a o i . K 'I'M 1 5,1 i , ' m mm i - - - . . I . I . - 1. . I I - " . - , . I ; t. . . : and outlawa-Jof ,THE foUjmr ls a? aaibentia5ca-iat of the brilliant faction lately, foujthVby his u v U Majefty's fh:ps Arrogantand .V ictorioas Tlie two-fts ' felt in with: the Ptpch ? 'heavy Corrarradesj and.maancd wlth'4or ;piCKea men jnandeJ by ' hid par'tioila ; Vaalje: Seine,, of !36ns, 11 exifsly' ; - Iwrll manned- 'The wiivi waslibtaiii ; .;. jeoatmaed'fo atthej cojlnecement al ; J -g a lew btoatlilwies, ep?;djc v ;tba tSji ;1 . lalt winT vfHe teceiveal feireralViaXiffg fircSj. wvhi : ctigabie Hiattecdtjr It-rh 5 and tjirarters a : hriVvwkiiidc".ita-'" that jng:the;littte 0mfion they iade,.Jt!re-? Admiral jged it. pf tStc'nttt)'; ec jr teff, ' : which they alfeited by their lWepsY and iall the Biats oiTtheJfqaadron taAyuhead. Thef ;made tlictrattaclnhejy4aorus; In 'htl fhrrft refoiute manner': Le heihe, ! M: . thougli tW fmaHcit, dt;teraiincd t6 board, , r quainted WftJvraanv faas of general, si-1.. well as p.arixcuar nararc,.uif w tnu i : perhaps, be. difiicalt tp coatnee the pfo pie oi tfticoatirr ,but wfrich ; oughts to; be gene r ai l y .kiVo wq.- An luatviluujnefs j ' to voiuiiteer, upon occalior pf this has hitherfopre vented' ineiroiri gitip tilV liJ Kit Ve6ive etl; Ate? ric:u TeHue ihi l1 ranee, ar Werijl to pu'rfue the fubjeft crFrenlh: liberty throughjaH itsdetatis, the jar:it tvoald lead me too far. I do not hefitate hov.viT i io "favV- th:it the p-ovcrnment TSi ' ' both in auDeara'nea "and effecl'.:-. w noil ot in forer iiDon the moft triEisr:'Occafi-M- r ousj'and tlie opIe:are every: Where ac- fikV of bayonets. ; The cqndudt of the e- , ieciions however will belt explain the na- luje oi rne i3erty tncrc cnjo.yca. e. ne! fervc itirft'Stey. and their,nnections here.' icouirnerc-ihe Jno'it ivereratc caliiirmr : ,Irt the 11 rtt place the councils have been ..occupied, durinir the Winter paft in takinsr 9 tI Untvvvn ariHocrat : th Glneral'.larU, hid "been bu rnt in'? etHii llor his atta'cli 'ziiBretakhav wriha been featj- bouc-o of her c'reJe'lf, "or-Crerwdur- ed-witti 1 1 and beloce lae, could get trom - , " iiTt tta -IIM rT I fcn fit. ---ir,- jed :u'pwrdi-oi8b: tinies. Captain Cicrke Veccited s. very feve're : WGund, frpm;"itiS; fevmitar beinj' torn fronv'his Tiand by 'a r , ' 'jgra'pc' fco'l ; it'Uccrated his thigh. !andcaaf-' ; -i-::'.'ed'-acreUt. efiVuon of blood, .lihich obliged. him to quit the deck ;,but .he almoft im- : mediater' returned, which again occafi 'onihg a vicler' haimbrrhage,' he, was fore- : . belov, a mortification beiig T.pre Ahended. At tje time the aftton'rniicncf-, fed, the Victorious was mort ot her com-. r.plcment near one Iquarterj her f fir ft lieu , tenant, an experienced o&cerj and 90 of her jnen, having beCri fent , from Pul Penag, i with a valuable fl:ore Tirip, . to join; admi. ;. xal P.ainier at the Mulacras,V3 AltJi6ugh the yery ) fortunate' circuoiilance ;of the "light wind to the- frigates allowed them p. to get off, -yet t be confequVnccs , of this idetest were at that time, of the firft im- ' portals in India ; it forced the French fqoadron to i Mergui', at