IS! 'J- 6 v ' : f f." '-'V. f-ii; V lj7 Vr". : John an4 HeAry SbtertSf ' ' . ver$ tried tor nigh treaion jnjtncCTty ''rKfffaWnu?'' on thcristh aitd-'i jtkayirof II 1 L f 'the Attorn). Rated jUttraie lor trie. , y-lU-Crown. , '"The principal evidence' was; a:'. l i Cavtaia Armftroni.' tvbo, being:' iVorb s coun,. ' - and f xftmined by HVl r.-Saarlny Vicp kvjjofiof 2'4yf:' A V'- ' 7., fruit he U ca'ptaia m the. King' Vi ' tV militia, and knows tne priioncrs at tfic 'i . 'fctri v;ilVciniitierut;l5tUirit : - .-bet ame attain tVdwifhthcm 'on Thuri :'.7vVr jY'4ie tptn;qf May'laft-r-'Vai he came C ' quawtcdj' aRdVenttdtefoopiil Patrick t. ''..fijrur; a tWcikr mGroii ilrcet;)' Vv ' alkc-d himair: h-Uowiivr hiW'outfide'the -ilrecVdoor fto ll.e.iaiK ,u re bad ay plitd Ue lia i.ot-w'as ;tvpafrttcd with' ' .Bj.nx for two )"afi,: merely, as it .DooV- tcuetf whe v. lUcp he iv.uch ircutiUrd, t bo'wg'iaifie't.iilVit ot purchafth'g there, c. r'i;;ry poh'tU-'iil.'jimf'tikt that -Va.nB out- as 1 : well as o'tht-rboftW., Did not know tht Jeaton of B rnr't hiiitj-fuch i.i'.rdiiudi. on CJibborn,. cf his icin-Ciit, . ,' tQCcmif.v.'Uri l.iai on uw j-roj-fwey t rtbis intrwiotti'pn.' This w;is.' b-jarc fo" i faw'th?viiiQacrt-W 'nc bur.- I He flccor dinPlyw4W:captajn.Clibborh" atnl, as lie ) '' noriX)lVa,Jtsi'conlt wftb I im,;ihWc the; i ,iuattef Jwoppfcji bj; By rnc. , .Captain Clib- ' "horn7 in conlVqntejid'vift.'i hiTn'tp -Tneer . tliem; 'oVwhidi'hc'retiiincci to Byrn's . 'fl-.D'-' wherr. h? yjiited umji'tbe rkler Mr. 1 ' l,r. Henry) arrived according to' -jbYiimaufiHi from By me, tKanyt jhoutJT 1 hev 'nccoriHnjrlv did meet, and yByrn? intjodoced"' them to .each oiher b)V ' ''mVotwoiiig. his; be vittiefs'v , naire to'" vv-vmr.- ?neare, any n., ; il' cf to r nverfc together,- they rtiight ritire into ? rouyi w ". "yj'fi Bvjne here addrelTcd Mr. Shearesin thefe words, ".aptam Armn.roi:g a.iruc brAther, o-d you may depend on Jiim-; Tvlr. Shea re then c'xprefled'aiwifti to polt-" ' pone their, cqnvjrfatien pntil ,his brother n; 4 rn i arrivec, to ;wwvu ;-. v ThebrotherihQr4'y'aftefa;rived",to vbotiil ( .-be wa introduced nearly, in tht fame nian-- tier as to Henry. 1 he brothers were not i ; togethejr at either interviewX Henry a; -rr th latipr riavinfi:"eone awar. ' ' f Here the witneismntionedthat he took il j ,a meet oi noics vi !iun fubfequcnt intrrvievvi'-which he comma, f -'mcatcdtocapin.Clihbom, to his colonel 1 X'MimkI -nil fivqucWly- to Lord Caf- f- Tohn iVrni?S"at ibis intCrv-if r.?r.ri. lf w .'ci'i to the vinaTuhat Fc embo.Jei-". ur'.r'p) b-S, s i 'e.l'hr tbtfkf-ow Unite ofUa , I fi-r the or-d'of'ilif. caul?, t- r.ate hirXlclf limva to" hl.n'asvl ?mw 1 t.ii hbX tn-tr" '.. ij (the witncli) j"ifiin jt as .ye-tly i; ; ". tion, as h:, did ia lrtclwaf it-n, Witneis ' " rcolicd'. that 'leVJ. ready' to do f vrrv r plicw "T.cTJo9lCb"eair;ala"co:aVif . irnTW j rtltrKr. veTTr-n ;rh: ''i i cjd .iii.-ri jctj uniji nc knew tJieir ai(nputuu5( a;i,l thwvVftf ti.rn un whonV misif- deowd 'Wquju taea cnoeavour ail ne coaia to,ac. ;i ;i,S?p!!.