:YY -Ik-- nr - 'yA'YYJ'"Y4 '!Y i- .a-XY-A-M- ,;-V"-'- " '.'V?-- w-.r . . ' - " " "-! fy-iY f j' -i V" J 1 ' ! COVR ora E s s ohnhenry; ; .-.,M A K Y L A N D, ; - -.,--v.;'" v; ' .) ' v'O, i. ...'- r r fT :Y"YJTr' hctotiVM'V'bp ' portanitju vrde of ...Vxpreffing thg " i w htc it iiximcn r t nt rrirt pyieai imftaht to tlir pcajce 'and wel fare ti;tte'ptdfs: ': : '7-; : - mv. w.s 10 an, inn tne con--5 c JffCiiy natior vru:J lonrbe'.. fP? -prefctit debating fgwhfcC is byjii waftc the laf ink pottipn 9F Eu 'rope; ; ftiU;;tlicy yill be ufeful oil future oc. " f-.; . Jlatef; fcoihTttifs The . love of ' ' r Pfunion; from fucl ;a ; itStc of iAj,ngV it will continue to 5 V jruba U wiMy l)y; th cpnltitutioci jinrui; V 'Ce "genemi goernmcnt ; yht no - ync tauenj -propriety aird import er lance, -at all ximd m a fi.icsre and vigorous to-op?raUoii. : ' , v ' . ,; ; r -VVq arc. taught bf the conftitution ,to v.tcly,Mbe militia for our .'.geijrai de-.-1 fence. VvOnfaddea einerg-ncij.'it Is ccr ' :laiiilji)fir onreTourcj it is'theretore at t times; tpofwli-but:efpecially-nov to uIac them .cirT.tW mt Tw-AWV jlst..'- J T 2 My tlity lb r the laft months ha called I, 'to dclibcre on 'thHTiibjV ; it would be r rimmai ia rniicnus ot our public attairs I - '-taiietiterltsand inibeciH;y.i I . : ' v- n'variour parts 01' the Itate Indeed a . -; -Tpirit -df jatriotirm" has dt played itfelf. ,uu un rtuuiiuciiicnccoi me omcers 'liaftfurinoumed thfi defefts of the fyftera ; -bui fucli teniporafy e"fTects are not to be t-reiied xAf;''fh foktfcotii'- coiiiiuinify-;; - ought not to defend upon the ' tolunrnrv vtficms-df'a'fe: patriotic: men; V The l 'JlT'toytrii itd invigsratc the whole I mafsuil o aafwer this itnix)rtant and ne- : "teffaiy ufpbfe, it is indiinfabic that it : ue revisea i:v all its oaf tu - ami au rwi: iPle" JVC" 10 Fucc order, .difcipline and i-ODeutence. . . . : . . . . ., - . , - .AH tlien; are tiownfati jficd'of TheTjrro rieiy x.rputting thecouiitry- inwar com- i pjcicwaic orucience : ami m x:aie nt ac- Jtiual ,'war, pra yejnoteexj&flation of it, it ' i" wo..'.U r,v..i : .ii.' : f 1 f ;(;nuiHuo,ut)ucwiiiinj tuc.wiiaom .. or trie . Icgiflatureto truft jhcpcacendfa'fstynftf; .w wuihii . wit msr wcatc ami.-. defeaive' fyftemfMenaced a$; we are" " from abroad, by aVaveifitelligent aod ' , :fterprixlng nation, - this ..fiijyea is all iiji. DOrtant fiiut tn the delibpratinnc f r!.' II ' iflature, all etherirought to yield to .ir, a! bfirifcrior fooxnrat.' ,- , Attached to this lubjeft, is the -condt. - ir.dnce a belief, that they really "confide f- :d tbcrareKf s as exempt it) 'ill iuture times ment bq v mucK the' peaeCt fafetvof a country' defends dn a arena r'H - r.nndttinn .r.w.ar.; f-i'y .,. .Irwargrlatldefiredby ' to complete the "quota' of men Onde'r the" Vlate.call of .the : Pre fi dent of the United r , tSrates.-Orders from the . tke Co 1 iiiice, have hecn ofrert buf ineffeclttajiV: iW lr15u!e" vjlts 5nall derexmir.cd tofend .' rhe adjaanteneral to"varKu9 parts iyjuhtl encana exert 10ns ; rajious returns were; ' I . - V yvwuinvv jji mis Uicailtft , jiJ. ivi;u-pui3!ieis is itiii ; lncompleie,.- ad "Uvill ctiHucto be fo until theTy-Hcm 'it . .radically Iciiproyed t:.oie wlio.are 1 , wv.. avHUJijitu wiiH mimary" lUDjects", an ' y gy'n,fa)80 ".n a re f TaSle;i 'J,vui, 1 113 V'JUU'JCUVC CUrnt .