i ' 1 1 ' ;; ; rr'iV. i"-1' ' i '''It' "y '' ' t1 '-'-tL-i.ua:--.-ca -Vrc h-Carolini Diftnft; D AN away irbni the. iuhicifibrri 6n the; n?HE -'fal!W!! tuf and ' trails' d X-:. ;:) ' -l-: : Wr-HEREA F, X...Martin, one ,of ; ;XVv. 1 3th bf jur.e. iait, . a . negra follow . J- UWitheribtiUre '0.:; llaid brig,- her iails,v. malts,' vrgig, ap- ' ri Wlut of Ku.ftoh, and U well knovij v f;.nj that. the jar' ' : . ::&cttay-";i;v'ifr the i'glbou r- j ' tow ot'-rvvhi.'-'--- . v Idepned ana low,, iiibtY-aau aitcoars-. -.1: lii5i rlaim 'a frtffafflLv 'i a.-. '7:'':' ':vjirv:1s:''iva ldepned anf ow,;igj jibUrKi ' aifviiiirs"'. iccipf Kino;i,J fince 6e"wen't if P;Thc'l fais flaim fbrefa-:-' 'pi--urMi)-'41VC-cVa'rd -jyliji -lag paidttofHV perfbn; f; Noticei htrb gyeno bruig hini tytor fw'hicV-: wvnef$, ttiafter aai :aij'pi;rfbri"ir4 ; tiaira Hjrm,wrth ftid brix, &V. to ; , $XyA,s X IX ,. L. ' JuJge cij'he' UuirVd tat?,,lbr thc c'su " - 7 - - w. .' .: , .......,1 ' bm: , 0?': 1- fifft -Mony'r. jao7 y ,1 '.i rr . iwclii:;;. vutc cVj-.A ; h rext, th'rt I'nltKt-ir to Tne C'ufe, iT a :-X(nff i., vvc::jiu, v ? ib1"., ,-. i.y, there le, ag:,inlt the yraye;i)t ihevitlicl.'" N'p-V.tm v(iqt t, ,c-;-;-i-Yiihal- tV' 0f ' rrrFRANCISJIAWK .Ctk;-: fw.i;t:j :i.ti'is, itk:fet kVity-Mjil- be' VI Gl JGE is hereby $j'i:j$3 V .d'r fld,thar: ihltitriber-eou " '-,v-' rf v" :- ; - to htflvati t 'jS-iti nu wwc'i7mi'- Path1 I M,t" 1 ,? -' ''. -" r'v-'V'' i-.:ru -:..;ivM:;t..ie-f.is is 1 1 ! v wii jbe barred uom 4re.wrv.-v s j- : W 11 ! lAwTAvi(l- T ; v ' ;-'-- )X : , -!- nr,- pw" ITIIMNTt6Vhfr raft-Wnj ac raveiay, q;c thole children ft: fiT m-nt ot Pasil'Sbarrow orT tli'rrl " "r- --r "VWity.M&w' 9 iafd wrpjra, e" i x; .- f . f. ' irt rn mn ti ' . 1 'Mi'c tatt - 1 and '1 .? nhtv provificts have auhepo'A :i iv l t r in... mt-raiaiiU.. .antt.. mrport ...the : - iYLui i oil !i i ol die j v. ' : 1:he Si.ta'n'.5H.; 1 :u ot J: -u iMit; rr".iu fiwr.- inuidi'V' i.c - , : . -.. . ' u i-' ; r .Vj.r?tVUhv1t tO.U.f UOSC3US ... 1U tKlla t ' j - f r v lf: :. t : ' i ' ' "t". .- ' -i ti i.i v ? l:i ,1 ,V T Ti. lit" A- A Kmi t h'nt is . ininiiM -..l ..' .A, tt -..;... ii ji. (j t,A vin'cpntyon-.-. c" Ah,V)iWe embraced thc"-Mo-: W.wti4sr(v.lr -iicyc ci j.viiiio. m li.c town. . .-r " fl-,vW .:vi., - . I ne tirave of- t Monday of February next; will be fold' , ai ine nouic in wmqii nc lormtiiy nvcu, i ont trail. of land..6n the fputh'fide ci Mat v , taciuflicet lake, 'ti'itaiinng aSvut fifty a- cres, wun ioms improve nicnts. ' At the fame f ime will be fy) j, man ami ftockof cattler : ' - ; Irvv inoiitlrt credit will be siven, aaJ Iwsi.l.iitti'fcVoHty.requireJ.t;,?, v ;?-;:.PJQEERT.. SPARROW Ex'r. Dei. I : i; loi d;cr to the rank of a i3y. ' .nu';ot.k is dvtr. to . ho have bteri .carried : .:; .:' '-A-:r 'w; -.Ar.1.- z-., iq&. : - ,! ' Cii y u;ercii2nts or robbers rroinCfeor- Ottoman mpire, and cfed to public file in the, ; Co iltantmople, ot o 4 t!a;i ' graiidres, who j ; : ye a iimilar ibrp.m, edu' ! in their routes, and. : $ E RjV O A . Tnt.WlMD AT III?. G K X, EX AT T-L-ii CTI 0 N, 'c I - the li rirui .c-ly T Jaw,-other. 4 w A,LL i.vvl;,, . VprAwrv '"r- ii I thr's fituatioo. r rvr-i .- . - Y- , . , . . .. i ' JfcVUVSIJ .- - . . ... v.. , a- : , . . r . ... 1. i Viv-u' .: A s;i-k- iv-i foi, i t J. - - , yr- , vrrg-1 CAYTHORP. -'the Beya. enter into . . .MO'ilc:-; S HEREBY GIV EN,' ' 4 rTsQ - Ail Cwfiom'v ttroav "coRCcrn.'-rthat , -Jl jar.scs --Whitfield, late of thh canity if? Q(-u-i,: i8telue,4'"and that the iuolcnbi-r, q:niii;e;l as i;IitiioiitratriiahU Hbte at ".f-.-. 'ikitinU riVatCiis of Craven court ty All ifoghaving any clai ns - againft; fii'd eilate, arc xequcltcd to exhibit thein - to tbc,iubicru)erj within the ti.tic lamitfcd r : by hw'y-'iOtherWife' they - will le forc ' '-ever '-barred from a recovery. : - RtllEL AVfil TF1ELD, AdmV. . f .' iyotid; is hereby given -, v ' r;?7 ;;'l "vhorn it may" cpnctrn, that X-iy,irtri;it'J.lev.,ft't late of Cra yen coun- v tv,,s"ctea.d, intdlatf, -and that the Tub; fcribec nnaiied'ds a'dminiilrator'o' his . ctfutc at iVccabcr fellions bt Craven coun- , . AH ieffpns haying any clairastag-i'rill :: f .I;! earW are renurile'i to exhibit vh3ni w - to tao f j!i;rib"r vitliih the utic Hmite1 ' j by k v!t 'orjicrwife they-wlli- Lc-lurred : b uoai a 'recovei?: .- , ; . ,. . ' r,... FRANCIS, Lovn:HORr, Adni ;- '' '.-. A D i':-"E .'; s - .. . PEC i GkiVf. BRITAIN. ': ' LoRl lilSMOt? OP Lauakf.. - th:iti tor be'105 theirviuca llbrt 1 aTVitiesiprefcr'it 1 r; - - ' : A N ORATION, -"-'-A lOFt.i v-r'x X ) ON THE rOtJH iUu? iULY, 17. Jiv h V. t'. UlS CliU!lCH4 ; '. : '. ' .V is e rR c: t'h e ".4. - V O U N G MlE .Ni IS hereby giwn;'i'that. William filiate of graven "county,'' is dead,and that - me juL:vfjcr, Aommmrairix 10 nis eitate, , C'.alific4 at December feiTiont of Craven CMntr. ';' ' !i. , :, fvpA perfon who have any claims againft , , exhibit them to the fubferiber within 'the time Umitted by law, otherwifc thev will barred from a recovery. ' .w-y ' V" ' ' ::V;:::: "' . City or New-York, AflTciublcd to'cbnncm6ratelhclrXation-' '- . : . al Jmlepcncicnce.- ' ' . - Bv JoiiN. vvtu.s,. EH." :' ; Fur iale at tLe jfore cf - y : , . c. osjORNV5cC. , ; CVSii ;;:.v;;.--vV Will be given for clean linen and cotton RAGS, jit tie VrtKiwgiQjfitei or at Mr, Edvisrd in tneir di ) U : Au. Tr,OI1s :fl"r :aSr,V11'? :4Vrciw!ersab'necatfait..hi the rankofI3ev , t:;c utate ct .Jam A,'., are re. k.i.Ju:i1ini,Wl, -1' --tt:! . . : crjhU'd-tOi-ir::bii hria to tr.e lubu:rtbcr 1' 1 : a- r " rj :, - ' A. , - . , 'I M iV fill tnP 1 ilKl.lr Jc rr0ntm - tlt-i - n " -' - 1 .. ' never can jacceedtd his ta Commonly the fons ofi the army and the divan afligr.s them a coiiliderable