-!?." f Vt6jcclj Johnrtrna r bed, 7 -tlia 4ierilevtd4fiulij - jhferm-Jrtni r ? f -yfome-rricn Well "difpofcdx'andT0idH:1inir was rhcir'fejze the" ca'ui-jithe .''arutltry at Chapel: Iod"; and tbd citYof Dublin 'in-une night that itvaappointv. C'l there (h'diiid be ari'bour and an hall bcI " tween feizing 'the..-cawp and tEc artillery, V .i'ndi the. city an hour-after the latter place ' ' 4iat the newjof the former bein; irt their ' poiicili'oii,' ih'jBjdwarn vc in Dublin Tpreyi'tTie Rttkcki, Hehen told t,he wiu . ;neV, ,if he would rnfifthirnfat i r-o'cTo';J;' that nigli; he would-" 9 i vc him a Jut of fuch T men oi liisgiment as tmght be induced to' CQttlP.'fiVir' i VVi'f hi "c: !i'Tfrfi.(rtol v attetuM l cd a; eleven, btit wab tdid by Job n Shea res ' 'that he had not p'rocuied the names of the mon he protni.fcd. him in --the' morninV, but ' -Jliaia toan-w ou Id 4all jqo- a m the jic x t d a y ,- h i a p.y ty tnecamp, ..wrivwnom , right coaverfe without refer ve ; haying Uo in, the h.ibi ofreturning. after, eai, nuetvicvv to tne caviip, and coiruttumcatinj the rcfult :t6'voh L'Eliranrr-OntheV Vcdncfda following, he the Colonef, ej ,', piv'ueo pis nirpnie.tnat no nwncafieu ton - iu.H,- recoTamendiijg it to him to ct me to pehVVviwt co.'iv t4 pwieci4r Wtcaridedv.iH! ihiv it mjMiVi "j4r 4r;twti-4a UVV aian liaTcnrdajOritiixms lor .iT.rt n ?'rr iTf it . ; i -i?, Irr'iir-re'MrT'ir rh-if, ;thc camp, and. that' tlle'.DtrtttlOryiiad.',. tl'6ravt-ttrt'4-rujiuiw-s, th come to a, rejoiution to give mmtnecom- i tent gioaoas itry-th', in.d L--mh' of - manu oi me rcgirocju 10 wriicn ne oeung-. nim wiio jus nuienor inali'lr.rrTiirier Jdll c aim uiav.ii iw-igiu uniorin every loiuier - difp'cd to join them,- that be fhould bet . a portion t land'tbe King's ;cquntyj oUhat'jiropfrtywhii.A tnj crjmeaof cu ,AtwlHbat it s'i airtucfolved'on uo feie' ''enroies',lia'e:iOrfeiu;d into itViialTcis a i , vu xjwim jjiciiciiaui aim friy v wouucai at flieir refpedive places ; :that-whn" tb . tjivy v,oancu were autcizca, tnete wouid -be np plaVtO iffue order!." from; tha-t' in" cafe bi'tlie'tailure of the attackTon.' the" .camp,'(there was a fufiicient . number of hoyfes jn Baggot' ftrcer iriendly to their cauie, rrom whence .the tnihtary, On their return to town,' 'might be fired" on that -it-was expeckd, -troin various ,-accounty,-that all the militia regiments in Irciand wcuid join tieir ca"u!,. as there were teto' in oi e,iegiment,-an hundred in .auothtTp and three ,in another', all difrofed ; but they - j.lihouldail get: proper notice ;..rthat they- wcreexirtmeiy impatient, ana tnreateinciV if.the rifing.jvas hot'fpcedy," to tay dovvn- tiicir 'arms, aiKl take tnef oath ot allegi.' " ioyn and tind out the re afon. Called 'on, ..aucc.' The elder bhcarc.s 'toid him, -that Wcuiiddiiy iis- at Briggot ftreet "; did. "1 a. former fervant.. ot bis-j Jiyhowas .the; j not ii,id tlie priloncr at .tiornc, and kit. greatelt.foward he ever faw, was incon ? !ceiva!'tive uv: !makin' ImtRd Tn'.K jwotd he would fall ju'thc evening,' be. -'tween live and fix o'clock: met the prif oner at home at that' hour, and was friewn 'into dir." library. . John Shear? told; him the rifing wan then very bear, and tharJie ;wiihed to-introdoce him-to a -gentleman -twith whom be might co.ifult in -bis-ab' fence, as he fhould go, to organize Cork. ,baid he had not been able-to procure" the i'aTncjTfrc rers would be fo ordered that the news of ii.e rifing at Cork' jhould reach Dublin tit ' .