. -r .a ; "O. v-- f .. v. ' ' I ' . I " ; - :-. - l ; " T 5i ' A SAL , - W i-"1- I -1 - . . " ' '' : ft . N - - - . i - ; - v -fh ; f i liONDON; , May ' 14: '- ExlrAfr if a ietttr fromi Jpr)l - Vricn-ori; their. march.'thrth-.r. ' L--:U V- . ' T ! .WnfDl was Jallv fxetfrt !1.-"5""'RV he fl.od move , reccinfidcr' ,1,2 We have rejoiced 1 ri the Ute fuVceflV Uf-GretBrtalni but we ar ansrehenfW I I . i i : 1 1 - . r if-. V 1 'that me a uiters qr , tnc l4 rench .Hepublic, Vtfh Wjth regard tohe apparent deFedion (of herbal lies,- and Ltbe. perilous ' !ituation cf Tier countrymen in igTpr; jvillirender Buo- iiipane -lo-dc iperate tp adventure foipe jDniin xiifviir-vairquiinea nrs eTetnies on- of'romd nd body of the- Republic' sgainft England. All meafures which do i not tend Vbffhe'irniDt,di(r gritificairon of h inoVdr-Wr-rnbrtior, are unwartrf)r pfihis.otice' becauffc delay af ict fuch a career "of vjflbry Jatidiforcefs wpald en danger" hu poweri : He iS 4uumi.il ujr gudi jiu uuvic: m rings 5 , ara isburthencd by an frnmcnfe military wbich moft be sclively employed - abroad in order , lo. fee u re his; pcU'e ffion of With thr truth of thee refclions opera ur by otTr fenfesj it: is no 'wonder ' that we are now kept contlantly on theIert- i 'VjEvfry information from France; more arid' bore confirms 1 1 h e belt ile refol u t ion of ! the enemy againft tliefc iflands. Government being it a very -cbilfiderab't-. cXDencc. we hayetlie very b?ti pnteliiirnce from'thoTe rniployed 'on the poaft of France. Hyj a gentleman jult arrived,, we learn, that Gen. iiu i.uu, i; iiu-.v oil i via loe,- ".vnere ne hare tided tr, yy v!uj.j ui me i i ii voniu.i..-1 ne needier v lr'gf nieri tsr for; a no Hrr csnsditiori ; buti rr.rrhsr wo-airifl-- r?r4fU -i a t i ' : r h --- unu jic d l. ivr 2 . . fcveppt-yet beenble ro aOremin. 'Hroop, S V- fJ wrre noariyv at. XVia'oes i;pcc?ed ..from I , V f 'T K'ertnes. Several i f rites. 1m- Hf lii.h I. , Vr r0."' P1 "'... : - - 1 ;.' ... j the men 1 - . . . , . c . . ,. , 4 r " mill barkanon ty4 will - be, incaiped jrv efghbpyrhooJj At Havre, o.cod ar. r h n." : J - '. rr'iUB"s .fS?.P.9P .m n . -bboiidft the n nerintnhf w r " gyp e detrimental to the jrttreatorFrance,;4 licked to mi!tn CAtnm J.---j:j ' T r "Sfa-lP.nxaiceifpme extrabrdir&rxl. WrriAnc ,t appeaietne people preiiie au thbriiy"; : J! ' and . connrrn his fq- barfat ion. K. S';!- kl ' .4.'U e -bfit- Jj1 id Admiral l ker hiw r"u icd an-enquiry, irko his coniuclj H if i ni 1 i W yeflcrdav ftltVd ' that ri reached this country ofthe mtentioa. nf French bvcrnmenr In finrnr. .t:-. ; rnanavirig received information that the meaJu w?s refold on by. the French ;GpTerfim5t, and- an Ufil en.pt nude to carry it inro.rxecution a boa the 8th. .The .fiovlfiir ieffr oi.P, ;rAi ."jPfect, but -we canhoj. rns; acciifary, as we knew ro the ch comes. ugh wtfidi-the iiitormatroi "" "it II- Iliri rr! lonrr vnot1 Ueneral Angrrjaujarnved at the Uagne,1 bui wnhot receiving any niarksU'f public j dill Jed r , ..ii.i.uvmt ui r.rii i h nrhrB,... - -1:.: .. I-' Mayfrjrl" f- - " ' cejTaft n.ght rris:p3pers to the ? ?3;' The)' a re bnrren cf ipifortanx ntelhgecej.ai the paprshave heeh tji , hate arrived for lome time paft. 7 he Mo. fiiteur s totauy tilenr upob thej fuuatu n o be. afFaus..ingypV, and hcore it ci-iy be'Vn any bilicial i reformatio h from - ' Menou. The Monittnrl ' however, has publiftediHv-ithOura iii e tbltrvation, our Extraordinary Gazette acountof pe battle of the. The enefficiai pspers lare nor 1 cjuite filent. The; Journai desli)elenleur$ comments but in a very feeble rnantier, up-H on the difpatches from, General MeVion. C- i herj journals; have pvblifhed tliej ! following' aruv'ouijucr uaic or j , j, ; j: . ; k . ' y ;t" r' 2.2,; hlf ff clpck. '' The ; .CommilLiy GeneraHf Pbrice at more than two inon. lis. to make, ",'"-",:,'! u',? i that liv ed eq-rKe f iVTv he ifFembli 15 a ri vi a n G c v er:j aie v.t em th: April fa v;an U-cvern.men, the arret of the Gorj :it I i nil. dVclartn;!, : General Police, that the Kepubiican z beclc le jpuoerr, wuicn arnvt d on ! (he iiihf of. lattsv Hppfct3Ut ot 13'rctt. were a t Sr. I Ma. te.at which-place there wtre alio Tc' nun ar icty o; nat-boiromed fctat s, a s were' C3 pa fa le of .; a c co m mod atin g to?ar?yj 20 oob' men, with field artifleiy, &e,. ft: for a defceht. RecoJIeclins the late ofervatious of BuoQapVrte'that he would. ttucij f2ctyiraica,;iiooic open t topping flones to England, w Jure you, tpcot fiiler feribufly' tff n a part of i theFrench and litidivHthrft.' TTtje:-j-'vL:- nmnicarioTn was heard ":wir!vvi Jt . If I I aim wi dilguli, and rjic .nefiiig brt,ke bp abrnotly. Symptoms of difuOQtrnt-were rnanifefted by the Jowe.r. orders I of Uhe' people throooli tlie ;day, and t?ieor:ge cockade wa-hoiiied in me cvcnng.r I j . ,. . 