S:A - .?' S JL I S I1 U -i 1 , . - i 1 , : fingliftr Account ; j ' . of I - EGYPTIAN AFFAIRS.; ... By a vcuci arrived .at JtSciton . ,m. 3 5 Jjpnj. Gibraltar. ... i - day Gibraltar i-7it8oir'J Yiffcerday arrived from Abookir.'in "28: sys, Meiiyshrtdzrmed forij'llbullaj Irufcotf, frocn -whom -vfe have tfic folloSv-j j3i-r inforinatiori. - "' .". .; '.: ' ' ' r : err V 1 V The Britifh arriy under Sir Ra rqmbW arrive cJ in Abouir Bay on the mbbaf kf, on "account "o teippeOuOus, ivea- .tier unuunejn, wnen a landing vs et Jedttd tf 7000 men, .urider nea.vyw-fire' ?w!TIfT1ITCTSraiia rniall irms. The Frenc'h'. pjcc'g Tigorois Dppoutuin, aavancrhg tp the beach 2nd adual!y levellins ujoflcets oi et the gvn wles otthe boats;" bUt'-thej Jte eneiy wixh the bajcnct,: made gocd lhe)r debarkation tand ofrove the French! a J bou 1 1 wp iiii I cs to war d s I Alexandria, and i n )o the caflle of ' Aboukln ; taking from them J 9 :1 ! ,i ; 1 I ; Gur)!ofs in killed-and wounded this day iv computed to amount Ito 4 or coo run s Knd thd enemy's about I the fame-; Among ucorj wikji maae iQi? nru Janaing were h? guards, 28th, 2d 90th, and 92d re giments- Uur troop iwjtre reinforced nhe liine evening by 5009 more men whq landl 5 afterwards ; and havjng.cftablifijed them,. 1 5 ' E 1 thp Swif tfure. wr in' Gibraltar, date O.uriraHant a the heavy artillery "heipht near ; A) e xa nc diateiy fall on msribc height as ttehnre!y.vc ' . tJir john VVarren fcl the fquadronorrder r-A day bi the 2 id cf 'MarcIi, but in the hiht ' They were of April, by his Maje(f $ hffej -Mutinc, efff the liland of Saffiniai TSjortheilt. 1 wo of the Iiie of fepk'lridlbft their tbreniaRs. 1 ;STOCKfl6tlfe!, April 3. 1 & I ives jn rhi.s poCi;ioo, they reitiained until Abtj jth of March', when a rz, V ' 1 ! n-rnTnjr onr ..Grand Flest,! efift ngof50'.faiI; put tofea'wh a very favour able wind. There are bc'Qdes, the crews, three regiments of infantryf. The Ruffian fleet from Reyel. is to join ours in the en virons or -the Sound ; to tffedl which pilots have been fen t. ! :, s ' F.verVnscarary tneafore h taken. here to rrp-lie vigoruufiy the ErIifh in cafe they I .fiioaid intend mckins: ;a attrimt on ou'riil untry. The land fa armaments are Mi cbnritiucd whh the greattft zol, and re-j Heve cs t prefent from any app'rehe'nfion of uangcr, ... I - . T can- who gsnetal adtion 2 ? o r in f hji tnf jrcat.ofjthe French,- an4 fcur pieces cf frpn bsihg captgrrd .byUhe Enghfii, ouaoout icop men m this sitavr :. but bvi ts from prifonersi? the lofs of the 4 Lrrenchlvvas Greater. I ,0o tfieiAth, the attnek commcne ed boftni 1.4 - n i ' i. . . . . - . . i l - nae caufcot Abopkir, and on the. i Sfh. th-t it",,u' "iiicuucrea to mc;Drimn torcies. 1 , , MADRID, Apri! t - ifte mnoe.of FarmaLhas been faiutad at .Araojuez, i.nd fobmnly acknowledged a'i Sovereign of -Tufcany. (ijc is not knoifril under what'iitle, A; guard cf honor hit been, gi veo .to hini and t here have been fori three days illnminatjons and feih'vals''-J'H Court, t He will depart from hencebn 2ifi April fur Ff 3 nee, where he will arrive on the 3d May.iJ- It-is believed that xyillmakc but a fhort (Uy in Paris- and that I he x ipecdiJy.let ott for Florence. -- - -'-.As.'.' y ..... Hague; April tO.K thK iTev attny feVi the afliftjb t;K. arrival vigorous, ih" and fo' unsble pnleath of thefe. the iffoe, will be fav jiThe return horn Sir in z received alls morning' for the Wed.bythe Sre TrolniaVfet. . . ! J ;. Admiral ;dc Wmter, hay I When the UuifwAdt Ifiritifh inltrucl-.ons. let oft this Wiwa. polled withinliWa m?fe3lft. T" 1 "f1-. .Wl". hkv flU" flaS ?!ftcd!, ! ndria d the pencil jTuppoiT j , -f -"'.J, heioKr.'af P-.'