4:- 4,.- rZ fc-nguai cotfl ijcfptfly; t i tliciil u4ii ''W that the. Freai jtferamj'u; d ;s n it ' .; . jfor its own fake; S'jch is the Jeii3r of.:l v.ntn iciwycu iron iidinoargji' cf th4jio:vbwfc?Q the ' Sritiroand French 'fleets-, inthe'nuuth of. the Nile, is received ;in tDiauicript frbni on b;4 f HcUterl . ; v:IrU, admiral Jcrvis.. . . :l" :y'- ::Jf rait.tr. ? t -.nys. aiiea iro.n wtuzi i ; vends, amon wnont were inc urii:a ? v. a --- . . 1 i . ; .. i ' -I. 1 f Siv ibjj f-c iie'hxrs:.-G.adi thli inioJi-wair iouht at the ainiiji of 'the ;vN'i' on ,th is a c-ircjiu.(infc. to. 02 jUttc4i tUXC tard to Adis; rica.i tT-bj:.t hi "cifdct ot V "V Change ot'Eiiyos tu Fraace, ;' tor iailancj 4 turaed. will itoa ot dii'erc ii'arrujgac, tTsr$fiuvt$ amverr wt; the iq aauroo! un- ik r i rc or aery o t rcii r auii i ra I a r iiuraiia lsclukaigh't brthUith', 3 a1mbi;iiijnai v: ; litfri&f'tikir'lhipb -faketi and blown up', as.fbliV'::-: intifif rtiore tHiA ..vi ftraicr -vthah the BritiQv.A4it6hthefitWtfi ijfi wnich' they; fojhtv The:; French 5 prcfiiraed theiFttation, codlly aiul delibcf a 1 7 be;t .adapted tor fecarity which the place yyujiM iiiHua.T i ne unuui naa nu qtner Way of at jackinv themV ciia tiy ' ru;i 'it;V : Uohe, '.. probi) i 'uiuier; e e if : i t oa V e;C ' iejjcCjV in t the - bellvjhaiihcr thev touidt Ad nit 1 1 vngy illicit t ot : raoit prc6a ooeraiion,v .vu.sjii isniore apparent loan 'teaiis farU .iuua.;tv6 any thiii2,-s ; ,4t'-e effect exciairvvifeginpiaU iieaturesHta-A:!' .Ji our. iOTrJulii ie VVifjturrt .- -tt itie iaill Sv hica : tbe j t j,n.is, ;i j ixi i- -;.t educed ei?.if, havt i-t:rifi' '':, 1. . . - M e'm ORAN DUM. nitKtion tyn:k place in lipieua Byvt- attitude dcfchic'c": vx!--' ' . Oj-.e oi tiitf mouihs of Lihe ;-i ilc, . with', thej irr.i ii; (e ccLi w. ti.e ie44ia thiji the Cnio- av iiivn junto; luiiateiy 'goX On (hpic)' and V. iu.J ltcrn aiicuors... ' -'fhe F'reyw-i) go ij war . wTi i ihe-U- r n-T - tr -t - : : '. .s-fc ? joeiJrlovv'thiis Ainenca is Ioit, ua: i - ; Vet i t . - J iitiliUes. wiii iniiifc Fxani.ttiiii lime as inuch a they will the Uuited States, " , 4 nc r cuyiji miuw iuis -vy a.-a ic . ye' ouu f,tiie xea4i of any materia annoy aace-itoxii '.i ri'icneb',; pwekr-We.Couht -.'thercipre,--"- while ,wet treat -their lgovern ,.t with : iJuUiec:tu yield no one natioiu , iu to , 'rytheirintriacorrnenaees; .-. ' , Conj?Umeut per, totot,''9:du'gaJlaia TARS . A inetpber-oi thcCoLHjcilof Five Hun- 1 (dred in public convcr fat ion wjth a general . oificer, oolcrved,, "We ikailiheW- to- the :. wbrtd, -eucraily, . xlz conteat-; .with V ; which wc behold every effort at 'the ur '', ,'? principled raobic of America, by aa : i'ai. : ' ' mediaie Jeciaration oi war.'' .. 