p5Wers, or w lubjects, excepting however; all fch naturalized before the publication of "muw, , .which uiau aiwayscnjoy me : . It is1 ordred that the captain and haif me company ot ihe ivicriaant -vtfiel, mui: be &vvtdiih fubjects. , ;. 6.v The cip tains bound bejond the Bal are. held to purl ue the courli prfelcrtbed. tneir ordersj, and ccaioraiabJc,.to the of lading. , , . 'Jvi '.. ' ' ;;;' 7. All vtflels bound to the nor t of a bel ligerent "poer mntt with' moft fcrupulpus care, and under fevcre nenahies avnid rar. ryinjj.air contraband . gwods. n ;"rq.prevjent. all ambiguity or in ifjider landing -asl to what is to be cohfidt-red conirsband, it is refolved tha : only the foJuwif.g articles fiiall be (o confidred : cannpiH, - mortars fire arms, piftols, boml)6, grcnadef, balls, mjuf kets, flints, niatches, powdery falpetre fulp her,' cuirafles,, I pikes, i words, bolts; cartoucfiboxe?, laddies, he. 'except the qpantity of thefe thjngs, tnat may be jjne cefTary for the dtfjice of the inip. and- her company. I A'l other articles not Jhere. fpe: cified fliall net be confidered as warlikcrpr naval ftoies.. nor be and mail accordingly pals trtz and without .obftruftion. ... t j;' v'; ; k. f " .. 8. Every Swidifh fubjecl is forbidden! to fit outpritateers, of to ule their veGefs kr gainft the belligerent powers, their and property. . . h 1 . . J n. . c. io wediJi veilei can ever be ulcdbv a belligerent 1 power, to tranfport troons. arms or warlike llorts of any kmd. J'f the captain be compelled thereto; e, by a fupe fior force, he muft at leaft jinake a format h authentic, proteift Jagainft the violence, to which l;e is nccelllated to iubm t y r . ; , lb. When a merchant vtiflel )5iall notjbe under conoy, and fhall be met j by a ftip of war, or pri vateer of a belligerent power, the captain of the merchant velfel lhall not oppoltfihe viCtation of v;his (hip-bur fjjal nimfelf be bound truly to produce ajUhecls and documents which definate his Iadjn2 and its deflination. The caDtain and his attempt tp enter a-hicrkanrd receiviov a formal nottattnii frr-hi,i- ffbjrcjfi .f be' coihtnande'iL thereof. Toal-I K1? IV raclcriiis a blockaded pr, ihivdenomitiba is aftifVd. ooly to thofc whc.rr, byrhe meafures i xhc power attack ng them ,Virh mips defltned for the pur P6ft'f and (uficiently ndar, iherc is an evil C lM -ftMW.vcfel mould! nir4 or by! a priv.tecr lfew-5 war, the captain ftalhttrphd cvcumilantili 'WfefTWU'"" the ghbobrhocd where the.vCncl was taken. 'fiU-?P5-ib N nHuch there, he fhai ihc SwtdjfKcon. " hii, whcjf diHrift comprehends 'the porv, into whkb his veffel lhaii have been .bro't. ' j 1 4. tve i y cap t aia of k S wedilh" mere hanc veffel, wLo ebferves accmajely, the above rules anoV regulations, jblall ttijoya frec. na . ivieatibn. biotecled bv ifci- lavc ad he bbligations oft treaties;, ard'ali the miniflcrs, fuls are o public agen Si and, Swedifh con- cindered a .warlike! or j fiiall be 1 fubjtct jo confiff atibn, i lefvance rdrred 10. cafe cf. attack or infiilr upon him to fnppor; this lawful, and well founded cQn.plainr,But whomfoever fhall in ahy point tranfgreCyhepreler.t ordinance muft impute the conferences folely to their bWd...Ulegl conducl-. anld can make no rcli anre in i'ech cafe upon tlic fupport and pio teaipnjcfhis majectl .-; I "5r Cppfbrtnablyr . 1? the contents ..bf a former ordinance of his Imajefly the privar f1er? ol ev,ery foreign f natiou are forbidden jv to enter W : bring into the port ct his realm, ibeir trize5. exefofn? hen thej ffrp are cbirpelled by dfefs. in this! caiTe every perfoa is orbiclden ujon fejvere penalty to purcbafe theorizes, or any of the t;cls taken by the prtvatrcr . . That ro perfon niaj' allege ignorance of :what-;We!-:har.ordainrdj'.'we fhall make known the nrefent ordinance, wherever ic nts to which f eutrat and Swedim projper- f company, are alike forbidden in the fevereft Id's rantaln mnft ttrevideil ith all the pa pel iieceflary and rcquifite ( cy 01 ni& navigation w ,iui f taildtng cchifcete, a jw letter fo tQl frte letter L f Tvrkith and Latin tC ff' a ervp'i cfiti;, an l5;jR6r j jftmtfV! oath, .3. c&artcr partyf p thc manual iSgnatuxc of the freigher,i I ; , i -. , .1 1 manner, either before; or .during the ex a- mmation 10 conceal ur utitroy any vi iueie public papers. . , ; , ';...-'. ; ii . Butkiffuch a merchant yefierbelpnn to a convoy, the preceding article mail rio Innoer frve a a riile to the ractain. bul hi duty fliall then ;be fqlely 'f cflricled, puocSuj ally to obey the orders and llgnalj pf be commander of the convoy, to which end .be (hall conflantly do his endeavour to keep as of the fame by all i whom it way concern. Given at St. Peterfbargh, the 2 of y December, 1800. (Signed :t'..;VR4 .t- - . IGUSTAViOS ADOJLPHUS,! N 1 1 E W . Y K K; Jure 5 Ycfterday afterr.ppn the remarkable' ffl failing and lortunatefhip Argus, Capt- lVJain arrived, Jiere in 33 days j from Bourdeaux tile iSrOfiiip-rjv bicii ha& . frfor ixsed her voy age frimrfence to Franc and:back fitice the renewa pf our intrrcdurfr withthat country The Arguv:hayperformVd her voyage in lefs than threm&ths. . ! 1 '- i ' I Rv this arrltil' Ha TtrivrA ' I3t4 papers to the 26th of ApriLinclufive, eight i -. j & days later man our ijpndon. I Vpf n "be rrencn accounts via whole,: jthefe papers fiirnifhjus with little nfws of importance.! ;lA gentfinan wbb canie -paitcfiger . p the Argus irformk us, tfearithe news rcfDcdintr. J the defeatlpf I Abna-pjt-bie, JM fallen Up ine grouna, anu was ouociiec.a in r ranee when he Urt Bordeaux,' whkl) was on the ;aU,ult.yOur belief 0 the inaccuracy pf the late acccunts from Eeybt. by the BrutusL - ; i flrerVtheBgdt from tlie entire ileutc ! of I the late Faiis ( $tr. 9a this fobjeft . 1 1 1 - .t t 1 i " 1 J.