-a.cift.icai time-,. and was only waning for the Executive xo rix a day. -1 " J- v uejtiji hy the jay Vhat do you mean by tne wotfiExi-cutivi? d. I anderfta'rid aa Executife Directory fitting in-Dublin .John Shea res then appointed witnefs to f mstx him next day, to introduce him ,to ' jhe-genrlema.i he mentioned iohitn";". went according ly on Tiurf:,ay the iyth May,. . and met both brothers at the faie boufe, ''but does not recollect, any thing -of mo- ment palling until the Ken'tlcm'.m airived. , when' he, was introduce to a'Mr.'Lawlef.- - a relation of lord Cieurry, who ty'.d him ,he had been at a meeting fun.e .time be-' - fore, ' compofed .of deputies llrom abridrt .all the militia regiments in Ireland, as ! which he told the witnefs there were two from his regiment j coujd rot then recoL. left their names, but would procure their names and leave them with Mr. iheares' for liini ; he could get them from a man whv) hr.d" been Vi . ..clivc in making U. ' ' t f r '. r 4 . i .ine.i. vyitncisrwre laid' lie volunteered in the Loudoiiderry regiment to right the ; TcbeJsatiVV.cxford, where he wasounxl . ed. ' John Sheate.was made "a pfifoncr 7Theinorning-after-:he' ialt "converlation" - y ith witnets, who faw bim in cultod at ' ' C-iftie, where the piifdner alke'd him. if nis brother was taken VVitnels replied , be'did nurknowTriked'him then .iFbe"t" iiutj ihair receive fjm'-thc- h'ands-t)f gratetul Nation.- an ample recrrnoence oii:' ' ur' i.'id hls nam? hall rnt: i i-irl th- .... -. ,... ....... v vfij; lllk. V ' , National Record of Irifh .Revolution, as ;a glorious examplcto..a)l(-,poUenty;j bat',' ' we like wile fwcjr to pynilb Rob'j-fy with '. ' ' death and'inlamy. We alTo Acar-that : ' we will never lheath.the fword piltil eVe-' ry being in the country is reitored to thtd ' ' ' equal Rights hich""the Cod -'of. Najuni; has. givea to all men; until an .order-of " f hl..n t I-. - I 1 ll l . - 1 f T 4 - (uan ruayiuncu in wnica. no tu. j ','pcriority malb be- acknowledged ,arnon ' . the cicizena of. Erin but hpt.ofjyinuS, and Talent. . V" . ' . . " Rbuie alljhe energies of yourYouls , iviiujau ii.c liicru ana aoiutiei winch a vicldu i. government confio-iV'il n Kfr.,;. ! . Trityrand tinder the cond :t of you,' 'chof.j; ' eh Leaders," inarch vrith a -JJea'y flep tcT Victory. .-Heed riot tne nfof a ,'hirett V .Soldiery or ariftotratic: wmiirv' ; ' th' cannot Hand the rigorous lhk of Free'. men ; their trappings ar.d ineirarms wilt-1 foon'be yours j And .the deteitrj gcivrrn" ment oi England, to which we.yow citt- . ,.nal hatred, Hull learn that thp treafur? . ucxiiniTs on itsaccoiK.rM Si.ivcs fo- tn- uuiuuic ui ouicnermir n nrwn -hi knevf that their papers were ' taken, and fa til. that he hoped not,' as .there was one - wiiica might commit him. . ( '--In the courfc of a long crofs examina ''tion by Mr. Ciirran, it came out that the wiuei's, in his return from vVexfprd with. a party, met tbree : peafant,., with green.;. cockades; on the road ; thaf one was Uogi 1 ged to extort c-ohfeCibriS from him, another ;w,ss hanged, -and a ihirii was fliot,but with. out the witnefs's coiii.urrence,',a(?t, or'ad ;vicc.bc'iig fcverallpnterrogated, whether ' he was ever in any 'company that denied tiic-exiitcnce of a Suprenle-beijng,-and-.a----terJactiuainted "lb;1 purpoorbufchenng"i ifhnTeu, ftalfoii t turther enable us to tu n their nk ueroiea neaa. , ; -' - Many of the MiHr.