'jJz ;Nubt . replied the General, you x :"' are correct 1.1 aay compa ra ti.ve vie vv of the ; ' .ilrerigih or the armies ui' the two nation..; " iiut u tliii fe.to be a war of fj:culaiion 4bjily)and TOvhin ':'?z jug to meet ihe be .y, , ., on; honor and .... iattrci's, of which we ha v$: already a'plciw-' 'ttful itocic, will it r.otjic'.hch .to hur.ib.e ; 'thc Brinlh marine beioie ive torce 40'. or io,Q09 Tars as ferocious a t!iow v ii.ir ;ilia.VtJ,:tp arm agatntt us, 0.1 .a.i cv.su;.lc ' where wc' have heretotore'eut no fag u re in " 2 competition but with the Endllv a.onc i .Tnc.ahf.vcr produced ,a ihrag anJ a , j rBnonkey-Iike Uare,' fuiHicntiy ltitHcant to 1 ho. e who uiiJerltand 1 rench. v-r'" The mauiy fortitude, patW.nVaiid.-.uf. banity dUeovered,by thc7Uci ican Envoys ". ""' to "France, hare, excited the adimratwn, and applause of all Europe. "1 heir whole-cou-" luct is. the subject of j anegy riv i 1 ail the , paper vo hav.v: met vvt;i. Ljp tontralteu . with iKe'triiiging, &urTgtiCitin-.'uta.uaoi - 'asiiiraed by the ambassadors irom the moil . !' jxwerfurkihgdoms ..or.- Jiurop;j'-ai:d. with ivliniuc of favU.lUtcd'in the difpatches to. , . j -JLrd r.t, V'triCCBt V .. -j ' aiKi&ionjpartc. ianiied w 11 h only a ilcw y c:gui tucuia.iu mco,iwo lututana mfipg been tut to pieces ou anatiiurpt to l;.nu at. Alexandria, hcremey-. i-XjxciVil a paHive 4' reception. ; Kc'iail'Uifpa'ichei fUiediitf -1 tic on ly-la ppf-cr fJuofi.i j'f c c ou JoTgeTw ere'-. 3l iitue rice a.id water, orougfii to'-istm on . tsaieibby the Arabs.-- Uut'u.a; tf;c T'uikb "were" taking thritfrc', uo:..Miy lO-Cul-o-i". tiiii iuccuiKi; tJi to mafck agaiatl hi;fi. The fltt'- 01 'the i iaioteuu, v he'rjhe ' ll;ip toy-N Ure, aitcuipied 10 lave ihcb&Ivcs ' oiiinorc bat,, were -aii cuito4tccckv V j i.e L'Oricnj'k -ycup.e wee in p.iu Je4;rvcJin the ianit nKun.vi, aud bio.vii unty it tew" cicapcO, tii.fcp liiio.tLe. wucts to .arvcT 'ine t k ii u ii.ee t, at the ti:i.eof the ac - t ton, . likdjQafy'.; v.Cuay,' & piatv u)h on bi.ird. r vv c iurtur caru-t;.. ir. . 1 ac,ni iw- cauie paucngtr , m uie iLi iica aim-.; who w fcb tavoR'4 bAiiiraljc;tfiViitmieijLkHb4f .t'aoilhe'. briii CojiwiiiaiMi 7t-;.vt bundajalt? 7-;iagtf$ 4o.:tni lotio.Tf t walfd of C.pe11etry, Ipok.the Unteirrj 1 ist&ittHty ct jyjf ikraldt hiving tu . ; to;iv.aiiv tive' iyio.itv- uraa uj.pp.Tjr-wtrrr ( iatio:-311 on a'ehii!tf the that thv t wo. French IfupsL'OrlehlCahU' r "wards btj'bo Fr'h'pciiatobh 1 qa -Timoicoh ble w iir o;.i tr.e Srit ilu)', Ihtl -'b t WcC f'GaJjac 'Out aXlipC fi aUiceiiicb were-coly,b1ie;:fliip uf the, lu tlvy ;untlrcib: ic ar? f. interwrr-anam