.' : jT-.'.i-Qv,- '-'" IvV' ' JUL JmL . . . if . . ' - . ' . . . .. 1 ,' : V J- - V, . ,.)-. - : H ,. . ...liUi.tt 1 ! VU.'I.M ! N.I- ' I: -H Ml K I t IfffrTf opinion, it is elfential thar public opinmri lhoiild bcehlfeliteiied-Kii suiqcfruiv-iri: .... i !. Tmm,,,,r, ,,,.,,,, n ,. -i.o .,', I, i i , ,, i -1 .mi innt.'ii'i-iN. v ; ,,, v. iii, ,.,i..n.ii , , .1.., ,., . ,r .,v, ,, , vr.g--TrT- ...... Wail Triiiida J tfbeir- cDtt. :10$-l$QJv ..'..rwv-'.a..,..-..-- "1: V INSTUUCtlONS ''''' -. UiRnUafumXanytungi : 'under ';on"e million)' Mould- be - the' beliand r molt C onvcnieni arrangcrotjpw 17- To Gerier.il "A nircbswjiS . . name, i ii ii vuuiim t " iecm ' for .theoll,; b.ut;,particuvly : . .'ior 'Mr, ddiogAoV,and Lord. Uawkef- "iand.Yo hbpo bffy,w5Jl-noJ 0leii' iq 'i f !tbe tiamouvs ; ancl : qomplaints of the the tlamouvs ; eprotiai .ctfc'linica.'cf ie :::Bhd Ue mipUcabltt aVdiicredilaty ene- jTiaT 4 - ; r ' lliu welfare of gtat(r H-'.neaf coii; 4 fV;'--Wcted wUb fuch' conJut t tevauftf Abe . 5 ; ; jtts, ! tlVe Windhanjs,, l.Circuvilles, ihe : Boyrbuns, 'iek rjen le 3 K V hAHa!i;'jaiVd he cnriyran,Utstgi. as TDUvU iucjv, ' "M : - a ' . ." . . v . ;. ol tfce peap.a.tl premies otlUcpfc- .-.wXfi'ftt' vetMftiiflt.f apd ?ae hHfcf,-a .j;1tr traSij; 'itif otiFy ;d.ifplacc the j V , ? V pfH rouV(Vci-8ndvcJomcou-t V ' ble to the illVit Coriffcl. , Oa all oa- f.ftrvs ' liotd iliis . fme . lanKUAireiLud tiiakea upon'M- .ddiftUv6iW and Lyrd ll ljawkefbury, iii;idua!lV if they 4be- -;" r ' Jieve ' it '(yn.'orr dnlit jU-, Tniif eti'tyj .una it atij-uv i?if ir.in :iyn-!fi.;pHjiit(. , ; . VfL?V . ."Jy AX i' unfi lU01) VM"M;w j tome difcreti attentions, , you ran gain j- BDl,vw,,S " :l.?yr.xif litnay are iouegamea oyer 11 I .. ' f tl ' V.1:.. i -Vr..i l..f i.li. .! down "as an invarjable-1 rule, to addrefs ypurfeirw lhfpa$wMn&notWt reason yj mMi ..particularly.; u incy- arc ntfi1 iv u' H'i When this point is teUled, and .that! ibVerheatedwith. -rin.kin iatid ro"ir yon Jvavf 'received ,A'e".ftV;'istcm!wanceiajr' depend iupou it y u tviH pick Up ior me l'nnce, ana 01 eoiuurai e oftereu t .wme, to, ns unknown ana uteajl truins hit bond." rvbii are t'id'.retufe it.' iavine J kV)dxlifcovfttL:i.' ilt thev m e aiu-ifalled . ' r .' -V v'.-.-nf- 'V.':' .t. i.' I . . . t m - ' " . . . . '" .r"tf or ipiirtneciea, enaearor I9,tma iranv r,vi -r ' ,;5. ;4;;,Vj- i i" ''. 'Ci v- ivf hor;of the pyiocci j butoii have at the bition, Avarice or patriotUm, is the itaufe. VJ ; y r -v.