-ir "frchte ln- , oi liberty glow-within their Jcaits1, and- . ,. y a. i cau v. j oineo i r.e n a t io:.ia 1 M anda rd .' . -Reieiv.e with open ajrujs ifch as fbali foT-""". - low fo glorious an c;;anipleihcv"can der fignal ferrice, t thecaufe df Freedo.TJ, 1 and ftiall be rewart!d accordin'jr to tbeit. defer'ts. But foVhe wretch Who mrr,'.' , , . . - . .wiiii , 1 1 ti i :ii i i t - i i li ri 1 1 I v ttr - r thenati'Anal .vrn6'd:ir- . r4 iTI-f;., leinim nnd no qyaritr. .-Attack them Ai every direction' by'daynti by "night. ' " 'Avail. youVfek-es I'iVthc natural ad-' vantages of your co-rry', which "are? ini. ' numerable, anil,jvitlv whkh y'ou arc bet Whf mtvd -ir;1hi:un ; made irt- every -"re. i . 1 i' ' -I..-, f --.'--,'iL, 'J . t '' 1 ... J !.; in h ntiufr tojor-.v;ra tneir cnuk-. ' if .he, the piilbftcr,' wou:d.hi'? me 1. tion hhw , 'lie could be. ferviceable. ,hf prifoner itx-n 5 j ' told him 'thai 'a rWnj;, of ' the people- w,- rerr; .tx,r tbey'iciud inot roA' wait h;r- the Fri'ncb, , bivt'''.'fi,e dc :Vi Mhr.l en id-i r ; ' owiieeri' n-;' iht'if ;t.pir;j' m.rici'cr v in'tthich the v.-iiccis'could b- ltr ictable 1 waa hriaglfg bi foldL-rs with lii:.iieH o '' i ' tcr'to" the 'au;'e,""to advic'o:iv the- 'l eit i' - r 4tp.urB -of f'z:ng the camp ; that f l'x. naun'.towntic preiumi'M me pi-in'-i ni, and ihc aiorc'cltVc'bj'aliy to onhgvtVlx . fdtdiers, the'rii'iyner advifcri him tfj prac." ' eife bp the pri vales and'hoh-coKimifiioof d' ' 1 rncVrs nf tht- 'Roman CaibVic rerfu.i!:On. I . . : j L 1 .I i t ' i' -I ' I .' beiiij thofctriolt likely to tuinu-tnemielves - g:.CT.r:;l"tn;tt'f r;d in" t'yjbli,i lor" t wo Ti:Trs. haikT-A t his 'enTeHv ti.e e ii-r ;. res ti-lil Idm tl-at all w.fir (oij.s v. ere oujp'cti'ly '".i't.i..i.ed, ,;w tiH'ir c.ip!'.iinb aid iKij'iUii.t.s ca.ied ti...y v.iln'g iovrtl.e, names wbuli ' him. and did not fcruple to cenfure the meafurcs of j;overiiment ;' -but .denied tha'c he ever faid he would confider it laudable , to "be 1 the King's' executioner himfelt, .if 'ho one rife would 'undertake1 it. lie formerly . belonged to the Somerfetlhirc regimentof -Eiiginh militia, and to the South Middle- -fex buppkmental, and aflijned as a rea fon tor, quitting the' former,' trit he was ;tf liifi'd Wave of ablence to come to Ire1 laitd-on'maicrlal bnfi.jef. - ' Cai taiiiCribborn, ot the King's county : militia, coi'iobiH.i.'ed the part of capta'in Armltrinig'fc.tcftiinoiiy .tihich referred to r r--- r '. jio piTmj.. hiiu yrZ' -vent them' as much as -pi lli' ilc from uniting theirjbrces. Let whatever" mont yem cannot deroq to fiht iiijr for .'your couii. try, be pafled in learning how to fighVfdr it, or preparing" t he,, means -'of - wan: for war,""waf doue uiit oceiipyv,'ererymindi and every h.-r.d In; Ireland, 'uptil its long opprefle,! foil, ba purged of all its ene mies! i . : .