.-I. . t' . 1 .1 i 1 - ! i. : i ? 4 v- Cspxh Swa;ne, and abootc 6f the! ; Cork raiHtia, were furprjfed :at Profpe- . rons, : coanty tyudare, by. a- conhderablej JboJy. of Reb:i, and mardered, Triey!. gentleman, and buined nis remains ma'.. I ;itch Iwrcl. -J The psefent is the th'.rd io.ftance of rnVr j tial ia.v being 'declared in Ireland, in the; ( 1 price of near i'z $ yeari. v;Tje;ttrt1. oc-! . r. , r vi&iu u the aurnuig..; Th fecond, w'as during reueilion m Scotiac'cL ; , . A Special commiiien, it is (aid wiil be ihviril'appoiiued for the trial of. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. The weapon with which his'Lordfhip did fornuch m.fchiet" is tot 'a curious coallru'.-tiori. lathe mid dle is a 'hacdie, with a blade right and a:.c, which cut and tnrulfcv-f.couirfe ic cuc vvhccher'urauM to the right or-ieir. It ;j lcufixly poljb.c to dlfarni a rir.supf fuca a At.ipOtwitliouc'uebiWinLi'aiof V r.-i ;, , - , ' - 'f' J liciwuq.vinjisaiiuo; the ict" - tra ?"..w-.r,l- Vatp the: . fonwhoavbeen ferved vith nutUcI t-uu.r, a::tc t.:e pyl.it encis kA :i co.jrr.er, . ; r:ke their trials; oncharsesf HiglrTrea i.id arc aredtmthe-. was,, lorry ic. the "I Or., at' thSefiion&Iou'fc in fexcea Street, woaiUs : La i i-ifiiitsd, When convey-, i on-MaiJy .rheii th xnlft. , y -J. Dublin . ihergreat'officeT.T)f llate, mem: bers of the.Houfes of Parliaaient, Piyy Cquncillors, Magiftratcsj and military perfocs,in uftlibrm excepted) : to remain within tbeir-reipeclive' dwellings from g d'clpck at night rill r in the!icoraing, un- ! dej'paia offvuifhmenf j . - ;,:: ' ' "Ay or&rvf I eut. Ceu Ija'ki, command , t , - c HizvvOTn Gr. . 'I ,f Dublin Jdjuttt .&reraJ'J.q5ce - 1 t Recruits are joining in nombers er ry day to. the dii?e4entyecoien.ty icorps of this city, and new bodies! ajfo forming", onjr of-t which is to be raUed, ihz drange Corps-, ; -aqd'ir. isaidj wiiT be ve?-y. namerou...Ii the couniry parts Jikevrifc.t&e iacreafe of the ditferea corps ,ofJ yeamadiry ,is4 going fo r 'v a rd w it h fpj ri t, 1 z ad : ths "pe rfons ch o fen are taken from the. lift, of. thoTc Vho have voluntarily fora- funvard to take the.oaih of ajlegiancc, antjj indeed, rer .cw vvili be excufed unefs fuch as are in capable of carrying arii' eirlvr hvaw; . infirmity, theif.LieintJ ernploycd in ioii;e ' yery.rieceiury or jodtfuenfahle aVacauotvJ ed 10 Neivra:c;he a'pOeared to be entireiv difpinietj-t-!;iitA'oice-tiultcred hiscom 'piexiorf wi.V deadlv.-paie," and hlb eye ap parenciyljited but yciferav it was the Opinion oi'his vifuors hat he was out i of iou;e Lrd.iuvard loJedin, 'wv&s 1 cob re .eh, to .Newgate aloug-vvlrh' his LordJ . . . ... I '..I- ' .. . t I t ' 'lyo .rebel uniforms were.jyeflerday foondby'the' High iheritf in the apart Dients imTned'utciy occupied by.LordEJ-i v. a rd Yi 1 ig r.i id , 1 a t M a rphy in' Tho- ma-itrvCt, Murphv, U.c o-vner , of the ho Ve ,ihip. s . ColdnelvLuaim; vvh: was feized lately at Baxton, and fe:it 'td Ireia.id, tin. the cuftody of tLe'.jJror officers,' - reached