v - 0 , - " -li? vlorrUtoloics-fs-aadrna vored witn file o th?.ffriwjan-aiitt; ,; r 41 1 Lad, ithiTovWritsrS?. slj Efytiecealed. xr-rps 3 - " w'ith-a- lareb;andT6oninodia:ilwdUngv Ihbih&c. fthereon,' togethtrwith Uts - I No:Wo4, 243, 2 44 a.id 272, aojoining- if- '. '-.V. ' Ma V ar tK PmirtHoufeand r::,xb.wo' of jNiewbern.i:,'i ;:lra , ,' comaimagvfco jylde of the JNorih-WtllTivtr, aa btfimtiv ' Vpf Donlly's creek. :y .y 7y-" 'f :"i ' - '.A traft ofland iiiTf yon county, con. : raining 300 acres, lying on -but n iides of : -Vf; ifirtf r1tle"road river,inCluding the mtSutu; of Racoon river. " .y V ."-A trcfof Land in Mecklenburg cou.i- "'.tning i6arfes.or)Shugaw.creelv. . f': v o" :.. -A -tract or Land tnMe.kieuaurg conn-.' fi. --'A "ta&M Land .iCrven coiitiry, con-, ; ' : uiamg-too acro. Iying oa. the N-rtW u.le s u'jjer Broad creek;:wd. Gooie c ROBERT CCD2N, Jen. fltw!er, Vw. i t, 179. -r, K AN away Ffom '.Alt fubfciiVjerjon the ictb Seotcfnber U'tt, negro felkkv rw ii tiy I M, a bcu t t wea r jlojc t w eaty one years ot'igo, five feet fix or feven iiu ehe, Vigl," blacl fin,6oth Ikin, roand -facei' able long leet, with cwficerabk longgreat; toes i had on when he wt;nr away, an old Blue jacket lined mh greei) b"ai, a pair A reward of TWELVE DOLLARS. . y ill be given to any peri on, it Caid fc ilow is taken. uplvi thin the county ajad brooght t,o thefubfcfiber in; ; Nwbern i and itta Iceo up out.o the .county, Twtnty Dol CTlars will be given, all rearonaWc charr-"ge-pat(L : . v JOSEPH CRISPIN. .: frtciember.i, f. - r N, &: All maftcrs of veflels are forwar- -vjjed roaa carry h him away, ftnd all per foflsrbtrr harbouring: or employing fa id... - fellow,. undc,r";he nalty of the la w . v ';' :" SELLING CFF. ' ' ; : U OfeERT jo'onlVori returns hi thinks ; Av to tti"rt Ladifs and .'Gntlerneri'.bJ Ncwbcrm hp Ihc'rr faft, f.vcuri," ahd ..as , e intend f a fejt.c'at tor iNw.Yor!'. in - : few !ayi, he will Tell tlie rejiaindcr. of his --nvjlths at fiHt coft, for ready 'm')"cy; or' na-al ftores, at his ltore Om the old coun- "-" ty "whatf. ' :" '. ;. . - liNCil JFLEELX,iefca ted by1, SHf Ha i ndriain Egvprt .otAh? ill, ; and, and :s' fGuns.".' Men. Coiu wanders. Xh ;ColIodfn; 74, ''5'o6':-T4)wbridgiV:.J-: ;:Vefenfi59p:-Ri'.w; Miller t' Alexander, 74, 590 A. . Ball - ' i , r;::r.,. ilR, Ad.-Nelfon ; .; yihguard,74,- 95? jcapt. rry ;Monitaur,-7oi : 640 T. Lewis- .' ' :Trp Lcai.der,: 50, 343 '-TT. Thomfon , 3vyj!durer749ciIIailowetl:; rAudaciou's. 747 Sqo7 D. Gould ; ; ; ' Dclercc, 74,. 590 J j; reytoj : ' Zrrt .oil , 74, c 90 3 HOOd - v Orion, 74, 590 Sir J. Sau'rnarcz ..G.i iv 4, -590 - T . Eoley.4v Keiic.ropiion, 74, 59a IL Darby 7 CatM utine, 1 $, T M. Hardy .. , . ,. .. FaiNCrt.v.; .. "N-. v" Guqs. Men. luue l ie Gaerrier, ' " 74, 700 s tiken i he Conquerant, ' r 74 70. ? taen - - 3 Le Spartute, 74 700:'.uain" , 4 L'Aqailon - Vjfc 'v 7oo.