- youfi'VItw l.tbe Bri- Cohlutthc hheff fajislajon, rtiould they be men o paW, rank and Zl li-;;:uin- minitleri Jou 'have .to cleclarjm jn a jtrom Ybc piince'. hand, 4iftinaion, give,' Vith noncia!ancir as a .vvU w.as affuted'Uiailns'HoValliighnclV confo'lati;iV an.indi)feaVcondernnation would.by -'degree cealc'ajl. . future .ac ot, i heir government," tbefe things" nap qidtahce; ;.iConhediQh wiih .ihe jje'iiand men are tteglcfted, who in oiu'bon9 ;''l'and..aif:hi3;acce'!rmn..tp the republics Would probably beat the bettd inionc i;oi pcnnii inciu, ,yi ihc iih- vi me ivaiq , . auu j niieaa oi juntrnig grants, to relide any longerjn. his do- fion princjes, vu Id t command empc minionii '! tie attentive to what the Irdra and lunirsVft Ymtr, bwn; difcretion Vtvattt fay, and if lie is lincere in what J iwill tell yoit when uch. complaints are Ixjfays ; fte; Xu$ Jei?LHl' I iiJlEdkaludi.conveifaUon.tate f ecei veliurth at W u-ttet fdo iiiid-; viUM H'ucb binu af.tp -If the prince of hi.s friend decline J be thrown out ';. but at all times obferye your ollef, eitd'eavor to bna out therea-i inai you jpeuk not-im your racial capa- foh ; and it he ha not a previout eu I ct'y but a an jndividuaUnd a military gageroent with the' Bourbons, aftjj u he j ijuuj who ioteres jouffelf iti the boa" thteriains nnvprciumce, or jiatreaa our en consent ot all' military Jtuetu n vi. T?:l .; .. r I. . ..ill r ' . i i ' ' . - : -.t r .. . rnimt me riru vv""mw . j iicr-uicMjiii i piiviuu-any men converiation wiu nrm thBduiton'indp'tWyErericlvreWls, ' ' - -'"' -Should,-1howeveef forte 'tiriforelet 4 -v uuiumiu wc indue, wi explanation inmjecl ' nT- V 'tr nnigainilimei-rby Veferrtn 'tihe'-e')'f "7? ciiloa of the fira c6rilulvnd rawaK b1. 1 K J - X orcersr?pii,.ij;-i.w rll any complamta are made abont the fpiiure of Bvitifti fhips or-'eanfilcatibnf V i - u i " of Brltifh property in France ?.fay alf i. " ' , -.,V -4 way that France: ii the pfope'r place ii '''!.'Xr'': arran ge mole matter f as tngland is ; - ' k' or i-e .arrangement ol the claims of rench ciulzens there.- 'rii-: lady 'who knew tlie'piiucefs at BrunM wickVnitttend to Vebcw' her .acquain- i ; With the cl)icf ptthe .demaeostues Uncc. i and to Infiirrif her vith,a irondl Sot .democrats aflbciate fJdom in uub- byioW-hy'-'Irll ful, and 'then J Jici but, iiuprivate. keep .-up the. f'iaril of vou man i ecetve a u rc:tons now 10 -1 mttonicptmet, pj aton, and jot hope lilV f cr. illiifohn durfclf, boweveV, 'if j with inferior members of parties decline mews any genius anu auiiuies , na, wnai, i coBiicpuon itfaAf li to J'Qur iniej'tor.ii- lnaividuals, make ' . .i i -' ' '" i . 1'.- "' . . i i '. 1 1 li ii 1 h llliln manlo fi J - r rr,"l'l"lf'l'Ti'STi'r"7Jo mariner to .is euuTaiea j r, ii.ntr gov-1 veils... . As.ip ..peniiQn to.,. f At ypm unt aucijettcepT nis jiritan- .Uttending her. haVif talcnls; to what iiljfjf yyyr - report,, lHfvte.(oo f V . . - iic lajcuj;. fv,uji"?'