WITT Tl Wi WnpMWiil( in, in yiiwii il'M'T'i ,1- Klnliii1l",1Wmi' n J jpWWjvss l'lWg'llilM!IIWNrt' Hpy.gllilMWWigl1) giiiw-y.ytMMWg c . - r . !l OR AT ION, DfthrreJ iu the CoLLEGt at PaiNCETOK, tb Mirhitj of the ! FJURTH.CF JUL'-. - IN cafting our cyespVertbe page fat hlf-' tor;', the attention, is caught by the adoniluing. revotutioi.s jwhich I. tvc 'taken friie ATfvrian, ! the Periiao, the Maceda. rum, and the Roman c.api re Tucceedci o.:c -ktiuther in power,-and equal lyMac ringed the Ivvppinefs of mankind on thcaitars ot . ambition. Bar, thefe revolution art par ticularly, interesting in which the tco.l ;ajl tkYr gavet.njnen xnvi vcnr their militant padions, in the "craekies trfty iudiii upon their fellow countrymen. T'fir civil wv.'rs, which raged in England, bet wren Cr.aHes I. ana his Pari in user, t, ejJu!'.t an awiui example ot the isepravity or ths human heart. ;'lrie inen whorco.n 'mencsd tneoppoliiion to arbitrary Itrertc-h-es'of prerogative, were animated, by the principles' of freedom, ani' wiil long- le held in remembrance .b,v the lovers ot vir iib:rr.y. - But 'the fpirit which it created did" net conduct t: e" revolution." 'cijramt role iriro power, and tra npicdoa ' t.15 r'ighii of :he:r csur.irj. . BJC of ad tlx revolutions tin tj-uve af flicted the humn race, iat oi KANCh exceeds in the 'degree, arid :n the extent of hi, crim --s.' Deriving' its ori i'rp.n the int iuoHnd villainy or a few? individuals, it 'has been marked in every ftnge ct its prp.refs bv an uobl-jfliincvirdai.on ot ail tr.e principles th.-t re h-:d fa c red arho.g Iamities with which it has been to long; weir v' dieted ! When (ball the tyrants of Eu-,- fend at cver hazard the independer.ee of . ... ,i thrir fathers.- The youth ot. Lerne have J UUC LK . ICilV.l4 All liV. WIUUU VAiUWl. V i I conquslt and oi crime TMMa I monument to their fame, that will; 1 .... ir' .. J I -. ..... .. , . ; .; -i ',:-.. - , i-r ...:r-'- 'H. r .u- a: ? in the taral battle OI uic- auun s fcciory'is ianv. ,T1ieir irbitrairy mandate can deprive the virtuous cituen of his life,! trarafiel c-n itnroly be v. a,s the pficje-indvcf oi n-.or.ile r .wwfe i foj id in hiitor tAo ri'Y.-tfu-i.y.: his'Gi-sit v.:s :otie:tro' l.itil .:aud :o D.uce hi i.vdt a-wn the triror.e. ivi.r;i'caa, cqau;v his taimfs aiK'his criiuc bievtj- dar.v, CU. ini'i, wers e.xipjc;t' . ele'nrared tor and the Abb? Irv- the D..iK.e m'h? to tc Lipumnv Oi ins, bd to iie the fcaf- iii rciji;n corinn fold, and his country - b.le Pir tr.c vM,)nr.ce id htv.Yeu overtoo hi'n, and h- .n t t!.e irne fate which he !i?.d been !o in.tra:ii."i:t.ii in preparing fur a..a;e ir.jnarch. - .1" : then vas iho jri ;in of a revoluti on vvhicn hns been fb af:e. hci. up fo the -adiu-t.iii -3ii of the vor Id. It vas cr.MteJ, nitd it i .is ben conauited by the mod a ba::df:cd and the moit prod-ga;e of nun k:.vi. Their obj-cl was not to bettow ( iitt ij cn France, but to promote t ieirowa ara ai7.ement, aJidlto vent t:e iulig ktfut pui!aons of t:itir hearts, j; Ti.c prorefs of the revolution prefents a puture, cquaiiy d fg'thxg and Jj.rrulf F. AACil hois Jen er;.ed bv a fjccef fuu o; .rfiii, vvuh vhom the Nero and i aiu.a of aiitiq-iity do not. detervr to coniredJ linlf t and hh ' coUej'gae early ti Jred iipoa the tneatr?, : but a ii-ce-d;r de-it1! was the puniih nent of ttic.r crimes. T,hefe were the men! who tr:n ca ;he prt-j-it ; of univcrfal conoir It . ti as Brufji w hW invited tue e Jc c: ntlier countries to rife M rcbtl