-.uker ; 5 LeSouverain4tt 1 74, 706 . taken 7 . Peuule. " ; ' blown 6I0rieuT, 7 Le ronnanr, -,l L'Hcurcgx, -"9 ' e Tiiiic-iecn, id Le Mcrcure, r. 1 1 Le Franklin,. . .: 1 t LGuiliiam Tell, 13 Lie Gene re ux," 2 La Diane, -La Juttice, L'Araimefc, jj;, , - La biracuic,;. '. . 36, 74i 74 74 80, 48; 120, 1010 v Up :' io,'. 800 ' taken 700 taken 7opbion up . 700 taken' 8po , taken 800 efcaped 700 efcaped .300 efcaped. 300 efcaped. 150 burnt v ' 25.0 diiroalt-. ed-aod iunk. The. French fleet anchored at the port of Alexandria the JBrttifh ; flret did the ; fame, and in this pofi t ion ' both flftctr fought . - , r, - t ' -1 On the 3d of AugmV tbe (hip Letter ; 'of 50'gBns, was dilpatched wtti.the news by the brave .Nelfon, to lord St. Vincent, but was not arrived ; on the 8th. ot Au- . Vuft, the Mutine kng was alfo fen t witlr" duplicate diipat nes, .ana on tne totn ot "tjeptember-: arrived at Gibraltar, r from - : r , . . , . - . : wbence, atter.navmg. given tee news to ti e Govvriior, (lie prtcecde'd to Lord St. - Viuient juei qu uiu, ana gave iym , oiTt ial a(coui)tol jim action. .... HE fii.bfcriKcr rcfpi'iiilly. ij forms "th pinlir, thafhTii a-JpotnTell 'Vta due-M'Ur for the town f Newberr : he-flatters hL-nfeU, 1 th;,t his punftujli'v : wilf inciitLtbe J a s: or T cf tu afs w ho ttiil gi e him ence u ragCme i r . a'.-TK'4 fhii3jpvM'iam 1 ell, ucdGenereox, ; r;nc,:i:io.iodv in . the,. liiV to have, efcaped,' u'crc.:in tutn a ternoie coiuimon,tnat 10 U-AurVXpbe lc;. rctary M X7 : Auftin, -' boatf wainrf-M r.v Wtherftomid&ipmii Auftrumj ditto- oortearoen an(J oTnarinesi-Killed--c feamen. . - . ! - A-WgurrtedHri 0fficer 24 leimen and e' ALEXANDERr V. ; Kiliefcieut.. Colinst 3 ; feameh ' k: s AV'oundedGapti x.aptCrclWtfl' ma rines M r , Laulotr-Mafter M.. , V:; Bullyi midthipman-r-Mh Jilake Anderfon, -ditto. 4b leamen, and 5 Baaruvei'v" -: : v-. tt.MpN 1TA UR - ;:' ; KiHcd-r-Lie'u ; P. Wallar., nialter's mate. . r;: :; Wounded Lieut . 1 fio. lr Win lieuten-' ant j ewe 11 ina'rines M r, Thos. y Fon. ton, td MafterVIr. Martio Wells, "tiiiiillhipman 64 feamen, and 6 marines. ." SWltl'SURE.. ' ' Killed 7lfeameftJiiuri VVouiJdeaMr. Wm. Smith, midfliipman Vgftaukirand 1 sDnarines; , teat of Biicnapane. bvU-1 Afabs' betwecn- RofetUaindtj f andCnjf O7coplresihe:7l huttjation ol that arch buaanief's , fcherad" toTubjugate ;;thc fcaft " A"0!1?? fo?pof tant "branch of intelligence received Ijv this arrival, is", thcarticle from ConllaM ii : iionle: which confirms the'former act-otme twern tec rortc, iBis..aiiu: vagiiutff'rz. gainit the a tmi and intrigues t Fiaiicc.' Killed i feamcn. Wounded Lieut. John JeansMr. Font,-' . gunner 31 teamen ana i marines : . ; ' DEFENCE. - ; -Killed 3' feamen, i raariae. Wounded 9 feameh, 2 marinci. - - ZEALOUS. JKilledi feaman.iri mm I ' ' t ' " w ounceu--7 leamtn Nave unlet i V JACOB tfENRy.-v RAN awayj o:nhe 2 Stb uU. ,a negr teilow naTi.cd TOM, !abouc' twe.-ity eight -years "of a ,'c,' five lest, ugt or ten iu:hc9 hiyh, ha.iiQ.t ins eye- teeth. ,H'was bought, of Mr. 