r ' N- u " i- . - - - .7 :MER 'US WV JJ I S B TT:'sm-iu: 1 '"", :U:i UUf ' ' ' ' J" . : T I , ... s . ' . . i ' : I it ' 'Num." 1,63.!' - .:i.V.-:--MvH'0vft;3rA MiscEuANpus;TH(aGa rs . -r j j "SY'MoKTElsi 1Tb taVefdslVnt in frifadrnjT. Is tolsave the payer of chan-ng jtljo 1 inom;enrs 'cf ldi tixie tha- vifite every ma,., ffcr the rciolt icidus feidfhnh bjr jife. 1 " " 4"." T jlV Hat an anffortnate 'ftcVcTi - h IF tn the conftitutica of map, thar hi.'.uniderffand- ihti fcarrtly -a!6tured when thcl organs'of body, begih; to il ! I K j ; -A ctlcbrawd phyciah "ton jaJked-s-if the commerce ; of the ..'ftxes was prejudicial to tfc not ufed But i Ihould -riiipk'.virieiy'a 1 mbnglprovocativrs. jt is a prpot inac iiierir ,is ers ne nigneii fcnA, vhrft It.'contitmes tolfiiini With iccuf. tb7rtediIfcraiTli'ouh merit of aVTirgh a fink U iri its priiente. l.Vfr 1 Ileal genius. a fccr'rt eift.cfj the Deity, nhiich the ptifFeflor difplays u'ckaowh to 1 hiih- He : -lio runs after wit is apt to ehbrace - Jjonce fa a to Madirrir dif Charelet - du ixftpbne ybi flecji.'- tp le-id ' the' philo foph t r t ; , yo u ' H i i id rft 2d f h e ph iol o jyhels to haftetry,ur iiioiiihers.M Hope is tne nni; tnat unires ail our plea. Iie Ii6 underltands tneir tle ii . ixe one wun. iopc ariui t 1 mora ODjeas vrun in i rea . 'I - K xl 'fv r t ; ' : Men 'arc two fOrrs i' thofe 0 A ink, and thof Who amtffe'ihenifel es, :" 1 , A fine aaioh isl'oiie that is heneiial to' man; and wliofe liCcompliihmcjits 1 equire ta- , ThelroiHinon 'people have:xiexa!ly 6 ihttntidnt and vic'ous manner!. I H florietrC rbrnancei (ouided on Tas. A worlv .givei celebrity to. I man n aftI aficrt that his name gfvsj celebrity works. U1C, ;-- 4 ' line interval mis too ir.ort bet Weil f 'Our feeing tod yoig and; tool bh. . -it demanus a vjreai ideal ot itudy to (Juire moderate k no wit dire. j ' Ofvrhufe ho makeicoii''pfnibn$ fervours, I have only to lay thit vice ia ii s &en of. talents govern fooltf; 2hd jome fool icr other of(eh governs a ijiin oj ents When 1 reflect onjour ncs in nai tcra philofohy,' I think ve.Kae gone ve, fy. far for human herngs. j o;'.: ' )idjenf'fs p)uht 'toi be .rar.ke4 among the $unihments of Hell ;2nd molllpeopie place it an ong tlie jfys t)f heaven. j j 1 - Oh frrencli that ,'arfcj tyrannical thb ufef has time 4 c- I ! !.''. of th;ir It is a nice tblnt ro.knbw yhen to qmtMa cbmnany : an accuratfe knofledot of the uorld. giyes readinef in pcrcrivinor it. isravery ana a love or gioryart .oeciining ahlbiigft 6s ; it is of fitte moment; to Joui.' happineifs ; to be long to one mafter or to ano ther ; but formerly, defeat in the fie'dj .or the redu'dl on oT a Ifnan5 ibuntry, waf tHe lo(s of alt that was' dear to him, his country j family snd frierds, I ' , ? , We fliall never arrive at principles in; fi nance, hecaufe we never Ichow tr'oie than that we do iomething, ajr.d never know what; it is.we do. ; : . ' ;.( ': . .