MM? m- toper io r, by a - tbrce equal, to a hilt t-iiteirigate. ? . ? ? . :.4 xrtct-..KV ;- It kjiowh thaf hi a , action, Frigates 1 01.. very eouuaera j;e auvania'jy Hi w.cfi4&ftiflff-theuab theff ovnftcct,.a5 in atfackK the enebiy j ''wiiichjhcy are, often e u jicu to do wit'ri great iutcct---Hcte again the Frerwiv"jjoj- . m-wnicn u can be taken." taei rc&ai.w : numbers and force, av.we.li a's'iij vioiungerrc adaiitages;- cijjbyei,;'a't-.;Auqueltoj.'Ue preierefice 'Iliis p rtic r eiice Was ft ill ?morc proirut. -cdby the"arure f.ti-ei-agfih?iU,-i'wh'iCiv: rpi.it it out of thewerorfHcfiignih miral to a jf'aitftiinfci'f bilhC' f.iji.ur iioi.' flints which iJritnh oiftcets asViTeameh uii-Jtloubtedly- poilefs-over the ; preiearehc vme r rcotn an sue viatiau 01 tiiC . ciu gractf of.adeicat, that tne Wind ra'yiru'rc4 tl.eir tbe, a.id that uiany circdnlilances 'p'reveiiteo; the whole energy of toeir iLet .; trom a&ruitiau nothing ot'the kind can obtain ; they wcr taken (w ufc theriuil) oh their ovn gtoiina.. ; 'i'hey contend, ; that a ngh.ec tney. are equ'.rl to any,', aid in pumt of bravery,- faperibr to every .nation on the . earth. ';ktli as eaef.r'ij.aikl bravery as foidiejb were iicrexuny wanting; Their ihips were. flUiiO.nai-y .as. bu'acfi'ti oppofcij 10 each -otricr.;'JS'&..' maaoiu v ring tb brcalv tliC"' JjMxrfor gaiiv aay.or the jn-.Htaierabie -ad-: ' A'a:itag-s which a Britim ikei in the open " 'ica," taiwaj's-qualified to lecure to it. "f he French fought gullautly; fay their ;ffieuds,- wluch ia aptvaieiJ-t iro.li the lu. . the cliietai paiiiCuiars aopvc- i,ciui6KcU,' " niataiojicot i4.e ti'ni ions weie deirioxeu,: having probrtbij, ran .i.paie bay-oi Jscicua r .into ihatiow water, uu that nothing certain . had transpired to unravel! the. taturt pajea' of Buoiwpartc,, whether l.b meant to icttie down in h.gyp:, or wlietlier Ic.cuit Lis with, kii eyes on ineUitia;)tlh;irc-of VJat-gatorc'. - tits lituction'ai belt, auiKi.A d :i:?U huj.-c, .. I icls 1 li armed ihips captufe-.l or C.dtru"'- - co, tranipoi ts oJockeo up, h.y retreat cu; i:,- ;jus piovutc-.us -nearly exaauueu, ana 4 iup v piy precarious", at leaft, if net onattaiivbic a above all p-reiied on every hdeby Louies,' ot Saricens, - too', but bar oui to 'be -wlikcb! upon even by French delulion. ' , The forebodings of tne invader rtiuil for cibly allure him, tiiat shedefpoiler bi'italy -and the conqueior of Kgypr, -will never be; ' united in the itias .man, -'"-.hd' 't.'iat he .fas, . 