'i'ho nasi Satter . field, - of 'EdentvM,- and -has a . h:1er in Vi.iJfr; he is-we!l known in both rhufe place.. . " .XVVENTY DOLLARS reward will be psii oKldelivcry 'of hini'ta.f rc',','or '"TEN JX)LL'AiS for fcfHri'ng lum, fo that I get hirngainj SHADRAC COLLINS. ' Tn, 13. Mafters of veffols -are fonvafned ; f rom carrying him away, and all p? rfous ;frpnl .Jaarbouring,'br carrying him away', , Uiul'Jr the penalty of the la . bushTIipsey, . .. "TAYXOR.9 & II BlTMAREaS,'l . 71117TTh VEopcned 1 M$in32n vcn-il reet,. . J. X at the houfe of Mr. James M'Maiy 1 nearly -lopfite'th'llgitofhe-Gol-JeiT Ea-J v!c. Any pcrfon ' tavouriii2- thenv with ilxir 'c-uftom, tri ay depend on being ferved . witnatientipn, dupatchj. and on nalona . ' Mc tcfras. ; ' " , ' . ' 'November 3. ' v' ' ; 1 --Jm mhmmm-hmh mm mmhmMbmmwmm ; AT OTIC E to tke Magiil rates ofjCtad X. i ven county, that I will otter Toy-' hi at next court for the office of ' Shcriif, tor faid county... ' 4 . : , r N0W24. - LEVI FULSHER. per' to run them.on'fHore. 611 the coaijt jrt 12001 wraches were put to the fvord by - the Arr.os. . n'hui they have only saved.: two. frigates ot their who e lyet ; anf if 15 l'.i'i'.l i'u!lc that4eforc tiiey ea'cln". ywTi Uit-ylnay falLbro tUt hands of fo ai of the Enjliih cruien. ' - ' . ; The t ran (ports were all anchored in the "Nile, and Admira NHion was preparin nre.fii'ps to Worn then-i.".' k A French flo.)p of wtr wa alfo taken by t,hc Alc:nenc Bntwvftijte, nd-tr.eyV-'TjunVn her difpatchci far the French di. ;;.reiV)iy, ; fro-'n the Ct):n-fliiTa fy of hej- . r renen ar my, wnign raenuons inai on ' their landing they 4net -with great fcfilt. p 1 . 1 ' : A .1 ence trom tne natives wnicn con mem .2000 of their je t troops, which were ktl,V 4ed.- ihev-founi theinfclves rurroonded- by i m ;n eu fc nu ax k r s . of A rab j ; the g rea t 7 fa carci;ior prt j vjii .ws prevaued amonglt ; thetrt ; even to get a little water, theyjrc obli 'd to rifle, an en iement the plague.-: had iit amonglt t he hoods," and had aUi ready mrtdr grcat ravage";.; TBuOiairte - waVin the molt deplorable ftateinx irinal b!e," and is at i lofs what to do, (LprivcJ -Afabsj-whor murdcrHsvelfy" FVenchrtian they can "get" hold -ot."- The, niimbef , of " troops Iundea Vas about 33,000 men. ' : ? x -.The Culloden having; got aground at ; the time of going to anchor, (fid not. get ' into adion ; lhe was however got off afterwards.- '' .''. ' A Ifi of Wiled and wounded in the Brttijb ; 'Sjuadron,: in the ttjii'm tMitk the French, ZX-fletti on the &r-AdrindAd 0 jjttgufl " -1 79 8, at anchor iff the month of the Air. ' H; VANGUARIi. '- . Killed CaptatnToddy 6f .marines " Mr. Thongs Seymour, raidfliipmar, Mr : ORION. KilledMr. Baird, captain's 0erk 11 icamen ana 1 marine. y - Wouiitled Capt. t:ir James SaumarczK. ''.Mr. Sadler, buatfwaiu--Mr. P. Rich' . a rdfon, miam ipman Mr . Charles M uls ' ; ' :ditto,-Mr. ilaiitifby-x-i 8 teamen and ' 6 marines. - ' " ' "' : ' ''' CULLODEN. K V; Killpd Noac.Wouadcd None. ? r t ' . ;U0L1AH. ; V KilleJMr Wm. Davis, mafter's mate, -; Ivr.' A. Biown, .'midhiprnan--;i 2 if a " men arid 7"marnes. ' W