'sS.Ti; 227- i:-2''2'ji2:2:' ;v--?V S-V"'-'-;''-'.'.!;'!'.!. ' 2::2B tail &ra$& JlLit TjLtTLanbW .:. 2 f..-i , ot th cnc$ ot tne crocoaiicj wui pui obviate thfe VtOpenr itaac cccaie Jtf'l , : Captain "Gardner, the wncr of the , ;;Kir:'PcrerMice,Vsit;r m lime vnth Dr,; Logan.;-ne ic m : !? putetl.tcWy to the IntiueBcc of the; 4 ';iV:-lthat the direa6i7,W deter; 1 Verrurei'tO theQnikd aes, ?nd k .ti a ina pinrui HU ill l .. u w wmv w svf France; theanfwer ol our gu-; hii arfWal the Whole tenor ot - their; rrtlKIt barked imtiiedmtly; w th Mr, G . w. the United rates;, . V: ;;.:;; v .. 1 ' A far 'as we can truft our recollec tjcvi the above u the tubftamce ot-4he tnnltiv rweriipii m te coffee ho life be- . tVeea tapitam ;Gardner JcyeVaJ i.r,tln-iiVof this citv ; It is, howev; r atteropunj to nucleate the . veracity, ' " or iptUOfisTel ;captaih Gardner; is, we thiok;i4ntenued tO:rittoprel&f a - 4 orotic opinwn with i egrd to the ori: :rkm and refult of the-LocW roiliion ' v r xr.J ''fh are nointi. which in a teweek$v9r'4ays; will- probacy t ips. to o ro i wu,r "yv " f,-T o -. lvStic : Lot Ko. 6j, ncarthe CourtJ oafc r,f ( y f tKlevihff France;;': after leading us ' tnrpiign tne tyrannous . VritfTniiatWn. and iurTennc us to be" bounpwn under the lafti or farij totliult lias at iau icu . u w iut w! tf honourpnd;iifeiy' From this path; ; no lpgancap divert Us-r-no faction cafl drive us." v hile at the helm itands uiv ;moved as Atla$," and as. unchangeable, John Ad ams, Prefident of the United States, a man born for the critu in wh.ch proysdvnee has placed him -jand; "UeWed td tl;e talvatign of hu country? mucU aTojeTtcahat of Wc irael-; it'es- From thi SPECTATOR. IVf I J) . wards this couutf.y and allturopcareje. --. t -f rnVrY States, and noornn raftionj Fotrthly, Their 'not bewg-prcE, .lr.Vt ftrik- the blow which they hare ? taiion that we may be tempted to relax in preparations for defence, and offer! them a better opportunity to ltrike with effect, " whenever they (halt get England off their ; bands, und a free paffagc for an invding . fleet and atmy. , He.ice this plaufible nd decptious language v from;: the double France with ail' her bbafting is weak. She has fprcad herfeff oyer a ; lurtace ' too , xtenfive.Sne- hasbecoire tittopwr- an uiiwieldly ColoiTus, and trembles like .. ; the Roman Empire, when threatened , by the ftifrnnmlinir nations ot- barbarians, Vwhich inondatedcr proyiacesY;andhaf,; tpnfcrt ner overtnrow. s c j taming 300 v v " . fcrft little broad f iver hKloing th tn of Racoon n? er. i-.' y :'-7iS? A.traflof Land In Mecklenburg toiw, ;ty,ccmtabing i 90 ac region bhogarecla . ty, containing 1 1 j vrc,-s , w... . TAtraftof Land in Craven; countyicpnxg taining 106 acres, lying on Norta fid I :f of Ncule river, between the woMth of cpf : i oer Broad creeK ana 0001c cicc. . Alibi One a cte of Land in the tOw, ' (hip of Saiifbttry. -' ;: - ; ' r, receive the tOLUST ELiTciD ation ry intereftihg vbjeti to the lUtefman, the Ainn wViich u e lhall content ourlelves and the ohiloi'ophcr. 