- pyf,rniiit:nr,vai!ni iih-,e -moluircnts tideotiate 10 a-tiMfMi - tn , y 'J " "r uuut rtwcive tiue .at. tent ion. "':y y t Yyy -rY.;: :; Y Y"--,i. Y It is with great deference that 1 "call -' . your ierious attention to tlrcie' imprrant ui viiui.4. uj uvience ; it nn y oc thon?ht containing n naked fentene of : death- 'Is' it-polfible,iufh.a'cafe';t cife With due -1 KrVf 1 .Tvi V, .. . i, 7 1 wtn which be is conlhtutionallv inveUcd ? ? F1) he intuiVivJfyi - dc t jrnVine. ; Whet her x .U.v.4; iu , cAKtuic -or meliorate . thelicntence of the .lawJlThc diffieul ty ; felt. It is humbly fujfgeiled,.. tt. r.u6;V'!cu'rc wiiicn ir.e trial is nad, oust;t tole?cnjoitied: ei the r to- fta ter-the-circnmltajnces f tire cafe. -atid dMWrt-' " " viwuuiaj or ro expreits tneir. ; extendig..inerc to, the criminal,' .' v; Sil.CC. the leeiflature'was laft alTemWfd. -----1-7-, .. , . ... ...... , --,.-7 t r.--- rriuiuuyns nave tjee.n received Jroni theftatejoY jafladttsrejding ;lhef i acd propeftng an alteration i teftitiii -wiuck arciiow fubinitted to your confide r. ;Noi5?cVjll f rioafly. con tend thaphrri; itWphjlica;viriue in the foot of 'earth 1 r ferti cur, rcaion, -and incieed, indc vjfendnt ot it, it produces a , redominant JtfejtjiuTL-rind pitHreiive , in ' its iavdu r, whu-jno. time; mir fcarccly any circun ilancb, wiU "eradicite ; and irom hence artfvs. Hit exchiSoii-o-f firertie frrtmni,". mUitarv articies. thr i'.iMf!i,1 whl ! . high public briicer m.,y; be. permiud to ai:,he iank,us jad"Vja7r2wioiuti .bccuityas well as theutter inluicncv-i oi the mdirary ryltcmformy"jutacattqii.' Y It was earjy fOrefecn, that the princi- pies upon .which our conflitmibn was ori. cinaliy ' founded aiid the foiri't bff ti. pw:juld bave a difebmppfing it.flaence on ...n.vi vi viirtju itics oi property a, rcbxig us. - " w: - ' ' . y -": To thefe powerful and operating caufes : "hive becrr added tne eitabiiOiTneni, oi Vcr. Tpift feltUrcaiocietiefft the pra'fticcsof individuals aTiiong fome religiovs orders ;of V'haire alib'combirxcl to hain thls ; prediction ; itsefFids are.now in oe ration, and dalli 'li- .....4 .W .v. . J..:... ..r .l- " " V. .' , v "'"gii'ium; ui iiie cvij calls for all the a id and circiim eli'bn ' -r whit h i. in the po wer of the- L-giihturc -. to cxercife. ; : - ' ,; ,-,. . .- . - - 'I'he delicacy of this fubject renders it inexpedient fodefcend to particulars ; it .appears however, not improper to remark ..that .whiU the laws of a great-part of .the ! union countenance this kind, of property, ;felf-created iocijties;, and individuals of v cf?!Ilreli5u orders of .. meii amongtt ; usT' ought not, : of their own. 'root jon,- and inooraTJtftWify, toJePu, their rjWrT ' this indted, I cannot well do without look- " ." d''g Kck iipon the -various and intcreitiu fcenes which have paffcd,! and of exprtj- line with Vratitnde and erear refneft W(v obligations to "my r fcilow.citizensi " ' My -heart'and its beft affefl ions are -Al'vattA ttilZ 1. their happ inefs, ahd" will' cwitkue to-thtt-i tnd of mv life:'" ' : , - . . : -Shodynamethcrt t d Vnii inr thi 'nilnAf Vif fitKn '.k- ao ypu; Jorihi parpofeofillingjhcitatioD; tp .iwhich Inow enjoyotj to receive it as it it mdetemirtaMXn f 3 oecome a private vitucni 1 f.ave trie honor to bt With feBtiiiKntsofgteatree;- .. .Your obedient feryant, ; tiI-L The Honorable the Geiieral AOerobly; i; : 1 i m ; . BALTIMORE, Nottmiietjo. . , J-cd us u ith the fi llowirg addrefs from f igiuajtqre ot Maryland to the Frefident of ' v. : (hat our alrars or auv nortinn nf mr l focial happinefs. may ia auv deerce de-' j ItTpchd on thelc things,: ndational manzi t Jj.;, . JS HOHZU, tau UUUUl WUrtl VWUI1C IU pUT- "4": fue ;. ; ; -ry:Tfy y'' ' '-''," :-' :' V 'It appeari important that the earlieft p land moll unremitted at ten tion'of the leglf ?;fature" iKbutd be bellowed oq thefe fubjects 1 ' Expenditures