- We do not now call a minificr great, 'wperi he is' an inttlligcnt admhiiftrator of pub..c revenue, but when, he is: festile irt expedi ents to incitafe the revenue and incefatiga b'e in rheir application.' ' i - People Joye thtir grand children bester than thejf thildren, and" it is becaufe mey can tilirnate- to!rrab'y well the wor'h of j the latter, butt their linowlede of- the former hei ug lets per feet , tj c yli fl m e r t h enj ft W e t with'.'vairi hopes FtMXtfng 'the ni. ' ,r-p. The realbn why -fopH fb often fticcetd in their plans is, that never diflrufl'mg thpm felvrs, they a. ways.perlcvere. It is worHhy to be bbierved, that the greater' art of lour pleofurer are unreafonable. " '. - - -Vi 'Old men, in ho have fludied in' youth, need only to refort to the memory for p ea fure or ofe, w hen other are cbheed to be gin to lludy. . . I X, Metir is ? confolatioh i-h' every 4aifii''clii6n, 1-'A: figur'ativt - ft items' fo far from j diiHcph,' that a natiwn emergirg from ignorance hrli In the whole ccmrfe oYmy Ifff I hevf ' faw any )cHons univcrialfy keep bad compa-; oy. , K ' ; -r::X " -i Experiments mafke tne hiflcry, of phyfiti- -arts, and theories its fables. , I f ;-L ; Every j nation and every man cnght to be civilised but every nationfand man ouht alfo to b.e free . : f . 1 ' y . , '. Modefty becomes evtiry one but tno we' fi)6uld g?ve it a place in our minds, we " fhould keep it in fubjedion,to greater litres.' . V ' ' J , - 3.c ngu!3lV if you ..trill j bii let it be 'W; tlfe .tlevation your jthoughts5. He thaV can' diftingtjrih himftlf noothexwife ihan by Kf tlrefs is a difpicibtc creature :ievtfjr4 country.!! J ; " ;t : . ii A, ".r ;" one iaB th -euribtlty to keep an ?: ioont;of hs Vnumberti.cs; 1 barjd :o..' . ry repeated thav , never deferyed to , hv j f been related durlt g three ' wVeks that it ofCUDtedlthe 'ooHtet'WolId ' I heard it tpld t .. ,1 l . i . ' I mes, which that no one tin two hbrdred and riven ty 'five i I thought quite Tufncient Modtly is a fpccievpf vfunc its owner great 'ifrtereft. I vifited the gallics and faw happy face ; here I fee many, unhappy fa ; cies, . whofe owners are; fet k ii' to be hapjpy . .n the pUrfuit of blue ribbands. . ". J 1 his is a fine fayitg ' of bteca V Sici praefeniibus u'aris vofuptatibuj,. ut futuriil .lion noctas.,,4r4' ;..roy7!hefcr;efehXhotir'., fo as rot 1 There If 4 ; .. w hole of; to irjurcithofV thatifpUaw' is 5n error' which riervades fhei i he, Crek oliyUlpphyf ; iiv nhVius' morals,1 and m taphyflrfc were Hicbj:'cctybr wat t of the d ftn.c"t on between ptifjt.ve atidt relative cjuiijii t j nu5 'Arutotie tattr n tq 'm:ti.kt5, fpesKirof tne heat land the Vo'tf; ar. fo to us, thv abler 7at:cn i.' that love cfcmpnfarions'wnich fV'rtndfhip has nbt. ' j4' Ordinary graces lof.Nft of their beauty a .1- . . ;i 1 1. l . . . . - w 1 By JJdmg4e t iivcoinpet.it ion with eacn other : j erhploy the figura'ive and fwtilirP llylir', & graces of tns'.highelt. ranV actfutre'a brigh- f afterwardsacquirc the Timpie. : Ut luftrt when, cppbfep to aach.other. :i A lato. at.d Socrates.' of The beaiiiifhL the gond the gVear ar d' the perfecl Ir S" a '-grea't tlifcbvery, that there are rb pbfitivt qualities, j.- The ' ;rer in'sj:. , heauiftil, got id, g'eat, are attributsi bf oriels' rlat;veV oh y toT the beings) thaij conterHplate ihero.. be- Thife principle s a fpbnge to wipe aw; "y ai- 1 mou every, prrjuQice. j 4 ne? Idlilogut ot I Plato are a tilTue oribnnifms "JrcvV tfirbik lainakbVfrom the ? 