'iorttrnatcly..ir ine vvor;d, j crhaps, left the channel oi Kriuiu to itrrih oa the bjii.kV t-f thejNile. ; i . ' ' . l.uvimber 23. -"t .COMPAkti iv E Si .itEMF.NTr h Aiuinistrso iesScbrfituerablestatesivavcacT" ,0h7rSjr3heti(h orce in the ' '.: ia.esCeU in-all themetcenary and Lt-.fo-.Ciit . ? mon:b uf the fi-var Nile,1 tatted the Bap " 1 .tteniainis ot the i diieclury.' :lt : lui.vincrca.s- tf sxojctia. ' ' ' ' ' ".Cvi the cbbsibcratiun oi oar gov eminent -' -.'..it has led thoe icto-ari nujuiry into our .'Strength and resources, who .carce kneV " such'a' nation existcd-and haj; t ius far , '; jHOvcd bc.'icScial to 6ur);oufitry in Europe. Kkikci. x fhipcf . 120 guns and 1010 m.u. 3 do. of 80 is 240 .. "-. . 2400 9 do of 70; is 630 V; 6300 j ,-" 4 frigates' .'. j 06 . ; 1 100 ':.. 't A ;alrjcH-s expcxinient was mace Jiat :i .longhnce oh the scaneat Farii" Twelve - .iciV ciue red the water in orJcrsofbau. '- ;i ix, and wuh the aid ojaHnftchine, which tmoraa-j tho bjdjvlhe.aravciied the '' ' S. tlit rr.at ' f t r 1 1 v . A ! 1 1 r h.iv I,ir' - ti rawn up in platoon on' tne'oppofitc- banJv 2 tney rc-cntert'd the, river aiid n tJie middle 1 .l.bf itTcripa lit f of murquciy; well fuitaio ; d, aud charted with bayonets, tho' they Jiad 'under thlla iticait twetuy one feet of i .. watcr. llcfidci tlit weight of the men, this ' uacnme will cairy a burthcirTjf rive my T4'gf aimV'VhoW -tialung I ' 'H'lwTn-; v VVciubris x'itiicii Mangiua iju'tant gene ' aal, , w uh the miniiter vi the interior. 'BALTIMORF, Xwe btr .20. 1 1 fliipj, with 1 1 c6 guns, .. jo8 10 nirn. .- - Bkitish.; . " " ?i fiiipiof 74' guns, is 888 withjijomen.' . 1 lri,;atc ; 50 ."JV djio " ' 1 flobp .- 18 do. . 120 : OFFiClAli ACCOUNT. By the ic hbBnsr A ac r i ca capt a in Vibe rt Vfron) Cadk, y&)'h . thcclh.ial wccou it 14 fliips ar.nt with, 5 56 guns 7560 men Z ' .The ' 4-.i'.Wf;t lore, in ta Your of the' riFrenc.h,rwas,;J ihips mountings 236 guns",: 4250 men. Etuai'-.td ihtte 1 mips ft the' third rate of -thc-Fine fopfrior-to - ffi$ ; thrre irf the ehgagemsntrrll'rn.ide the 5 Frcxh in just more than oteJiMr't&tutiux ?- . Me ji allots Le GmlaumeTell IklJ 700 mtn ' I i kwever, t) be fejum ii .i bat fa nvtti m 'well manned as ether kit nek fotjt 0 "her rati ujualiy aret no'ttb 2o6'. jt J -The Brit'tjb bad tn all 13 tf tbe ivu-f -?Tbi rCulloden rvn -.ajUtre and vie- not ga$ed-lht MajeJiicjntfLtd her plf'fe jn tblil, a.'td tberef are- made o d'fteVeiten ; . (lat,ednf nvb;:b tie Qfcfti brv'Au Ultlc. .: " .,' " lj,s,..lJ-,:, -vm: woc h.-nongif t:ic:r'ehc ie s- rcadiiy-auwitied- Ckti lauiel trver "oraife b- ; ao-ved upon t'J:.cji, ill ino with double lulfre 0.1 tue brows ot their :conq,herorjj.v If ;- joiio Frenchmen, bravely hghtiftg, were i'uodued, by. 6500 .vhich fougiit witu ir.o.vdiitinguilhca bravery If thirtsen French fan or the ii:ie, gallauily, detend. - eJ, - 10ft cievcn of their nuiiib'er; and favci .0Vi',):t;Wiy:flghi'cisRtvr iu.crior veuoi4 atneir enemy who' poi-. lciled mM gallasiry ?