X,T. '.- ' . "T ', T , . . , . . "I' - r : . - . -r. . .. ."T - - T' 'PHILADELPHIA, June 16. THE LATEST L . Firom Europe '""'' eftcrday ifrcrncon .arrived the fhip Per. v feverance,, rapt- Williamfon, in 36 days from Brittol, (Eng.; Capt. W. iaittdon the iftof Jufic and.bringi LoodonVjpa, pers to the 30th May, incluiive . Ml of ' -wiiich have bee:ii received, by the Editors fj this Gazette by vhich we are ena btcd to Uy bcf&re oyr .readers exclufivei ly the Lateft ilntelligetice from Europe; Th? fubfequent articles comprehend jthe lxnoft material: contents of thit arrival T ? Vfc fliall, however, felecli Cor fuccetiive 43mber men e trace t jxuy apptaciutw cr jatereQing.'i DUB L I N, May 23. , i- Frfach Spyr The follottintr frcrni;a Jerter, dared Cork, the I At hi nl Is lA few days afro, a man alone in a ikiff was feen upon the ccfaft. near Ovfter. tifen. whdj upon bcine xhallenored: '.'faid' lie had come from Pprtftnouth to .fee his Brother in Cork, but had miffed the Harbour if tlf ftrongi eafterly Winds that then pre- yauep. iiie: ikitt had on her Itern Otr. in SijIJiVaD Poixfmouth.,"i. . Intimation of this brcntnftancelbeing given, to Admiral On Sunday laft fa lean, Taylor, I for having on bpard 49 paflcftgers regret we obierve ih uardoer,' a'ni' iQvcftigation in . confequence ace, y he ij there were found oa board iveral charts of that part of the cozft, and I particular account of th? fniinHinrrk. Tk. fe'ffwas wen fitted 00 r Ravine two or three nwis pt new urns inner." : It will be:4-ecoift'dted. that Ov(!erKaven vai reported I to the1 French ."by1 the Execu tive Pireclbry of hi United Iriftjmen as a favourable place to ca rry into effeel an m'va ton tf that toil b try i V " L O'N D O N, May 24. i Sir, Ralph Abercromtrfe. i ri th. at r lae 21ft of MarchV killed with his own hand we rreiich gereral ftiow. The enemy's cmlry had penetrated to the foot where wniuu tun manner Hid tsti and direa the battle. ancT wer n. Ief??wgr4Py. hen Sir Sidney Smith - t. . r f i : 1 . i?ir iuccour. Sir Ralr,K ,. jl. Mtrugg mg.vvith general Rioze, for hit hord whkfrwrefting frbm him he pldng Mit n his b6fofti, an imn.ea.ateiy after, prompt and prefented to OS ,he r-ompt and awiuaacc o: sir bidney, the tronftwr General Hotchfnfon. th nrW rr Zander in Chif in sr,. - , 'c-ki.iL . "fip1!' " -aa excellent Imuran a pfeit Gentleman. If he W a well as,iie writer, of which1 there is o dbubt, he will foon become one of the pw WehrfaU bf the prefent ge. 7V-- LOur letters; fro the Ca-pe of Good Hope, He "d, ffips; juft arrived, itate, that ur ttomcopham, after land- ij " "i f.regiineow which he tooic out. C f" ? ?nd Sift gibeM I r ine garnion, in traniportt, fr; MTrocced, 0n the aStti of February ?-.ul! ?nnce on a ferrer Ptnfrliflnn Sr W1"? lhc Spaniih SouthAmerican S"l5Lf, hc)rrc f"mitbre was Clipped, to W&?IS dragoons cq thchorfes jl .country. ' I 1- Alatf'9K. W underftand. that difDatce rprrfA at a latehburilaft nighl by Government from. ."Vl theJud bf a of the troot fratn the Eaft-Idiesi de'ftin-. ed to. co-operate withlGen. kutchinfdn in Egypt,; ! " lv 1 p-'j f-. ': , ,! - -l .j i : "'They confili of iibb men from thi Cape, of Good Hopea6oii from the ficrDay Prelldencyahd goo jfrom.Ceylonr .. Thl ria Jfal force wa ccfamaodcdty Sir Hi Pophaia and the military by jGen.Baird. 1 . I t A detachment ofour troops had been lent uthe cpuhtr by jGen Hiitchinlpn, who hadk;receiVed information qf the approach of the India army, in! order to facilitate tHti marett or f tnelcfluccours, r and efie4l a jurtclt- led from Dundee, the Norfolk, in Virginia. It l w?th fpiiit of emWaiiod fo prevalent in tots country.. .1 Operations in Egypt. The Hamburgh Mail due verferdav arrii ved at a late hour! laft nieht. The rooft important j part of its coctents is an article under the head of Hamburgh which ftates, that letters of the 1 13th from Vienna an. no.unce, that the Bfjit if h forces had gained poffefliori of onk of the heights near A levari .5 dra, which : com maids6 that; city. Tliefe portions, it wH be Irecolteaed, were rere (ented fn our official klifpiUhes as extreniely; formidable and dancrpuo : sproaciVMit is ihereTore vcjry :1n probable? that , a'ny of themflibu!d have beei carried without a levere coijtert ; bu it there is no mention whatever of tfie circufnftarices which ledj to this alleged event. This inttllrgenceis ftaU edj to have been breught onithej loth ilift. to Lord Minto by a courier frp'ia 1 Conftahti nbple, who alio repeats the report - fo.pfien re "echoed of .the march f the