ihe ;timea when . both coails were jopen to their depredati ens; 'and on a rert of their condition to' admiral Serizy, from the cbnfcquences of 1 this ' action, he was forced', ' to ? Bata via, i ' where, three of their' frigates were obliged to undergo 'a thorough repair ; and it; fo difappointed-thc proipeclV of their cruize, v that from Bata via they; returned to thejfl andj,' . and did. not again fail 'from , thence ' till the i gth of Auuil lai'ti Admiral e . tizyjand his officers,, both at B.itavia and te iflan'ds, : made the moil honorable rnen - tion of the bravery and conduct of capt. Gierke, and the gallant defence made by trie yiclbrioas,in fuch particular circum P ' (lances, a?inlt fuch a force. J aw(af the right of voting and of citizen -. falofroih whole clafiesof iicr-fons tOwhom tnote rignts are gua rant ecu oy tnecpnui-, , tutson.V The difcclo'r v ha ve been equally, buiy in changing the inagift rates ann eiyiU .officers Cho'en by the people ma&y com -'miihes have. been put in a iiatei oi iie2.e, ' - ' I " : i : w a- and martial law declared": and the fproc Y lamations cf (he direilb vy, ' crda.iried to. to xhc" people thckit.d oi choice they were' , to imuke. .Having been in 'C vera I ''great i co&i m unc s i min'edi a t c iy V before 'the !p ri in - ary pllembiies,-- I found that nlhnereu a r j reiia tions had fkken place of perfons ;wlKjfe mflucnCe vias iei red-1; prcXuc tht 'riica vfufe jwas taken.i throughout the repub- lie. " ; To fid up ti e nieafure . of apnle the directory ordered tire feaft off the I iovereigury pi the people to be celebrated itn unuiuai pomp, ine cay. oeioie .1 - : i'L-r-r-iiAJ..ii .j',k.A'eHt-ix-tt H ' it& in ri'tUiun out military. parade. :m the; the con- raufic, "U-.' -A.-' 4 fmall number of heavy &ips ' willickfed- ; them. : , t Bendes our diftance from Europe rcn., ders it immensely dimcuit to iuvade our territory.1, If a;tieet Ihould approach our , Jlhofes arid land abodbf - f6rcd,if . wc . Rave's few iliipvf; the line Hationed; m the ditferent harbours of the; United btates they i by ! Junction or cruiung in a ;de inched j ijfcnn,: wkuld ilender. itarly.mpoi'ble, for the ene.uiy to obtain fupplies, "and de- I feat trieir return. It is provable ' that a. l f - ; fleet of t enty ihips of the line, with a due pro6rtiorfof frigitesy wouid be et-' fodual fecunty againit a y foreign invafi- on; Ware not :-in tjw.fivpation ofEng- - ' la nd ' -fin.-i rated from an enerav bva nar-' row channe 1 pafiable in boat s aiid the re -fore under the necelTity. of erecting, gun loats and forts . along: the whole coaft. pur- enemies, -" if they . ever come, muft ' ' -Icoiive- in hciiyy (hips and large fleets --the . . Iran uh,yr ?rh onlv IiV Sl fievr places No ' Eurojean government is mad cnoih to - , iencl a hrndiul of troops to .America under an idea of cbnquelt. 4;Npthing'lhort:of an jmmenftarmy will make any nmpxdiioa 4 -"ori ''our cnuat'r v--aad fuch an aniiy; will xc- , - I quire a number of heavy ; cnioie traniporis, wBitucayuwi . - j-'erery place for landing. yl t'S'-'.l-; j ' TKeiVcirc true poli-' . cy fo very obvious,' that a. man; mull be Wjnd tomidiikc it. i UliznU thaX I, ; I f repea t- and urge' upon our; gove rnment, ' that a feall navy will pteyen all the c- 7 riormcuicxpcnces of UreTand1 aripie. In; ; ; our prefehc,. fituatibn'cuif - militia Jhbuld- DC UrClpUIlCW, : UWU UUl A.