on thefe arucles' are not T !ofithey are-Hof a .durable naturej: and if' from'i'-.mfplayrpffkni an4; united ? councils", together with" vigorous r'prepai , Xrations for war)' wcthould lortunattly of- judgemeMs in oppolitibii to the fettled or- !;dcror things': ' !:'.': '.Y,"Yr'Y ; ' ; . .v iingtn i'j wjiiti incie matters are ! carried hy individuals infome of the neigh. touring Hates, call lor fome fpeedy reme- - - V A candid reprefentation from the higheft authority iii the fiate, or. a deputation front the two houfes, ' wndi novdoubt -produce lalntary Le&Ctt Uth on public bo-- dies and private it,dividuls. , ;v : v :.A totholVcJaffeS of4 men among our. - fel ves, and who jrelitle witljirf the limit? of the ftaie, the laws can be framed -to reatK , the delinquencies. The propriety" of be stowing ea rly "and fe rious at ten ti dnon :ubject is, ;itl great. deference, fu'yrai ite'd to yourieriouscoiillderation;;;! ", v ' ':'. ' A?nty.-pra.ctfce how' fahcliontd Ijj a I pofitjvc la wequircs the "chief magiftfaie,; in cafes where a fentence pf death is paf- -fed, to iflfue a warrant for the execution t thejriminal. Trills of this kind are of. ten remote from tke feat 6f government, where the partiei and the circBmftancesaif.' - tendinir their cafes am whollv the governor. It is difiicplthowever'ar.; uyytuftu, iu procure impar- . ; tial infcmatibn and ii can i leldom- be had, " except f rem, tht judges, thcrpfelves . A record ii forwarded to the cxccutlyei Y'k ' : ''" ,YY!" , ' "' "Y " :Yr""" -'-' ' j ipilofbphjv hqwevef flattering to v7 ii.iuui i ait rr. .wnirn iiii icheS. infcn to looJc" upon' themfel ves as titf-; x.:i:s or uic wona. ana wno. , 'when theu'- arealktd whcte their country' r lies,: 'will! f Via f.-. "-.1.. - C .... " " rt:.-'.. -ft i'VMk Aiiyt. iuijjt me neaveijs j is too loofe md univcrfal , for the prelent age - and will lore ver endanger the ti rmeit ftruc turcHhich hu man-ingenuity , can Jdc vifef. ,T c9untry from .-hich w-e derive bur origin, a fid indeed ail the ! kingdoms "of Euiope with wi ich we arc belt acquai'n- rjedjjvtyed rcm the moft remote authorii. ty, lucrcd this pfllon; ; It . has in fome: degreccohtribufed to their grandeur and feairity. It is therefore no wonder that the prejudices of cducatiouThould lie on its fide, , and : the mind early impreired - w i ih a t V t r utlv'a nd i nTporta'nter" Y ; feeing then how guarded, mpit nations have been upon this lubject, and telling th i tuth of it by the fiiort experience which'we ourfefves kave had, ' we have fuficieiit reafon to be fa usS'ed, that it is. et her too Jate or too fearfv to fuppbft fuch' lyltemiof ihenility. However exalted the-vi?iue, or 'dihngui(hcd the talents of n iifdiduj may be, - and however wor. -tnnot puoJic coutiaence vet. it is never. tl.eteiV true, that hi general it is unwife to truft the high concerns 'of a nation to . nicr, not born within its.limits. . Mown mind has long been fat isfied on ' this lubiec't. a ld 4 1 - a p tea r s f a 1 1 1 1 a cany tnc Mail'achufetts refblve into' ef. hit.? ' :. 2yy. Br a rcfolution of both hm fs. th Y ycrnoi was directed to tranfmit a copy of -our laws' to the executlvef each ilate. Thi, defirable. aiealure I was Jnot able: to ' execute,' from the Impbflibility ofprocur jcg the sicls of tbine fcfnbnsV It was thd't lrcfote.advife'abletb wait till a complete wuy .tquigi ire procured. . , . , ma.irlf tty of paflmganorder in favpur ot Char.