. paf iey 'ociongv .na i iney '5 1 your promiie, anq ga4Qtme.t o our inter- it 1. felVbnfy' yfcincfieyy '''WaLfc' Jour ieporl' , I'fQ-Mp.v Jf f.mv u'iK." ",L 1 rtvywi tuaij receiveercers now 10 ccn 7. ; yra-irve. . ai tytroujerftiijuience, un ' - til," bibir w ife "m'liruHcd kou t sceti-A'o (.touch witft as'iiiuch dticacr us ppGiV' ' tie on jj1 eVraewt ,o( . h ti'Vefpnli ininj f 4 .--tefs, nt iits' owii, girat juijgmenj: ; irtJ eiioonns iucii ,ju, uicuiomvi . , -jia give enquire is. and ,wnat probable 'fervice may be derite'd llronnh-iir focicticsi 1,1 jU is, huweV r, jthe -fir.lt in ptvfen tosranfac thofe ten you uioum expoie yourieii, ana a- youj,; as much as poll Jle,l -fiiih intrtgu :r: 'iinfeof Wales, vou arc to ..niliiiuuie .thiti tbe -:r'- Firll Cartful has ahvays'rftdu.ii'wdi.bis 1 , Kenerous onuiiwie mu.a,,ttiHiSa,ii.A t ; .a - ' tias'beert a fuui-cs of tle ;gi caisU regrell I , f ,(ohim durioj; 1 lie jate (Ccinifjftnojjiftj ( 'i ' he.'able toonVr to expreja, his 'lpeicV J , fvil aduufutiou, and to jrain ihe-ffood Oi; ' ' - '. -5 .. . A) 11 .' . .. . - ' '.' .' ' !r:- r .-j- pinion yiwu a grcav pi njcc ty, par 'f l.ticuVaf a"ttent'ton'ioth piiues's aniSvers dconVerfaiion; ami if be Vhriv""pui . . n'v hintV, that lie know uhau vli Firll t ; y ConSfyl Tiad". f ii dub ti : )i i rt it x couvti'. f' '"; ;7 fatuVn Villi fo'me of his fip.ds wj)f:y. : ;t ,-t; fited t rance tail juinmcr r ijiit by.jov J - - - - conduct you ;ai-e W:i,eaplre,tlJ.lf !T?'i:-'?:''.norant on this' 'fujecU-, i' Y io-(.a'du( V ''-.'. who are' the ' PrlnceYft jendi aiLfayoU"' X; " rites : ,lf..'t.IipiV rvcMii .Vaok; 'names, 'I. ! vou already. 1inow..coiiu,.iic to advife. . . ... . ' . - ana govern nun, ,t,r 11 mcy .iiaveocfin With refoccl to'ThejOtber'branches ets or iniricues, exctnt when fume de of the roy al tyfttftfi ' you hive tOj follow icifive.JilpR i$ on br Si wpk.sr 4 vshs tne'arptt-sr cuftoms! &eliquct'te 'of !. Should you by clumce, meet in com t-Ker -aiiiiHllaadrs Bill wheti. you fpeak nsn'rWiib''AnWhrPcbltcans'jind re .iilll. T'..Tr Vr.lt" "l.uin.mlui. I r,-n.( I'jlru opa f l.'.. tUl. .t .! .. to throw' 6ul 'deUcate; ' cbrripli riient on iarje. not ,to jucjge, of the future '.ounducl liis'liilivai; auiiuica, a uu n linn l i aiiVK I ui 111? ll. V" I" 0'wir. Of itucr;) irHuVtriceV eitptri ilif obligations pi j no adopt at p relent t that J'Ott are con. Fraifc'e to'hlhl for ; J4 "-. t Kevef give .a aftf.'-li. proposals made,- of-to any: sudden com- s plamts'otfdflersThe want cf IhftrtJC-tVf ;4 ions, and the nccefirty to;ico6snlt;ypur t ? government, are alwaf a acceptable ahd; s accepted excuses fdr dtlavsjiripoliti trana6VH)nsvmakejjseu!iLtfaem eventf- youo mind is made upoabe'fubjeel ifi ; : 1 queftion, for fear 6f committing ;ybiir-f .: felf o blundering, tt Few political iratif " ? actions i are of a nature not admhtftigp 7 ;f drlays, and no delays on in ihieire-1 feaUU of purope evr hurt any pbTft-. T ical transactions ;but knegociaiotjirj ; ' ver id great, rand: his; 1 billies" etlt'i lb' tried 1 by'givmj; a decifive, and'tiok i' tempomiog ianiwer,; may bv one ' wio-f1 mepV forgtlfulnefs, do', his cautYand 4 luSPQuntry more hairo tliaa fervice6f f : Real's could repair. v; ' ."j'fy.