'V by jemafkuig, ; that the arietl, rat. The wiiSon ot ir. J-ogan, tne agent . IWlwU , v VSVf '- . "T f - . td affemble irt the prt pf Brcft the navlei 1 of Spain and HoflxnJ. Thtf the con: ,juetortt)l Italy aw coropwica ja ice oiot;., "ort aTrrttfc' in their nitivcnorts Iter impotent couecttonot troops on ncr:, 1 . toes : nao on.wncn ne wwj ay. RAN-away irorn the fub&riber on the -;v 'T 5th Septernber lafta'ncgro fellow named jl M, about' 1 win ty or tytfcty. - y,, 'c.yearsofage- Ji v e teetltx' or ieven.it ; -J chei high, black, frnooth Ikin, touAd lce, - and of a pleafio'g ; counwnaijce, fooiethingl f , " bo w.leked, aM well .frt, be has, remark. aDlciong leet, wim conuvwxaui v 5' : ran.! tne a cent 1 ... .. a.j i? p.-u I .iuv u;-;w WtW: 'a wait DVA cuiai"e' .7" " . r , . I . 7 ... a ... v- , T " . I -coau, - inucau -or, cany unc r-vu wuv- 1 ujuc.it-nc k ,rr'r Cut tbe-embargo on American veueis,-il0f, a . r a ... ... .t , - . .VRtU' 1 hie narif r. was. dated 1 1 Tiiere was never unv doubt, anwuir men J - ,,, frtP-94 ,UVaftatinn v - . i : AL.. .utrii rm 1 1" 'iinhtical intelligence thatm wto w .il . f L- . . v. - W:"b"V L : 1 tnhi-a hv the friends of the trench eo. .-c-- n- aSl. (:i;,A J , ... ' r," T. ;l V1UIIUI i'UUW. .;,MV, MH - t; Drowinn rhr find .if the eiiVov 'was; on: tue - aoth or ai l ot (hat mnth. '1 he Pa ris' edit' rV after auuouncing hivarrival, Uytf the brave Lcah dined with the Prefident ofthe. Directory i ycller. " day :and Jbme us-after,. " Mr.. i;,jran is noi ihe envoy of the United States but tne Vnvby ; of :jlK)ie itates.; fau.nrsblc to the. French interelt m A rftvki-'Ihe DcV did 4iot,-arnve. px I runce uniil fcvtt al days afier the palhwgot'th'e fciieit. ; ' ' "vtry attcnipt to violate or lelien 'the fovtreigtrauthority ought t to be ' co.'Klereda hollite to the liberties and ' iiukpe .t'ence of America. If Dotto; I cean u acted as tl-e deputed miliior.. . Sry oiA.tct ot ; o en iii 4iic ...,vv. tta'.V "'M ttngm their, iuuh,-. CIt,kavom Od to'revive the mortal - aitu r .,-rm ('o lmiof aiiaicJv : a -iO.v li-n ,in our loitry-welic 1V.' will u.ecV. with every ipecif ot muiyation' trom ' Ameviccns, wt ic i lucli o dutt muu' '.'. ratttfy excite v If wc;v:iiu to.et.ter ; ' Vriie t t cXrtWcc otcior l;berteaiKl ! ' v of our cunfiiuition, v, e nuiii rally rvcl the da dard 'of our.g'cn:ineiu, and oi ' ouk '''(SovKRNMk'Ni aioiie.v,' .' " - Cajt. GarJiicr Hiys, he Jlrmly ;be-, Jieves, that;moi e than fi'-r l!t lllC : prf (en t Frfncl'i council w 500, h . poled of owners; or purtuvvonotpri tvateers ! What a precious, let of Wgt 1; Tlu re bad been nd aivbentkaccoun' cf Buonaparte. 1 be report vefj.cct - ;" W his arrival at Alexandra were ge. - ' nerally dilcredittd and every thing i'c: , v: ectng the expedition mvolvtd in tbudsanddartnelsv ' T Keiate Itoble .afpeiYof, thr d'rec; - their fevere and tyrannical roeafurcs towr ards this country would prove the ruia of their party and influence and thatthey rauli lower heir tone and jurlue their plw ; with more artifice ad addrefs. X 1 he infidious decree ref petting their; priyateers, which appa rent lyjhianjos the. nir irtM committed ;on our commerce, and 1 xM .1. tv rants, tvhrt ari npriXii.- dirM ti Wd in-il r ot .4'- I r A . f Kf.r. ranfcl will, fierve to unriddle . Sfllnns. is the fruit probably zan's miffion a decree which in no reipect but is maniteltiy intended as a inare,' to deceive our people "with the appearance of juixice auv V- . A . r. r 1 nave oeen ueciarea nuu uy wiu fy item ; thus turmming weinnmi ercM Werefs. - But the Jaj u pajf. - America ..,..1, upiinnnsap-amilour own povcrn I . . 