horn, the Morning Chrenicle, To Robert Thunderbolt, Efq. Dear Sir, I have lately obferved in the papers, feveral hints from you concerning the eflahlifhment of a fwearing Academy ; and though ftich an inditution might in fonie degree clafli with the interells of my profcffion, yet I have every dispo- lUion to encourage an undertaking of fuel) public advantage. I am Sir one ofthofe perfonages who devote themfelves to thebufinefs of in- flrutling and entertaining their fellow creatures ; who are unremitting in their efibrts to pleafe—who live entire* ly on the noife of clapping of hands— wlio bulk inthefunlliine of public good humour, and expire in a defperate fit ofllarvatioH althti hifs of a critic. To keep you no longer in fufpence fir, I am an acior~-at lealt in my own opin ion, and have long trod tiie Huge with rapidly encrealiug merit. The theatre, fir, has hitherto an- iwercd.mufl of the purpofes of a fwear ing atailenjyf .Bs all thc’oaths that have been uttered there, from time to time have been • carelully. culLecled by the young gentlen.an who attend, and ciiculated about town for the edifi cation of thie.public. Now,though your inflitution will fu- percede the irupnrtaiute.of.Lhe -theatre in this rerpec\,_j;^et as. I have before oh- fert ed, 1 wilh it life uliuoirTuccers. To be candid withyoir,'! am fn hopes that yoti_«iU |irovide auiong .your oth er a[iaiigemeiits a theatric tutor, who llrtill be'appointed to wait'ilpon uV'du- riiig iehearfals, lor the purpofe of giv ing lelliins ij) tire true method offwenr- ingViaiitlfoTtrc f--an accomplilhment of whlcl). many ofTirir corps are very de ficient. Notfflng can be' riibre ridicu lous th,iO Ilia Itwkwaid manner in which fo'm'e of Ifs rn'e dfclivered of an oath, it cither, c.reeps .out Jb minced and mou- tiled and indiAmeVtllat its beauty is en tirely fort,'or cll’e it bounde's forth with a rduiVhW’adfidV Tore moll and flies in jour lade like a coi'k-&oma bottle of iparUliltg ghampaign. Oti*> tvotild-alinort thin)ft»H*we (hoiild be pci fcc\ mailers of the ai/^,flteififehoW iiiucH: priiblice we liaye ha^of late. I or finct the lntiodu®oTi of German- dramas we have liulc |b do b&t/Jrqy and s'Mor from one end of (be play'tb the other. Oiie raomeut tie are elevated to thb climax of p*.lion,’ -and fwearing' with all the grace and eloqiieiwe of a 'I'rooper; the next, down on our knees jirtiyiiig with llie moll feirvent devoiit- iiefs. Sonic of our dramatic authors have thought proper to tiiiile ihefe two ch.-tracleiirtiGs of a moelerit play ; and we now and then “ fwear a prayer or two" with the mull alleclingpathos. This cullom of praying 1 lin'd turns rather expeiilive in the end, for, as we ihi'..k proper always togo down on our Knees on ihtfe occulions, it has a moll melancholy tftbet on the knees of otir I'miiil clothes, and 1 have had half a do zen pair rendered unfit for fervice on th'.vt very account. I am now in a Hate of the tendered anxiety for the health of my only remai- iiiiig pair : as we are old ftieiids, I can- nitt but feel the moll lively afieClion for Hum ; they are a kind of Jack of all trades, that have accompanied me in ail my changes from king to cuhlcr ; a pa r olTlor.kings roll'd over the knees fit them for the habiliments of an old codger, a Halil or two of lilk renders thtiii the court drefs ofa Spaiiilh gran dee, w hile three Hips of tiiifcl and gild- ed leather coiivci I them into the armour of an ancient warrior. Thus do Ihefe pccommodaling I'luall clothes demean iheml'elves to every filualion in life, and figure to equal advantage in Alexander .the OVriK, or Alexander the Copber-,,. IJow'dhey will Hand out ano^ (her praying campaign I cannot ima gine ; hut 1 very much fear they will j'oon have to accompany the exile of the 111.f .ruinate black hreerheni and half h.