-'iM-fw'JV . .-tUdeavour if polublc to. get anac- ' - cpijnoX tUe real liaie of the Eftft!-lbdial 1 v iCopiuuny's fiiiafiCts -.ahd an exa'tUutilil" f;;nr.tlie native" ah-Ewopean forces r JAilieJinglUli-payin thw'Eatt-Indtes ; ;' V j-of whal loice they afe,' f what feli-' "gtiitaiidnaoguage,.and ttf'wbatvfw4 fiojvs, ibfty belong: Ujitil - our colonies there arc in our power and the forces intended to JJe fent there fiave arrivefl ' aviyd all difcumons concerning- (he uW? Ifurpations of England, .the complamts kf; ;ths .pative princes,' or, aiiy thing' that saijiive, teafoato ifuff a our fu--1-ture plans,; On this tubjee untilfur--tberordrv oburxt tht utpibsi tiUnce '"; f 9iwe.no pains to -obtain eTerfinfof. mativn. poffible of the'iveak or tulnerai We, paru in India .where tbe reateft V Wiscqntcnt reign t -where thl Fnglifh' -v are moll hated, and the French nbft 5r - Fikcd. . ( -..v ; ',!, '. i.' t-;',-; -I tAninfc the minWers with the details?- -jol j)iir 1 misfortunes in the willeM 'at-' - rtfkt 1iaSl'tklctilS during the'laie war.ilife, gpd urope pneconioy the tran-1ilVom what we intend to do: jWrbeEaft''"' -biiucauur w oc jwpuian.tt I'V"'-.! jquwfy.l ai'pif rvj ..luesitatt levoiu-1 lie iinceuung in. your enueavers to per1 t AU'i-; htfer-'teflifs-an invitation' fronl 1 'jionary.cwvullionsW .iiet'ivjU reftore to I fuade, them. that, without - their affift-' tiie chief of the, ti,ty, or ofilic wealthy 1 Frenchmen, a,giicr..rwMiion of liberi j wice in isbips; and money; :we areunt '1; tiiUns j: Wt'atca!iu : . L ..... j. 1 ...j. .(r..!.. ;.. .1 .L .. ' 1.1 '1 i . 1.1 11 L I li-' - . v . . . " tucir iiMiuieis wi iiieiciyi uu men vus iiqie4ot iwe u,rscni ( sno. uui poucn- go.; ouiervex mat. 11 ; me commcn' ' tonof cDhVcVfatipn ; 'as at their featls. tjall not hayejp, teiJfoach.'.hin) wiih caul'e of. .France and England to prevent' ' and i'allemhlie where 5 ji,u are inv'lic", -permitting any other government to, a rrpubl crior t aiheran anartbieat go- ? loine mciiiotrs tit the government .will, ex:lt in Ljutopc,; huubarot an inuver. I vernment:. it. theVsit.rMieswbiibiT.'4r .,: fa repiiblCv(i'f 'Tirt"r,r T;.f-i'fooner--4r. laterr -.