Dublin on Monday lait, and vas ,im;Tie diately lodged in Kii-Mainhan goil. ' . M j '2.2'. T-his City hc.i aLi this "day been in extreme agltatioiV. Li ct-nfequciice tit ittfj adircS?d 16 tlie .Lord Iviydr fcy tb- iieOrerary, Lor.i Calliefeai-h, t iTtr':int- that Go vein meat had receive a" pjfitive Iiw rorm I.ord Rvjv. 17 John Sbeares; Oliver Bond, Wiillani Samp-, ' fon. Lavrence GnffiJ 'Wjliiam, jme, o;mSwefer.fy; Ridi.'O'Kciilcy, John Cum- mins, Daniel CaulSeld, -Michael Flood, Michael Doyle, PatricltKsely, A'iexaiider . Doole'Michael Sniytl John Greene, Je remiah Kicker, John HiidagHn, Timothy Byrne, John IXath, Joh4Cocworthy,' Wil liam Wiifon, James Cannon Wm.. Beggs, -John Counfcl,John jVIitiis, Thos. Gal lagher, James Wiifon, Jauici White, John . Dnanj Jofrph Longman, J oiiii Ryan. Geo.' Geary, Robert Keane, Jarae b'Reihy,' Peter 0,'Brirn, John Dillon J Gcorg? Kcr foot, Jamei Doyle, Janjcs Mu rph y ' fiio -; mas ' Coylc, Anthony .iM'cb.iniel,' james -Parkuifon, JoH-ph Stringer, White ; Nicholas xMurphy. Pj trick' Bvrne, -Philip ' Maoquire, 'Henry Banks Ro;vie Good-' man,' Samuel NclfonJ. Michael Carrol, G. Conner,. Edward Collins, fohn tfltrh j:r O'lirien, Milesoarpe, John M'Cair, JarccsGreen, J imcj, Hamilton, PeicrM'In. aaoa oi an intended n fin :?ot rhe Pen.! - .twe. loan Duplex. T Vy!e, for the purpof: of fu.n-erting :-t.v ..nA' homas D.'Inyerny John M'Ejroy. a Government, &c. a general iearcn was "j - day Mr. Thy-n; J3icon,.of Sh?j 21 tnade ihisprningj under ihe.direiofi ..ftr'?. a rcfre;e jiiailcstliylor, afiVii. U the Magistrates, py. the corps of Yeoman- . mer!y M.ijor. in the - Gdfinitli's DubSa rv. waen a lew piKes were collected. mi i volunteers, was arr lr.- ,v;f. ,i I I : . . 'i ! . - :: . j -uiuc.;;it-ycu tojne cauie. j- - is rt ill going forward. i Many perfons on whom fufpecled arms,'! fuch as pikes, daggers, &c Sec. we're not ! found, ha ve frndergone fevere flageliati- ( 0'i &c. ; This difcioline has not led" to ; I any difcoveries"; the Royal Ekchange ha i ;T.?B.eenthe place, where puniihments have' 1 bben i: .flitled. ' , . " . . 1 J Zany in laft week, Lady KgalitJ, ; th'e narural daugiiter of the noted Jnilipof Or- 1 t Iean, and fiovy. Gonfort of Lord Ed ward jL'JlFitzgTa'd, was ordered to quit the king i idom, and Ihe has made every arrangement 1 -i tp ivtirt. tn:s day. - 1 Ej the Lad. LieulenfitU and Council cf Ire CAMDEN . . ! I 1 1 " s xceJ:cncy Iae Lord Lieutenant, 1 'Jpy a d vith the advice of the Privy Coan- V:fi, h:.s iifart ordsrs v to all the General 1 p.-Iici co.nnanding his Myeity's fjrees,' i'',h pa:ti;h all p-TltOwcJin, aiding, or ia any inner aiirting the, Rebc. lo 1 which ifi4i'3w cxiils wiihiu .this, kingdom, and has I j'iirJken ont in ihe moll dnngand violeit r-.tracks Ujjn his Majelly's forces, accord- : to VlartiaI Law, cither by-dsath or ' her wife jai"o theh? lhati feem ngbt aiul I expedient' for the puinfhmentand fuppref- i of all Rebels in ihejr fcvtr. i diiiria ; which his'Majeiry'sfubjels arc hereby i required to tak$ notice. , ! ; '- t Given a t the C?x?:c:l Chcmber in Bith. VVlr, tbi Ztb dajof Maj, 179S . 