-iots that formerly graced the extremi ties of the worthy king of Scotland. “ JJuntan’s are in their grave R.vther than iny black velvets Ihould lhare their untimely fate, I will employ luy friend Shapler to cot them up and convert them intomalks to cover the fa ces of our pei'foi'iners in carnival felli- vilies. Hut hold 1" if I do not check niy- felf I may expofe all the doinellic ar rangements of our Wai'di'obe ; I may tell all contrivances in luriung inlide cut, and outfide in ; ot metamorpholiiig a morning gown into a royal Woorilli manile ; a hel|net into a nightcap, and a coat of mail into an iinder-jackel ; I might tell homUbme performers drefs for half a doEen charaSlers at once, ahd change their appearance by taking off a fuit at the end of every scene ; fo that one who, with half the wardrobe of the company on his back at the commence ment of the play, might have waddled ilia coniplele I'alllafi', fhall flink off the ftage a perfctl Mailer, blender at the falling of the curtain. I might mention the convenient red drefs worn by a detachment of thofe whom Mr. Oldstyle terms the Buck rams ; but who, from the colour of their clothes, and the graceful manner of I their crawling on the (lage, they "are termed by the wags of the green-room the Travelling Lobsters. Thefe pleafant I geniul'es feeni to have adopted a drefs luited to all ages and countries, the fame fuit ferves for the armies of con tending nations, and the only way of finding out to which party they bi long ill any battle, is to notice whether they come in at the right fide or the left. All thefe, and many more interelling particulars, I coul relate, but that I ne ver perniix myfelf to indulge in digref- lion. Were that not the cafe,oh! Mr. Thunderbolt, «• I could ti tale Unfold." “ But liir eternal biazM mmt net he.'* So to die point. .The incrcafed habit of fwe.aring has likewifo inoreafed the dbinaiid fur oaths j and we have of late betii iiuublc to procure enough'to fup- ply our neceflifics. You can’t think, Mr. 1 iiunderholt, the great advantage it is loiiii aflor totbe well verfed in the voculniuM'y-bf flvearing : when he is out in |i(s-part, nothing is more conve nient tjian a firing of cUrfes fo uttered while the prompter is giving him his cue.. When a comedy or farce goes off heavily, a few fiiiart oath*, Icaitcred here ar.d there, have a wonderful eli'cel in exciting mirth an.eng die gods. Iliit it IS time for rcheurrul i I mufi therefore^ conclude with iiitreating you to take into confidertllion the expedien cy ot appointing a tulor to attend the theatre ; and, in the mean lime, hope you will fend the manager an alfart- ment of the haiulfomefl oaths you have tnihand as.-a teniporai'y lupufir durintr the benefit feafon. -As 1 happen to menlion our benefits, I will ad(l, that we feel flattered and grateful for the countenance the pub lic have flicwn to thofe of us who have already had their nights. Whatever may be our leelings or iniperfebliont, •we have hearts warm with fentiiiients of gratitude to thofe who honour us with fuch unequivocal and fubfiamial inaiks oi their good will. Sir, your fervnnt, AN ACTOR. On Friday, the i ft of July, Will be Sold M the Collctaror’s, Office, in ^Jewbern one Bairel of WHISKY; which was condemned by the Oidridt Court, and ordered for sale. JOHN S. WEST, Marfliall. Newbern, June j. TlliRTr DOLLARS REwJ^. R CN-AWAY, from the fubferiber, about the 4th March lad, a negro fel. low named J I M; HE is ol a yellow complexion, histeelh very wide, lias long Him arms, thin hair, it about Twenty years of age. and about fix feet high ; was formerly die property of Benjamin Woods, Esq. of Newbern. _ I will