j j j; . 1 1 -hill- '.-i:! - - j ; ForeSgA liitelligcnce., -? if:' " li 'l',"H .''.; !-T'; lonJdd.Nv xrL I -Ycftcrday Mr Mafon, a king VfaelTen--geri arrived fa-town w!ith difpatehes from Ireland: It is understood that tame fur ther advantages have been obtained over J 'county appear to be exceedingly .'formi dable ; . - ;. -.'- A letter froraAVaterforddattd. the Id if.ftatVtj -nates' as follows ' -:j Tfce Ihiurgeh'cs have formed an en .campment on 'the mountaiaof JKorth in the County of Waxford, andvGenV Fawcet thinks they are about t c.ooo ftronf . Tley have eight pieces of artillery; A . body cf hcrfe is" potted in fuch a. manner, t!aat cur troops timiot touch them until xi.cy; are reinforced, which they' will be ftrongly this day from Dublin, Laughiji i'ron camp,. Waterford, &c. --They have cut off a whole company." of the Cork Mi iitia except five men, and a company- of' the Meath Miiitia, with four otficers ; ; end they have taken the town of -Waxford ' an 1 burnt par t cf it. ' .', , Another letter, dated from WaterforJ,; 'op. the afternoon of the third, fjy , I ' Lord Maney had arrived from.Dub Vi and retaken Waxford: the Rebels fail 900 men in the engagement.. Several. gent:emen were laken) prifoners by1 the ' r-!i)ejs, 1 rooDSiare marchimr rhrftmrh"' rliis town every day to the great' army;'' which is commanded by Genqrais johnftoh'-' Fawcet, Euftace, &c. : Waterford is y"e- : xy quietj and the -yeomanry are very ac tive. ;4," 1 I':' :i:. 4-'''-U'Vt'';: .:. "- . tC The South Cork, Militia have return-" ed with great lofs' after an ittack, they made upon the Rebel, in which they kiL led hundreds ; but their pikes are four teen feet in length, 'and - the bayonet rus np effect upon therry-- You may' expeft to hear of a battiYevery day, and on tne if-, fue of it depends the fate cf Ireland. It may be to-morrow'.' '.'-.'( ' - , - The Meffenger from'Trcknd brings ad vice, that "Lord E. Fitzeerald 'died on." f .... Tuefday morning at o,ie o;dock, of the " wounds, he receivedriuVthe fcuffiewhen he was arrefted.-The news1 of tip event , notwithftandiog tie cenfiderare "manner in ' -which if was made known to Lady 'Fitz gerald, by her uncle, the Duke oKRich mond, made fuch art imorellion unrjnWr: I .tfiat (he has been delirious ever fince. ! It is faid,'. that 'fourteen Brittfh regi .1 ; ffisnts will immediatelv be fcht iet lrrWnA : 46ng thofe under orders a the Lan 1 . ..Jijiiir- i .Tpnr iminnr ui . . i ics i'cuciD:e cavalry. t - J ettersfrom Dublin ftatei that amongft the -papers of one of the perfons-charged. - with treafon the. intended revoktionary feai of Ireland has been. found; it bears tlie ey ;of Hibernia rifmg up, and ftriki lpS tbe-Crown from off riie Harp"; adrefs -lor one of the intended Directors is like wife, ltated to have been difcovered On the 26tfa, Dr. Efmond, of t he coun-: ty of Kildare. fa man dfVoodi fortune. nU brother to a Baronet) who waerakeu u ith-arms in fiis hand, fighting ag- inil his Kin?, and fome others were hanu cd 1 8 , MCiiu uccxecuiea in juDUo.ontttie lame, day. ; The r'ebds had pulled llJwri Kil cullen bridge, to prevent the communica.' lion with the fcTuth... ' Two ofHcers of the Rathfarnham caval-' ; .ty have been hanged, after being tried - by 'a court martial, for going over to the 'Kebds. - . . ' "' A fellow has confefled, that "for .fome time part the Priefts have extorted" them , in the chapel' to Treafon ; 'he has given k ' upheiramcs.-One of thenr is a popu ' Ur preacher, and an ihtlmate friendl o: Lord Edward FftzzeralJ. - s ; i VMr. Stewart,' who is now incuftody on a varraht fr6m the l-uke of Portland; was' lately Hili Sheriff1 of the;, bounty of Ar ifi3gh, and is -poQeffed of a coniidcrabie fortune. , -." ' ' t Extra 3 of a letter' from Dublin dated j . .... June 2. . - -im -' .' .: , , ... --,y ... . ; ".