4 m ' AQTICE. ;- ' r 1 " Lieutenant General Lake command- T 1 .1 .ig his Majeiiy's forces in; this kinjidom: Retires 0 the Eha'ion for Menhirs of tie ' ' kept General Afe My uftbn Jir. j . . . Ch o w a is Lemuel - Creecy, Richard Benbury and Shadrach Feltba. , ToAVN of EpENTQN, , 'jit fiie 1 Gr'akbuy. U VikuiusJcepb Harvey, Chaiies HarVey and J:-lcph White.; .. -John,SrKiw and Joivph Hinton. , . , a:j d e - . v err Jt'fi, athan Snoj-deA and Zephaniah Burgei's. j ' . ; . - rr o c K-SarTucI S a Iyer, Thoma s ; : Willia.ins a jtj .MaJachiJones. - i T " 'ixxvlLiztritiaM J. rZ7A.Ster-. lin. Yancey and. JoImR.-Eaton. V-.-; VfARREN Jsbn fardS Jazzes TcrneK and'OJIvcr Flit. " . , CC , yniJor dan Hilt. John Fofler nd 'Archibald Dai-is.'" - r-i.. " W a KZr-Tbbntas Hive:.: John Rogers & John Jiamphries. 1 i -;;. v., Nash John Atinirtin John H. Drake ' ar.d Redlrun Bonn. " ' r ' nDccoAifefi-i-Aflw M7yT. .; Jeremiah ' Hillfsrd and Ada'ox Haywood. ; xlJ2chiJiti Thomas. "'Wiggins and Jeremiah Siade. . . v - -" Cixa'E r l a no. i- Sasi- '.ojt'forvianjL-c and K. .Snuthi. ; . rW '-or FXYT'rEViLt.B Thomas , '-K.HpoVER: j.-filoodwrtbl A. D. MihJrcvndJames lrkin. . ' J. ' Town o W 1 l m i n g r on Jame s ,'Wal l ker. ;;-'y::'.i :,-'.'!V''---?:'-. ptt'--KVssviczGenJs)niib. j -11 Be zantand.Bnj tmin Miiis' !.'-,. .Bladsn Jojiah Leitrfs ' James Brad- . ' ley a.ud Afiii-ocwi. J ' - ' Dui'LiN J. q". Mesi' & Stallings andT. Kcenan. ,1 j '.! . 1 SA4Pao JBlackman. J. Thompl fori iand Kr Bryan. - - j . : , , . rt.o,,EsoN- IVdtis.- JeiieLee and Jacob KhpdesJ- ,:. , . . j - ' . ,.. MooiE George. Liacii. JohrijDinbey " -aua iMcnaro fitokef . : P O R T, o X N E W- B R ' - i n"tr W' ed;. I " i " Bri Fanny; Wade. Rrifinn '; -S 1 ' SHp Tillman, Cook, Jamaica.' Scr.'Ncwbem; Hail, St. Croix.' :. v. ...- :;: , " ' 'V. vis. .,-'.. t AN away, cn: tVit iSth nit.' a n-rrt t-fellow nan.ed TOM. aibur iw,r,frf eight years of age, five teet eight or tea inches high, .has loft hiv eye-teeth 1 r He uas bought of Mr. Thongs Satte'rl field, of .JEJen jpn. - ard -Jiaa - a. fcVter'. in . Jvindior ; he is well known i& h'Jih .thofc Vpracrs - - . .v , Tv'ENTY DOLLARS reward tvili be pal oji delivery of hjm'to rnr", '.or - TEN iJUiAKvi tr 1 lecurin hins io that I SHAD?vAC CPLtlNS . B. tt.f afters of yeflels.sre.forwarned frop carr -ug him away, a-.dalt penon froAi. hnhowipg, or catryir him away, under the penalty of the jaw." ' 'J '. ,1 eti hiai'as-aln."" XtBSTttlt .11 ' 1 j' X4.ixTHnCAROLf !CA, t,'-.'T-' StHtye Z rd. December, 1707. P ESOLVKD, that the Adjutant-Gel . ftiy nera't, ie and he is hereby: direclted toay before ;he next GenerarAiremhlv. a return of ttc6lSver commanding divi- fiofw. brigades, and ; regiments; of ,;this ' ft.ite, who haye.'faUedrto make their re-'' turns agreeably to law j and ,the lieps he has taken to 'puciflx their deUnqaency ; and tliat 00 his ixt anjiuai .return, he add - 'tOjhii jrcnarks, the names of fuch officers vo fail to make their returns the enfu in year agtoeay to-law." - j : "-.i ' . .. ,5NJ,SMiTH, Speaker! ,In tbe Ilo'tfe uf Cynmoj.s, 23J.AV; 4 797, ' iifehhvd, .that the Houie do concur vvith" this refoiution. - 1 - I ; MivjATTHEW'SSpeaker: : - -I 1 I PA- H A L I F A x; 'jjnjr 20V ;.El ection n . Con t,u.z. ss. Port of Washington; ENTSRE0. . ;. rrom ifie.lptb to tbe 2$d mjt. . ScK'r. Salty Ruffin, Spobner, Nevis 1 i . - . j ... . - i !