-,-To whom is moil praiteto be ghen i t'iem or their ene-' Jics :l : Let the. fans-calotits either of ' , France or America, anf we r t he o ueftiou. Nay, let an'koneif maiianfwcr it' I Every : Ihip but one in the iiritiih iteet, took or u'euro) cd a ihip of ejaai or fupernr force '.tad. that o.i, we'fliai'l fuppo.e, put two ihips to ptg u;'-Wtiethcr did thcnebf; the otlier," cxhibt molt gsllr.ntry, bravefy and cjaJu:i.r A "Catt i; is. an eafy thinv to.uy, wiue.i h.s exhibited the grcitclt-' "'lO'jiis. . ,- ' 1 ; . . ' ' U poit the wh;;lc,thrbuirh theunc5:am: nc.A ... iuuk .!! 1.;..'. 1. ... . . . 1 tVie iiraiih :riiis,' never was tliere one that' mjre .beipake.thc hero in its commander. Amj.jg u.em.uiy cauie lb rejoice wi i h it aifOiOi u cbo ;overof K-ace , t.hc friiua 01 mankind, wcinuit regret that ihe herb vvffj conducted it, lias been," as we havti reaioa'to believe,;, feverelv . woui:ntrl,- ipanaed,:nd arcfitted'in ttebpillvpbrtil for the purpolof :Capturnjgv) Amcticanii $Vo?teaprtvW .ted (ut to cayntire ili Aricau Mduer!-? 4 r t ai.oaire T fljui thelrdeRjiis . were truf ra teoliy-1 nc mi r tea u at ? lie 1 s Tjieing -w cl t ? farmed, keeping ciolc together.' " ; .i 8th Oct''; lie r) a fecretv expedition' .'a;: - p rcpa r.ivT 1 1 hs ro xo.i a it or a 11a v al lei ee, and ijobo " fealoiied troops 't'i', ft he "fo.nca fit efpectlngrs tlerrtationWe rtf'f . variou but reiie"raiiy' fuppbfcd (agiin:V: -'Miiiorca. ?' 'Y.'Py"'r7'?-i':i'?: :?.:. iiHi? XjT' - 4 n oilac cqu rit il fro rrt the arrival of the Ad.niral Nelfon (:nce Mutinc trtg,J bbfcxpeCledllVe vl? ircrc me urn wma. 1 iic orium licet, it wai uiKierftboJ would nut into Candia fn' r'hr ' . i ' 111 rr r . NK W B K R N, 1 t c e m b E R 1 5 - " We. iwav. fee -What .'an indeitsdent 'Afov ' I "v.nttie""! renelFGoirninant alijw the ' f, t"b,r .of .Oi.ral .6'ruhe ; iifurd at A: -TheTrochimatiori favs that, in cofe qtict'icc of tjte toMiaidenund olUhe'Exei cutive. Directory t 'the King , cf rdinia." has pjbiiihed-a full a-id catj're(acjncfty -We icaln iurrher, that flo'ct'iKHry". wiil t-k? place witlv refpefVx the -late .'?, diilurt)ances'.'--!hat. V,H pric-cJihgS tt-Jp lative to opiaio.is or'puliucai TOr4Uvtar5y annulIcd"--and that taofc who vcrc profec tted, or dreaded prpfecut()n on tbefe 'jrroundi, "are tree to return "to PJedrnMiit. - i lie tpcaiung ot tins is toinviretiv reoei- - ojiiJtoifcnc iviiheir arii with better ef- 'r tea. ' . . r----?