- . 1 wrote ycfterda. . We ..have ; certainc--Counts of fame' engagements in orie df Hvhicl; at Newton Barry, i the Rebels loft .ut: wards of coo men : to darne the ioV that fuch an-event, wothd create ;n the minds of the loaI? r w have accounts of hacking murders having been committed by the Rebels.'ro detail xirhich" would be gainful and ufeleTs.1 cantiat omit telling you, that a man bamed Caton" by trade a tailor, was tjiis clayj: taken up in woman's cloathes;' 'rennoitering the out pofts of the rrv r he is fornier!r a Maior of vo- lunteers.ancT it is faid to be the perfon appointed as" commander in chief when t i T?r u .. u H. - tyj-.nnd will c - executed to-morrow.' Small parties ot the troops have been o vcrcome, which I hope will teach the ar my to be more cautious; I ' ' ; Much depends oir the. difpofition "of the Jorth, and I am happy to Shear they are repenting pail errors - tad rtave deli vered up fik pieces ocauhon, which the' (Jnhed Irimmen had cohcealed.M ' ExtraS cf'auoibtr let It frhin,Dublw Hat- .! ,-t ''V-??--'r.''h:J-':.-L--i ::-f--- 1. ..-;--,t . ; . Mdrc than'oob Rebels have encamp ed themfdves on the lills 6i Taljh abouc 7 miles from DnblTn) whofe number have ' been confiiier,ably augmented by hofe who fur render to Gen. Dnnc tu- r..,. preiended leaders' gtveri upi by tjefe men, were feven mifcrable wretches, Who join i:d them through compuliion, f md were, about to deft-rt them, through fr. yh& - terras given to thefe men have created , high murmurs, and a rumour prevails . of . -parliamentary inquiry. The cyent cer- . tainly (hows there was nofec urify for the . engagements on the .fide of the' Rehe - :. for they fled inftantlyand jolned'the RCJ , vis at lallan and Kaihangan. ' f And the rcar ot tms army, witft which Gen. Dun-, 'corps retreated, and haviogf-ioined the main ooay, tney aqvanccd, attached tnem iwith rrcat Tmrtr ' -ariA . imnpinnfifir . HrfA K Completely 'routed them; with the lofs of v;?It .was iiearly an ''hour after LJenten. kfl t Buckey and M r. Donovan we f e ki 1 fcd, before thie main body j came into action, -jiuring whith interval the wretches glut ted their favage fury by hacking and . taangling the body :of the -former .gentle- -tpan, Haying covered him all over with wounds, tand ferved his hcrfe in the fame:' brutal maner. v It is fu ppofed .there could . .. not be leis than 250' pf thcni, fome .of SKom had fire-arras but in generalhey : were armedith pikes: 'j -r.', ' ; . ?'Thc guard ftill continnes at tlie bridge.- AM tfl 4f mrrw-rm inV.n K't'trA rtrMtft I - Lfijs arrarrcited and examined ; and thofe wtio appear, to nave come item proclaim ed places to efcape apprehenfion are put m! " rconrinement. ' , ,;' T "'', "Laft week, ve uncrftand, four1 or fi ve peribns of rank and lortiine we re nr reied in Waxlord, and commiued to goal; i ,tor tr ea iona&le, p rait ices ' ' das had treated, marching o2" with -their ' '4 lc-foUbwirii'rfft-extrftfl'of. a letter Duff and hfs-m?ni as he was efchrrin t hf . inaii to.Naas. 'But he put to' tlie fword'j 3bout 30Qof-them." - ' ' f " ' , j ;"Ennifcbrthy,-r (about 48 miles fouth ! of Dublinji on a fiae river caUed the Sla- 1 -ney) is in the hands' of the reH?ls, who1 have pur every Protelant ,ro dath: -y"Mr. McoVe, of -Ra'thangap, having drawn on his corps -againll the rebels, his.. Leurcoar.t, whc was a Cajholic,; cried out thdt "he would cot -fire on hjs fcliow' citizrns ' Nor I Nor 1 ran thro' the curj:s.'