ion againft their overni)?r.rs," and' prcpfed to i?t. utz to il:e ip-ir corners cf hxrope. B he Toon fill under the con: a iniing gtois Robci- picrtf , and this tyra.it eitii'j.imtil An m.i ctVitroileldorni.iionJ Hebcrt and Dinton Ventured to oppofc his' cower, but itn.r.c diatc death was the ior:eit r I their tc.ne riry. The crueltie$ exerci ed in France during the reit;n of Kobclpierre exceed not o.uy the pcrjof langusge to de. fcfibcbu'-evto the imrgkunui to 'con. cciic !, In the fj cc of two months, 4c ocq perfons were tieitroyed in .rhe-iingic cifiy ot Nar.ti ?nd its environ! Hu laniAV O the Loiie' ws chakj i nv'tb A&J ; and it wutyin tingrd with bhoJ. : irri lr iVencs vc:c acted at T juh n, in B ur. d au:c, id Lvcns, arulij mnny fi'.her.ci- ; ties of the'iCepubiic. ' iN.ctoiutioiwTy tr bunaU were", exiled ia ail tuc parm of irace. . 1 . .Tmfc were pofllffei cTanliir.'tn? pi-.v-er, ar.d co:Kic:ui.ed to tle fair.e ju,r.ih xr.et, nil obnoxiou to the tja:9 j,i it regtrd to -5e fir fcx, or uiit or ia -B?c?i-r! lA;i!5 4iaii viitivrUcd the rx. ftaiiyn ol buf.drfd ct victin5, cntw its ;.fiy itibabitanti1 v:tt 10 attultd to u-: .e ci'inai.Ur b tfey car. to; vi:vv or bani.b Him t j a'defart thore. '! AH the preiTes-o? the nation are under the con-, troal of the government,! and i the peojwe are obliged to chobfe as their ireprefentx tives tnofe candidates who enjoy the con fidence of their' rulers.' . Large bodies tf' trooparelftatiohed in the interior France, to keep the people in fuhjectiun and aU ccmma.iication prohibited ' between the different " parrs of the. counrty. buch, Ffenchmen, U the regard of your peraay to the be:t oi princes. After haVing fo le nnlv fvorn to fupport him in his.cotulu tutional powers, i you bateiy-betrayed hi;n to his enemies. Yoii have perur.tted the Off-fcou ring of the earth to iend your king to the fcaif jid, to dip their garments dn his blood ! The juitice of .Heaven is feen in the calamities 'which you have been iiude to fuifer, and in. the iatec the mart. ;i (tors who dcllroye tlieif foverelgn.- The.yx. hve mod of tnem termii.ated their-career. r by an i:fno ijinipn death. 1 J : lf.vd take Jvievv of -the cdnd jfi of thet "revolutions towards other countries, we: .Shall, li-id it diltingaithed by the 'fame marks of i cruelty,1 perjidy and ambition. It i.s .veil known, that ihey early iormca a refolu'tion to compel all Lurope-, and H nally the whole world: to bend beneath their. power; this proj-cl' has been in'vari-ibiy-pnrfoed from the early periods of the. revolution to the prefent iime , Wiisioqs factions have contended -for powr at home;- bat they all. aded .npoj). the fame principles of foreign - jx)0)'" Fr.mce has adopted' the maxim of the Ko reans, and.fae "has purfardit, even with more fuccefs and more cruelty thau thofe ferocious ceftroyers of trfankind. Vhen. rer troops .entered Holland tHey made the' moil iiberal prcmHes 2nd the molt g nerou; profeihons. ' The. chains pf: tyran ny were to be broken, and complete hap. p'riefs was, to be bellowed on the regene rated Dutd . Bjt th't-j have been rdaci cd to the molt abject lhivery rvn odiou conilitucion has been impoicd on them by France ..M The member's .cl th ir con vent i pn who have dared tofpeak v Ith tie tsr.n nefs of patriots, have b:en arreded.and impri!oned. Contnoutio'is has tieen icvir ed upon contribution, anvl ' the ; vv retched inrabit.ints are kept m.fubjeclion by z powerful army, whole expences their ccunr 4 try pillaged to defray. Tb'.sjs bertj which the.DutCii er jny, imd this u the liberty wb:ch b'rasrt nuiil Tf 'cjiyiv . all ibs countries that je can Jid.ce by brr I';, or .G?qu jh by b r arms. hit hs been the fate 'it Venice ? The :gneroas' tepub'kani protr.ifed to -give her liberty, aud to restore, her to her ancient glor., Bct ihey have i old her country to ti.e cdi p o e r r r.. nt their citv. until tney wtre all '"ttretche'd upon tne xieia 4 me yuuur u - A-Oenca wilt imitate tneg'onous cuu. .