-, f .Vengeance, I; iflxdien, vengeance pn- I - a'gjricvfcd'. 'Does hot recollect any more VI lilt WI1VVIIMW '.""f ' 'Mt, L.r'.v:!. i-TouMfva. to procure :', as Ihewn mrothe nbiary, wnere John Mief'res wav iu converfition vjih ; wIkti .. witni.fs,ivas oij-.g avyay, he (ohn Shearesj g-ivc hi:n a witc of intrdd,.ttion to a ,cr-jc-mt Cr.r.iror"Ot his regime:!!, informing Con'ior. that he -(the wn.'.efs) vuy be t'n: fended bi. jr.'Lawiefs tlicn remarked, that the trees at Lehaunllown Camp" would be ,ivxtrcm.:iy convenient lor hanging peo. pic -on your Oppreflbri ! Remember what thou- ' ' fands ot your dearcfl friends have perlfhed " by their 'racrcilefs orders.'. VReracmber their burnings, their rai."ktnffs, their tdr- i tiirini?3.-,"tlieir milirarv -, ma ffrrM;j A.Kearney proved . that he met ' John : - .th'eir lcal murdeh" Remember Orr l"" ' bkares at a meeting ortnited Irilhmen, i ' Evidence was then called . to 'prove ,;in Verburgh itreet, where accounts of,,' .men, and arms were invctig.itbig, and j where it appeare'd, by' an' indorfemcnt on '! , a paper in his pnleiTmiy that ihere were 8300 men, a grc.1t part fuppHe'd to be. organized and armed frrn different dif.! tricts in tlfeFun'ty ' of, Dublin in their oaule. which was. done 1 A; appointment to meet on tlie following hun ''"" day j'"on whiclfjtuj;.he went to the1 pfif;; ' ' ' ' 'oners' boufc at Bajffo.t ftre;t, whet'c the ; elder of the brothers only- was ,at homey --'iii'ati a're'jefitiorH-f part' of the converwti. . .':.:.oakel41aftinterriewVUhJphatthenwithl his' brother' Henry :; who tola him that he Hinder il6od his brother' and he on the for rncrday had a conyerfation'and rfpolo . ' xizrd for hot beinq prefent, as he was 0- a r j -i oiigea to atteno a commute 01 gcnuenicn "L""r.-who. were then fitting. " lie alked him, aa & to the ftate of the regiment thci fit nation of tliec,aoip,"the.number-of trropsand' . where it was, molt vulnerable ; Diked mm l ,tt to thepoffibility of taking it by form, ' .Cf by treachery, uling..thc cruntcilign., .; . Recollects nothing more until John Shcares ..'.-8rrmeQ vrhb afieed him, in the prefencc r of his .brother, if he knew' any. United 4- ?; nlhmcn ? faid that he, the witnefs, could ; 1 .ftiaUgood men . of ifcc foldiers ; witnefs Alrermm " Alexander .Irnnfrl ; th -r AVirnefs beirg alkad as to the nature j found the tolldwW-nrprlamatioi or ma. el 1 he duty, to .which le was. appointed, .. ni.efto, written in the atfeft-ition of a ftiie " replied, he- was to have erected a Itapdard ) ' peculiar to the French of that defcriptiorr, nw.v.w iv jviiiv-vi vi v, an uiui.c wiio -k in iVir. cneare.s s nouie, in a itnaa writing were pievioufly known to be United Irilh b.dx'unlokcd'jn the ftrcct parlour. Thia nien,'n'one elfe being allow ed the option " piiclfmation was apparently, dcfitriit.d rto' vjunijj iu j . v, i n;ive ocen piioinnca and circutated thro - out the kingdom in the-event cf-the 'ex., -pccti.d fiKcds of the Rebel 3rms.