- On -which lr. M 90 r called but, t VVi;at! iiave'liio loyal man a mona. you to l!ndr by me.?'"' -Six or fe ven men inftantly ftaod l"orward,r who with "Mr.'MoDr, as inftantly loll tljejr lives, and tht- traitors lY:& to join the' rebels' v-: -. rVi'Can.i, ai apothecary, is, accufed . by his own foreman of having . fuppHcd. fervanis with tiumerou's dofes pf'poifon And Mr.'S faw a lilt found in Kit"! houfc, of fev en females in G ration , ft reet, .doomed to death thv.viight of tic general rifing.'. Happily, hosier, Wr Profit - ant friends have far this li.nq efiapej thefe barbarous intentions., -I I- ' Hornlh, who is ep'.ove'd hv o-o' vernme'it.as chimney fweep to jrhe piiSi'c" csifipe, vas to have let the barheks, the . .pafliahcn, and all ;he 'pnb'ic (cffii.es oa lire.- ..' '.-' " ' Thcmulutn.lc of rebels in the' coun ty of Wexford, and the. horrors the hav . committed ux,n innocent, people ot the -protcilant per fun (ion,' lWewhal thefe tWo -principles have .riot been prcachbd to' them in vain "Spire no blood Catholic ; Emaacipat ion' while x Proteihiit Iivcs.,,V. f r 5 "w"" ' affiicticn and 'awe ye rjzy. thefe -circumllahces befoic 'our' -reader:. ' ;Thc beit comme.it on" thm cery man wili nnd in his own heart. ' Jur. if ever tle energy, the valour, the, promptitude ofgovemmenr, were called iorth, it 'is at thiaT moment. . Evrr' da s-dclav Vivrs it his a.'new 'portion qf vlrcngth' to the rebels ;"i8 Bu4jnlian.t allien is iiidub;rai)ie' defeat ,anu caution, murx oeienaea wnii hama fiityThofe who laid" down tfieir arms. 'dm. an OfTIcer i nm'f.aniMntr ?n Csrlnwl tr H j . ; 1 ' kKfrundsjn Dubii;,iiiited Cbriow; May" 29 Wchave eicped a" moit; infa mous plot that has becn hid: againft irils r . town. I At half pail' two this inorriing-i we .were attacked, by near a thoufand United Irifhmea, .ajfmed iwith , every ;ofFenfive y , weapon : fortunately we had f fome infbr-' mat ion on thefubjed; Vhicb gave us an opportunity of being properly prepared. Ve:mufte red. not more than hctweenl.zo , and 30 of the oth -Dfagooos; one compa- uy ox me nrmzgn, .and -one or tne L,orJC Aiiluia; In ten minutes we ,wcre pre"- ' pared to receive. them, and in two hours' wekilletlon the fpot Hear 400 wretches, with the lofs ooaJ'yfourmenon our fide... .1 m felf vas under the dtfagreeable': pe ,,cc;'Hy of killing four or five at leafti-iri fliort, I truil this.vent'wilfr: tKempans; ' ot reftoring; eace ' in " moft parts oft thcV kingdom; , 1'he fight in the greets and a- '. venues. Df. the town is fhockin. k1Wer ai- faburrjed a.grcat part of te town. ;The-, c;up.ty of. Kildare has been in a mofl . re- : bilious ftate. - I ioaWjiot conceive jroeri-r' .tp have aded wjih m're courage arid'braj ' ' veiy than Hie troopsl' y HITEH ALL, June $r -' - Z A djfpach of which the following is a .copy, lhas been this.dav received from his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant , of lr- SrcaoV were killed : thevrexainder.of -tic 1 They cvacflatea the olace before ha eam-'.-ji Dartvl I cafififtin" bf fevn "rr sicrhr mn .1 "1 11 l.- .-r.ri. 1 i -n- w 1 vj y c 1 c an iju 1 1 1 Lotwi j onnuoiiy 01 t that tewn, who was iwith the rnaio. body ;cfihem before the v fled and hM eiicoiiraj cged. them to make an attack by promifing. . . .'.them a; fjeedy reinforcetneat, wa taken' r 'and ihot by the military, and his houfe af- ' ierWar(U oeif rcyed: ; It having appearetl -. Z cvidepil that ther greater part of the Inhj-" Vj bitants' had afiTTted 'the rebels, the military " ' i f'bumt-)he,tbwnwih the exception, pf a "few .hoiifes belori2inl2? ta weif difpbfed ceo- , . pie. 1 wo young gentlemen, wnqwerejjo- 1 ,. ing-froin Watcriof d to fec'their rcJa'tioni .' i were taken rffforie rs by the infu rgeii tsantl . . detained tiirthe cacuatibii of Biilytore,J on the approach of the army. , " r ; ' '. The;t(dLowir is anxtratt'bfa letter. . 