Mast A JctaiiWU.t I vcpcva pccarnc. :a GUaUKCU. wu;i .ill", ii iim . vi t'a' lftJce.'nl.,oIlCTc;W4;.uwv"wr. 7 lend the order be f ov crreceiyei to uu Tans., v Vi. : ; . Pp: ; from thUjnorncrit Geneva had, but an onquictv and precatious N exigence j.; her ..jjttjfrtd j ner eonimmic;iiii .vc.r.iuiou , .113 II.UUU1UUU9 4U1U ' n v. ! leffualaU clafle fihe 'fiate'helbV-tb fonae. language - to 1 Ki m i'We w I I ' Wither bttrai nor. Celt oUrtcouittaC Such ' wai ?ttie; uhtforiri anfwef of ill the citizens Jiveif I tBmclWicW" proper" to the members ot the Revolutionary! Club S . ' cia ted t ltkiei vesT'i tTffu ppor tcr sf XcRJ nuny)' mould create far -hef might depend , ph the Jcntiaicnt. of ihf reonle did nat with to ive himfelf T fo foreial alic. He rftfufed a proof to ; rage wa the only means ot coioting over r .; , o 1 julHty ' 1 . tbc trjolation ot treaties; . I Mta'ff.i2S have been dceifjcd the -dictates of rajdnc8, if pne had not knovrn that tftiv 'appear, VeveTy.Aing-1ie.bad "a-lhooW. the oit'U: work wuhinydur: all, aad y;oa aiie,-?; , v M-luftscexpreuea in iavoar-oi ianc ;i maiuvc jtt3JiKf,H-p yj v Bat the. rciuiai to conlult tne council, ac ' khovvkdgci by the 'eonftitution oi Gene t?t t) -oi linden?? a contranara rraue wrn vure u i ieives Kthe'uVe deaU: which, chiliJK VhVyiSneCiKsJ ct& tnoU limpienece ploUor'tW didojution- of -the) Ge- J oeral Council on this day 4he lxeuucnc!: . 'y J;..-. ts,trthat tw pcrfon ftvi)uld.waiu ,the:nk . 'iredthe onion it wiU alwa be a (am: yds oirotliAooa uaited aliHhe' 0ejr ntfwTerio a.yr tlut; tpirory wit to be attached j their6utra2Cs again ;fc k ' the facrcdioloar of theGreat! ;JNa t'i'a ,ver to beecodiivnte'c, ty -v. Gehe va bad never bceamorc free' ,ff ont'S V taus irec-tpdir ES therv )iop?d-tdren iler-,: -th'o pcoplwcary of : tlir; indepentti)e, h ;? and reduce , th?m to look u jou 1 1 as a .un: i fortiineV It is thus,ih;r a." pnerJul pah, - who wilhes to add to doniain,- aid -the ancicVt inner Jtatite o.t ,niJ rauipri, nai i' ufe PIT., i li 1S : V ' " toccu r(e to a t boulartd; oUToastHeiUrcs;a.iJ . v i; Th;' fertc yanVprefcrucd .to the ptrtc;: V' ,iVvUnt.-: '.Mils' a idrp(a- teinained ahdh T i , ". w d.irtM not to continoe toieiy cjiargca wiin i tuiiiutst, v" ruu-Wiis; ",u f "w , .r'r'' v- ' ; -"v t;jC refpoifijiaiy;:otVoveranW ; y.ricW . to the -ov'reiiju C'outkil, ; the to niu i ion i)l (an r ocra.orainary coinmit s teuvtp be coinxf d of ail ;hc tSuVjicpfii :trrrindtiai a 5tOipMit tee-; iliaaTd 'b? "'mtAilmA- ttr n l rTi 1 ifi 1 I I lAV ' " M.' I tv ( t fMf"i i- , oi QiCtarorihip; : i niiCH)inmutee,iurniiu, trates,- bo far irQiH : crusts , 1- eveo the cret ot grieweK itjaedthrjugfi . which were Uated to b fyfucient groiindt tor te conquctt of GcocvaV I'hele ' ihir- ;tyi tvvogrievanccs called to mind the fa!)le . icar batliome every; faulty .waa(irpri q'in wolf apd.tSni? r4 jwlW.a not;j 'tplH;dion, Jahd the, moll atiio)jpif inc iii,!'