-p'.e;:-. -T-.UC chief rnagiftrate has : declared thir country to be in danger, and, ha i .ceiled upon them to fly to arms in its de-j .. fence he.ftuii not be deceived. The youth or America Wili fly to arms, arid defend f their country, or . periibl in the glorious j itruggi'e. - , . j '.- I - Are; there any fathers, in this aflembly ?j animate your Ions to. meet ; the . arduous , contciU Tell them of the actions of tncirj anceitors : recount to tneni the battles' in ! which ybu fought to'edabiiih that inde-i pendence winch tyrants now,, threaten to ddtrrfy . -And yca wLO are mothers I imi4 tate'the-nubic example j of the Spartan ! vlomen :Ler. lt be your pride and your, bpaft that yWr'ions arc fighting the bati "ties xf. their country ;,and ihoufd they falj on ecxanguineii. plaii?,; make it ;your.; coniolation u.at tley Ivave dieAlii glorious d-atir. ' And youy the fair daughicr's of my country employ your influence:, qver, , tne ingc'ntoui-youth, -in tailing tht'r hearts with heroiim, and in nerving their arms tor the day. of battie. Form wreaths to adorn the' brow of the' youthful warrior; Woik lth'your own hands the colours : l under which he is to draw his fnrord And ' reward with our fmiles, thtfe only, whp atchteve heroic deeds' jW hat effects ma hot be produceel by the, charms of eloquence - of the tair t ; Who fa ved Rome when Ca' .riolanusjthrcateneii at her gates, and the eatreaties of her prieib and the cries of her people were in vain ? It was vonian--amiaoie, gii.erdus, patrioticwa wtfr, I hink nor that 1 cxaierate the dangers to which our country is expofecU br that 1. fear the iiiue' ot the conteit in which we Ihallfoon No ! et the A N O D E. . - , , t - . . . '"" - No BLISS WlfMOUr cajJTES TM EX T. I N wbatfoer ftate we live, Man fi.ids a eaUle "to mourn and gucve To di op lh i el iir. g Jcir, . What'er Wcuo'leates'lome regret.) Mjtt'of our hapt; our cares dsfejc, f " lArul fiunef cidwns ih yean . 1 -1 Without Contentment allis T5n,' Uur j ys avonce trniform'to pair? Or yitd ob.'care delight j ; f ' . The tenderer 'pledges ot a friend ' in thought expire, : m promifec&d 5 Or half tntir gowd excite. , - L . : j , - " ' VVhen forrow preyt Vpoij .the fowl, ' And gr.er witun, te coTitroul, ' ' -' : ., Contciitment fetihs out foe i . 1 Tis that vhich roskts u plAs'd'with lif i That imcldthei the miuV rcpuUes.griet, . I 5Lnd!biuct t&euJgcot woe. ' Man mufr attend -fobjiorf frh'ool j Corapir e hi thocght w.th ttalW'M ckg . Ami learri to be content j Ere pleafure gteanii with peaceful ray ' , tie hills bti-rn dan, CJoudiels dy,' 1 Our ibnow is snt.. Neftarian diaiights iiiay once fuiKce Ouritchtfr loriovf tq diJguile ! But -reaion wafce anew-.