.... -" ma, vxyi i v iv(. , be ;fji.K cherliiljuaHifteci v.if they areo. ; urncd lo fall m this molUlpriousUriiL? s 7 :'iWtouy, iriwf God knows, otjU ; , -as true Uberty and equality, Terrthoafand ;uierica.,-V,''';;'r;: ; . i - ' ) " ?c; fopterupt of aU fb tii 5Sii?f i::-- hefccryi-apj ofinjuaice, bv virtuous r t0ems. t Be not thefcourge of natu . .'- tin's.: the rvrant nfhit !.. lu- ' ' -V'- ? ".- W .aPF our bine. . - r -i factor, fiw defer vc' to rule our hearts. Iirit year ol Helvctjo Siavrr. , . " : . . r" 1 ' " ' ,'- r ; u.iiuii;.i near r i lis liritmT Frefidecit, Br t ttC&i i taj-zA riffiir' -u,, : ; "t w?v ,;- uw u"" -ivcnsor -Hie.ounw' r --.t"T:rrrr wood Mar? Ann; Aim v. Providence j r5 NOrthf: army. by .'XvkNCitRs.-' f'f -iUi fs ', the Ftft rear tf b ify CNVJ; N. (TaNDY TO tl! ; " What do I hear ? i Ijc Hritifo iMt is mdiniholy.to relate thedre?d." S-BLBlL I79 ".feVvl1. :IX.Mercur),,:; - . -vTOf ; .aP.pearW oirf t he iittls to wti T and lliaiid of ilmlantl. t'i, U-,u weifcot or ie.counryfDgscgal. a 7 Diace io uttfrlw not to e Refolded by a I1)g)e y0licleri ylZ "'ar-tncy were for. tliP mo(t: . narririfhtnen and anvi..,n rurs'. 1 niforrn tiqn concerning. the French ar. myIaadefatKilala;;:Nin t equal their dejcdiaa when tuY were . toldnot onlyhat the hble .; French- force. habeeu deitroxed or captured. .' bar tlfcti they had been, joined by com' -paratiyely very few pf the iriih-rebel - s' an was particularly deJ. jeaH.. 7 he Anacreon .vvas laden with : manyftand of arms to fupply rholV who" : - 'oul J jom thcTrcnch sry - jrhSffwU - was ihs caution or the rfr.-nr 7- u. , unrpepla tiiac as Ibon ' as -tlie French appeared they retired to the . njountains. 7 ; ; .... .' ; ?e"'- Tiy WdeoSnc'df bUt with ; lin eiucce s, tperiuade the fifhermen -of.Hutlandrihat he and his friends . c;,nie.-10 Oliver them from their orc - ;?'hg therr ifljed 1 wo1 mint" feaoes, m order to convey .'his inean- iug more explicitly to the inhabitants -I . ot Auil.iud ; thele.uian felloes, writtenv and nutearParis; h.id .httie or no Having made.no fnoC cbntidcr'able ' progreis m 'tl.c courfc of ouaday th ui' theieiiufc cf lorneJ fteep 4md lwinc,; - which Ihe Fiviuh fotin:J -'U n ,i ... r ; getWls Hey, ; Tandy and B'ucLvell; . paiiK-d th".n, rc-fiubarkedoriboaniof the Anacreon, oUt of which-not one : LnlandedGoodT way to tne : north call. ' - . . ; 1 Me he'bbiained copies of prodV ma tKjns ifiued ,t -a utland which' we noivjnlerttdr thff.amiif-ment of oi-r ' 1 i f.;-7 arc each headed by an . I'-rpi Atnnou.nrd by the Cap of U. berry, ; andjur njr the motto ofVrin ';..: Ui nii.'Liitfina loiuitry, who nasnu your cities walb, . and m:(ffacred iniVa ; mjneiy your bcir ciiilens-a ininiiier,. 