'VTf":- '- it:'y.:r- 74-:;7-: 'f -:' tCS--' W'-V t'hzJ: Wy.::::".- v V:.;'-':rA ?S riii-.-- : -' V 77 : v 7- ! J '. V,7 ...v i. i- 777:r7':.. 7 7 7,. V- .- . . I -7, v: ,i -"rt -ry r t . -f f r i , , 1 n - - - -inn i iP 1 111 'I' ....... . . n . . -t-;-: ,) I t ,,.i- hi iTli, ... . ..n.i I).. t.lUil t. t tn,.. iu .,. L.V.".,.!,...,,. NK.T ')' '' ' '''fl ' ' ' ' I ' " I I I ' ' ' ' t jl 1 J t ' .1111 " " -' "' 1,1 1 1 " "" 1 1 ' 1 ' " 1 " ' 11 ' ' 11 " 11 " 11 -' " " ' !' 'gjfc" ,44 -i V W , 1 "1 ; uo4H'i iyjs cHi'Adav( ; v-";: v ' ftri ucmiV ; t h a t .da n . .b e had the pi tjlVntof mji.4 ip'fyy.i that a - ' - It''-. mT 1 i. ;-. J . . T. dittos ..... -.-. rS i, . , tjHrjvionSH'tf (opo ' lioii of ttl5vrcace exutiiw br LVct'rtUne 17-.cni&ibk.togrci hf Ic3i6?48utwrcs!.pf the; Court? I U.Vflyhcvr be he id abcnr men: lea-;., j f toi of' i wo tauIes'toritKe lowerJ pP 1 V'.-ttl'.-K , siidXvbutf aylorscarifoiniii-n v hicl fike wde'blafen ui a' ttmverle to be jiioH' iiiH''ulVfUlaH!authw!w 1 f rPetii: i ;r" me rcqunuiosu HKcAviie inciuuea, - , llcH is enccifa tneir cjurpe;.-vmn jome Tarious.otmr articles ot.'erttig a.ppa p uruiisimi me jujf or teir; l tros tvq ,. The, e(tjLhf-prii.ic'pfe'aaor,in tTe; , - ) IhTrlfe"0VaWtCr'i;en 'lvt"r. AltbcuiiK' aira'';week:'i1iie.'::-the'. :- itriaJt::ptetautiou$ may by es:ptttcrt:v V'fm Xrhu-rMi f -Fiemh' NVt're VnienVrfonerst b&, a' If The hihh tt tjie mjni(le 'v&lra; cleinandcd ottbe. btUe tow ns.oi Mew. 1 loutit r.hi's been lent to'any part ot.tnis. aiieuwic g,ycrpc anu iear.,.;.:iic(- -f()ft:aiHl-;We(tport; oMthoiiUindUNf hCraintVy of penj; :.P6int$V -'ry Hl4t. iiaVaSii, ' JnyAfcer aa yagepiqld,, t.'hig,caatpities-' -- ana t hoi & vv h ic iii uit i el uu l ro1i a nesV 'war'tbey 'eiltreac the iJepiuation rb , "; labour-) 'Vih' ait 'the zeal fvHIch it ' Jhaslady.' given fo muuy proof to v 1 . dcctflerate:a':iVece;tj!etC;eei tha Ger- vtvcilnptrf'a' th? French iiept;b!jc : , ; tpnW'jkv evttvj ':ccfliivu ; which JiMyj VT 7; :iiot, b akfyWw ! y Cvnt jrry to iU tin i i ! H ' : r i Wenthicgaai HarinfJthe:r;iipptUati- j to ihetWpuTa.tpn, ;ira pi'ool tfUuir ) f'Yearncft-arri iiireqcx tfh rea'cfeVj 7: ' ' ' : -e liave bearci the b .nduit ; of ; the . ' w jiuuacnuuivQi ppiXiSf -jna prints,1. , tat. t? 1400. jtmjomr uccu.tnc 'water, 7 IvavirAjr.leyipU : trie-,n as iiavinV' paid i. K'in cailiUnevc-rV'lYece'lHry vjith hich; Y -iliey wereiM;phed. - The- iollowTinjr i ., .-)le4hifitiofi"'ilf KoWerer, ilie'w vl)at. Kind or pi) mem uiey, maae, :?nu ;ve: fanhiteyert afji'rtjigii: their warmed iiivcMCifjesj : tliereCouid be; found' very , .Tewhf prpvided tlu.y had ; any thing , " tolofe . jou:d lie rnuvii' pttaftcf with i- ; " fuch a cjculati.Jg medium. ' . . rnrfCoiv pVn tO pilUge r rj thtnr.ietveSfithe ... onprAfit 'Sh tijvt-c - yv here they brhp g' i V Addvd to the afo fratef rtal fcqu litjon; we iuv'iioe;i;"iW A ' party By the prifoners. tik en ,;.we !?. am.'.- ..vcrea wtut-uje mt tries ot i e uninicwi.