Lv;"'.,--..."- ;. -X-V.-L. 31' ':-?1 1 t 1 j "was brouUt to loiwio bva iftroiC .:k Ottmmix hail 4ticrmiitcU that' tt firit on ftiouid ictve tHflutt " chicvcmentf aftd that the icudor of his :r accclict fliauul ailonilhm be more, by " -reahij m iwniwijatelf ;altcr the iiie .port 01 tot difiiten they lUte 19 have ibeUrn hitn. , i I ';. .. -' :-;-;'.'iLx: ? ' V; y Bsforij the nature of the difpatt;he$ .re yciveil at the Iuuia Houfe was comruuni- ... tated t() ihe, PMblic, it w4tUateJ,that an ; ruy oi co,ootf 1 Arabi had pppoiea the - ;C?range. Party kart; 0Bcnairc been nixdr 1. 1-; rogiefi of the Vtepch geoerai nu-tgyt,.; any tfcteHfca nio wuu tmc ois or ent thoufaod. killed,; aaid to jhoufand jrt. bntt sl'hough thin report .Va ..'pott4 at i-loyd V paf,f .t0 "o , abiurd, that :we did aat 4iwk t u'eceflaTy; t6 ' de." iij our 'jtublicatioii to WerV'it on' Satur Aav and weihoai4 ot notice it now,, had Ir .atti tttway iota tiie .rjfcj A ox' wat evening. ' r ': - ..- ;' : Nothing btfrthe moit pcrlect.ignorauce luuiit.wfl .-Qt: Jh-gy t, j:ouiu, ave By the Lord Ueutcaant General, n& Gi- ' . 7--- ccrai v'ovctaor Dt Ireland. ; . i Whereas, it appeats'rhat daring Jthe late ihVaYi'jaTia,atl tr.'inhabitaot!i ; of the cobnty VfvJ .!yo,; and counties, adja.; : i 'ceni,luui jliMJ rench ibwes,anddi4 7 Wciyi . ivTHdic in'i rmV V.d amniar.u ionj .. Vrfit nwy 'be expedieot toaditjit 1; uch cbi!. tu'niercyi whoihafc btert ';nUi:rted thereto ti)rdtfinti'g nieiu .'Wijf''' Udo-hcrcoy piyiiitc itivijjcuy'ifardonl- ro my j n wiro luff-j oLiid; thar cneaiy pro'idtdt.hVvjfurieu4ei?;tef . or; to ' aiiYrpt AbiO'5iei' -fcnicefr tM;vry''uay".frott; the ilate haeoi,'' ; 1 798. ;..';' ' 'V 3y the lordXieutccart'i crrnrn;:nd, Spain, anda$ fent Vffy admiral lJm, farado, by-'ji Hag of ituee W the Briti; ouraJi'-Thtaia bei'ciy il indeedj ;X . JJy tlje exchange ot ptifonej-s . about to be caf ried irkocW; eojatry , will ; get back about 4000 good feanietv ' The kitten rcceived by Lady Nelfon; frpm Sj?J9Jjbte3 jW the tfr'th July from y rap nfe. Aii might naturally be efledj ther gallant :Adnairal exprelfe t;;e deepeft not baviiig been able to fall in with the French fleets vHeaddi a confident hoJ?e,.' however, . that he may yet have an opportunity of grappling with the Orient, the Frepcb,"droirai'i , (hip. Rir Ktrharti f!ar nivivl it - rnrallv fta!veria : jMQuoDur irwj enwng ycar. ; more priper -aii4r. ipejla'; tU6(jMEir canoot be -found fot t'fei3rtpbi$f mgi(l rttate of the city. -;;' t: 7"- I he repotti ot the fecret committee! ot Ucitilh, Houie otParliamentitoIwhich we took ovx'afion to call the parncular attention of oar readers form altogether , a claim bit he lcft patie gy r ic upon the vi- gilance aud vigour of Earl Camden's ad. mbiili ration in Ireland. .By the admifli. On and e vidence oi" the Rebels themfeive?, they were forced into action, before they - were prepared for it, and it was evident-" ' Jy the energy . 9! the government, thusju dicioufly directed, that tended to render f tnc iUi rrciiion ot tne reDemon jo eaiy.ana r r A mail trrivcd jruw Dubliii thioriv' rinJ, which' brought letter mvj.a ;o - "the , 1 cth i.jJU ' '1 ia:ir cbniuik arc ialeielt. inj liy Jetfers jfrom Conftahtinoplc of a ie-; gained a momeat's cre.lit tp- this itory. i.jlW;Ai:atj' havc.;no intercii ia olulruag ; . tlcpfe t'1-" French, artd tncir vaa- ' .5eYiniuidu's cciuid'do' no Hij'Jry to the ' ' army Buonaparte cpmmandsV it they Weie '.' '' iiiUincvi t j oppme