'Mayi ., Iy from -Bifcrtc;'(in ihc Uegerty of J uiii) port of the defeat of the kngWfi iii Kgypr, vvith 'further infbrmflticnJ thai' Gtn fiAn , cf ihe rrvjtjon oi thfc h had, t a Wn 6 060 nr iloner? ' H. T I i V ; account dehited frptij g'vtitg dates we -miht have doobtd. but we r oLjd riot h?ve peril, tively, denied the truth of , ihVir1 aiiertions. This defeat of our troops is faid to 'have happened on the 4th of Apnl ; row the ' difpatches of which Goyerrme,nt; ! have long ; been in p.oficirron, are dated "inf' cih. J ne treaty with iap!ei hai been ratified; tBJ'apiowmatioh to France. Sirl der the; prpttri of this rounjr y is tinivcr 4 icf.uiinoure learn, tnat tne troops laiyvconiiaere J quite unworthy, of credit ttpeard, n v e" arr if ed at St; Maoes ; tharrfrverye that he intri- We Cnemv S flrnrrtli mnfntontt tiflrti" I atir fn'r' the-" ihenrriorat'nW it.U I. Jiw.h: ircreafed ;and that, knowing! their I iminciiat2 clea wsHdefcent bn' thefc' if- I landi have apprehcnfions, but not our. fears. a'fo niuitiplcd with oar critical 'cmer- rcr f'clrtt:rjrm Gurifeir yfpriiii " ' I have fppn a-rr FnrrfR f-irirIn ftiar y.lefc Breft in a cartel, who atfure me, al. py 'normarion which' -he can derend onthete are three ' great- armies along tne.epeniy's coaftj amounting in all to; 150, COo men : that thefe will be : auanriehted to 5 elO0i0O more; a n d-1 hi i-t h'ei r gr am d objeti way the tr.vafion orEnlanef and Ire. Jind by a r tempting t alt hazards', defecnts ejfea of fo5:,e- f This mode of attjictc. the VaP?n remarked; would divert if toodtf cr, tne vigilance of our fleets and r X anu tne enemy flattered ftfelf -uurng and co cptration of ; T -wu.u ioon lorce their way for fome timecai ru d on by the' French' Gp vernmenf . ; The Cabinets pf Berlin and the Thml.crici 1:0 longer inaint-in. th;t7r forrrir good correfppnderic w ; and many think tnt Buonapatte hd realon to fufpecft that rpe intrigues, snderij-aps the'arms of Pruma, woi Id have endtavoured to idifp'u'te ! wtth France for the leading influence in Holland.' The Empcrpr o!: Rufiia has- invited the Emperor of Germany to a renewal of friend- (fp. : V !;:..! ';-,, - Lord Nelfcn's fleet was, at ite lad; dates, in Kioge Bay. . ;,J; '.J "j "" ' It is expected that the embargo in Eng 'land, on . N01 thernj (vpt, will foon be taien off. Th e trade o t the jSorjhern powers is jiq longer interrupted. v S.T ' . The Bruih Government i has conferred honors' on Lord Nelfon, giiren nmand of the BaJtic fleet, and re- r ker. The fe rr.e af u res IP1I III IQC 1J forming; between iris. laid;. be cotn- iailoH are arrive at prefent, in furrendercd to he- FrencIjU It corilftedL however only, of three frj-gatci -I --: .' . M-y 27; Jl " . W" -J -' I- a ne camp. wuun. is Briiges and Often d wi!L. Pjed iji.e end of this month.! T he prepa ratibns 10 the ports of Prcardy;and:Faiider; 1 i . "ri - 41 afe,1i tngiana, are car ,vn " v u cuicii. ,aciivuv ; ana le- ifapnl ' ti.jinl .fi,..J .1 r ;i '! ; '.1. iia at iViUCC! J I1U thrre. -: ."r . ; .-!' . The Dutch are very oufv rec,;uitingif "sin Gefmany fcr the pnrpolA v or o?ing itnt oft to iheiitl India- pofleffionj.. hile the principal States tare difpa'ndlng' their, forces, the Batayian-. Republic finds- a. confiderable facility in recruiting this corps.. number of JRritiiH troops iiorprt jvtryj ftricl: and rirVid orders, riave been .(Wri 1..J the Commander in Chitf to all i he General Oificej-5 on the Tea coals of the kingdom. 1 & A nava expedition fitted out from Cor Gra H i --sf uj. Aut, on ine Jtali i t)C advantage to us.; e enahieduS;tQ afcertatn lan i i'. I i . v . .- V ; ' ... . l'-;--: ! .-V'-M.-i-V- '"- . ; -'1 - v.- , nieiits weie mt rcr tftc accorarticJ