Grand Viiier torn Stlipn of tha W ftQm ' hhl L C CtllUCU to. Join the critifii force at Aiexaiidria.' A l et t e r f rom Legh drri of the x ft of May mentions the arrival at' ifiaf knrt r.r- p "-7-- V. .;VI ivmu fquadrori .vitrS : troops,", and the brother! "of t he Firft Co.ri lul on boa rd; H -T his aicou nt agrees with that inf; ted J in i federal of jthe alii Paris papers ; arid though it is no where expreflly fiated 46 ht Gintheapme's fquid rpn his c?vidcnt, l"rpm all thV circumftarlces that it can, be no othex. The remonllran- ces fuppof(jd To'.have agatnlt the Union or aeoear to have had beenjmadejby Auflrii, Piedmont with France " . ririt ionl-ou jouraan has pt-tiiihed aiptro? tla.'nation qn the lubiea at Turin, in, which neiftates that! fuch a meafure was not jyet determined; upon ; but, combining the im? poriance of the acquiiition to France, with the toiie oflthc procamatioo, wc may con fidelr it ah svent extremely probable. If it be true, as! ftated. that Sir Tohn Borlafe I Warren wa:Yexpecled at Leghorn, we rnaV cuitntfuj :uc uiuit iutjuine nopes mar. ne Id intercept the fleer uder Ganiheiu- me. Even fuch an event; however, would not! proBabrv divert! the (Firft Conful from lome new attempt to thrown (uccqurs into fegypt. V iih this t ie w1, - and alfo for Fbe purpoic ia auacKjagatnii me .forte Jn tns fitted OtitV i tr'om KTanl at whirVi" Freich Com miffion ers "a rrived on tVe ifcth of Aprils to ppffefs themfelves of the jNea potitan marine tiere, a nd apply u to that ufe .Some new circumftances dailv fnrlncr up toftrenethen the! hope of an amicable 'adjuftsbcnt.or-tiie ncdiraV qHeftion.: Letters . came, a Way. 1 V- The communication was ofidaVlyanf. mittd to hinj.Hy the Senate., Ccat Tc Minifttrial arrangement in .rerjwi v to th change in the jHome iDepartroenfi hkh;iviU occafion other removals, it ia larajrafrorrTfa-retoTri of Marquis Corn- iiiiiH ium zrciana, TO, . WOQm ,tftC COllipiir rnent ; will be paid, of ijis remaining at thej: " head of the Board cf Ordnance, if he thmkf fit. There is no doubt bur Mr. P.lhar- will be the fiftcelTor, of land. . t A mail for the Duke of Pojtj; jand, navy iniEvypt it' Abercrombie of 90 the army bow making up at the bjjip Letter Office. & win oe clolea tnis day : The father of rhe late oallant Sir Ralph h rr rnm K 1 o j i r till ti.t-'' . I . TCoftrjrr.l Theft is no longer, any donb.t of the evai cuation of Hamburgh by th Dani(htroops Mr. arimjagent for that.city in this cpuri try receivedjyerterdayjt from the Senate o Hamburgh, j an official, commbnkaprvilat-. mg, tnat vne -rnnce of Jieu.e nad. on tne 2 2 d J n ft, a flu r e d tK e m following day, reftore draw his he fhculd. on the the keys, -and with. from the city and troops its territory 4 .-; , f , This event, fo important to our comracr cial intereft; muft tw? afcribed to.the inter ference of Lord t. Helen's, in the . confer ences which tpok place between him anc CountiBernftorfFat Copenhagen. We.tbinlc the ijeffuence of PrufTiaj enurely out of th qucftion, as the Pruflian army ftill continu cd-to occupy thc Electorate qt Hanover. ; Ther Marquis CorrVwallis is daily expe&j ed to return rom Ireland It is thought he vill frfigni the; 'cficeji of Rafter .Genera off the Prp i n jir e V '.lo"w h ieh eafe Lord Chatham willlfucceed hinj in thatT fituationj andhMke ot Portland will : refiga the iHofneSecretaryfhip to Mr. Pclhatri, to 'be come rrehdent of the Council: t ' All the military officers at:Edinburgh have refolved o wear' mourning ;crape fpr .ono month, Jn relpecl to the; memory of the wor thy General Abercrombie. ' ; - Cenerar.Roize, who! was killed jn Egypi at the ' Bead of the French Cavalry, was; be, fore the revolution, a' .ferjeint in, a regf merit of Dragoons belongiOgto the Count . D'Artois. ; In this rrgiinent he was diflin gujfjied for his talent in riding, military ex. -ereffe; and manccuvresi He wa?, .oa the whole, one of the beft noncommiffioped officers.. ; His character was that of aquiett man, and. he did cot adopt the rfvpliitipa from enth'ufiafm, but merely from j.fefr. He jwat foon .advanced in the; cOurfe pff th.- war. and it may be recoJlecled as & proof 0? I bis ability, that . Buonaparte in ob 'of htii:; ba'tt les itates. that Gen era! R oi ze nad tna ciBpv'red with gteatjiag-froid. ' , m - J . Orders werer. iffued r on Wednefday by. . major-general". n'gland, coromandrpg te troops in the Plymouth garrifon, that. purr, . fuarit to ordJ froW hirKdyal Highnefsafc v 1 a

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