- j ,-cu jnaiuejr meiion was ui piunucr, ;'V'enerai77.;7:l'7v7,7" ' "7'v'1 ":7I.x': 77 7 j itifi ih iiicTX poiTeUiotl. ()n the Time- tiiiaoi;-iihwt ilil i'is -fatd that tbe pefett"' 1 ii n 'inif'A ti Tu I , I ie rvioyi.. Win. i ' ' ; I Jl IVJVWS. Uit Jlv.Un nIU VC1C IOill.IWUv.JUI. dltu U- "-' . "rrr J j F,-Vi ' , . I -.atTthia' var.Cot' paying .tamvH rroni Uim iu ...imt in pro.ccung . uuuuyv.M luipiu mjumcrs . , , , 1 French nitv7'iuj J fcinTT dgr':,7. . Y':'; 'to'dcaiinfev()Kition7 i'tkk th town lull Wednerdrnbrh- tttf .ocrliet.;:'' ihg iiigti tut ceut thank .GwJi jJt. la;d that citiie;V viVugaeV-wa : 1 j- expeed 'Par tsTI-t; . e rtilh tli j t 1; :y 7 V- ' v ' : " -'T"; r 'u rt.' ::r-rv . the iameperian-wha,; with peni.iiii-n - - -7 7 - 7 - 4,:::v.y-Hc"riaanr--; 1. :yf ??! ; ants.lo'ri gUt.molt of w 7 .nurms Lrcvrn. r'. r.i . rvTJ in es II 1 1 Uicfe' Ht9nhdLvbni'i- :HydnsjchdLypn:;.: . 'j' .: YV Aiufrew Ed(r6ndftbii? 7 i77r,';..;J'a:ii' Y"J :i:i 1 ejf vl ar krr"a n d . 7 wv vr .-iif ; f C a st w B a it 3 . Kin on,' Cwvrtiffofifr-rj OrdiAuncCy fw , 7 ' tip' French arwy la ths WgiJtrutei 77 7; CaJHtiarStc. ' ' ' ' V'77l7 '" -5 .,7i 'Hie Commune of " Ca'.Uebnr; are. J hsreb required; oh paid cf vnihtary Y;' .. evening, at 7.0 clock to. the LwiAinl. 1 7 "iodiCc prQvennor of the 1, town,'., the ;!7''2;7;fi1owingYticlj3$ for the . life; cf thr rcndi lorces x 'A a'obBdtHes of wfne, for the ufe . . 7 Xf '7r00 Ditto for thelo'clis, ' ,.. , 7 .1 y , joopiBoiyes i.ofjWhilkey and branir 7U777;7777:; 06' Hoia of candl es,:'-' '' . t 7 . undiiy, in ibe jbicnoon -tKe French , .General Humbert, together with, .the : ohicers of his fuite, lert the mru'i co ch hotel,; Dowfon-llreet in caches ;t' and proceeded attended, by their doineltics, in,the Royal Ge'orgc4iWge cardan, to -: the Pigepvi houfr, in order to cmb.irk for England ttiey were tfcor red by .ii puny ot the iniiiqiry. In.the eveninjf ( ' the remainder lift he French prifoncrs, ,; luving heen coivdtKted alvigs,the line ? , O'rand Can:d,": were allo'embarked 01; i b Yard the tranlprts preparing f r their! ; reception at- Poolbcg- On this rcc 1 .lion a muhittide ot Vpeftarors v ere af- iw'inbled.on thebanks of the canal. : the.aclicm'that took;: place''.". be--": , tween Col. Veroker and the "French , " at Coloonyjl have received parrici lars which giv tne much concern tq detail: I he Limerick 7. militia, Klfex ."'fenci-1. -blcs, any yewnanry corp forming the I body uhdt;r Col.. Verotler, have fuifer- ed iliockingly . The French Jeft thred : : furgeons behind to attend the' woundi1 eu.. .:' ; 7 -7.:: ' l JniheUiattlebctweetFthe-knTjiy 'troifps and the rebeTs - at 'TSuiuTTihgurj' the former are laid to have lolV two " pieces of cannon, and woiiljl hjiveeen' Utterly (kitfoyedbut that the greater part of their; opponents were rendered - urtabUlCT ac from ' intoxication,' tey 'haying drank alLthe w hill; ey. they ronld "fir.d "op obTaihirig pollefion of ; . Mullin ; gar this, happily for thekmg's troopi having been the general produce of the : rebels vi hereyertLeyob on of a town. ;:- -r-'r - y' : 7 Pn-IJh ti'r Ai iy t leiliiigton , jn - the xpcetation ot heulgMtked by tne ;; -y( ar, in thecUbrtc'd Vci re 7t irCm bl export Ttoeiu:; ii .government ne- ' v;-:i : f 7 ' 4--st-m--rnuen- logger tnis country-will '"u'y 'x P."5 b. bnice w ruing the abov&ico Hrfebi'ave r riizers'' and oiTeftyfiup ot the Hoxbbrotirh drajxeons have come 1. . .. ... . . " in here.