1 uriw in Ki Willi ih - p- 1' I ' 1CC8 IlCl UWII iwu- vivmii v 7 Was ; ibrmerly the property of Tbom. v A reward of TWKLVE DOLLARS lock op the mouths cf her rivers, and.im-C: given to anf perfon,if faidfeUo V priibn the principal part of the peftilciitiai 4 Tis taken up within the coanty, and brpshi ; : forces which lh: is waiting, with impa- ' to the Aibfcriber in( Nnvbern ) and it tai -ti'cace, to difgorge from hex harbcuri,' iten up out of the IcoiiiityVenty Iol ucr ciiwnnuus. tuufiai :'pj'- - 1 ; tars win : fxd frbw carrying hiin away, and all pei4. ; -ions from ha rbbu ring or employing did . . j fellow, underrineHaltyJsiJIiea hrm;nn& e.utrv diiv lefi . formidable to her eriemles: and 'terrible only to. ani ex- siauftcd-tr-al'ury,: to the peopie w 1pm it Ait thefe caufes will ferve to unriddle the enigmai prefer. ted by. the fpinx of the : French Directory.1- -yhrTr-- , The fame prieft (eems to with devoutly Tor a reftoration of the two treaties which have been declared null by the wifdom of uent, and inducing Our "mchkntto fend . . .ruperty abroad, unprotefted. ; . W ith firunar v iews was the embargo ta ke;) froaVAmc rican vcneU iu French ports'.. Ar4 yvt.at .Wc have. 'more 'to crc..u is, ft kuc ; inud.io'u propufi t"iou lor an accoroo (ijit iiiti of ou r d 1 tic tenceft.'. It is faicl,, v ith 'wgi.udencc,' that a miniftcr is fent loc'tfits. parpplc'i We have to expect, ' thai , be Twet ilrawji into anv perpetual alliances, in fu ture. We are done forever with guaran. ; tees of French poffeffions, and everykindn of "connexion which may tend to dragAvas into French, wars, or .Jjenchi projccls 'The chaim, thank heaven 1 is now diffoL ' Ve'd ; and when the Executive thinks pro.. , per ro treat, let it be tle w(h aiid prayer :m evutv Am. rican. tnat ncr new trca. parpoie.- ,!c,"-lr 'w -r..v;, jot every -Aiv rican, inat ncr new irca Twet'ic.ciiijninji f .the' .'ireibrjr,; ttr be vt Jimitcd-duration aiid contdin. ; .oi our pr'nlt'ipal itUmmatt, foinc propoii. principle" ihat winVntiige us tci tilce a , "tionsr appatcrttly.Iair and-- eqo'itable,- and; part in diiputes of the politics of the na. -u ,. in ; ome reiDects. Droiniunir rrai advantages to the United states, will be i'raoVd and offered to our go vernment, a the batot peace and V' good. undenlanJ ; 1 1 lur intn,Ut 102. OUCH fiuiviuwiii w .uivuuvu to;'urenthea the French party in our. COttiitrv'palf allourtnoatures ofdefenfe, and retard -a rupture between; thetWo couairies, until trance man nave mure; ieifuie and fovrce to Jia'aif to us a cKaiigc , m.sni'i meafiircs. ' ' :.- ' ' v . N We are to expeft fuch policy oh the part , p i ' y .V..K vMjrr.fnpnf . : Kfailfi; if ic ' ot, tne .r.rciM.M 6w.v.....T...,. , . precnely tne inouc oy w.uuh luuvggvcrn- rorv. has at 'rait operatcu v5iy : . '2::, nn fomeof.their aRentsv i alley, .w nun T " r-;v v. m.ent has itludtd the ruiers'f other .nati-J ons'i which' thej memt VrJ-aiui ,For cialiteeh, months paft we have been t inns of Europe.' Let as bklV. above all rhl itrs. the acts of ihelaft Coherefs 'T.iey . ;ha vx.cut o the hop of taitiou clubs - r they have, raifed barriciS againft the in. furreftiens ; of vice" and fgnDrance, ilie reV 'forms 'of plundcrcrsribe theories or aiue" itts, andthcismtiiuiions ot "out. lavVs. r ley havcjnjlhjjrtprepstei'the way : tor thcgreatell, and bdy ptrrtcal " bid-; tig this country; ft wd iu iwsa o, tne cx : . t rpation or fupprliiin oi Jacobinifm, and till off- all , winmanicatjon' between this -,tfaaniry'And;i?ai's;thc .tmmenfe' rcVcVyo'" Viid native- fpring of all - imnoraliiy, -coriaptioi, wickedhefs, ail raituodiaed .duuljcirvv. :-.