it. ' ; v ;--- ' It is cqualty Vi Ucul6u to fuppofe that . .:BuonapartV AuUined much joi's in .taking - if jc towns of Kyfetta, Dumieaa and ". Ch-t The fortacacious ot ihcie places a re of the.m-.Mt iiTuni'Vcajvt ki4J,- and the . . Beys, and ihvir ; Mamlbuk, cau fcajcelyt --bc eVpeftedtd jiave jnaJe; ': iWy oi r. ; tlttance, V,': ' ' ,; Ji ''''-' '"-! : r ,: fli wm tiepcffry that Buumparre thould -have fiCu'red ttc poffeffippJof :,rig v"p ? ,7 be. ' i fore he proceeded lartlKr on Ins route to India,-in order tUt he in iv. prefer vc a : cominunicatimi with France. , ' . Clt U reported, that the,- CliicfBiy f $heck-inland ;ha joined the French,' aui' : frultratcd their ni n rch" to Sue where i$o." - naparte and his MrmyareiTid to have em f barked .oil the inh ot ibth'U' Auguii. " . :v ' ' . bejt, a. -, ' -: Sun OJue, half paft t, VV'M. : We ftVthe prcfs to announce that we . v learn troni :ii;ttbed authoruyi tltit , by -the aAnura.ty t-j.eiaiv tntUi'ni e liuS, ; jul been cunveyeil, of a Freocii papei of . ;(- ibe 1 5th buying been tjtis forenoon land-; ..ed at ljver, cuauiaiog the very gratis ' f) hi uloUation ot ail action having ta ken place betweed ad nirai Ncllpn and the liaMI)fJyturiou ;'"t-. - ceiii i;atic,.ahd whwkaaiouui in.: Ua ' t' dccilive. V Hadihe tebeis bee allowed to -fiiciai authority,' - it:"- keiu arum that J Wait their, own tune for'deelarinjr them- cpttcncti Mmleit.ii:l:i-.jms. liiuauou he. obfcraTion. It Is Luiulbfe to the duWio ccu:d neither advance, p . (.rcire-r, : waile 1 ciiaracter and ioiuiudt of carl Cainden to the f Arabs;; ere ;cpiicctcil ilmmejtiici.uni -ma'e rema rH Twh'it h -io1 ob v iouily :.f rife jbers with t) de.teriBratiM6uvKTIT Irbta TTe eikaininatiotiWnd evideace ot the ' lrilh trajtur , : " ' '1 ' The price of drugs and medicines im.' ; f- fcc1:d lp;tbe, time I trrtf reeolkc to havr feenM t acOTainteof trofStei ':'& (hW:omiV'WftH mv inteniion of o immediately bfingiug th frigatei to the J iM J vcloleftaaion pollible jvand oblcrvinnthe-i;.? Vcheertulneis with which it vraa 'rtcetved y : 'v I determined not to. lofe moment to pro v fit thereby 'and 'srngly.tpokittftil ding fails and firiUeefs ot the topfaUs,' itt oraer to lecarc the fidbtlns: of the Tower . ; battery, an4 hauled u towardt the trt v; : fates hich were tkerimr for the Lyons : -- navtng tecurea incweamcr.gagci wrc down op the enemy," who was Fornwng in a clofe order of battle' ori the larboard lin? of fteering : the thitd frigate from theyan il i.; i .Mi Ii -if "ovci wliciitt hiiM-lii'n. a icw . ot the ; map, anu auer a teifl'j eraxc coLliderauoa : pi alt c'trcumltaaces, we. are tircnthcnlk-d " - in out 'opinion that, the accouat ti iu nv pariehavij pollelinii ,pt.'-Or4ju,' ' j piro", inuu, P5 unJoundcd.. It is amatcii te.pi fao.yr.ijo. nitJc. through '-'" cbuiit'ry prcicntmg tpnuuitrablc . diuivuKies to an ; atmy, :aud more'parttca.irly7when ' th.;t. arny mud.-beharralied and befet Py luch Jlfj-r ni) rubers, v rCrr" Zf Ul'ttejamirai'ty have" received rio ac count of lir iiOratio Nelfoi. having failed "trom oy h-ci-.icjj bu the zbtn ot Juiy. . Extm.i f a tetter rum eapii E, Jirrjti nf- hu Mtij'jty'.tjbif ' if annuid,- J; - " Vanjgtiiird it Je;;, . pff.CaiidiaJuly'c), 1 ;rs. : Twia'-MaUtr from Dublin arrived-this.. pcrtcd tro.n the Levant, , &c have la. tely had a coohccrapieiiie n not lew tii-n iob per cent." on Tmany of the articles jMrticular-y c;unphor,-opiun), -'rhubarb, and cochineal. ' : ." ' ,. - '' ! "s Fioiii tHe newspapers of -Tburfday laft 1 "; ",; . ac Mid cvtruclnJ (he proceoli: of tiie- JJrillLrUacniiny vef jrdtherart tele 1 nietr cohtcoti .wprtiy pt nouce,. out 01 j -r : k! iatt lliijreUi PUgra by this inailthat ;'l whkit tv i r; .mdit inter? ft tlEriends of hu. 