- ABb ALOM's CONbPlfVAC.Y. ; : ; ' T. '.7 ' 7 . S E R At 0 -A'i f R E A Cllt W A tT h E ';v ,.'7 ' i G R N -E R A L: L E C T I O N, 7 7 7 "7. 7 ', Pit.Ulti furd in the 'tbitcot Cotirictticttc : ly :7 May ioibt 1 '77 ' ; ."; ATHLONE, ept 'ii. "7 '7 Immediaielv after the. defeat-of the I'renth and hbel army at Baliinamuck t;' PASTO OV A CiiURCH IN BLTH- a camn wjs torhied onthe hTTd of bat-. , . , :J-.Ci.i. . tie ,ior tne, tcmrTary7 rrp ol e. ot he roy x ibrce?,fter.l6ngVdev ; : during h ,ch i tcrval the - unforturate ,7r. Bla after.a trial by court mar 1 ri-d;': w asevue , tf d pin fuanr to the leii ; :chce ( in-.thtt: ixighccurhood or ' the ' : .vl 4 "'7:AN Jif-S! i7 7:77;;A;DT'jT:E.:S;S "''":'' ' " '7 1"' 'TCI THE' ' :7s -: J7 PEOPLE oV GRKAT.BRITAIN. ; ;' V;; ";'; Br R. Watson, 7:7,;77i7 Lord BlsHpr qf Landafiv . , r - .7::5 A'R" ': ; ' O R A T I O N, 7 7 , if''PB.IVSRED ON T.HB 7 ; ; .! FOU RTH or JULY, 1 79S;77 ' ' :7::1. BEFORE THE'-'' r'7 T O U ' G M E'N: 7 - ' . 'Aof thtS.:.;.. 7.7. City of New-Y6rk, 7- . 7 1 -,'Aflembled to com'aie'rhorate. tki r7Katida. 7r Independence 7 7 7 7 tBy John Wells, Efq,s . 7 r For falc at the ftofe of 7 '77 7'.' V - '.7. ;"7' .-'-'; i I :7c7f 'SSfi ;--v'7:7!) w.. , ..1. J "I f he following itereUmg article we traidlate froni the " Courier de Pa-, rii'' of the . 12th Sept. - . , :-v . y: 7? -The eyejvts of 'which the tiinrrace.ofj r Jo vaTianps ; was the pre) ude,-are i' uccef-T lively difcloiing dieiftlclves.. 7 ; This e,xi' minuter p-tkd three days, at M.idnd and fct.ouc on the. 23c of this month for Yjhe Tn! o- waters,- whence he Will proT" teed U Gym, lhe place lied.- by- the" 'Kiilg ToThrrir ctsdehce. VVcarS now i ; at the period bf Oltrficif:ne. . 71Jii teen , dUtiugniilrcd pcrfdnages,' -ths'gmierpart'general cfticeTsrh ei joll bern exited tVom 'ihe capital and troirrr the court. ' Valde: aiid ' Nc7' ,greti, t wo laTgencrals, thi otic to lyia-; Jnga, the otlur to Pampelune , thein ' fpeclor pf infantry, Pardo, to the coall of y Grenadu .'i clone . marechaLde' -,5?IP:- -jniL-ScSian Caftagos, .io.BdaJoiCar- to Galati a ; Val t ile'io, to Bafceiona'. tHvniiim dnt-c v -jrv,. .WilAKIN.: k 10. n:. -vt :7t v - 1 ,1 1 ,1 , 1 -- -'V-i.- 1 : '-7:-. ;7I C A'S'H'V77-'-; 7,-;; V-'i Will be gia for clean jine'Aand' cotton ; - ? v!'? W "T" TTi" i 7lpsCS7!y7 y7 Vtiiiiing-Offitefor at Mr.-Edward .'.....;;-r7 .7 Keatt sflore.: 7y :;' AMYjoF EKGLArjD. 7 7 . . Plan of Ir.vafionA few copiew of it for v : ... U7 ' (ale-at the Printing.OfHce. V'bjf; V-;; y ' 7 '. :, " Prw" 25 Ceu.) 7 ; 1 . 7 ' i- .".Vt'.'. 1 mAti Loads of; hayc f" ! Mn nuriuay bUJUngton, .jn -. v : .sVIVi ': Aw ; 7 :-rr. V 77 7-7:77' i-'i:d:t-r 7., .-..v' v,t.;;77; vy y: f .!;liOivto7trania& 7'.6;77:,; : v UM,' Y4-V7y' 7 . -a1 . - 7 v - ft . - . . . . , - 7- ' r .-t vt-r, .. , - - - : , . II -77. 7:- : ;: v-rY'- 7 77 .,h.. yy S .Y -.-u'-.-7vv-r7., 7 t r 'r:Vv7,;...,:;7v';,;7.,.v-i...7 7,v;,7:.v-,' ..j Vr, :y.'7,.;..;:,- . j,?Zr" K.A- rr-44i;-i ' -'.r-''Vc .f'VVr-,.: