y- .1; ) HleTpont with C(juaIla;;jiift.iW: (( j .dln iir jciufii; the -Porte vvl I'nited States of America, V Nort h-Carolina DiftricW j7:.' Wlowrjiirxd, TOM, -bQttt: twenty f 3';. r4.it.cr hem If casaf ietttiy-rcmreu. ci ,wc 7HRR!iAv F. .X. Martin, one of ;ht vcirs ol ac, -five "it, tight cr' ten T !, ir ; ; It i; now gencra'.ly Smhtcd, that Bao- Court,; has ttrubit'c'4 hs Ubcl, ea thebe:. ' - H was bought of Mr. ?I oomai Sattcr-c B 9 S T O N, Nov. Trr.ri'-ir! hi m i. ire tit'tr.c Aiiieators ana lu-t ct JSiyna rq; Kend lc Wonc of the lea; 1 1 c-n hi Kjcnton, anu nas a. uuer in lit, ; . t- ' - 7 W "" r rt tm " .it a ... . .' '.i' '.jj.il ' K 4 titc TmKUiatilt5i'H:drjjjn ugauvlt; 1 a ijiivt-f ,3 .ecu lc . in rnuny; feia- pruvr t'it)irto:tMrihfOugiv the Pcri.i lift - AicorsUi t 1 lit at-cou.iii ti tra vc.ii rs, . ... . -1 . ' -t . -. . . I . J ' Nile, Vand wccd j.is tri'por; in? gut oe . fi i !i v'i w rt.i v i'g-.'i ib;!. -lnat-vdV tb'' rc- :,it"vpKlu i.iud; itfore engine to -itvetKU Vpt '1 tisrr.iode of travv'lHr wouiii ie i-'-,.V uicrconvifx!iotfs lbr hi f t?i) ;. would -;.'" ia:; ihrouih; a tiicuwi)f '.,,' .yi-lv. :" w6.uU'JippXyr;iiiA-V.'' ::Vevery .' u.?.g. '"if:fr n:'ke 'tic Slowing joiictouir jc-? fat it tt'vui Mori t tc;S4-t to f r U tft I it j:- r(aikbtg.:; tt liisr nuiisi:: rigging, p JTVVfiNTX. DDLl.AESj;cward will be TP3. rt4 Sftiftw M og. forta tiut the V pald on delivefy 6 birA to 'me T'ot TEJJ vivas brTh&i cniK:divdarin2 heriia'lt nOLLAKS far lecuririgrhim, fb'that -I SHADRAC COLONS, Jtiguft. 1 1-'" Z- : ' ; -: rrr-. ' - ' -CJC B7 Matlc( of ffetnfoTWTtfeAT jqsftfnai or farrj uig hini w)' ' C. penalty of thi law.- '. r ' v eyacra rr Hilt iJwe iwtfSnlwi'-pra r that the laid brig, -tnay'lie con. "dctiiiicd aud (old, t la ti sty and dilcharge : ..las'ciaimatutefaid. r ;i-trt -rf'-ff? "7;- Notice Vs Ticreby gj ventp the owheTSr .r ,uv-ii. Jiiilgc'ol"iiiUfted::ate$i the; dn-:. tfi:v.arorciittJat -iilcjc'-iDiil 1:141".?.? J t o ho 1 1? i d : a j jlie - Coii r t j Hou le "ui N.e wy tarri, on tl.c". tixd M nday ,ln Janua ry nvxt tHc-i and t Heir to ihcv caufe, it L) l.inr. ;, . .. ,:;J" : ' '': . . '- .'. ' ' ; . . " FRANCIS HAVKS, Cik. tain V. Farnirrsl. .'TK"::' k in-t) " '' (lay vthcyf opprciicd y; tncu', laocu, aiia dcpnycdoi every tJbiug'.iike.cOiUtUiur. v t titoai tbcity ; ihtir J object cphupit; U ibeir policy 'Piuiider, aire wiiquaUtcd r: from our Kuybyi, andjAY WK QptLY " .MOU'i HS OF UU1; CANN6N,x;i jjej fmefi aTesito)' the injuries (btjhfrve I attic itir "and a wiHi toxcpaTr,theia,;tfcv 'ccra iiationai ppd, 'imffpIac4.4iuV'jj;6ntt'i I h i uw ;h , , :. vi:.iv'ta.. . .. ........... . LeJlIbvM ; he ni'.in 'march tht LLak'j ot U,eN;lc bv t!;.Ta:e oi ti" ;tes oi Vlgy pt . xrln8 ,'ij'V inter, ihc'.-uiv. v S'. 