4 the', bane bfLiooeyadt he -fcjuvgt i ofiuankindwbclio.d lriih8.cn, he hoU i in his hand the oli I his hand Ites totxa'afedTned-jvV' : poignard. x i o, Injbm ; hos oil, ihall .not' bel tl.ednpei of h;s, bale aiin aucuipts to leuuce you, leit nib tj . forts be v.ainv ; -; :. ' Horrid crimes hae been perpe. ' traced in ycurcointr; o:ry triends ; have tyieti a'TacriH'ce tDthe.rrevo(Vnr for. your csufe; jl heir tiint'ow,, are arDunaV'youv and cill ioad ior vctie '? . ..." ft is ; yo4t duty . to ' 'verge';' tfe '9 yrrddty :to' Itrike ,on theu blood cemented tl.ro.ics,; the Uui UNITED IU1SHMFAT. . . . tioa .liavi landed juityouV coalf, ' well- ; kinds,' - wuh - artilly worke I by ' p-tttvajuve-ipreaa-tcrror-araQimit-- . iu , twto in uie opu troops in Europe, fjridct.l lr,- Fiencii oHicer; ; they "tome' -v. ' fJt-yoaf fetters, ..arid reliore you ft. ti h!cmiiji of liberty. ' V 1 "J Viciorrtii ji're? Bra wt n!i ivi;!- r. r:: Srici id oni.-r J i vq ;lJrt tlioir bativ-? r. o'?;l ...... :.. - letlcrda.--arrived m iT.icV.,,; -4- "tirVayrto i ' 5-i,ijtc ' i iL, ' ,;r i - it i - rtrid rs ; h tmovc .Knao-Ps, ; Inter? , : s, Ikcy.l.bc.ll djngerv, prcter, had five Grand ctm8 of the- T HUftetvto tip'brci:okiI fcw&-. NVage a -tonnvf. exttrminatiw aa.r. V your:opprega w,b- of libcra gamit tyranny, and - lioei ty , fiiali tri. umph ! ' ; ; . . '- ' . - c :. ;' .;.v J. . tady."'; ; :t ouch is the atuhencic, detail of a cir , cuniicje which was. yeitcrday roaui ficd new inva 1 ion of 25, ooq nTe;:, "dedat-Killybepigsandfitabl - full poflefnbn of, the county of Done ; ;-;:- :; ; Blackwell, v-dio .'accpiiipauied Tn.i " ; dy.hi this expedition, is a pefir who' ; vas 'e time : ago' compelled' to " hy tlic counry of Clare for ledtious "prc X ;hc .cremy left with the pottninller t pf thu twn a cenihea e, of which tiit tUiovNinp'jtacopy. 7 ;' ;i uibr.d iflut-p. ittS-xf rruff tu- " liaving lnrird iruni onboard the A hereon (., -republic ;in: vellV! tJ,'0 T tof 11 tt I 'nnic o, i -K ut laVid rflaudrafid :: being iiryvant (rl," the tinie) vi acctim'. . modal sons, we were tfnder the jitcelfit)' -of putting ihccituyen j;0Jlmap tei ot th..t tovwi,or iiland,in rcquiiu;, and preventing him trom feuding off his packers ; we;ir the tame ti:;ie tlif : rhafged every obligation, and pVj fQr whatlpevcr we " took from the laid place. ?vl':- , ; ., .TA NIY. general of brigade, vyM.iduuer ot , uie ex. v. m. ; r. M. J ' . NTW.N. v. ; v"'lKr ' N. " N..E. ' V.'. ': N. (; N-. - ; io. 'r',- . rV X L periwis u':Vuxed to the fubferi-. , . ' her, a re requeued to cairaod ffttl LL TA v.tKuii ilmiriiVthWmoriiing in t lis city It broke out as" We lrWv iiY"iKHv,- room of rbe houle of ilfTJTTr X u m 1 ' 2 54 63 5 U;6;tremei)dauny;notithlrand.; :Vc lolfi'v vintr the active exertiofo.nt- r i 'S' ;- - :i .nd 'tiie iUv of lh FireKii-ii"Pc T- i' !' .f : ',' ' "r" "3,1'JJ ' I 4- f S ?l "iN . . : ZZ --.wa ,.,.xljir iles ;i urcell". the one oc nniWl l t;." Tu'Tv her; are requctted to calfW 2 2pJ2i?ffi -bVeirTaceountsbetorethei:rft:day-0f4aftui-tnehouiesof ivlcir .IrLhll n,;;.:. :wnivt Thof. ttor ni-:a 1- . , ' ; " c .f etqg"ts occup- l0 liS notice, may expect to find theft V jj ." j ..4jyUVir Jbpernd Mrl lime . accounts, in'tlie hands of an attorney;-: tS. ,) Fo. :u;ia;cly the. adjoining buildm to ' WILLIAM' HAWL . t ne:e was brick, and . covered w,th a ' v' ? T T ' r (Inte or pie. roof ; otherwif. : the wh,U.. 1 -- B, 'J" ilty of ltreet as far a ih Rri. X.XTrirr".wIrrei! , gone on tli;.t ldeand not - imp-oha-" b!v. on hnrh. . .' - :' - . . '' '' VVe are yl;td itb heajr Th'MeFLiS";' ' y -. 