. Tjilicaicand ut:?mffrl her heavicitx)t -all was a te tended iinfult upoaim 'flag," 5 fit; refmatjonV ';f:rrjyn'del iyVthef"rkchi: H 5 wuhojt aiiy means oi-&pe what .toiij" fweed,Vaad the'vtatbiw wejre augment; i : f d. v -iTJtey' ftati'cred the.n!cl.Ve that a de. "J: put action would ha ve"gfcatTiregh 1 Tne" .'stil roagiltrate of thV republic' wm oe of P-Ilvflthe deputies . ; wt thejrerjme - ' 'dienvfl'they had ;iolicired, ; the.v leanied ; 4 that tie crdfff 4or "tJifif dparturiiwa's ' ' , . fignrd -. . lXiev:',had ftb? prtcvee n tdex., . icd ;'n jb d v w is a A !i f ie vv h 0 wai; carry wit proWiio s, but an inla,t-to us, tne expirattsia 01 aAeriui preuueogy ..... 1. .V: . . V lutu wiui G.cvai ilLitrtS..; motrvc o) juf- ; jy oUe ;c ; or tat Ire r, he might have cn t.w'- Mtrtr ""arid fcor.-w'iien'-6Hvf:t''ib-l ;'u'iSd-out with'toc.mtich'aili" i ..Deuwrttiv inauce thc-KrencliTepu :hliif Wlrcrafinyc ihu inve.;tion, adjhij du; nodslay;, re- ? ' t;i.othef calumaiei to.fornifli hirnv iVii with a pretext for employing force, if:Vr I'havii exhauded ail the , iaeaui of JedJclipn a:j. perlidyv "'' 'y-' , l ie ddreiicd to tne govcrniment z tKun dermgtejhicV fut houfe Vas 'Beueged by VlFe and 5lood hirdy nvn; tnat.tnty had a dciign upoii ,'tiis itic ; ;that tne ; hirelings '01 " Jnland to its promt , p ito thj peT.od .they thougiit Vrf jret : a ray ot hope ; .the pruC.aa;.iiO;i,ot utrc ; r. l Bruwedated the" icj MirchjJ had' iult appeared r he ,'thcr ;'rC;'ehfdVav a.i; -px rat taiumnyythe uppulitions .6.1 XJckemel eVtrlcirltT7 .fald the dunhbt wj to tipyi epriatc la ttjetf any thing riklu-ci TKiniivy;wroie iroin'i'arisj," -.t hWea t e r p rue sr t hePifeetrtry-wa.tu:uvr rtlw conitatort .hopt ; what could : tiielV; do f could thet ipra moment rei y on the " .Tu'ccefi blfo'ijud a fcheme ? But evca tin MintlUr himelf did not fpeak of tais' ab1 ' fu rd li in plt( re - jthe; e jc 1 1 J VlxJiss cri- profecuiei any of ili pretended coiilpira!5 y tors, ' V ho bad projected' llica; . .hetiioui? crimes ;: he thrcitto the fire ail the co-- f pies ot' tiiis odious ma.ufeito j he no doaot s jryiied'.to oWi it: but it is reduced'td aertainty tnat'.fcr' a conipiracy aia cxnt m ueneva, anatiut it was iieaae i' . y' ' the Minuter of France, The directory . have worn thread-bare thefe infamous'' diplohaatic" mtant : ther- ' ' 1 ! I 1 I ' " 1 r '. ' ' A '. r ' . ' weru at-wrt4 witn irn'Mwityfana orarca pnaverweanea Europe wurr" tneie-intiiri the au of 1 he. m 41 jUSatctlftit'TrfiT" .... ... . 1-11 1 ia nous 11 Deis aainz r .ranee t were to e. ilowtfd to.U in ur out i A ;mwt yct;lc. laved, ; it -fdmc; iACidciie dtd y td ''that ,he Ihould vb 0 Jged 10 nv '. t)v.l7.,Ks,1?'