-muft exnd to Jamai- '. i .Jn, tp? company j of , at illocrat you ca, and the other. Bntith Coloniesand" v ure, to huld a direrept language ; fpeak. caufe their, ruin prpariupn frbnv the . - ' offUie, dangers of, ipnovaiion, the hor- mother , country. i:; Suuld- thele argu-i I ' ipr,ol ycyoiutions, andthe hetcllity ol menis tail to determine Jtngland to af tXfipMj)& snyvtcngeCvjUe dupes of. 1 ford us -anyalliltance and that you lpecuUtiye,, putjiofojihi's and revoluti- l think 1 the; ojier will be -accepted,- you ' ' piiaryi,fcepi)is -.tbaJitbe, privileged or-1 may propafe, that England U.ould k'eerTrr act s are, a..neceia.ryanxi indiipenuoie ot. tuilatta as a iecunty, Aintirvhat it , in.thje. prefent fivtij.t,ftate.pf .mankind L atupieieut- may-advancemalF be ref T us cquiiity is ahiiirdt-vuahgerous 1 W4 paid j: ,nd tbould Uie advances of Lng- - v poflibly bV- pr'efcilt.-'A a Frenchman,1 ybn inay!'uhout giving offcrfce,, ' Wix Vjtt r!'yitir y our ' wiife",' vtiiii they di int. theirs -tiiidrlutcd ;: 'and thus ofin, per bap','.'yufmay ','difcpvef HUieVreciits wnhmit. eitpoiingydurs.": , ''-iiii'mfr itee'eiiary : tor remind' you "(0 be. polite and coiidejcending aj the balls Irn'ia 'routes -t;f he Lnali iVi tiofeilii W but fucccededby j olijtrs, nnjj ho jUiefe j nut to a 'to'fii'ge't yotii' raiik'ahd thai aieHfoiMvauiat own ,the contidencB of ny :oyfiww,hp you a re'r judgment will'tell you wheit.it will lie' r- etrlain pufTCires the entire confidence'' iiie ..hh".i ;y iin,minefT- :ftand,',a-i from yoni'fclf,:Tluf yog 'TulFer"" ' to fee his (i'.e Prince's) retired ftua ." Vun and' that although ypir had , no ' jnt niinicn fi) to do,7yet yoti would tiks U iipon. ynurftlf lim .he; knuy.n ifeiiti- -jnents ovihef iVflrCo''' if appioyed ; by the Prince, to idk any fumotTnonty """ bis royal"h,ihnefH mould fix liponi asa loan, 10 oe , l epaia wncii , ine rripcc ' ... ,fi ngdelC'iiV to be pvoiidir lUun the-piotir delt,1 and to'rcfchi' vllb jndiriloirbr coiuempij ; oiiencus or neguci. -iever ! forget, 1 6i- lorgiye lhe prefence Vf a Bourbon,' of any'noble emigrant, ot' one decorated ' Willi the7 piDfcribtd' orders'; fliould;ywu Oeet with Pitt," ' Windhaiiii. rr-,...r.':iT.:..i.-I'-jrT. 7r frT."' r. - ur:iinic,. ur umy Known enemiea ot iuib Firlt Conful, 'b civil,' but formal and dilUivt J and at any f i t u f tf 1 rti vi 1 a t i 6i fd the fame jae'ej' rtfdi'e ) BUi prcfer.ee j t,n 'the tbmtitff thofe ot ftir." Fox's piny, wno nave oppordd the Utewar, thd Wh'6fe b 6 iat opt n ionS ah d lilt acli- Vft - lfVIMUVI '. " lucceedi .t( ' the-Uironei rrThis';.irar.A V7T 'action is of the molt tlticate and fecret -- - nature, and ''mull be kelit entirely Bom -; '.. 'the" knowledge 'of -the kinjr, his lamtly.j went -tot the"cnUfe . .. j , j -i 'J I . - . . . t - i. 1 ana tns minuters : and vou cannot oe are itnowu, you cannot - De . anama r! - . . ! r 1 . ," ? . " " " 1 . 1 . 1 1. . .. .1 .. .1 . i .. . . -. . i , -V too careiul not tocptimnttconipromei- enoun, aim euueavour, py uiiiincuous H 1 1 " tre) yourlVlf or youv.c!arat:ler. Should invitations and atntablcnefsV toproVe to ' v the Pripce'acee'pt .pf he .