v ' " ' ' Wounded Ljc'ut. Wm. Wilkinfoo-Mr. - L." Gtave's," roidfhipmanr-Mr.vP.'btra-chan, fchoolmafte't Mr. J. Payneimid. . ; (hiprnan 20 feamen and 9 marines: . -1. -v majestic - - , KilleptainWeftcott Mr."Zebecto' r ora, miomipmaD jvir. a. uilmore, boatlw.ain 33 feamen and. 14 marines. Wounded-Mr. Charles Seward, midim . "marMf. Charles Boyle, do. Mr; R. Overton, captain's clerk 1 24 iearnen -' and 16 marines - ' .. BELLEROPHON. Killed Lieut. K., S. Daniel liut. ?. W. Lauiiiier lieut. G, Jolirfe Mr. Thomas Eiiifon 32 leamenand 13 ma. rires. . . . , . : . . ' ' ; ' Woui'tied Captain Darby Mr. Edward." j . ktrby, mdUer-r-Capt. J.r Hupkins, ma. i inaM 1 Chapman, boat. wain M r. . Nicholas Be tfon, mid(h'fpinani 26 lea. meouajrd'.' i j marine ';:V'''V-';'"' ' .Totol killed, 1 e officcrsX-iL men. 1 oral woundeo", 29 officers (including 2 -Captains) 4 midihipmen, 620 men. ' ' : iobcration of clfcry-ii yKioryTt.fi"e de.-'- ''' r TV. ' HAMBURGH MAIU" , ; Cotiliantinttlt Avittft f 1 Laft iiight tKe Turkilh mimUtjriecf iv 'V ed important difpatches from the Pch : " of Redes. The)' bring jid vice that verar -Krr'ricb.frigatei hadrnte aratiflacdy whieK had been (cixed by' te Paca, Vccor. ' dingTffihe' orders lately received liom thdf "Grand Signinpr vT he Pacha. has Iikew.il H , tranfmittcd the following intcllia-erce. H : 'I he'Engfife admiral, Nei(ori hayjp a r pea red unexpe&ecl W befate ; t he liirbcti - of Alexandria,' found there the French4 neet, aaa immeoiateiy attacked it."' Tjt French aidmirl's (hip; on board f of tirhir Bubna parte had beent-1 oolt re vrand wa-: ntireiy coDiumed.Vrl he French frigatevT which tfcaped into the opd lea, were oi aware that theiKorce inas ihimically dilVv poled towards France; and that holt ilitieV had already commenced ; they, therefore ., catfce to anchor in the harbour of Rhudes the captains ofthefe Jrigates the Pacha ob ' Nnooea rtceivca trie accounts, ot the de- ' 'ftruftin of the French' fleet," and" ihe prin- i.iji. vtiwuuiuiivy siif mar event, j he r I: BELFAST, t September 1 1 . r The following perfons have -been-d if-v-. charged from the t'oUfethvvaite prifoti (hip, nav tng tqunct lecurify to traniport them felves t Ajnerica : Charles Develin4 J.)hfi Se r v l c, Trift rim Moore, J ohn Caldweil, Hugh IJoyd, lames Wallace, (Hollywood) .H;JoA'.Ci!itrin Samuel Bone,' Alex. Clan. , ifinna:), William Lowry, James Hamil -r tin, Wjlljam bhaw, and David Shaw.: 'The lollowinff' notice war vefterdav diitribiitdinCarrickfufgus and neighbor. hood, by order of the commandanttf that ciiiVnct : " The people are hereby infoim- ,'' - ed , t ha t a fte r t he cle mency -wit bwh ichr rhofc concerned in the latter rebellion have $eeri' treatedJbould any" difafFedion ap pear, or any tendency to infurtectioa Llc ; found, they may expert to receive thenuU fevere and exemplary punllh.nent, bpth m" Ttheu perfoiu amj property. ' To Void ' Tufpicion, they are recommended to re- ;,.mam at -theji1 homes aitd - occupations; ' ;iThey wi!l be made accountable (of ; fuch of their ta.nilies, as ate abfenr.WThe peo. Z pie are immediately to put bp litis ot the ,' ? inhabitants in each house and cabin "upon ' their doors, and no perfon is tojjc abfen: .i iucir pcru, ancr nine o ciocjc at nigntt or before five o'clock ih the morning.' They.' will'be 'viltted frequently." ::':: '." : ' . -- ; ; - BOSTON, November t8.' 