- lOtte Hall Shool. The foilerin ear. nf,UL jJo?'i.honpr tp the indi,. "vidualsibncerned, is tnoft ufeful 'to W country' at laree t 'and if 1 mi : K initiedto exprefs ,anopimon thert,is no . fubjef ton which'the public money can be To ufefully expended as on inllitutions Cmi: Jar to Gharlotte.Hal! Schobr, Which. brings a certain part of a liberal education Vrth in the refources of men of moderate for . tunes. - v ' ' -i ' Y " From an earty period of ray Hfe f ve narticioated in the cuunnU r r ' I try, anditis not without rclaaivcc that Tthcrtefftatesra ramraatdSii ;,-,:.Y To:ptiK;0AMStpJ . :-fjtJt.deHi'of. thl Vnitti Staff U n 'V '.; -YY --fY : -pYhY The General AlTembly cf the ftate o .Marylandxompofed .of eharaclerV fciecled : by the various clziTes of its ritixeu an.t . poffehed'ofa lull knowledge; of the tehtU V : mcntlint thai. .tnirin... ..... IJ '.I: L . .. '. inrerelling crif.s of public affairs do litili ' i! f f ju.uce iotneirieeiings, trieinteieltot their uu5lV an,Q t? j our vi rtue , m : lorbea r '.? to exPrefs un entire and rnntlil aiiMm r Pf thclfirrntem fie'lP'lwefirreJr vnnK WTi.'.ll.nnn.. - Called to the Pretidencv of the 9artkmT"': COVernment at a moment when i uAiirLa in2a0t enal riders i of France convulJcd ail i ,-41 ' t EutODc ; Wit Si '3nwar firnlAitA fn J.wL. I ! and aggrandiieinenlr, it was not .- difficult j i . - r r to forclce that every fou rcc of artifice ami I i.wgut, taiciua couia lUggeiTj am- bitipn excite, or a varices inflame, would be employed ;o diil urb.our happinefl apd peace, o cajole or force bur country, into a war prejudicial to our intereftsv and to fender your adiuinillratidn painful, per plexing, and, ii'pofCblc,' odious to the people. . :v;.v:'. v:;?:;,; : ;v. : t, t'f hc deftrucjion of reiijgipnanb!cncou ragement of ioofe I'rincinir Jy calculated to create fitrinftruinnr. (n ' - . . t promoting citifaons. in,;nd paulizing , . the energies of, other governnvehts l:: hcrtcc the unrernjtting, dark and infidious K exertions, praclifed to divide us. a theme. .......I. a awiti9,-cx8ious,-auu prcuato-""- I if war plundered us abroad. : .; ' , y;'S.J I -To prevent thcTifepetitoh of sgg"reflion ; notjmore.flagitiouk than dcltitute ot colcur r, ' ;t :abfe pretejttnd toecalthe-rgbvetrfc.--;: 'V f nientof France to an honorableTulfilmtnt of its engagements in ihefrUofpiritol fin cere amity, we have fecn, with pride and " pleafurc your ample, juft, , and pacific in- ' itrudions to ourminiitersj to demand tc. paration in the acewftoroed form of di " " otegeciauon i Jnllcad of the JuTZl reftory s meeting thefe amicable ' oVerA ; tures, with pain and indignation we ht beheld infulti heaped on . Kijuricsoul rninifters fcurned with indiif!.-,.- r VUI. . country threatened y ith thc late .of ia.. ' .vernments wantonly annihilatediaour : '"citizens treated as vaflals a.nd flavcj, who ' m till bafely purchafe the;pirilege bfila-' ting their jcoroplaIntsiJ-:iCondu like this -, has torn the veil from ihc.facefhyjaccrify, ' rand a wakened ;the people of incjtca fro.n the deiinnra of tmlufrvcling friencHhip to rally, round. the govcrnlcrit of their adop tion. We have feejnwi'th fatisfaclicna treaty, declared fooy which was violat ed at often at thjintereft of individudJs .or the Capricel a-rromcnt dicated tand c. heartilyapprove .'of the protective "beaforei orpnr gpverumerit, ' Weil s the late yfcjeulationi;. for ' iniernaHoaieti ' Prtprion for . war is prefervation of 7 PC fiavinp- emancipated jnurfelvet. frntw Britain, und fecured ons.lilwrtiei , tVyT'" ; ... ' ' - J v- . iVe pledg.oijrielycsbvjtbTaf 4 fix 'I i . - i - . " .. . : f - . . . ; l .'' '':k.;--' v,:'':.;-.r;-y , . -yt Jy J15y i ; ; :, , ,; --.: ,,.--,;--;; ; -- ' , , . ";''::.i or"

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