-: t More dreadful then our deeds appear , iiack. ihrihks the inmd with doubi tearj ' Anii iiu to ltd adiue. , . , Fhin com?, ambrolial goddefs come, Wthi thine all-heating rich pet fume!, V An I fth our caTci to nil Tis urno thee.we ; mortal eve Ic Ku'e fweets of life kelow j I Each tond each kind btheft. . ; ; . r The Kecului? to en ' let the whirlwind comef- and hist fcul itill He. has ,becornpeited-itormippnac WAb.iiNG TON vet livfs. His conlli- tutiors is itiil unbroken, lo-ir on, tiie wir-js oi grandeur." oeea twite tiie iayipm q his country, anjd tie is yet dettinedby Heaven w iua t-ari il-V kifr:ua coaru. At iis cornmtnJ,' the olu'vt tur.mi '.viii leave jtheir .rcireat," and ag ix-'Stxamp on 4l.e martial plain. An irnaied by. the f.trus glori-us pri. c'ple", they ,'wth fcltojv ih.-tr o.Oiei Ch e-, t! ri , a rampart roun.' thi ir c'ouiitry wiuca ty- iaMV:y u.aii r.eYcr wilu'ci . - s A NEC DOT TS. t'xnt mitt.oct one tear .i irro, u t. i iig.ur.r e-n-riin of th !.-rtf Ili-bcf-j t ne t-il in M iur . 'Ihsn wat Ohi. ted i ? jr kM'i U hit ifi-; 1 wawji i tr.jdk wrtio i' uiiJ, that uur. i-'kli J; t-i Ji. drriJ.ut rtin. '4 t:t -w-f if t ink. 7 If nt t I vi Jtc .ti...i 1 tr to iam- Iff urrtf.iy iti Jp.l.o v-'U"!', t;o u53 .rii;it4-, ? t,. " ; o r., l?i. it ue f. it , M?fC'f. i 1 -4it t wtli tint - t r ? 1 1 .-. ill- pcror, ana transierrea ficr lnnautuniiv the biilts ot the aeid. The t t ier .ftairs ot Italy have : experienced tieatm-ut eqwl ly dilh J'irabiC a id u,.jj.i. . Th; DiUi pine republic is u ider tuc dominr:i ,oi 5,O30 French trjops. . Tnese live the pr'ojrcrfy'cf the im.ib.tan;, and ir: paid by tl.e wierches whom U.cy hold m bo.i-i dae. . ' ... a.vitzcrJ&nd has. lately been- added to the long catalogue, of' the . provinces ct l-iaiic. It wairo l.ltriguc, i.id net to counge, : .tnat !iae ic;i a iacrir.ee. ie ttuor in l.er councils, w.hj.n riit'ice rui purthated, oj ,oivd with idlveift ccr ivr..Ui meulure. In vaiu CiU the jvlrt tLek to the .ties ct Ucr.c, anddem tato tje ead agaiaa the enemy. AH the advan tages timi ;iiihi have iKcn derived trox ti.c.r c:thuf:.:fm were del:ro)cd by the pitijy cf the 'government. U. happy hvk tt'crlatidl. you fcavc given to the wo-nd an imtrutive, but a rouurnScl example AnU muny lUitant tvation, whiilt tky vcc for your taie, aiui admire year v a lour, .vain wifdem irtn twc aul error wti:wb avc rtovcu yenr ruin. AAitRlLANo! 1 torn the fall ol tMt. devoted ' c:ui.!r i' 1 u ri ay derive ihe i:od indructivc vUoi.s. tvvitx- r and had Uiu Jr4f cttd tut the huei.ed 10 ;rc u:t.r wr.o tun! i.er t:cte was no wia-e;, ?r.i rejected the r;iej;euc ra iuic whi-ii net t'Strivtfc i r.uoied. M vunt rrii.cn ! the i4ue la a ua 'c U held in y ur toUM.il. it ii tic uncniun tia ;.c riindruteu rer p. riii.4.. in eve. rv cju.Ttr to etrrday. 'ittre 11 k$ ct 1 ttte iVj Jdorer'lu'll thee.cr. mi Luteal, ut'tuir twt.. tut iliecitucas lV Aucma will liJi uciicccivcd by U thi uttt cf urci:i iatrjui or ticttcittc tica 1. 'lley Ue l?tn the ifctamcui coaw dtct 1 rrnte turJ the r-tnu. tl cu- 4 f.ix iUy Lavc;c.lt:.c t.iiUl kc::J Ko nation sffume To many chriftian j r.an.es the S, srpuis. A poor Den ; Qixotie, who lied nojother company or jiitecdant but the "wretched jade upon which fe was mouatedj reached with dii ciu.ty , a fmail viliage! irf Franje, caticct Qjino, where there wks but one little inn. Aslii wa inidciffnt wien hei arrived he. a;-piied himfclt with great noife and dili. 9' nee to tne gatci ne imu .Mng lait, iooked tjutatahc (window ana caae olio's there?" Here ii, anlwered tr.e Spaniard, Pen Sancho Arhcmfo pamlro. ikin Pearo Carlos Franc tl D ir.