- ' v A citizen of )uih'-.Carb!tn:t' bus '.inyeti- ;: .Jed a Limp), upon 'a; conitravthinwhicb :i cocfuoics ra-i'ow and other at-'-iub(lance. '.' " in thc'qjitfiticr' of oil, without, proddcin! cfrenlive fnclls or f.ujke. ' Tho author ha -obtained a patent, for h'n ;Tnvcnt ion - !. ider the. na.-ne .ot-'li-ov& patent un Tamp." : His- Fxcelleney William Richard fa tya- ; vV, Efquire, is chbfcn Governor, of this itjtr. for thc enfuing year. f ': s: ' . The Honorable Alfred 'iUore, Eiqutre, ,., is chofen one of the judges oT the Superi- - orXIourts of this - ftatc, : in the room" of"' Juig? Stone, chjfen a meumciheJI6ircL of Representatives of the United States. ; S'sf-beH llanu;t Eiquire, is apjioir.ti ' SheritF of Craven county, in the room of ohn'Spncc7 W cl Efq.a pjoih ted M ? r - -yf ftial of the United States for thir Dbtrivt. : wound, wc ii.idcrft;inJ,:was in t;.e While we are in fuiVcnfe refir. i hi ; head. ting hi uanger, ol tne Jroipectot.hisjc.r ;coyerycver) bicait nrult he.jr vith anx. ety tor his luc, 1 Wc , have however, the coniora t ion "of kiibwiiig, that- if he - labs, he laiiv aj cvcty-l.tyieltniaii; would ' Willi; adviing new ilunotk io l is- beloved coutli v.. . ; . , ",-.." r'-rr : i n r j x a; r 7 r v r ""-:,.". . ???L e n't VITi' 0.V; i . ; --.',' 'Viji Sloop Polly, BowciV Jcw. Port r ... ;' - ' ! J cii'r. Polly, Chwi- New: York r:. iV Brig N. Carolina, WeltV iiirbatocs. , - l METEOROLOGICAL. DIARY. ; ' . ; DECEtABEit, i 79.'.--. . N O R F C L'K. iXWr . :' Vclterviay . crrivtd litie "tie fchocher wallow,-eapt. Logan, lin "diHrifsl 1 8 ays uoin v-ape riancpts. in nex came laifcugeis Mr. jacob'hlaycr, Conful of - trie United btatcs for that place,' accom. panicd by a 1 icuch gentleman, "who, uc i hav-e rcafoh to beueve is Hie bearer of tm; :p2rt,!Ld tfaarch.es irau Gencfiil 'Fbuill'.iinv' io the L.ycJtiye Oi tnis country.. ?, Wc" icatn by litis aj rival (liat every thlcfi-was "tranquil th!ouvhoutthc iUat)d-fiijd tltit ;". ' .1... .i. . ... '. ' . crops core a i ci) ya. mnmg appcariOC, rJTvicroury.' : , ------ M.UI. ar. ev. V 58 "69 65 io?. 57 5-3 r49 59 SS Winds. A. M. P I Veathcr- ?'z':- S.;J.. Clean ": ;N.- -K. -' .dj, ', .' N. E. 5. hi. . ;v S..."N.- , . , that William KoiplM IS hereby. givc i'r that "A late r; j ot Craven county, i3 dead, iid tkif'-''1. the fubfcrUie.-) Adnimiuratrix tuUfsKatc, , t, qualified at December fcKions of" Craven V; touiiiv . r. 1 Yeiterthiv alio "arrived thcrAnrricrirt Eiixabtlif itwi hh$Y' lit? Gjr H vAllpcrfoTH who have ary Claus fganft'J 'the cftate of (aid ueteafrd, arOcque&iF J rtivcxhiln t i hem 1 o ti c fbblc ribc r'i w 1 hui;$,l : th t i m- tmirtdd b v Jxia'i' ui he r vwfe ihey f " will be barrrdTroiu'si rtcorervv.'t.'tli I r- . . t

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