5 from an cfHcer commandinV in Carlo w-. . ' t msir.ends m this city, dated May 26 . if Vc have efc aped at moJt infamous . pioc.tnat..nad foeea laid agamit aiis town. At'Halfaft two o'clock this mcrnfng; We were : a ttackedj byiip w ards Tof f 50$. United Iriflxmert, " armed with every of- -t r.. r, J.iv. . f." tiiuvc j weapon yt loriuiiaieiy we flad lorne 113 I T i tween 80 and 90 of the ,9th dragoons, two companies of the Armagliy and Jwo; ' of thb Cork' militia; ' In fiity minutcswc . 'wee prepared to receive them, "aod in ; two hours we killed on the friot'neir jbo ' ' wretcljes, ,;with the lofs of 40 men on our " fidc- - j1' nlHe'C was- under "difagreeabic - -. neceffiiy of kilting one or: two at moil in fliort, I truft this , event- will be the means ,of rettbrlhg peacejn mofl parts of : ."the kiagdorri; 'The fight- of.-the' ftreets and avea-jes of -the townri f!-rV; My-Loq I have the honor to ac quaint yoarTiracc, vthat a difpatchl! was. this day received bv' Lieut. n?ii. fmV fvpin Col; i'Sltringc, of the king's coun,! jupiui w ijviivu'UJieai taut me tovn 01 v. ;Newrbn Ziy had been attacked ycfter-; day mbrmKg by a very cbnfiderable luody : ot Rebeli from-Vinegar HilL, They fur "rcjundiad the town. in fuch a. manner, that. Cjli 'El; range at firft retreated, in Order tccolleiJt'.his force, r He thein attaclrm! the rebtilsdrove them through thejtown with great Ilauofhter. and purfucd feherh .feeral miles u-uil night obliged them to. , return. Above. 500 of the.' rebels; I were Kniea. , - - i , 1 . - furrendered- up feven, miferable men a"s'; .Col'PEirarige's detachment -confifled ' iiw wtiw uui uftniiiuaieu roi'rv w i ju oi inc xvjntj $ county militia, 17 1 ritrange fpcaks m .the higheft te " ed the' rebels at Rstaf.'jrau ad'.T;illah". and pari -attacked GenriX James Duff, life vet' enlarged' confide rations; were re; ;quifite, it is no-A. : Thiejievvs of humani ty mal embrace the notion Let there h& mercy, 'as faf as" inefcy can-. .be 'ft retched to individualsbf without cruelty torthe fate of the empire, is parhaps now at'ifTue. ! Cm . L . term of "ExtraS of -letter fi.om 'dVajerJjrj, -dm'tcdA.. . tlie conduct of the; troops,! and gives ij.u(-i vicuit to iviajor ivtaiay, wno v o. .lujitecred oiijhe occafion., ; Z I have accounts from Mr Cornwall. th-jt afniquet guard of) his ycomed fufi. j prifed, n.the night, a paTty of. rebels cn vdeavburing to enter the county of CarioW i anq sunrpis iciy ctieateu tnem. . The county of KiUa're has been in a mofc reoeinous Itate. 1 could not conceive' -men to have acled witlvmore courage and " : bravej-y than- the 'troops.""-'. -The number of h.fufgents L'lled in Carlow and its vicinity.' are confid'er- ' ?.Wci ,The re u rP 1 ro m pe rfons in "office ' in5 that tdwn ' fbtes 6io:iiave fallen, in" . eluding ot.thqfe that have, been killed in - various parts', of the country" ',7he' whole '" number, wejlrc informed, is not lefs thaa' z.oo.- ,VV A man named John Shannon, ?who acted -' as principal footman in the Mayoralty hvJuie1 to, every chief raagjltrate. - for: Tt myy, years, pait, and had 3 s good falary :r v v "uuj miiwcck) itnav ' ing been discovered tiiat.he is one of "the, fworp rebls of the px dyi' refolved to plunder the prefeht f worthy' v ? chief ma oi lira te;. -'. 1 : -"7 ' " V . 'Among thofe:' who Have' been rhaflacred . . , i.