4o'CReif is noi atceod;? i villi ;i't,u:iu; liitV ,ly thiri.lch tra'rcheravc'.'to' apt re-; -lrxtut by VnC'lin'i;i 'troops, thpv ;ifc ,oivr, cro'ed ijtcy.UKr vare to n..ve. a I f4f5"cf'-r v ;adr..nd jojra r ry W'a te r .' r i.i, 'cartlk't y-ijvr,.9ria -ikins; r.uic.i ayciif- Ij.Xl.rjutoe-V -i tlfoui hiCQi v.vnicrri ' tr.' X '10 r-' ' tht .route' Bcpina p.1rte ': ' i . : .tit-ivj :) 4ii y a.i y a ni a j;ei . . 1 1 xj r i : i j : by liindli wrh ? p Ion j",fHit IFi muchj HAL'.'xacre praiUcaMiv: '1 he hoic tijthe.H.fi- S-' . ci tion of tuo Hcd Sea,' to the extent oi jW; lcyuf V ubicn is coiuulcea as, pstJus,, W:uSd be avoxeq. . Not only, wouul he fk ' Kirtiielf efcape usro,anCsJ but likewife the7 ' - Vcilcls wtich & expectsto meet him vvbuld i " " : avoid the rilk oi'tlje roya je, bath r going ' , .'. aiidretumin?. ' , ' " Iri a ik ien.t tLr.fi.CofF. ir was the grand :r tic pot, of. t ie coimnerce tf India, ami the point of: cOmtiuntcattCfW between burepe -var'.dfiW-' 'I he atte.npt oVtbe.;ti.iaueror . Ci It dy ;s in every way lu'i-udous j but j Upcii ibc VhoIe, the mqjeAviiicb we have tiithicd out feetns to be;; in every retuefi as praicable, i.tid 4u many reurabiC, to. that cf croiliii the J)e:ei t from Cairo to ;-K y t rcf rt j te w Cra ven'cun iy, if c!;:t ), "t:iftt t.K ' lubA,'riber'.' 'executor to .vi! a id te.tauicntj'quit at i )j"cc ui dvj Jc iii p:ii I l "Crlfv.ett count ""C' t Ail" per tons, who have aayjilaLiijiainll: r . .... : . . i. i - - LL pcrfons indebted to the ber. a jc; reuueited to call and fettle i their accounts bet ore the firft day of Janu- ary next.-Thole that neglect to attcua; JojcVii notice, may ekpetto find their accounts in the hands of an attorney. : WILLIAM HAWLEY. NFfi Irhavefor well made' I'ork Barrets; - ; dernce in the vaior yi our citueu and bur." rciources.' Si t'h j.. t- laco oi lid.dicc-4 fed 'are rccj rfted.ld cjc.hibii tiieh) to tite fubicribcr, within i!ic iirotr Jintte'd''by'-laW ' oihecWilV j'lisyf "vtti, u i.irre4 lro;n a recotiry. X THEREAS'uiy :mfcMza!till,htf VV ' abfeonded and left ray bed and; boa rd without my know ledgeThislis tlSrcfore to iafcrai thofe whom it way Lxoncc4uiftiuliwiil rwtpay4anyldebt&v of bcr. contracting -xtraaofji JettefreM - ;;: ; ; 27, 179a. , "1:... y , Although lord ,6i. Viiritsltjllconr ; tinuca otr this bay, yc(ee Americativc fe (Venter aimoit every uay, and thU' br Lrrninjluaito ; trtairitiiatahe rrcncri are very much at aloil what courier to iteer with eipecT to jficmsij' there ha ve, been iuiiancet 'ajii)fcixyfk$faf- oMiaquuy Deingmodiacdii; favour 9! th AttieriCanpnzeb,Jo WILLIAM PAXTON, Dftmhet 5 , iU AMt to the l5" wUfand t'eftar ' ej t. t iVwnarro v; oiI TRii vX- Mc;nd.y of Fcje'uao' nex:;-, tviij- lv;'"foid ;3t the.bVu.? tu 'iich' je'f.ireriyv. jived,, rir.e trsct uirianil on thc.puih fide of