.:DriiLl-.i ' ' ' .jl tM ltreent tim'aMis.tii 'i trer. 1 n is ra; tntp. shfh'have appeared m-fijrht ic; tomt is ivhat has determined the Di-f tdOmr Wekaudria, ' The BrififK dfeba.rking their e:dlC'raia oueribgJ f? rf1y-ty the-em Wo,j to th;!rds.;of .Vy1ich,:were:rcady I ?go laid cu ali cierchacs .;eO!s .now in ;a,fhore); aii attempt bpbp the, French caiup (. our Lrl3- vfas expected, very foon tp beg7nx vhen it iaifuppqfedvthere,; could i3e:iJtU loubt of inevencbeinglas glarioiis to Britain as the receding acijon.; had prve'dThe iFrenc 4it'firft,m:lak'en. the) 42(J;jreiment Jn Jjellighland ifrclifor Twisnd attacked fftetn wi;bwtheir ufuaiconJenct ; but Vyece xtceiyed ivith. a ga(bbtraXpQrirK wb'icjft iJAty. dinot epea.ahipxobibly had- not v,oaitd.ta.j Tjw Highland crs.re; Reived the French cav.alryj on their b-yonu; r.renchjtr.TT3r eppofed Icfjthem., , V - ' It is further repcrtedtfiat lurad ey . l fbiluvvcrs .have rmtraWft irfi Frfnrh aii lI".a!ro ;?nd prevetUed iyinott.frora joming r? .fori" at Alrxaodm!i! where al!:the riit tthe;rrench troop had been concentrated. nin accounts liad arrived that the. OraH1. Vuicr Vith his army had marched towards uoui ine sotij ofe f coruary. ' : ; u w the iieptenac cf:'hi Maleftj's4 when he failed from Matri. ijyo men. exrltifivercf rijibberj it is prcfoiritd,- hive, be?! ed-iri' t 2Vpt. (The correfpondence hetveeh the aria r rencnovetnments Will 'cbntrnoe..ft at prelent it proirjifts but; little. Whi! two'expeditions cf. fdeh rnignltude as tho& under the comrind of Sir Ralph Abercrom bie, and Sir;: rlyde Parker,3 are pending, it As 'jimpoflib that arty terriii fliouldbe agreed ! uoo likely to form a pefm!a ntnt bafis of tie ! gociatioh. . '' 1 ", '"'.L ; ,: '' 1 A fchooa'er uhich is arrived t PIvmoutlif fc Pf ivlarih. VVc have had accounts; hoWe- ver, later by feveral days;! On "the 17th. Sir J. Wirren was eff Naples ; ard pn .ihf 1 g t h , 1 i t i s fa 1 d , heo bl igejr .Gan t he a u rri e"r t o return to Top foil, from wheiicehe hatl fail-' ed two'days'bfifpfe. v : V f fS -- ,v" J Govern men it has wiftjy determined to'pte eyery exp die n't to;Vori ci flat etel1 friend fliip of the bew.Empe rpr oFR ulJia ; raiVqforthii pi?rpoTe i t is reported, Lord St.j'FIeehsfia, al)out .to repair -Xo'PeferlburT.fi'eVe-. ii't hpveyer, ttio'much reafo-ri to fear;ih'at .lenderr adopting tnoiijgiandmbther, is determined" it p adhere v with fidelity: to the avpvted jprincipiss of the neutral leagued S. - x ) T- "." . ! t ' . ,! n is reporxea, on wnat autnonty we:eould i not fearn", that fome;umulfts-f(ad broken out f at Stockhorm. and ihzt the knq had hidsed i it prudent to quit-that capital. . " i i ' . P A K I S, . April '22; Ap Italian Journal' has ,the following pafl 'unervthe date ef Genoa April 5 : ' All? trie fctitr we receie from1 Leghorn affureji fhat.Citiztn BelleviHe, the French Commifi fioner of Foreign affairs j in Tufcany,' fcqs received the iaiportarttintelligence thatGci4 exal; Abcrcrbm'b'tLJiad attempted a land'ti'ej in fEgypV sbut that his aripy was rough)y) j r , 1 laiicr if atcment is -icj! djfWtyJHt is added'he; futccecfed in,: -rJ nibrPent thiri the former.1 gaining -nu impsisritiba tew ot Pj froutedj r One hundred ihoufabd buarteVs 6rM. brdlfFcrent ! fofts. liave beeri pu'rehafed In loldiert'.'r " This informatron (fays Lc' Journal de -Deferifeurs,. from which this article is taken! coincides yritb'a late ftaiemenr ef oiirt"-It! is evident that if the affair topk place :bn the! i known itTourteep days ifterV !, v-- i vLONDON, April a. :: -1 Tlie only hjiei;;gerr8e-thaT fetmxd,.tranf Prbin rzick, Kelv'ip'g'and .Koniiii&url 'Thtfup ;dlriseipeie'd fdlarnVev ImiAtdiittlfc , :L.; .TTOjge ajuannf betveeo France and tbcfOitonan Court feems fully confirm. Xd ".'orM 'tf?e paft 'it iViWejlckriqwa TJnwgP r ranee, -and thV inflti-; enc of Rcrflfa; 1iave eftranged Jojr intimid a uJ , the TutkilU1 Govcromcnt -from ri(1iA aminrU' reia the aifiibco rThe Danifli trb6ps, ii is fatdi bn the au jthenty of a ,vcliyi arrived in the Downs, e--vacuated Hamburg on the r .7 1 h ipfr; the ! Senate havirg aho b'cen' aifufed, (27 letter -from Cruh4ven, thr the Kiiig of "PfpfTSi had no'intenrien ofi occucvinor -. 'thatitv- I" iliis latter ftatement is -IcCts probably af th J

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