-vv - " Irishmen! Your country isfreeand ynu.are abuut to b? avenged, '1 hat vile. Government,-VrlSefl has fo long and fo cruelly cyprelTi'il -you is ho more.": Sonic ' of its inotl attro-Jous menrters have alrca. ' -dy paid the forieit of .their lives', and the .reft. ?JJf in Cur hand:,"1 The" National fld.g', ,-rtlw fa'cfed green j rat this moment fly- ing.prtr the-ruins of defpotifm ;lnd that". Capital, which a few .hours pall Jwit-" rolled the debauchery, the plots and' crimes ' of ypur'TyrantF, is nowv the Cjtad;l of Triumph, Patriotifm and Virtue ! "Arife, ' 'then, United 8ons-cf Ireland ;7arife, like .' a great and powerful People, determined tOjli vc free, or die. ' Arm yourfclvcs byw; ryery means in your power, and ru(h like ,l,ions on your foes. ' , Confider, that.- tor every encmyou dfann, ypu arm a friend, and thusbecome doubly, powerful. In .the caufe of laberty, inaction is coward latisbictorily. , ' - ' , T Ponfonby and.Punkei optped' the tafeS .tor the two blaeares, at;d produced Tome ' ev-i.loKefor t! e purpofe of invalidating' 4 Armllror.g's teltimohy, butin vain j "indTevchl eviae'e were brought for', ward in fupport tf the Sheares,' characters. - Ai fix o'clo. k this merning, Lord Chief Jullice.Carleton thffreed the iurv.' wh.. i Rtired tor a. few m mines, and broorhtiir , 'n a, verdid G.UiLT.y. . - Gave him tiie-name of Pate Linnan, ai -; private in inc. regiment. An application "1 Wa therrnwrdc for"Thc5.nnclay tollowin?, 1 1 lernjiiliifX W4S 10 h.irc been introduced r to' mote friends., XVntlTy1i"e criatd-rrot . meet with Serjeant Corvnofj-to whem he' ha.b the ru.: of intr-Hdnt(?ion but met him - oriSatuid'iyj delivcred'the note to Con. por, and alked him if ho knew.--tile -men s '.named 'in it j believes Connor to.bT.ow.' in confi.icmejjt : calltd m,.0undayat-B.i. "got it rcct;" frund the el der" Mr. -Shea res at h cmc,i 0" w horn" 1 ic "coiri m uh tea ted ; w ha c : ' occuricd between Serjeant Connor and hi'rn :who did not know the man' mentioned in the; note -of introduction, at "which S. ck- preffed his furprize. Here II. S.stoJd the witnefs to be extremely cautious, for tlpt .his brother and he. efcaped fufpicion" bv ' their caution government bclieving'them . 'to be .inactive. rJ he younger bhcares .l.-'i J... ,1 ... - 1- iiicM iiicw. a .cucj ironi j;is poCKCtj -on which 'the- names of, three, cf his regiment . All TTnlfPf? T I ! (Vl m.ln U 1 1 n 1.. t... j. uin.w .iiuiiKoii lull ;dltl UCCll CA. ecuced in ircljpdyj'urlin.uto hisfentencc at the rffizos of Naas. Tl ere vas fo.Ti-' thing in the air and deportment of the man ""- Vwjiat he feimed, an.d wl j c under feVtence 'of death, not merely, an oiPer of mercy, urn large prumiiw or reward were made , i. ?? . a Pr eiL 9L oo1 flr.d a com." . hnttiva were ofleiecT,, jtiic would fay who ' he.rcaJly wr.n, tnW.wha't part.-of the kingdom he. came, imd w lvit we re'hii de-' Tigns.-Hc rcfillcU' rill thefe .temptations -nitli didaini krfi'Vd tit inighriiikeTdr'' nour he wculd, tell "them nothing he would' live and -die Capta'.n fearnought, md fo accordingly Ke met his fate 1- ..r-... -'f; "y . t npiIE fubferiber-will fell tor Tet, the,, t 'X . ftoreabdhoufehe at prefent occupies. .'. AVri.' IT. . ' Wrrt VPAM-V-. . ,i c a s'h. ; ' .Given for SnakiRoot, at the' Printing-; a . . Office. ,,...-'.'. I . - . . ' - ' . . ' , --'- ; 1 . .T r --' . r 1 ' - v-.'.- ... ! ..' v1' '' .'' 1. i'..: -1.' v: i