- i , t . c j. E 'A K "E 'IT. ' ' r """i"' ' ' Sch'r. Patty; Thatcher, New! York.' METEOROLOGICAL DlAlY: August i 79a." Halifax ; b Northampton 96 Marrin ' 32 EdgcombeTJSo Pitt Beaufort '304 Us 10 1 Jo 36 - 1207 553 fp-f9 i2o7-- j 25 1 o . 0 370 D jMcrcury. . Wind,": . . - . . ' ; Mn. af. ey. a; m.' p. m. tf.' 1,8'.: 2 is'i'c Si , " j; Cloudy! ' lc ,2 S3.S2 S.E..S.E. I CVwr." 2- 2 -88 --E':- .. s'. 2 ,2 s6 s -s: $'. e: , 2233 89. 5. e: , s; . t 2'3 ?3 7 N. s E.:' d?: . -2, r SK2it . S;'. - 'dw .f 1 -i MiU ix-.vay oiv tne 10th ihitarajHievco -negroes, A feUow named M -iRCXJo, thirty feven years old,' very. crooked m one ot ms neds- He had , , All officers, commanding divifions, :brii ; I gaies, or regimen tii of .the militia of this v : itate, arc requeued to oiale their annual v -tetGrnrfor the prefcnt;year, agreeably ;' to the forms' heretofore furnifhed to be . . made within the.t,ime -limitted.by law, as . I jlhatl be under .the- difgreeable neceffity. ' of commencing fuit againft ail delinquents , be!fbre ilic riie 'of the next General Affcm-C ' ; - y OiEPH TV RHODES, Adgt. Gea.' ; v 1 Vorth'-CafoLr.aJu!j to, j 798. j Eugliflicnc. is cajled GRUDGE, ha5 remarkable wi4e foot, acrolV.his rois . .- isj about iirty fa"ftf-age;.;thccheri . called PRINCE, about twenty five cr 'thirty yers cf .age, branded cn his cheek,',.' h. H. It.iiepevle.d tnev will endeaYour ' -to return "to the Weft. luuies : all mailers' of veifels are forwaraed from carrying a: - way the-faidvi.eg roes at their peril. - . A'reward.of; TWENTY DOLLARS; it taken in Jor.es county, or. if taken in a ny other county," THIRTY .DOLLARS " ' fof ihe .two,' to he delivered to the fub- ''Gribers, or fecbred- in. any gaol,,' fo that they get them of $he one half for either ' , of them, , to .be delivered to themin Jones county.' : JOSEPH HATCH, j .. .. f EDMUND 'HATCH:. ' r j Jones county, Jugujl " ' 11 -1 vor or . ' -J , ; . 4 , .' wiuyuvi i.t ui ans nccs ne 112(1 Oil V Aan 'iTr rfFT P faV : hite brgad ciotl pair of. breeches, and! w.Altton.Efo.- . .; . ; cntonilr;; Alio, .a finall nero felW auv.uiagea to 'this.; j : AUV a itcut b?ack woman, named1 W "f T M 7 wh TO v v 11 f1 with tvyojuiali.children,' 'one tw ,LNSI9'6- . 