jSiat- -.'Tajna:v'.vt Jau . watntcrabo'dt arty CiO., w ith iicic i.nf)rovc.t.c;ii - . , -..',. Ai'thc f,iuc blue MUi be iod, a negro 111.U and ilo'.koj CJttt'.C.. . . ' . ix raont? i credit v ill-be. given, and txmJj wiiii fecurity rroaircJ. . , . -KOiiriiiV 5PAlvIUW,;Ex;r. ABS ALOM'r CON SPIR AY r S .E 'R m o at; TEACHED ATTHl g'E N E R 'A L EX ii CT t O N, ; ' At d 1 ai;t i' 011 i. iu the ilate ofXcnncdiitut, " -I- My io, 1 79G; ; . ' ; Kr AZlVL bAtKbi, A. tliiefAiiwriil any other. "1 pray 'to. heaven 'that the pt;ui ; of America roay" ;,;cver ixe'iajc ; in, iui porting the iirmneli oKthcirTsrdveriuT nientjirucnojw. it ia had to raik tiiflh A.nirWan thaia'cicrv in tiic ey es of: poor lirnbled uro"pe. ;Vet I am convmccoi.irom good authority that the French itill build lome hope oa a reviving party m Ainetica, ' aijd; M. PASTOR OF A CiiVRCH IN BET1L :NCr.CE'I.S'E;v : ' j v 'O ( all hoin it ., ay couccra, i .$h.tt ; . jatntk AVhijticId, late cf tl.is county irdca;fioUA.atc," and'that li.c fpbfcriber.. qualified as aOauniflraVriv to his ettatc at- jtnuus flavin aii tidiins; agair.ir faid eitate, arc rejueiledto exhtbit thcni to the fubicriber withlhthc time limited by law,, othcrwife they will tc tore cver barred from a rccoverv. ! : RACHEL V fil l FlLLD, Adm'x. December J c. ' . . AN :.: ' ' : A D Jy . R ESS"' ".'V '' ' ' ' TO TitE '"' .-' '"' PEOPLE o?. GREAT.BRITAIN , Bv R. Watson, Luao iJtsucp of Lakpaif- that I 0'. 'rW ft. 7 . - -. - J.: Iy AIS! ' awii'y from the fubicri!)er,ori die V 1 itii ol ' J'anc last, ;f litfro ieilow Tflied VET KK, about Wt"r vejrs'tiraijei. five feet tea Jt ":cveu inches high, itout. inaae, and jsJoit lorpeot fits upper teeth.;. ; h? ibraieily lieioiiged.to-'Goveruor.Caf VVhitet of Kiriitoo, aAd ii v;cM known : in tbat keighbourhood y he has a- wile at CliriiVopler Law fen's,; in Duplin county, and has frequently Ijccn feen about that . place, and on. his way to the neighbour- . toed r Kw.tou, hiK-e he went oil. The above, rwird will be paid to any perfoo," . w ho will br ir.g binv to me, or lotlge him vKUJiiiK j;.JJO Koticc is hertby stven, TO all whom it may conccr'r., that W.lham Lawrence, juri. who Aasai., miniUratbr ot Edward "Strnffsn; 'decealed," , .is dead, and thai the ublcriber quiliried at December fellioas ot Craven tfou.ity, as": aunnnuiraior ae oonn upn 01 lata bJvoard,. AH terfons having any claim ainft the eitate of faid Eninmri $im;fin, are 're-"' q.ieuea 10 exniou rueiij 10 ine luoicrioer vithin time limited by law, other. wue tney win do lorever Durrea ir:rl recovery. . , . . . . FRANCIS LOW THORP, ' " ' Adiif r de ionit not Btcem&tr if. A..N '-t o r a n o n, ' "'T-; d til VERED ON THE " ; FOUR Hi oi, JDLY,-79, - -At St. Paul's Church -t .