'V7WW)Vt M &?W-id rfr thetelioing ' v' !;;J ipiMtmirion. ;: Ouv radcs will fee with i -Vmi 'r in-J jM'd phiianiLropic ; rriea .J.'lur.Vol thr- l7or.rLi'cttenaut Uiit lucecf X-iklt1 -lef iYc ,l'o'.t ("."i1-11- tr&fpofi v?Vv. ir ?rr ot certain Vr;riedeaSav7Hwr-ofiirelaiH; WerietV the"AccW-ot Gibraltar pn the dtlTbi' Muy,.aaa arrived ol 'I' the 17th, on 1 ac 2ot h took 'a brig from bray rna ; on the iatne aight a naott trcmcn dous itorniarLae, in'wPic.hvVe catned'ai., , 'wa) all ou r top- jn.ilW," and toll ouv -tore maftj'which rendered usacompieic wreck 1 i-n the izd we arrived at Sari.iia aaJ rc.; fitted, and went to fca again To 4 .days ; on the 7th 01 Ju ic wer: joined by ten j'al of the line anU a 50 gun th--on the tb ; 7 looked'inttf Naples liay,. and coxmriunica- "ted with ir W; Hainhtun ,in-6 dayi irom 5iv-iiy "wfe arrived nt Aicxanirj, they had. heard the Freach' were coming, and Were Oetermbied to fepel them. Tire government vaf determiiied;.-miVuld they . lanugo bf $lt bjr cutting otf the head 'pi? ; thcjr conluisind all "that :- were : inV tile .French interelt and faid he wouid Jerve pis the fame, 'it wp "attempted to land any: r torcehe (aid tbit .. the .cffioer,';wc- fcdt-H ' on lliore-e Mre pow going Into bj racuuf ' to m uihj arm w,ncr, txK,-. . ,t -ff ."Admiral cllo'n.Taod theflect are 11 1 -in good heaVtli-'f, '1 he tQft iriarVed civilities continue toT paf beteeri the Spahifti . Admiral, aii-d 1011.' Vincent. I he letter trora cap- - ainMstily Dixoririivinj; an Jicount ot '! his ittioii v'ith the ljan-iiti.alil hi ' . Ctjr letter frm Ceptm'm "Dixtit, 4 pis majcjfjf 'ifi't ibt Ljttt, U tdmral tbt EtrifJ rintirt dated 1 arjett) th( J It is with the greateft pleafure I. have the hope r to intorm your iordlhlp, that ycfterdd' motnin ; at 9 Vclock, Cartha- i , gena beam y Ni 79 VV . ciitaot, 29 leagues, 1 had tlx good lortuuc 10 tali iu wuti a ifjuidrpii ot Span.lh Irigates) as jer mar. gm, and thai alter baying brought them , to clole.aCtion, about a" quarter jalt cle. ven o'clock, which laited with great warraihyli, ten minutes paft one, r. m. Iic euemy was totally dileated and put '.toj'ght, leaving the r Doruthea to her fate, hiving - Jioiiled an Englilh enfign withihe union downwards : and ail atiu fideied her m-thc greateft dilhefs, I loft hot a muipent in uKiiig poiicjiion, which was dojne in the lace of the , three re maining ftigates tuitant'ab-jot two miles Ion iny .weatheFbjow'. i ..V--;.-V,i; yr -vw;--It It. detailing the (iiirticularsof. the above Affair, have- to inform 'your' tdrdlhip, that at the hoar the ftigates wee dcicri. ed in "the tS.' . quarter; the Lyon was . ftcering raft .wwh n cowd oT fail, the wind moderate at b. and at 1 foon difcbvircd'by-'thir vres they were, enemies, I immediately I . cleared. (hip Jut action, which 'bcini, ef- j" ty t c . ' . - '"IT"1 - r$iQna$ tft nt and I f o mn, Ft, OtxiKUripbvi Kami Ma. mil, Laftatjyr., -s , . . - :ftfk)tudl rrayf(fyU;Vfir : ;';;;v: Vjj, CfljfidJot iuh ettiomevt D$ti Ptatn ')'K'tft'fimn. ?rypint 1 of 41 0 l-i'Jil2d BhI, capto'in. - ; zth. MUyhtfym. Canbaena the tb : -had loft her fore top noaft, . lt. iminediw a tely decor red tP me that rtheJ crippled: i... KCA Sn ntr A'V CraMt- general, action j fuppofing that a Srantatdv j-H Pi'U - (ttom the nobieneis otjiss cnaracterj wauww never with fo fuperior a torce, torfakc ; friend in diftrelli. In this 7 1 ibrfunatcly Tttaeekd: ahdft?erine fot, aridlciofm wrr tne cr ippsea intp,- wwen: was now become the ftcromoft in the line of batthfi the other three trigat ranked in fuccef ; fion and paflSrd the Lyon very gallantly-T ; within" mufquet ftipt i but . as their line, after tacking, Vas by no means a cJoft j one, they-each received a '-, well ; directed broadude from the I yon j the good ef icct of which was tery vifible by their", (landing a considerable time on that tack . 1 ftill continued to ftcer for the crippled (hip,- who, nearly failing as fail as the Ly on, galled her very confiderahly in the rigging by her ftcra eHaters. ' "J " ' 3 r ? ; ' T he three frieatea made a fecpnd clofc "? attempt, but not Co clofe as the former, ; 4- I j to fuppprt her, and were each tully repaid rXy'iii by an exchaaE of broadfides., At lenath " '' M we doled . witty the crippled (hip, and..: pcu:i$d ; e ' dftrctie-4e,t 4b. yard, r -arms being juft cleir of each other: Ibe neverthelcfs did not ftrike for fotne timi, . At this ario4 1 Wand' the Lyon totally un 1 , : governable, ' havlrvg all heir bracea, bow ; lings, clue garnets, Ac. fliot . away, tbe. i Tore fail nearly rendered ufelefs,: ar4Thd! j otner iaii mHcn rorn. ' . " v ... 1 The three frigates a third ' time made? -a diftant and feeole effort to protect and ' r "cover the diftrefied frigate bot in vain j diftance to do fo, and by great exerttona , T being unablcd tp'wtar round balthe Tsmc '-t--Zi id tacK wttn tne mirate tnatnao now ttruCK her colours, and fubftituted the Englilh ' enfign in its place, I Clofed with, and took poUefljonPi hfr as before related.; v were lying too, Ailly employed in repair. - (f ing tne rigging, Denaing new canvas, ana fecuring the prize in order to enable me, if ' pomble to go in purfuit ef tbe three ! frigates, which were making ofT clofe bjf f the wirid.r,'to' tBe: NvV.?.-; Z?$Xt7 ;" y. Now my- Iprdjic is witK the greateft and moft heartfelt pleafure to me, that" kthis fervicc has been effected with the pro - bable lofs of one poor man, who has had his thigh amputated as likewife Mr. Pa .tf.y, niidfliipmart, (lightly wounded in hc Uioulder ; this youth did notiquit his quiriL iif" ,ters in confequence of the wound, and was l ych. i v iromrft to tail particularly active. ,But-; myTord, there have been feveral miracu ' y JouTrecdveries in the Lyon, owing to the ' great aDiuty ana numane attenucn ot tno Surgeon, Mr. Yonng ;' 1 tberefore never del pair ot a man while-there tsiite;- - -I nis i'Ata ; to your lordlhip, that nothing could e-' Tr ceed the coot and collected, bravery ; and iiiiTi - vwv, a-ui isiv u jviviviivu va vtii1 iumi t iuui , a id the Lyon. 1 ha vethe Dorothea io tow, ; ; as (he has her- mueu.roatt and fore top- , y malt;carricd away , and. fails ; and rigingi cut to pieces, her: rudder and main matt rr ' much damaged, a! . well as on the accouct ? ,.f of the unticcedarv 'attendance of the Sur-' : georj to the relict of the wounded rrln in .liir board, the burreon bfthe Dorothea being I - an unexperienced man, and withour the fjf neceil-ry.tnltruments. -r- v vx'q : H?;'.- yl cart fictroVJord. but an imreriect ac Sf - .'if I couat of the killed on bdar-l the Jybwtiea -V - W. ,' I .3. I. '-, :.J.i-.,Jf.,.S.'l1 s,"' - :i -