1 oid: the other chiul is; hv.e Rv a i - V T ,"".m inc aunties -I -'months old, at her brca:t. Alfo. afmad compoimg the Wilmlno.H OivifionJ , ,,fd woman,' named HANTS iri,' a!,d a' . Tn f"all gicl child,-atxintte month, old. 1. riv or -7 V I aeprcicnu ionic expert .chey witl.luxk aixut ' at ,n Longrcfs; fbr? faST. J)ivlfiArf,-hlNewbern. hoeVe'rfell'arM vnicn irom the iourc- of our informal : K roe; an3Jbring tnem to V ,a!FjT tion, we'bclirve fo hi- 9rr W - .u' . : . f . -II!,,r'uS: vuwinw thci: f3' v ''57' ?2rd Lieutenant full powers to,ut dowri ! ; mPfonV ?l8 t5e Rebellion, and to puniih: the Rebe!lin - o?ll 2 tne molt fummary: maiiSSer, . accprding to . onr - : 295 'll.lartial Lavy docs hcreby'gtyt notice to - . j. ; Fall his M?jny 's ftibjet, that heisdeter- . 1 372 . the returns from rhe oroir rffirE not come to hand when this Gazette was put to pre is. . " , . , T " ".' Hill; GiLLBSfiE. MoorJ 4. rianover, 356 Erunfwick, 1 142 filadeii, the BoWei ''-I the ; nioil vigorous manner, for the im- ' .'i.icj;iic iupprcAion 01. enctame ; ana taat ;cU rfoy.sadiog.ia'thc.preTent Rebellion, cf in any wif& aiding crafiifting therein,' IvTill be treated by him as Rebels, and pu- rimea accordingly I I l.j J40' 89 402 1 f c 1 09 1 9 2 i" 202 47 ...af. -278 : 28r Majority "in favor of. illiamK. Hill, Efquirc.: '"; ; : " And Lieutenant General Lake hereoy .!. elrArd Rmrpfcnrt; r-TT c Muites aU the inhabitants of the city. 6T for the diftrift cf Faycttcvaie.. . -: N E W, BE RN. AocwrVr' ' The Hon. Wm. B.Gitovfi is unammouf. s. get . them, ihall be' bHndfoxnely revyarded." I- '!... .i J - I til l I T 1 V- - Jiugzqi zo.,- . vv iiAiVl ,DU. W. f- " ; ,- T 1 Pfi.of letters remaining in tbe Peji-Ofice at 1 r "kjildi NC:t July ; OL.,Bryan Whitfield, Rochlord, Lei noir i ; J0"? Efyia ; Reuben jSauri-' 1 ders, 3, (Free) j Everitt-Pcarce RichU ard RiVersc, (Free) ; David "Moody; .Wayne county, care. of. Coi.-RhoQes ; Samuel Harjell ; Budd : Lee Thomas ' TolTorne ; ra. VBaucom ; loJbua Tencks ' ' JEALVIN JONES', P.'-M; . .to be sold; i : : .-TPHE STORE now occupied by Mr". l Wlliam Lockhart betwixt' Mr. . James Bryan's and Mr. JofephTagert's. - -I he.purchafcr wm be accommodated with a credit, on fecunng the purchafe 2 cc Monday the ffj day of next. Octo ber,' v.;ili be foldlfor the taxes for the year 1 9 7', the' lpllowing lots in the town ot'Smirhfield. .'," , 1. i - . j -.( ItWtf'C. (. 1 . e 1 ' !' T: J 46 drawa bjrj Janies Smith." , ' jonn.jjempftcr. James .Kenan, ' Willie. Jones." ' Allen Jones. ' Phriftopher Neale.' Samuel Swar.n. Robert Salter.-. IavdrNefBci:. f , Kichard CAfwelh'. Jenjfmin Ecum, John Turner, . . Simon Turccr. ' Thomas Hart. . ' Tim. Bioodworth: 2? . 17&82 i - 1.8 3c 41 , 59? X 62 & 12 1 J 67 & .16 68. . 7Q & 126 94 ri6 ". ; - , , IS A AC .WILLI A MS; She 1 iff." . Jnne.zm 1 I - 1 tobesold;- r, ."i . yV SMALL jhouie and two thirds of i ' XX. .lor, on Jones Street in this town,' wyt cupied by William Tier,, next ti the one owned by capt Bartlctt.". . ,. . . JTo prevent trouble and yfelcfs appliea- -tion; the I Driers of i r U I 1 .fixir. dollars. ; .Thepurchafer will be. ac; -; .comcdated wirh'aireafdnable rcredir; and'' ' the money received byj 'inftallmeoti.the ' wtereft being paid and. atisfaclory fecun: . "l 4 3 1 I 1 BLA N KT-Si'-'-;. 1- - - .' qtallkLndsTcrraleaUhis'CjSce - ' V

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