.ii,nn' r r Wm v taKa measure to maintain tne ui-iuiiy ot !S,'llUU:;VJ,U5dJ 1,; Ht rv.Mv..w.. , ..(.., .,,. ....... y-, . -p: . - I t.ic threat Aation. . " v .'" " on uniutattoni ; with thcte pretended plots, u iney not even - eodea our -ia i Vilhclto enter, : not withitanding tV ytuh ; H huappa rent .'carar Va fooa dilta rbd I : J tyi?: e 15th of A ii.TTitt XTrfir. f-'.i r tv.71.T7r k: uh;Vlild. Th r,,Vj- I pnl,while the citizens . were, aUcmUlet . ..hiition: a thct ov?nouk h?r,(hctcUexpir- ' -ing."; Every u -y brought witw it difarous . ..r.'. fcciieI.h.e:inaUy w'-ujt!n6t gr.n irf V, -,iinrf: patTpuft jthfry;;were pahicurarlv re ' iuedloTtiie inercl ants, that mrfefy n.ijht -fc-rce 'the krifo toocrnand the ur ion 7IS the eiitert'd mean uulitarv companies .Geneva, aiid traverfed the; city without obartictton.' ' AM the French vi ere receiv-: -cd 'nereji land ,conti nued there 1 a t periet . diblriy ; while in the 'French teTTiTWlhe-7 4-vagiic v aasjye re t rcaiea a t.nem a. . vl "At length the. in.valivJn wf 'Switzerland' t wjis now to be accompiifhedri he .Di- -.ieclaryiwere rntjire t .ti pat icat 4 hail c yo r to - bv aair.nV ot -aa uht'r Kind, . J he. -Gene. - " vatis were overvhetined with sonHernaii-, f on at the flomUie Cfwi ill VUUIim.lvw ill jt jlit j , , ilit-j' lUf. ; got their pwn plt calamities to weepovtr --thOie to' which their molt iiiti;Tiate ir; and allies were delivered, upf they wthea to fly to their almtanceand 'iharevtheirV' dptigers ; but they tliemfelves were lux- . IUUIKJCU iy 1 ituiii iiwiijj uu in d mu- Ulatioiv-vrhich t.impofed 'iiience- on thcit w uncs. aiienabled tor the purpofe of continuing' the powert "pfjaer Committee,; fe veral companiet - of: rrench foidiers advanced to the '-gates of Geneva tt? gu about the city as ha4' been "i .cultomafy, Under the pu$uc 'faith. But. i.ulc ad o" p Hi. g' as u f Ua 1 ,lafte r they hacl 'entered at three gates, to the nu.hbr of futccn hundfcitMnch, the lalt battaiioni- - ,'nule theihrelves maitcrs ot the gates, the ; give, thdr.ftorie;thepearaae"of'pro.' ability'; abai di.ies the mbii groft"do hot 7;-iv make them bluing 'k Power cloaki ever K X'S- thmg. Yes ; if cloaks every th ino; tor a uio 'ment. j- but the equitable hand ot polterit, ':;.. ii uvwKug, anu win ciliipis Cyty'tflti& ' yt in its true li2ht;' - lo" vain hierb -caitk 1 ?.l2f.i . yoniar'd at tht-icctpi' grippiiia'tTim tfciw1.'