-o ;de Hcxadcs de las Edcntcs. Hie landlord. wt e knew he had bat one-empty bed, told, him brilkly, he had not room tor fo mtich company ; nd fo returned 1 to his uerb The poor Don Quixotic, was confequent ly o'uigfd to jog on to the next vuiagc, to feck aubthcr placebo jroolt. A fea captain who lately arrived; ar Befton, when goin ro the whart, order ed his fcrvant to ti.row over the buoy, imd going below for a few moments, ihe caicd to his fervanr, and 2 iked. him if he had thrown over the buoy r ' No, fir, fayt he, imlee I could not, catch' the byt but 1 threw over the iUtaak." ; A T A L E ! ! ' QUOD PETIS HIC EST. NO plate r.ad John and Joan boa id, ".-J-f Plamfo k.8 ui hunlbk plight i . . Oce only tankard crown'd tneir boarl, ., ! And that was nVd each niglit. - , - -i ..A. .; v :,;: ".H-. "i". ..'."V'f 'zi: ''.VKVi Along ; whefe innr bcttoun flc tchd:. ! la pride-of chubbj- gnact, " . ; ictiie rude eiigra vers nand n; d etch'dl' A baby aj.ti's fac- ' ' . - - , ' - 1 hn fw-d?owd (irlt a modern, fun . Bu Jo-i was iot hke Johir 5 1 . - -i Ftr whti. her iij& or.ee cnee iwucb'dtLt Cttf. I fiwiti'U (di ilwaft gene. .. . i - V-L - i -v- 4 i '.,'! V :: :-';- ?olo oft'n urgM her to dnr.k fafrr i rtft lhr i.t'tr thasit'd a itt. . bhe v'd to leesfbe rt-r.ge! tfceret :v j Ar.d lUvifclvic aand tti pot. V hen Jrhp found all remap ftrance V7.ini : Anoihc' Cid cj'ay'd 5 t r i And, Here rht Anei ,llcod fa fair,' , J ?5n fa- tc Tteorns, Jo?n Caw tbe.tai! Vc jCan as tl:ty qu'ift'c'i'i j 'j T v v 1 kJi. A. r -.L' J u '- -..fLi- i I- if . th.' d a.'d it at a di -Ct. J I Jvbn fti;Vtj;wfj wordtf- pitrify'd, i jAn ' vvhy dolt g! ie ncwThe erj'd, At tiiiioiHvtf rat I' . 1 -t 1 v " ' , ' nJb fd 'hey " m to blame i - I C4ut.in ci f-ierce ft jp 5 i. i ' Fir fofe 'twould be a bunnn'sr HianTit iveUl e Dtil a 10!' " To leave5 THR fubrc'ribcr'ha now ftored with ; r. Thomas Tussik, between five and f : hundred ba,rcU of corn, a few batreh of Pork, and a final) quantity of Eacon. which wilhe to fell. For terms a nph to Mr. Turner. t 1 : U JOHN VAS!iINGTON ' vgnfl t . ' I : j: " ' -j f' ?! j-": ; -: I '-1.'"'""" !";" .' h' STANLY'i WHARF j , 'T'O be let at rublie endue, on the pre- Jt rsi.Wcn Mondtx, -the 3d day of ferteralier next, for tne year, together with Store rfcd Ware Houles, and Still Hcufe. Alfoi the Dwelling Hcufej gar den, &c. no occupied by capOuiua: fewurity will be requiiei. ! ! ! 1 . -lliOM AS TURNER.; . PLEASURES OF RETIREMENT. 1 HP Y th :manybofe countrr feat 1 Aff-rds a phafirgcalrn ictreat y ' j , licneaiU it Cady bo.tit r ' 1 Nk heavv caies mf nuhlic lite s v I No noify parses clam'rtus ttiif, V. 1 1 jJifturb Ins peaceful tiouts. Anb'tkn dwl 4 not in tmbreafK , ! No Hing of envy breaks his rtlt . No gt let corrodes i.l nrndj j Ko fieice dciire ot gfrlxcontrouf, pi fWy the dilatcs ot I is fool, To hfcaveft decree relisn u. .'With empty let the grea, 'And all tKe uiriels'pornp ot A ate, i Prrpttiaf Iim -nsifne j ' s Pect and contentment tills his cot And htahby ten p'rince crowns hia lot, Thfe uo4doind by fOie., 1 -I -.".v. . (' . " Let others to pi e ferment .cHmb, i Uy dating fcfwe attrocouji;"crime' And ruie the Jtibject (late ; . ' Let the bMryritor kiap up goM f. r The p ice of hisi drar country f hi, . ' By pel fiJy made. great. He lives Leneatb his homb!ehom, Mnfc bielt thaa in the gilded dome, . Whert feuitt' torments the bieal . To li n rci'jrmem joy rffords, -Fair competence Nppbes his board, And fiitue makes biui bleit. - fc-1 3 J it i .I s 1 'i t ; " y j." ;" ' .' . 1" s ' - v- ' .'''(''- -.' ' I " ' ' I " . " ' ' " "'.

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