- J" ' B KVRir THE . i Y O UNO M E.N : ;.'; ClTV OF NEW-YORK, , AtTcmbled to commemorate their. Natio ; v .;'. al Independence. . ; By John Wells, Efq. ;; 1 For fale at the ftore of . ''. . , J. C. OoBORN, i- Co. . " C A S H . V '. ',. L. Will be given forclean linen and cotton R A G S, At the PrtnttngjOice, or at Mr, Ejwtrd '.-., Kean't ftore JrisT published. . ' Aiulfo rfnle at th'n Office, Thk'NORTH-CAROLINA - ANACK are very luduuneus in f preaiu repoiij ' 1 -here to that effect- iNay, the verv loaxnlW- ; inihilter ia Paris, hai7 jtilt intofmed 's his govcri-inent here, that the directory had' received certain information train AaierU', ca, of the Freocfc faction ha ving recover, ed their fupcriority, the' probability, of which 1 have liprnialiy and poUtively de nied. T lofbear mentioning, my ownful. uicioas concerning my fource ot this-pre- tended inteiligenctf. .It ; is well Eiowrt . that the lniaiuous l)gan, aud the weak, 'ungrateful. Kofciulko, have arrived iia Paris. There are two things which I find to be continual objecTs of niillakc' amon the Europeans in their oplnionsand judir- t - jucn 1 01 t mencan unairs-rrry, zaey ne- ver knew how to appraciate the true A- merican intcrejt lo that it is aimoft inapof- ';..;" " fible to make rthem undcrltand that A rTnericainay refift French, without fubmiu - ting to Engiim influence V Sec$nJljt They are almoll incapable of forming a juft idea of the kindof gratitude which; America owes to Fiance on accoun t of her au1ttanc in the late war. On thefc tw6 topics have always found it difficult or impoHible. to argue my opponents into ieonvictoa , without excepting many. u.ea of talents j and underltapding in other refpefts. fJut r e ... -i 1 ' tne 'pint 01 enquiry wn.cn is now gene--. . '. rally awakened rtipeiticg American af- - fairs will loon place things in their tm ' : light i. '.:. :;: . ;",';' " ':::.',, ,.-'; : . At prefent it is fuppofed tfiat the ber of the grand nation will begin defceuding, : the hill oi capricious ton ui.ev ' He is, by -, all accounts in a vefy delperale fituatioa at pfefeht with his army who are couir-. -ua"lly harraffed by the -natives and mull ndw.be tu want of every thine without: DONNEL. eusucJcojatJi-JJeCT-lOf-- - NOTICE IS 11EREBY GIVEN, 1 T'AT.on the; 1 8th of December inft; A at the late dwell big bttufe i,( Jofenh joirtn, ttcccalfii, - wiiia-.c loJcr, at ux i-icDttco is hereby given, HRO ii!l whom it may concern, that JL William lit nuiti late of Cravencoun- ty, is dead in:eilate,-4and that the fub. f.ribcr ouahfied as adminiltratof tohis eilate at December felTvona of Cra ven couh. tv. ' -. ,. ; ;. ; --All pcrfons having any claims agai'nft CA .i'jt: ?i I. rjiYn '1-rt.t tf AuV!U!. ' to the tttbicnbei within the time limited a by law, oiherwife they will be burred trom a r$ covcry. ; . . FR A NCIS tLO.WTHORP, Adnv'r.' , -For the year of