1 m & ,, jji ci iy gen eru 1 y n re v:- ABSALOM'S CONSPIRACY. : . ; a- . , . : S E RM O A', , ' , ; ff'v"v tleir.::itociofiwUery&c.H'p E N. E RA t it, LECTIO N, but we are. teai ful tiiar great 1 ,(s.us ? AtJi.AR.TfQab in the ftate oi Connecbcot, ' b-en futaincd bysi'oinebi tii.-fo- ulube lr ' ':My ioi, 1 798. v r houfes ' ave thui' unfortunate v leen - - - ; Bv AZEL BACKU, A. mV " ' PASTOR OF A CHURCH IN iiL-TH- "AN . ... .. . , , : r-W.iV, V i JL. rt. JJ. a O" " - ' ",t6 THE 1 " people of great. biutainI Bv R. Watson, , t ; -Lord Bishop of Landaff, Deditinn: With 6 other officer . - conlumecl. . 't hte.iinntef'on-the oppofue ,,v,,-a lULci ip unt wiicre the lire ... - ... , f . - , J , KUU I -od-wtfr indeed rrf:v,dt in -.11 .;f .V.-io. cqiiiinry :o every e.HDrctatioii -'Kni-U yf ticarn hcSsTikelv toThifain r.i .fi;,. able loisfroiii the iTpn, i -". tjoods,.&c. Irom his, lumber houle and 1 ' c u e. are r ot; enabled to -.irrord a more accurate iirmnn . . ? 1 -"vuui ait HHS .time, nor are. we able to fay whether ihiofortunate cataitropher ; HA L I f A x7Dcc." , BANK OF PENNSvr v a t 1 fill ; - 'J he public- will learn with pic afurc that the- robbers of this bank have been deteedjand. that the;'; whole fum 1 rg " t0O 'dollars. CeYCCHtcA al ..rcdto its proprietors. One cne of the porters belonging to the 'bank" VI! ' r ' , ,V hdhas;fi,,M-died-oft&k Xr lllbY'VCB rrclean,inen and ccttort- ousbufinefs. On the death of the Iv,r1.r V , r kJ l)4vkrt lrQffice ,r at ErJ viden, it.feero uii kin de. and 'wa " ' 7"qf 'A". V - '.';vA.!N:--:"7VS::.'; ORATION . ' 'T- "DELIVERED ON THE1". - FOURTH 'of JULY, 1798, -At. St. Paul's Church . . BEFORE THE Y O il N G M E N , ' : ; :' of the-- ... CtTr of New. York, . AlTembled to commemorate their Natioil- al Independence. ' By John We lis, Efq. ' ' " For fale at the ftore of r' ' J. C OSBORN, itrCe. i . ii j 1 1 n . S ."?M. a was detedtrd byjhc ft vie in whfVl, 1 wir.y Ms coach and pair, pretended to his acqunmta:.ces that Indiam.m had sr. ; rived at New-York.'.on '.buard of which he had a venture ro 8'co.ifidtrable amount . .and by .the largerefs- of the depoiits which he. had made 111 fore of- the banks, fie hasn.ce maJc his cfcape. . - , ' ::rB6h-0N November; a iKL j,;.'1, "'.Conaitution frigate, . Captain 'C'WifonraiTiKd 'lierTrdh::Sa1uHiay evening lair. "She iinderitiid; , to ren'air JST PUBLISHED V Ait j for faU at th'n Office, -T Tut NORTH-CAROLINA ' r TAIANACK, For, the year of our Lord, 1 q . 'j A M b R I C A N lNDEPENDENCE.2 Ltl Being the Rafter Leap ;Year- Calculated tor ihe Meridian of Newbern . , 3J.lg.4rJMw.-North-Lit; i D-V 6i xVi.n. Long, Weft from PhiJadelphiaV . hisdajispubliOicd ." ... A -. ; . -J COMPLETE ' ' ' SYSTEM " OF ' N K.W B E R NT Prcember $ -7 ; ; The Hconb'W-A Er. , ivchofw .speaker of Ki '' : j r lCr n'C Speaker c '-.v. .v.iucrj oecret3ry or btate, m ihe room of James GlaVow, Efd who has refi-yned, " S , 6 1 v .. "" "uiaaiion lor' tne ctnce of Covcrnnrilnr ro..u r. -r- The Third Seflion' of 'xr.r.u yrEr .T?: . ' .. grefs of the Unittd ' v.u. r: , AS H, PiuJadclphia on ,e Vrhtin J ' v.., r7''' t .... : ' Y . .... I . 1