! ' gtrto lurnifa hiuiieif h irh a pretext tuf cutting his,ni6thcr's thrbar. fhc'lcnatcr -give h.ri tliakt p Rbihe receryes hini 'inr? itiumph. Bat ju the iiiidit ot power and Hpf foncn,' his 4.;iowe to.tcri aiid hiYpurv pic is ttalned with io'abj 'i'f pP';", - - : 'I I.. ..'11. . . ; 1. .f " ' " 1 'A - " become mailers of Gene v a ; "butjhc-dif liked an open eaterpfizeY it was. cdaveii.T ;Jcat . td:thecf, iOifa-e '.'appearances they refolve'd I to'haltenilieir ine:dijres. Felix D.'fportes was' the- ReMciit I-oi ' Ffattce at G:ncva deceitfuCcuaaiag, a ' bove all fcruplcsV-ready at making pru-: . inifcs,. Capable ot uling any means, he had -. ' f laced his per ViiwL giOry iq Winging ubouf- ; the ileilruiiioii. of tr.e republic,. . I ie. lie Id 'feteirl 'ftTcr)iief iitueiis''it. "fiis hbuie: t l;r t(J?he artill hz pron.iled' new citaWniV: '; .jjneot for work, ard provitlon .;it a lo-v " .price; to the. mcrchaats, that Genevi ,P. . fliould. become, the cent re of an "CXt.J:iave. . " , . .... . 'I, c'ommer'cer-.nd that two "millions lhouli , t be ad vaiTted to them fef ttieir ejnerpnzes jT ;";AiV to' the mini ller,sf jof religion, whom die 'at- fiircd that France tvV recover?d"trom rvef anti reltgi ui mnniai th-if means Ih juld .(Iljbe'oted ty6tp"f e-f" f 'itig puiilic vvprftitpV to . . . the men ct letters, ttt Fra ice vvuuKi bc . intereded to e.bplyy'the.n in the new fe. mihariespf edijeation. .He give the we-al- The intrigues of the RefrJcntfoon bro theinlack to a view ot their jawn i.oaih.C-VJ.4WiliiTrcjnbliDg uicatalJ: . -1 . . 1 1. -1 :., tr pt.c wnTcrrapproacneatreiTTT-anffttifros: : one iill eif rt to make the. Directory Ui4 trn- to their rc'nioiiltranccs; '.'but' the1 i7i"r ' ' lectory had reioived to lixut: their 'e.;r a', ' ;a.niit all comphunts.y , in a declaration;,-:. calculated to folteu .thts haiighty. 'div'auj-J. jn -it if was made td fubniit tu'all the ar;v r-iflgemenxs, : tpecry with ot the 1 rt'nco i' tovernu.trit, . to make vidth couid bc'ex-CKd tfpiw the Jolt tejerieof jtlUicattniiti fiKrin.S' "'C tOUVlUUHI main the fvef.CYan tccp.e dtpt was ilTiocktd at the tone cf this note i he conlidcteu it as a "foichio pi,Qttjiat!$ii t-l gainit the union-, and,iuch he hi.nieit cal- k d it ; .c tureto.d . that the Directory ; would notgive 'it an anfviet, ; and ;' none ' was given. -The directory are atcclhbiel . to i'uDmiflions a one ; av-d at the very timel that they .receive, with ip much parade,' .the leditious complaints of'fpmc ditcon A tented pcrfons ag'aihft the free ft govern-'' mcnts ; they are dcat to . the.vcicc ot a 1 tlieit -l ;yiactiprcad through the; public v places, ; The - uifrbbcfs ' ot lahclExtraprdinar;, , :'2,.:":1 ilil Iac.5vcnMl00 Mwri hall, and 1 Jrnmitttf tautd ipgethei ',tq "dcliberatl m'bmV- Icut.ptfthe coVmnuaicatioa betweenthe "Jit- , at this alarha;.lg perw their way ;' liiuati; 'Cr?nt quarters, f'i he Kefiaentj who had Iwjthuilticulty ; raid thetowo-hall.thrbuli'C V wireCtert tiict--proceedings) went from rplacc 10 piace,eiiing' thc-citizens not- to. ct aia.rtiic.i," tiut he liad difcovcrcd an at- ..frJcidupipty'ftd-ihat ' his - only object