our LordnQo : ' Aid'i'.AiA 1 r 1 c a n lNDEPEfpENCE,2 5-24." j hopes t commuiViatio.rvitli the' nioilvcc f 9 J b'ivi A4j cuj. - . t counisy. Calculated tor trie Meridjan ot N e w b e r n, ' 35 PcK t Min. North Lat.' i Deg. 61 ' ' , M jh.' Long; Weft from Philadelphia.: ' n wi cr.iitr au. ' This day is publiftied " " And farjsle at thVtrtnthg.Qjce, ' COMPLETE SYSTEM ' .'"' , or FARRIERY Biontlut cmiit, el;e perifnable propcr-ty of December ,tc ... vM-r...-.,u.vvm 1U UC.I ...... V. ... :A jk ujiu uwai, inv "itiucj i)c ion 7tl to.rhe cftaT- 6f Jofrph Palmer deceaTed.' " win lto uircw, ai riny wrovermilwrior 1 . . . ' . . - tne term i 4c ycar- Aiio,--thc whole, : oc the. one third part. of the Manner plan--' ' tation, with the improvemcntsconfiitin? 01 a gooq icr or rams,. c. wracn will be fold or !?aled fox a teno of ycari. JiJk .4 Ojieii or fingle copy.: ier 1. ..: .uriry required. ' :-- - .....j- t-joMAS HYMAN3dr.: . ' -;' Ubal'pf itarcbf bii Wife, ri-v-- ;,Ko - t. t . c T :icrfns. whom It may' concern,' 1' th Fl.a yfe left a few Notei and ; Acc'cunts JIT i)c hands vi jofefj) hkuteiht v :" -f ?filiTn,Bt, iind i i&' them to call and'e -ke ltp lirciV KctPSjand fettle their accounts',- .j..r.ihcy.i;H.lt. Ik lettled by law. ' ARMY-England. Plan of Li r afiou A few copies of it 'fnjL rCvT ale at, the" Printing-Ofrice. " '"'. ; ' (Price 1$ CcHtt.J ;( December. 15. WILLIAM BRYAN. CURRANTS V For fale at the ftore of ; ' ' J. C. OSBORN, A Co. - c ; ash iisi JOHN MORGAN. Of all kinds for fc.lc "at,this Office." Given, for. Snake RooTat the Printing.' .; " .'."- l; Office. 'V ' '' ;. N E VV.Y-O kK,:AW.t,7. ....' , The hand of God ppjars 10 have bee aimoft roiraculcutily o gaged in the im portant and decifneviaury obtained by, the firitiih over the Fier.vh fleets in Ro- fetta bay. ;; Had the action , fcepn fought - ia theopen OcceqiTiis i deft r oft ion -would have been no mnle veil by an inferior ' forie but that 1 i tail 7A. ihe Jiuc and two; , ; frigates Ihould anchor it. a tlose bayx ' al long lidc of a, fleet, ,vc:.rr;vin i6z guii and 2440 meii.more'lVan'themfcIve, aud ; oiimpktcly capture ot c'lrjlfoy almofi ihe f whore, is a circumi.ct unpariillelcd ia -: the nav'aTKiftcry ot the wocldr It, I a ticlory . wjtiicli will Vatt "the Fameof the gallant commandeVAo Vve ry cbrrr "of 1 f e J earth, and, rank '-the runic of NELbON, ipcrhaps admiral jord Nils !J ,higlitit in ' the annals of Btitilli VffIor--tf. . i dJ Gaz, ' : .' :"' -.v'V-" ' . :.':, . AUjpttf lateft at) v kh from Europ, coa-" -' 'firm (the former account!, that the French -government wihti "ty bujjri good jerm i:r with thc ;Uinted bVw.. JThc' friemWf " America in Jfancc,, alVdgeV in vindica .tion of ' tlic leizurc "cl America tnc!s 7 ,fXL.".J-

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