(yuaw .. w - mhmfirii Frcc!iralcrt;lwto1?niSUS,i,1f.crt tiMsM; vnnle have ex- I Ttne people in ucncra iaK.e; no jntereu in i iw u ii vv tt- .s ! - I views bs with he mo prounU con- dbc'ty gnn Ihips, wjuld be jbudt nder : v I ne: a 1 ue rhons of the fc i tended; not bn'lf the go v c hi mejii t, but .to whatever is moft relpecUhle ahio-gi tn. The vulgarity aouic ran as .well .as vjru.crce oi uus ful Geneeai maice u!e : t General H "atngiirii ', proudeji man I'-e-ver jfaf I heard our uon 'in. company," jwhen Ipeakibof thecharap- ter or tnc uril or pas.jfui: ut.u wi ; laid" ne, ' ts toe: "except. otr ne We have Other confular charaflcrs in France of a limilar call--Oneot ilicmhas - remained in jojfite miy jnonths finc ju-; V-drcial prootsj were!kiwwj or hii covering; French property by perjury, and fa lie con- fular certincates- y knoir'not whetjier it be true, that Mr. Mbnrbe made a report iWach nor Americans fuipeded that we : der the operation 01 luitable bounties, to, , dari-a to refiit their pleafure ; norihat we : be. employed in long voyages- m times ot lhbuld heiuateto ooey, their: wiU when 1 peace py mcru?,. rZr " " ' f 1 once lirmly.prooounced. ; 1 be purchated by -overnmen. gr- iqg commerce ,01 : 'this neafure eafy and ef&ai,tandit : wiil lave a Ir. rge, portion ui "'- f jPW Porcupine's gazette. AND i'AjJU X C A. TThe followineisancxtracl.ef a letter,- .written, I imngine, by a gentleman in Virginia, to whom the public look up with jefpeil and cbafidenccIt is worthy thelu : .tention oi ecry ArrteVjcaapdTrttjf4??'s ; lied pn'as ebntainiatintioubted truths. . . I take this opportuaity of returning my ; thanks to the gentleman,; who made me " the cpmmunication, by which I look up on my paper and rrtyfclf as highly honor- :rcd.J.i.!v.; - V ' ' ;; fjV:':;'. " "iilr refidence iiVPari?, during the laft 5, -tyiatcrhsci enabled" me ' to becoine ac- in favour of this man." " Thc cond.a of J'horoas Paine deferves particular notice. He lives in the houlc of a journaiitt of noteho is ufually the. . jirll . to fubiifn wha teeij; appears hoitile to ' cur country. Ic was iii, tne papc r oi this , journalilt that the Prtfitlent's lalt fpceca ib CoPgrefs a ppea red; bur Avhoily ; rfiuti-; latH,' and altered ia fuch a 'manner,' by a. ions and omiiuons,! as to excite tne irrtiihauon of the. French vernme"ht';' theMou-Tnalrlt he roiild not inlVrt the entire 4nr.n.l TMMrT- Vn 1 1 nftTt' 2 1 . lenO-th. 'in ! French aod Englilhfa j vapid mixture tof profe and verfe, written by Mr. Edwari . Church, formerly of-Bofton, as a fatire upon the Preiident of the United States. .About 3 days be lore, 1 IeftTaris, the fame ; paper (lee the Bien Inllnne, of aboucthc ! 