to fay e Geneva from - the' horrors of a..;,r.hy. .. . . "-.' ha ve vten . united t We f reHcb iiepuhi.c i I a croud if UrtiiJoons and hu Ca ri; jvho lud j feezed thept-k vhat deaberationl what " irecdou; 1 Neither r.or voters were. - . c unu'd, it was no more than a vafa ' ccr moiiy. ' 1 le. afliinbiy, which , wait V cpiHpktetiarnc'Muted to .one hufttired : and thiriy prrfwi.t, was reduced to almcfl tho bait 01 that nuinoe r. i Abou t th ir ty voted tor the union ; lU relt were fi.ei.ti - X,i- every.-la'sf.iitf -1 'r' j'"tl" w , iihu, u ucipair, nncu 'everr : -', tnem', Wr T "f 'J-Jtf J avw W- -IXtau tttotftxg-iaibfiuuiofe ttithtluishiui , ... l ...Tr''. fl danun the -tifeltti barriers .nuh':ek trtaratti- 1- tfce 'iiii'h TTXrrnv 41i'i-L ".V.. - . 1 he Keh f: I rfrom aMatmjioUiJree than Jfetjtlff ; wotoco were dtlfdhtd in -tear. v 'lW v f re'vefied attf. obtained bet 'unvui Viilb the ' .latent iu public tl Clnvaiat M.uihahjitiy oH' jWtrea on ejr- WitKeJit and jttll.iveej) ove"r- tr-oer : know, : that, tbcje rntirtunaresref.'er ' ' Jiifa iii'g wifb be moji aijgeli'C, . iejignjuttn ; a vi (Made of t u'ajtan ; fterb:vigjbdrti tbe.r jHltepMtiti, t.;.e btotbehi-e'e'u to ihtlati -v. j 1. . 1 7 . - v ' 1 Ir ' . " churches, oh this day ionfecrated to divide 1 . icrvice, were L hded with extracrumai.... jcds ;r. the.jpubUc'praert iuiftorb':.- cd by "groans", and 'lamtwt'aiipnsV. It wai - .uA. if the lalt proteftatibn' of weaknef over .hdtu aid crufhe. ' come of the Frencli ,. t.fivcrs themfehes exclaimed,lthatltLef W loiMtgW;fubjciica to defpicable.;.men,. .ljji 1 1 l't atwaj-s thc viai;ns. He' rcp'rctciue'd.'to; afiected 'deJay;; he .waiwonUaiitly .rrpeat.; ' J tut M bread , deprived W5.. . ' had keen deceived, ihaf thev fad bie they rvjjrejecu to catty tbtr.mWabU$ ito made the inlttUments of an att tf flaifrant .v injuthce, ,;1; . . . ' . ;. ... '? Citizen . Dj reclori, cVeva'. is 'n : joyful and yfi ;her:unidttv"with tfia (he iuhl.t i'maie, and di vide th'ent amonr .. . r, ? fee Arr iu af, lieiJd one enstfr r, whui nie 1 rench tail a, zvolnntaty -Jut ten . the Ttvolutioiuzers; 'thai. thev wouid have cpnfdr nee fthe Fvench govern- .IV lerlfore:a,li dalles a Inoit flUterirJ p!ctare'.f their future lot, ihould . he uniun be cprkfnted to; but it that.' wrrejelulvdljlhey wcre to receive iiacai,.'; culabla,e vil. They had old v. "to clio'of f Tor themfclpei betweerr-abundance". plea. didrefs and de valuation, oa the oiiWr. On oae'day, Jie announced, that the troops had arrived in the neighbour liood. On" the ' tnat ucneralBrune J)ad received his uia tew ith Francc,and t .ha t he-gyy e 1 - , meat alone was 0?ppfed to it. 