'M6li' virtues are relative to' 'individuals, kr to parts xf ; fuch : i fe frienT; IbW of trie's.; -country, compiToii. ' But -inflice is tcrfers: with f hat, it is & , A. . ' . ann uuir !inv tn- vice, thou iili; ranked tmong ths virtues.','. H J ; : 1 ' ' r The fuccefs'of tnclt entcrnrizes depends port,Knowiog how- hiuch time is necclLny lo tnir fucceTs. ' r 'ir'" ' jqatj ought nbt be attempted bv-tne laws which' can befTeclect Ciahtten of a peop(e. the cufloms and r I hive renatfced rhar, to fucceed in the "World on emu ft have fubtle head. Orfe a vacant air with 's drrfs fliopld be a little inferior 1- i oufaoer de&rovs one half of iJans- and dinner the?' -other.- ! ' i" I I hate VerfaTUcsl beraufe everv little and Wan :here :! bu t Paris i IbveJ for . .j . ... ' , tlltre. one finds great inen. j we were content to be hifepy that "p nrroe Oinicuit; to D8 nir re h ap nv than1 rr. 1 I - a to The dilEcul- ty of hmplitity is'; thatVit J borders 'bn( th rliaii, aithbugh in itfe If. 2ioil ' expehfivc' anrf beautiful ; . 'while thfie js a, wide tliftan'cc noranredf. this printipJe, j alebfanche comtniitefl a thouland -I morei between a figurative llyle and. h mbair.f I - Thee is very, littje .vanity in 'ftrlng a'ne trflity for rank or important ftatioh to at tra'cl.hotjce ; -. r ; f : . j ' Th! hefblfm that retuib frb'jui'iriOitis nferefts few ; the heroifm that is rr.bft dif--tiucliveV is the admiration of the multitude. ' Ariftotfc ind Hbracei have ' t old 6s of the virtues cf their forefatfters, rari8 .'the'dege-' nefacy of their oWh lJmeV and autho from age to ige'i have dope the ame ; but it they had fpeken the truth', meV at this day ;w'oulduDerdegenerated into Brutfe i!ii-' inat..i;v;i.''1- 7"'j7-' v HaaieVyJ 1 $ picegyrUs '6- ;tne ; JpeakJrs ;r,' it the exbenc bf his humanity. ? ) Pebrilr whofe minds afre never prbfbundly ; bur we arb atmbrtioas bthfcr site! that is the He. becitoiV others! annear- rbpha - more icr 1 bm t n ey ral y. r e ; occtinied; are generally greai ialkers.;; Ghfcure people whb - are ambitious -Jo? making i larpe fortuhei fe cmly pretoarir for the moment 'when thev will be in del-. pair for their want of hiahh. ! ' " f a grejter number of vices ate oecafibnefl hy our nor fLffjctertty. efieemihff -dtfrfefv. Fivtf bim;they rabyre. j 4 j j than from a too htgh opitxioh cf bur cic Scue f'coplehatc difreffiwisi fcutlithinkj 'tiU " ; - " ' ! " : : . v;r : farhetcaufei ' ; ' :"V Ke ver cli d a philoibpher make men ' perfelly feel the fweejnefi bf virtue, an d Wr11.' f "r.f .;nV.re,. than Marcus" Al,Vh, fi00; w.e b"rtf elevates the mind, enlarges the ifbul.! Vj. r: ; j j " We touit rad the politics pfi AfllTbtle?, the t b republics of Plato, . to ha've k ju idea' of the law .and manners of tHe ancient 0rf K$TJk " ole tenetr'hir.1 tortan, is as fruitleiV ahb locator Fre hi fi laws and cuftoms ih the hiflbry fet Levi;theV Fonrteenthi$ wars. J i X y f ' " " !;"-'.v V ; "t ; )The republic of Plato is not more cniths ri! tf n lthit; cSf Sparta. ' J Tb judge ji.niy of nieny we muft prer IbokthbprejudiceVbftni V ji " remedies begin jpy 'de-generate, he tauTeVoarJwiterVa culous in the; paTionV,; fwaictu r lous in : manners ': the paGions,are 'np'tfidi. ;culbus Jtremfci vesi- U)Z; 'J, 1 have ietdbm given . jny. bmbfonof-any. itoihorK 'but'tnofe imirer hiVihg ar fl-" 'dbirrV as )ofiiblc j ead lany , .authors but the I ; Yarritiiifm w'nf hid atfioQ- ttat an ljoneft man fcbuld noc . find.-5-' k i----- ! 7"Vw' , I ;Pr1eflf r Eb " : fycoaiti ! of.bHiccjl ; J - - i. -1 - . ' 11 ii m - i '.'1 . . -. I- : :' 4 ! .WT11 .M.-JI Tilt ll -'

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