- . : ' a.,'- .Let the- people- of the' United Sufes, thank Qodior their tfcape from Krenui. Hgcats and thofe harpies that were rea- T" OBERT lohnftoh returns his thanka I JLV to thofe 'Ladies ; and Geotlemea of Newbern, Br their pait fayptirs,..and a he intends to let Out for iNew. lorsc m m few days, he will fell the remainder; of hi- 4 muflina at firft'eoft, for ready money Pr naval ftores. a t his Jlore on the vld ioub- ty wharf.; '-. . . ... l.i; .. v - -;v Kwtmber : ' ;;;'. .4. i; ; .; RAN wav i oi the 28th oltill negrf" ! iclfow named TOM, . ar twenty-; e'.etu.veai of aire, five feet, eiht or icn finches .lHg!i,;: has bit his 'cyeVlcetb. - V Ha 'was. .btnifh't of Mr. ThoVas Satter- r field, of EdVo ton, andfais ; fiftefia. IWindfor : he is wdikqown ta Iwtft. tnotcr ' places) - ' :';iV', r. -; , TWENTY DpLLARS revrard will'be paid on delivery of him to' mc; or TJSN - DOLLARS, for fecuring him, IV that I jret him :again;;; Ll..:-.-.: :.;!:. . -:C;.. SHADRAC COLLINS. ( ;. ;N. B. Matters of veffels are fonvarned ;'ro:nVarryiughLra away, and 4di j erfoni fro.B harlx)urir.g, or carrying him away, under the pcualty:of the.law, ;. .... ; 1 BUSH & LIPSEV, Taylors & HahiM axirs," r 1 AV K orenea a inoptn v-ravenurerfc , i.;l at the h nearlv oimout 4 V Great Natiphusin Its condua towards limcs ,he danger from their . diplomatic onrermnentr humbled: -vAeletterof.Lon;p '....-...'..tf...hio,nMi innnenonit '1 their armies. , . nis we, 01 imuj -f r f viewy as it tnds tb'prove by- his owi- Wd of iiiourhf 'that he aantaiy vent -"U "the ablJ.nraable 'errand wh;cb . wis r..r ' jci.l LTlis e nballV. take K Hi . i (iiipl ay of impudence, ioy.. , rrircanluH Jnly in heexposure - and. punitoentrof tlieaopnd b:s, cur lained cor!fcderattr Mcanwble.: the ; adminillrution; v. ldih that uPr .ght and 2. ' ;:r;;t'RENftb; J: ,i V,. COMMUNICATION. r. ;' r" U.Ykewi a hope ft! jr'Antrica utm,( a oat riot ot the weftern countryt ; wheri he read tbc firft fpeech of the Prefi." ..t relative to tne conduct or r ranee towardthe -United Statesrt:What will. that patriot now lay when he has read the : letters 01 - huejkhu . rii- wv..,. . which he will find , the itroogeft plfiblc ii?ioniv"' govYrnmeW and ' independence t - and pray that-ipprochitig Gbogrcfs, I r.u'..- ik: .ir.inm amlS firmnrf fnuai iu ' I III J ylllv T " M'" " I hottfc-'' oS M r. JgnlttM'Maw itehe fitru of Ujc Gotdh Ea- bUJL.irifrai fiitbarinfr thtm With ""fe ihrlr ruArti. mav (ioend on being ferved : . with attention, difpytcL.and oniafona. - j O'he French general M Donald at Rome, -geancegam that luonaparte is defeated, would be fc. dition 1 1 They ha ye pothbly palled the ) ('.rr.lau in Vraiwe. to ktreo the difastcf . .. . . 1 ; ! ..ffj - tne piHHde.rrojaisuaivw wv'$ vwn L tne worwi. 0TIC1? miVeTMagrtf ;yen conntyV:;hat T will offrChjr- 4 :i ... ' Ot all kiads foi fale auhis.Cflice, 'Sv ' rielfaTnexr court t'octhe'ofiactof. SherirT, i 10r,Ia'id couiuy'T - 2, - "- . r?-- SfJ V T. A W B O t K S 'r Cam given for them at the PriutngOCIce v , ;;c-uiji:n.j,;s:;a uFdl iaie aVtKc itore cLt - : j C. OSBORH A: Cf f: .: ' ' .'-;-:-.'' '-.r .."-V z'-" 1 ;'' '; . -' ' '- 2- - . lr'- ' , . r- !

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