'i hey 1. lered to convene the .oo"verciCcnfvr' ; h !?':13 ' j4'i which immeCp eltalelj foil'jiuei ihtrjiabbjfrmht tjthe C-m ". "tbe -HeJident; who had formed (2tV ' vorable idea as to the 'rjtrt, adopted f$4' te,nt ofmUdbefiin the execution of the -limp. , wfrWi prah.hitioni : hi remitted C(,tdcr.' eiejeizurei maae ix div ert plates 'on ivatch- Tie Reftdent thus termed the writ'wes, 'J2ej, L ti e ' (Jtnevas in defence: ej. , t, slits. ,. i be, verv dav b, fart the ,ov of the noic ;, tpouiei a Pain- ybTtttnr&litb'rib : 'iw-iittzeht, ttidVit$i'tffXetijWaepd2; e';c rU their countii'J tbeRefideni tartuuldrh ' "ah ud td to this m bis noie, Antibert paw zfihLkad kccnpkltl bed jom i ime7Jlreto Jbcw that it mas the , interefi even of jbe . 1'ieiub U pnerveGtlbeh'A iu her.pnjent tflat ; jkjjutr't JuUcindt -in'thervame-' J 'i' itwH rJf. '- 'lio the Jch emt uf J ,rf ry ue.iia, aaatdtbe an "rS'u C) wdcri;'-'He ' conjured '' the Genevans by ' ij .k hu juctwonor incm tp prevent -.tnejims-:;:'.(orrufcer;ji temHng.a conquelt ; . he pitied.1 ' wi,"'""thmr ''.he.. cnufrJrrdk ihpir (imatmn j: ?i Trfttvifhrd' TO' favi ihem hutlwa aKhuf-'rn' 5 ' . Vir.l tll.-'nl.' n? altr Ki t-t j rtikr tVr- ;,:ll, iroldinorSope Jor &Jriqt .the ra'tani of i);ir-ii-t ''-.n'?.vi''" ll'-"'?i':,,.-'' mexcbaUbohadi r. carried to the Uir of Frank farn ' : " - 7Tf V " f": JutMjoonAi he received -tUi HtieVihe bior hibitory rigor, recommenced he even 'obi.Jed 'the merchants nuhafe .W ... 'tdy to bring tbcmUctttthdl ibey 'nZbfir kept, under feJlratio ,V cy ; 1 fyytwra. . , .v ., ..... .'. urtl belaid a treat nation, nvbith is alto amaguavmous, nation ijr. tt rtjtcVs aveak jitlu : Ah I t) ' ijou perif ?n deJmngH u'sf j ait f&ilL Jiualy bavn us -but wili you ob- aiM Geneva ? . iSot jou, will acbune on. 'Jy walls ana 'iggaai,-'4Utbte cries nut re fiuitlejs I they wcuU"no! tveH ,edm)t them u French rcpobiic -'Juki utiinimoufly ; de ft 1 '"-ft muea toe jecona- page., : . .; '"Vf?.1?-'. 'ii j"h ti'rwha'ttbe Diredoy pleafe V ric. ,-'''," XzOhaU enttnqct oj ribe: f retitl 'into r:W f 'Ot. jP'rhet 'tfjfo .Coat mm . WralM- taite to the tehutnt s bottle, to iit.'w nnht the troops' had been ikipugbt iu ; and cjkef 1; him f he.ha lmt.p'romijed th JbokU '-r, Itnlti wbitehefa ' "17 the Committee. - i i y trT?ed with tri by their delays anfwered bem4oeeffyt ' ' - . - ... . i ' ' it" , 'H ' - '. w,.f ivf noMTtgcr cejfoitrai,pe :ltirt' then is the trite reajon ivhy the plot was i ' ' 1 unuil. -s .1.-' :1,- 1'' l-l'l v1 :l;;-: 1 5 1:17 wjfrwZrr; V'l'i ff other toHntrtes to obfert, that the Erli acl P of authority nvb'cb the Trench Generals ex. eicijtdon their entrance into Geneva, naa;. :Y: 'if!f fldottgjcnts ttpOH thetn. ; AWiv 1 'W' -tbtfeverr'tbf perjost't "vofo ' Jorx '; '?r bee incjfantfy extolltng :'tbe'prtam 'z' v 1 . 1 - . .';11 t;4, i:r j. . :u i j'-'f - r . - , -3 7

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