7iScrdafteroJontbeJ:a rmed JTi p . "Fojtweil, captain Stevens; arrived in thir-tf-feven days front Britlo!,V,with London papers, of October f.:; By .the politcnefs .. "of the .captain we were- immediately fa- Porte immediately communicated thiriS.- t teHigehce; by their interprctlK to tl;cfo- i reign njunasri. i ms. day the tngiithr mmi(lr,;rSjf S. Snjithif received the couw;i fiirmation of this account 7: 1 W uh refpeft to tbc;. army .of Badna--. parte; we. have received the, following Ioj--telligerice ; T i. had fox fome time maia tained a pofition between Cairo and R0 fctta ; but foddenly retjree4-;to :&itmu', etta; In tU vicinity of this tovn th 1 French were attacked by irfob : Arabs. the greater part cavafry - Bjer the corife , mand of Mufta pha : Rev. smdr two- oh- Pf . . A a. kl. i . . r . m " i J i --.A'ai w t beir accouat, transmit-" . M "a ! W if Damafcu5, that the C4C cnemvjo retire wit& conuder able lofsi Mid that the FVncbafterwarda made a' itand a few leagtiej frdm DamicN ta.' T befe accounts do not far why Buo- haparte at firft, jafoii ofadvandng againlt the reCdence ofthe Bey$, ihold have rc : treated fp foon ; but this is afcribed part-" Ty to the mime roes Rivalry that covered the euv cf Cairopartly to the inundation ! of the Nile, which at. this .time U at the" u6 p ' and Pa't'y to the difjculty whicrT Jhc French tound in obtaining provitoni where fo many of the roadi were laid on. der water.. ';,f; . 'I he Porte had taken great otfence at , the invaftonbt Egypt by the Erench, and -rcgafds if as an act of opc'n Tioftility. It' confidera the-'projea.. of-Bubnapae ai ' 'very degrading-to it dignity, mjujioai, ; , tciti go vernmem, and contrary both to .the claims it had to Egypt, and the rela tions which long exitled between it and the Beys, who govern Egypt in its name. " Councils of ijate, and conferrences Te tweeij the Turkic arid foreign minilters: : eipecially. thofc' of England and RuCa, v .who fcave bow great ttiflucnce, are heid almoft daily. ' T'hc Aoftriah'InternunciQ : . hai not yet been invited to thefe confer. rer.ces: Ji it certain That a grand profpeft ; of alliance is now in aaitation. . : , ' ' -Jusf fubli s h toy-. f. Ana forfait tith'n Ojfiee 9. Th e NORTH.C AROLI N A ALMANACK For the year of our Ldrd.v 1 700 T iAMIRtCAJlN0ftpNDEKC,2 3-;4. - : .k: Beingsthc 3dvafter Leap Year; ' Calculatedfor the Mc ridlan of N t w Wair, 3? Deg.4 Min. North Lat. 2 Deg, 6'i Min. Longv -Weft Tjrorri Philadelphia. HI November 26." r is Dublifhed ... ... . .. 'COMPLETE ' ' ' SYSTEM .-X FARRIERY b i T'By. the d ozeh px fingle copy . t b' J J

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