give the above reward 10 have him delivered to me, or foto havrhitn fc- coreil, that Iger him. Mailers of Veflels and others are for. warned harboring or carrying him away at ilicir peril. ' Edmond Hatch. JonesCounty, May 27 1803. FOR SALE T he elegant twoflory houfe, ir Front llreet, formerly the property of the late Richard Ellis, Efq (now occupied by Mr. jennings)_ai indifpurable title, and a liberal credit will bo given to the pur. chafer. For terms enquire of JOHN C. OS BORN. U'AMT ED TO JURE A NEGRO WOxMAN. ■pOR ONE WHO IS HONEST ,• -I. A good Washer, and Cook ; a gene rous price will be Given. Fnquirc of the PR INTER. List of Letters, remaining in the Past Of fice, Newbern, which if not taken out in three months, will be sent to. the Gen eral Post-Office as dead Letters. Neiuberni June 1st, 1803. N athan Adams, Carteret county ; James L. Armitage ; Capr. Ander- fon, brig Hoppet. Arthur Barrino, near Trenton, Mif* Martha L. Baker, Beaufort ; Abraham Barge, Allen Backhoufe ; Blake Baker; John Bragg ; John Brown, Mount Pleaf- ant { Joleph Btickell; Ri Blackledge ; Capt. Benihall ; Benjamin Btickell ; Niel Brawley ; Benajey Bogey ; John Barrus, Trent bridge; Afa Bifliop, Beaufort ; W. G. Berry ; Elizabeth Benctoft, Jones county ; Mifii SarahBallielier, Beaufort; Wm, Bridges ; John Barrow, Beaufort county; Wm. Blin ; Benjamin Birch ; Capt. Mark S. Blount. Mrs. Lucrciia Coons ; Mrs. Colman; Longlifid Cox; Robert Chaiapman ; Pe ter Cleromona, Wm.R. Cray ; JohnChap- man; Robert Carmolt ; John Collier, Onflow; James Clark; Philip Crandon; Henry Carraway ;,Elijt!a Crandte, Beau- fort; William Chafe : Thomas Cottrell ; John Cox ; Noah Champion. Robert Dudley, Swansberough ; Sam- uel Dewhurrt, Oliver Dewey,Capt. John Dunn ; Mrs Dunn ; James Davis, Tar River; lamesDickfon;Chrirtopher Dud. lej, Swaniborough ; Capt. JohnDosne ; Jofrpli W, Davis, Carteret County ; Ro- bert Dickey, Beaufort i Thomas Dudlsy, Jones coanty. Henery Ellifon, Beaufort county ; Ssm- uel Eallon, Beaufort ; Andrew F. Eliref. from, care of Mr. McKialay ; Ifaac R. Ka'.ies; Shadrach Emmery ; 'Meriei Ei|. wards, Onflow county j Jofeph Edwards, Richard Ellis, Beaufort, John D. Ftiou ; Citpycn Fabte ; Wm. Fertiiitl, Swantborough ; Frederick Kuf. ciia ; Wm. French, 0'.,naw ; Micajab Farnwell, Onflow county, John Farr, Swaniborough ; F. Farnbam; LewisFoq- vielJe ; David Furlow ; W'm. Farris; John Fell ; Fiflier and Fuller, Beaufort. Wm. George, Jonea county ; Amelia Green, Richard (aaul; AvchibaldGkiion, Onflow county ; John Gooding, fen. Cra ven county. A. Hciiilerfon, Thomas Holder ; Elias Hawe* ; Peter Hanry ; Robert Hay ; Za. chariah Haiker, Beaufort, Mifa Harriet Harrimnnd ; ChaiMllcr Holmct ; Sarah Hancock, (jaitcrct coanty ; Mra Mary Hainea ; James Hancock, sen. Richard Hubbard ; Ahiezer Holbrook ; Mri Han. nah Hall; Jeffe Hughes; Jofeph Heacnc ; E.dward Harris ; Solomon Hailing ; Ja cob Henry, Beaufort, Jofeph Harrifon; Durant Hatch. John D. Jennings ; Thomas Johnfton ; Rachel Jarmen, Jones county, Jacob John. (Ion, Jonea County ; Soiomon lagle ; Sal. don Jafper ; Thomas Jar reft. Onflow couo- ty ; John Jerrard ; ConOant Johiifon ; Daniel J inkins, Onflow ; Amos Johnfon, Jones ; Kilby Jonea, Swaniborough ; John lller, Jonea ; Jofeph Johnrton, ^aufort ; Capt. Benjamin Ingram; Wm. J^rmain, Jones ; Arthur Jones. Abraham Kornegay, Jones county ; Thomas Kivg ; Jonathan Key, Jones coun. ty|;StephenKinfey, Jones; DanielKoonce, nie, Junes; Juiiathan Kctcbam, Onflow county. Nancy Long; Dr. Nathaniel Loomifs, Orflow ; Capt. Lingo, Samifel Lelfrrs, Be.iufurt; Getflion l.yvere; Martha Lew. | is ; Capt. Wm. Lambert ; Capt. Ezra Lewis. Sally Marfhall, Beaufort ; Robert Mc- Kic ; William Matfhall, Beaufort ;Capt. Wm. McCulloch ; Thomas Mahon ; Na than Millet , Win. Vfalfifon ; Ifaac Mun- dy ; Dr. Edward Marcy, Onflow ; An. drew Mciflion. Dean Nickerfon ; Jofeph Norris, Ma. thew Norris, Sherift'of Carteret ; (George Nicholls; Mrs. Sarah Nixon. Micajah Pigott, Beaufort ; Edward Phelps, George Parris, Broad creek 3 Ma thew Peck ; Mrs Parrot, Beaufort. Samuel Rand ; Daniel Reynolds, Bean, fort ; Lot Ruflel, Carteret county ; Lud. wick G. Roberts, do. Gilbert Rumbly, Beaufort ; James Ringgold ; Gaius Rowe, Onflow ; Jofeph Rohinfon, Beaufort; James Robetfon, Swansborough. Mr. SmitI . James Stanton, Beaufort ; Mrs Betfy Smith ; John Staple ; Mary Strong ; Win. Snead ; Barnabas Swain t i Benjamim R. Smith, Jones county ; Amos i Simmons : Henry Salter, Shell cartle; Capt. James Sandy : John Sheflield ; Col. Thomas Smith ; Edward Simpfon Mrs. Scanlar; Capt Shotwell, Charles Stewart: Charles Schroeder, Sinith’sereek Roland Smith; Jofliua Slurtevant: 'I'hom. as Steel. Reuben Thomas ; Col. John Tillman; Philip Thompfoii: Wm. Taylor, Jones county : Capt. Enoch Toley : Mifa Mar garet Taylor ; Charles Thomfon, Onflow; Tlioiras Tippen, Bcaufoit: John Thomas, Carteret : Jane Thurafom, do. Mifa Ann Winfett, jonei county ; Ro bert Winfett, do. Capt. Wm. Wickham : Got, John Wallace : Joseph Winfett i James Worfly, Jefle Willis, Swift-creek : George Wilfon : George Ward, Onflow : Wm. Watfon : Robert Watfoa. John S. Pafteur,p-M SCHEME OF A LOTTERY, For the purpofe of completing the building of MASONS HALL, in the to-wn of Newbern. 1 Prize of 2000 is 2000 doll*-' 1 do 1000 1000 1 do 500 500 3 do 250 750 is do 100 1500 40 do SO 2000 60 do 25 1500 200 do 10 2000 1000 do 5 5000 . 1 firfl drawn 111 day 250 1 do 2d day 350 1 do 3d day 350 1 lull drawn Ticket 500 1-25 17,500 2175, 3500 Tickets at 5 dol. is 17,500 dols- IC/^Not two blanks to a prize. The drawing will commence as foon as the Tickets are difpofed of, of which due notice will be given.} It is expedl- ed this will take placeon or before the lirfl day of Augufl next. Prizes will be paid immediately after the drawing, fubjecl to a deduclion of fifteen per cent. All prizes not claimed in fix month* after the drawing, will he confidcredas a donation to the Mafons Hall. JSMBS M’KlSLAr,'\ I ■ William SuEPAitn, LJI/an. : , • Silas IF. AitjiErr.j ! John Snead; A t hit Store in Pollock Street, three "door* above Mr. H. Bettnert near ly oppofite the Chgreh, has juft imported and now opening; a very handfome and general aflbitment of SPRING GOODS. ALSO Loaf Sugar, Hyfon Tea, French Bran dy,' Gin, Sherry Wine, Jamaica Rum, Coffee, Sugar, and Molafses. A few Ladietelegant Bonnets, Sec. all of which will be fold cheap for cafti, oc ihort credit. May 13. Abner Pafteur I NFORMS his friends and the Pub lie, that he has imported from New, York, a general and handfome alFort. ment of Spring Goods; Which he is determined to fell low, for Cash or country produce. May 20. MILLS AND LAND FOR SALE. HE fubferiber, wiflies to difpofe of her mills, and land, on Swifis-Crerk—any perfon inclined to purcliafe, would have the terms of payment made ealy to him —only part of the piirchafe money would be required 10 be paid down, and n gen erous credit allowed on the balance. ELIZABETH HASLEN. January 10, 1803. JUST PUBLISHED, y^pd for SALE at this Office, A new ‘and cheap edition of the very highly celebrated _ LElTKUS of Mrs. Chapoiie ; On the IM PKOVEJI ENT of the MIND, addreffed to a Youno Lady. The PERSON’ WHO fome time ago borrowed SHENSTONE’S WORKS, is requested to leave them wilh the Printer. April 8, Rags C ASH willbe given for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, at this office. NEWBERN PRINTKD I»Y JOHN S. PASTEUlU

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