-i the county of Waxford, is a Mr. Bat, " ' .roughs and. his family, and . thofe 1 whom ; they have not murdered, tliey imppvenfh by deifroy ing their'property of every kind. Ev ery day brings' to our kho'wJed ge , 1 new act3 of attrocity 'committed by' the " v rebeL. In the cbu:uy.of Waxford "a- '. mbngft many .inftance of- maffacre-,',.. the - following excites particular - deteitktioa and honor The Kev. Jylr., HVydon, a Piotitant Clergymen, much fefteemed, having had fomeot bisheighbours tofpend, the evening with him, a ilixi' Clifford -refidjng in his houie,. whole beauty rsi ' whole virtues made her the admiration of the country, was requeued to fing ' Crop- " pies ia down" file did fo, iittie thinking that her compliance would have been 'the . caufej of her death l" The next iubrriiug Vne " houf vvas attacked by a party cf; Lvur-. ". gen is and the -whole -family- ma lfacri, L with' cicurattance;, of the mcithbrrirt rr,i " eltyJ. The fervant.. who attended the fa.' ' .:mily,atfupper the preceding night,- match"--' -ed a pike irorn one oflus brotner demons,- uim iuwgcu iiuio tne oeauuiultJoiOmol:- K 'Bya gcatieman whb'arfived on Sun- i Lh'iye.the horior to be, &c4 '." ..-:! .-'-.'CAMDEN.' ' I a ! . J wtjTTw r mrW: m w a Fl t w 7K tnr Tim rm . TiimT day- e veni na1. frcnrf-Enni fcor th vf we'iea rn . " L BufinefsLthaxui fhar on Saturdcy ttightra bady jf United 4iminediately :rclate "la tood'ahd cIoihiriK m mil liit u dudiNtu tut uuuic u ijacK.ry , oi IT I . . . .1 . .. . , prefs wai inilahtly fentielf to the atove ;iouicu;i: ai vnioiin, anu jn a ;nort time nrrcrn'bf rh Jlalf hfTpIti Caralrr: : arrr?- . 8 ---- ---- -r - j - , , J a dechmeht qf capt. Corriock' Infantry, i proceeded'ffcr.theplacel 1. j :. .'.'An advanced gnardAvas'd'etairied froris I ths. main body, 'whdv on their tominc to j f the-fpot found 4ne ihfarbits;liurnihg the iurrounaing -country :. 1 1 ney immediately fnmmhrirt an affnA.nn rh Vomm.' fint . Lord E. FitzgeraJd; was taken ; heKas' 1 ! we are forry to Itate,' Lieutenant Buciey beea jricd by a court-inartiali fouhd kil- L w bad;thc coairnaad; 'afid'a ' Mr. Don- iivJ5...:.v.;r':'vr;..-fr .-v-ii a:-"y-s is abfoltjtely at a .land in this citvi. ' rd Heriry t Fitzgerald arrived II from the packers; i eht hon. theLord Mar- or, attended by Mr. Da wfon. the! hi h. . conitaoic, tpent aoout two nours iearChino-i his corps, affiited by cletaihinents ' of "the? J J ail parts under the Parliament-Houfcl leit lEnnifeorthy and Heathfield ? i:orps,v. tboe- j any coiribuftibles mould be there coHceal-v Ifr. rrifn ant.' ? vfn rn c' l .ritntiia'h ft I i I ; n rn ortr r-i'trt-Tinro aP rakuLH .k ! cob', ef thc-Ehriifcorrrty Cavalry', Capt. ed by any contrivance of he rebels.H who ltbpcat ho hcliifh, machination to favour 1 ifieijr horrid purpofes, . ; ., . . By a gentleman who arrived hsfe fromT Carlow.rwe learn, that on Sunday rtfcfn-l j ing an 'exprefs arrived thefe, from,: he ! the rebels had jx)HefSon i of that placeVnd . weraftreafifthenur themfelves initii-Ma-. hjbr Dennis Inftantly marc.hcd i witfi two ; I. ivfvp ui uic ividuuub, iiuu-onc or me vNoVfh Cbrlf Militia r hKtntl 'isK.i Mils; Clilford, exclaiming at- ;the fame time!. 1 here you dd whil. tV'v wli!uur rv-i-v?py ncaown rv four; I Thofe cruelties which ha ve ciHiagmiril i anarchifts in.arms. ; At Dajifhauglia they brake in tt. ti i KaiVT,; ; 11 i- i v Nflfpn a ProteHant; Clergyman; who' kept, a fchool there, and after having mur dered him and his brother .in-law; Mr ; ' Peld,I5c?r, in tIie noft ' cruel manner ; their infernal difpbfitions prompted them'5 to the verycliraax of barbafity.. Another perfon, Whom - thev 'neJ -rn h srlxUl fubjecl. f they If ripped, and put him laior a cauldron of boiling. pitch' f Good God ! .wnere is me-obligations of humanity and' ' religion tliat would not ink every" thing- : '. ; to avert ; the orrid domination of fuch, iicu.uvrn miicreants. '1'he reinainder tof. Mrr Neifoi's family, and-his pupilsi are. !