-ofTer, jujd. jrjii i them that1 the vF.irtt'';jt:oiifurkrtows':i'e: I JTrrof cotirfe receive private auditiice'meiiiberi &ud is grateful tor their pad ; 7 i tmprefs lirbngly upon the Prince's pina ;-oacua and behaviour, ","'.,':-s "the ntceffity for fccifccr t'Wlicn, the f ''As in molt fpcietica vou will probi . ! " ouenioa i-abou the fum he Ihould ' bly meet with military men.ofiheirmy f ; ' ' .want, you fliould obftrve, that to avoid ' and navy, if they ! do dot fbuni ypurs, 4 ;- (,ifpicj fcovfcVy, and be hurtful to h Prince i tion, and report yoiir ppinioa pDheiV -'oubUp opinion): you think a", cer-yptmciplesj;" talent's" and Abilities lay ilj iinpotlible, an that tuch.are the rea) J land ; exceed 120 millions, any other luntimepts ot lh.f Jtii ll; cpuluU his whole Uutch. Colonics inthe Weft-Indie (Sur- cot1dact l1nce 4n.ppf.er ha proved.- nam excepted) may be added as furtbef . England is the only country in the I securKyt ; Be careful, however,) not to world .where a, diplomatic ,chariierof make 'jthdfe offers, without a certain' . t J" I . . 1. . i . : I ' r " r f t . .. . 4 ' laiem ,in'-, jiiugmeni ; - nas 10 many 1 proipecvi,iucceis ; ana aiier all other and 'repealed opportunities to .injure, means have been tried in vain. iaJtnttigueM-,40 embroil,'- and : at the I " Inquire bow ahe .public. fpint is in Janie .timetp cotiiplam. of wrongs and I Canads, if the inhabitants areyet attach- Snfuits. Sc even when he ia liimfelt the I &A to Prnnce 1 and if afiifttirt hv ttmO ... . .'I. . t. ' . 7 ' j--I . . . T offender); to lpcak as,ibqr euended 5 a pai ammunition, and -money, whether 'there?: ragrapn in a newipapcr, a word ma , de-1 wpuld,be,any proipea at a future war,' uaicj may lurn.h him cahly with complaints eve-1 c'oniequence and, of fenfe. from'. that ; r-: ry Trees, 1 11 not every aay. ,.., ; 1 couniiy. can, upon , you ty mat nia v A ibe JEnglilh. mtnifler will prqba-1 8uin!ty,iuCiv. .who emigrate: to Louifmna Li., j. J... ' ('''., ' r ' . I 11 hi - . 1 ... .1 J . . 1 oiy iycwj iomejj.eaio.uiy oiour.aggraiv, 1 inu.pe,eciy.Teq.wim.ine iame proiec- dizement anaour endeavor to exclwqc I tion and privileges a i rencli jcnizens;; .Jgtanqirbtyyts lormer cotmecVons J and la"t;il yrits' pne dUhe motive ol tlje with the. coiu J fi(i)s;co.nful.f in geUihgibaok .that lettle- you any repreieiiUtionson lhisor otiier I ment. !tb.afl'ord an allum the're 1 to his fobjecwj'me wjj ppprelttdatiUritjgred countrymen 9.1 iirvinlinta j.l I t.u .. u .... if U. I fV.J.. ' I : .,- - u ', r treaty of Amiens s of their' tyrannies in I huiYUbal)b SpanimrhPrilffianir. and the Ean-lnmMlT-pl the ,. ibels in,the Putcb,iniiiflierst you afct tojiveppon news-papers ol the - injuries and ca-1 tbe- mod fwehdly and intimate termsr lumnics, of their writers againft the brJlldd not howenf lofe fight of thct

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