17th or 18th March) Contained, a pra- oianh of a Jetter frora.this couhtm be- i;einnin;r with thefe: wojrdi - Fieucbpar- j I Much Kasjf been laid of the corruption i of the French goverument. This 1 s a fub- ifci auoui winui it. is ninicuit- io uuuui direcV ptoof.t.'aud'o'f' whichI thereibre a'jermanent ,navy.if :.; . A .f r , i.v ; fpeakwiipmbre caution. Certainly per. pThis n.cafuraifowill fave a large pro Vforis whocompole that government are ei: portion ol-. the expences-ot navy-yarjls. ttier ti.e molt corrupt or the moft; injured Ot iijen .; ! lor liever I J belie vel was any go vcrnnient uiOre generally detetled. A1 ' ruoit ad the: people fpeak of them -with contempt Uua abhorrence, when they have their opuoftunity bffueakin2 freely. .. 'It is "univeriaily unuerLlood, tlat.. the moit bare-iaceJ venality is practi'ed at. the di if: ;is.u ! i -the noflellionof the public, wiir incur enormous expencrs. Individuals willbuild fcips. much cheaper than go? vemment. i-et expericuc w. ysrr and tcacn us wnuoiu. rectorv. and i.non the anjii ers. . In- iiances ct t;us has come tcjmy knowledge.; confide r France as the fatreit and beftjpor non of Euro, e ncxliaultible in national ' richei ifwarmn;g with.a population, the xt t'rt - f O ATICTTONi 4 : Dnlthe :firil:ivionday in OaobcrJdt, T .J HAS commence the Sale of ihelre VV maining part of the Cargo of f the SHIP. BETTY CATH-CART, Prize, to , srhnnr.f r Ecllona. aV French' Priva. tecr, as governed by the moil dcfpoTicT execu. i-tve that ever cxilied. tlarrallea- tv a rabid fucceilicn oi revolutions, and borhe do'wn, -under ail;f them, by the hand of bovver, the people; iigh for nothing but and" riio.Ci i but I rercat it. the peopVerenthing in France. (The govern- relt in keeoincr- ud a foreign war; and e ven if they obtained 'neare abroad., the country will be aitat- r ... -1 w - ' hus the jfif nch f :FrjrC)rametcial Adverr , rethingip Frani)!ire;decav,d con t:.e: ve ajong ;lea coaftio uefend - tinuallv o eorreaiiVefefebtatiQnis Jbarnature:ia5Javed the necefiity of arti4 ;rtfhV, ' Kt&A thlbref is under 1-tHc: Ificial means of defence,' on gret portion; blclute cobtroul of the gbvermvtand : foi the xtcnt.- :The otxthnd, 'a journal that Happens to contain any think' . ;So-h:Carolina is thlrtl? nrnbl is, in- : beach, altOgetner lnawrcicbabiebylhips:!;- - rtinilv Clenced.Ond wasftppre uredklinir in lubftance wlkt )Ss Cacc hap- ! limilar defcrption.-;The hatWswluch Twenty- and Five CO NSI ST IN GO F. Two Hundred and TwentyiNine Ho (beads,Sixty : Four Puncheons, Thrr Pites. and One Hundred Tie rce'beft Jamaica Sugar, and Forty Tierces Coffee. ; r :, : A 1. S O. ) The fhip BettCath.Carrbuthen a-;: bur ob Tons, twith her Materials a aa., (he now lies ai Langdon't harf. 4 , The (aid (hip and Ca rgo having -been abandoned to the United States, jandistp: fold by order from the Treafury Depart- Trms of Sale to be Cam before ,Deli ' :-Cf ; : G . JJ M'REE, Colleclox . ,.;'. ' ' j Wilmingtdn.Dntri Wilmington, .ry. C. 1 j Augult.9, 1798. ; JT S v 1 rencd to bwitacrland ate fale from large fhips are few, and a . U - C A S H O Given for Sna&e o'ot; at the PrintiDS- .'ri - - VlUVv. : ;. ..." ft T , ' ; i --- 1 - .; :-: ;; :::' v'ii:i r':H;-; : m '::."-"" .' '-r r:H f!:k'U r'' "":;-; ':r'.":. ;"'!..,;.. ,1 vXr :::'i'; t . ' .-' ' ' i i -1 ' i' I ' ''rl"" ' ' -' ' .:'-'.:'c- I 1 ' . . , !-r.-- i . ' .- - ;- - :- I I -