reve nue. ' . . ;;. - r " ! ' " ' Almoft . all the Mamelouks are, . fprung from Chriftian parents. After" they are ptirchafed they are compelled " to embrace the Mohammedan religion, and ; learn the Turkifti and Arabian " languages After they Have lerrit to read and .write, they are inftru&ed in the Koran. -7 ; V " .. v . , - From the earlieft youth llkewife, the -Mamtiouks are taught to ride, the ' . excrcue 01 ine ipear,tnciapre,and otier arms. They are comtantly excrcifed in H"i . military evolutions, mured to the beat or the climate, and to endure the parch i.ig draught-of the'defartSf J3y thefe ex 'cccil e'k they attain health, vigor snd'eoti ra(re.- At prefent, however, they fight v, tthout any kind of order, and arc td." taUr ignoran t of artillery: The number uf 1 he Mamelouks . is from 3000, to 0 JOO. ' . "... H'.T riJ rt L.I8T3E! , - ' An 4 ftrlale at this Oficei? jlX.h e NOKTl UCAROUNA - .1' or r.vv ) i r vi our Lorii, 1 799 ; --J jJif-AxrKicw iit..tpi d r.jc c e , 2 5-2 4. -Bf:n,- Ji:e jii aUf r Lca; Vear. . ! Calvula red ) rt!ie .Vrii'!an of N e w usnv, 'g;'"Deg.:.4. Mi. Lai. 2"Dcg;6i" I , Ni in." i mg;;Vcil i roii Philadelphia. ' a? .'" , Tlmdjy i pubiilhei , ;i.':; ' Jfuljorjak at.de i ViW. C"tY . c o i p r, p. t E s v st km; ' :V ' - P :.;!.v-:-. FARRIERY, ' Ii, the' dozen or nngleccpy. : . , - - SECOND HAND L - -; ' - ' .Ca(h given for them at tlje Printing. C5.ce. - -V ! ARM Y or EfSlB. - an of Invaiion.- A" lew Copies of it for laie at trie rinting-Office. epttmler ,11 . '.i" ;;'?. 5 . C U R R A NTS: -For fale at the ftore of ' -;- -.-' 'V' J . C. OSBORN, & Co. X-P PT. whom it may cencern, k vthat 4'lvave kit a lew Nores ar.d ywountsJiMl,eJiands of Jofet h Shute, for "iVfderricm, "ar.d v.Tlh them to call and take XiipT Uicir Note? r'id fettle their accounts, or they mull be fettled by Ijw. . i .. " ?: s JON - MORG AN. ' l Wjien the Turkim emperor, Selira, , nr "the yea?, 1 5 ij , conquered Egypt, ' he endeavoured, in order to preferve this impai-tant conquell, to gain the fa vour ot the Mamelcuks. r or this reafort he made little alteration in theirfcrm of. Eovernment, and in a treaty of peace. granted them great privileges." By the treaty they were authonfed ; to fuC pend from his olEce, and denounce to J li the; Porte, the Pacha, or Viceroy of the 7 Sultan Vif he had happened toincur their ' difpleafurerpf jpi Njh&eth 1 nftanfWsrcomniittdr Vy to -T.il in ones Cou uv. a nearo i Z 'IZ JlJ vT : Pr,perty ofWilham Pewof iulgcombi trv v.thpn, Af hv ;u-t ounty, The owner: is requelted to. Lv lTh c' cIl- - EbF0 Pay tWgeS' and oo,coo,or. about ijo.oeol. :fferling.- i take him aw av. - - - --" v .. . .' : n' . , -. '' B IT A N K S, , ' Ofallkinds for faleatthis'pffice:: ;' . JOHN BRQWr -W, UiA ibrtilicitions, tmJ lo not reto tha : ' ' , Uecemlftr 1 A . I" ..-;....,4:.r .l.-.:.,.:;;i :.r. ..J..,...1..?i:;:i... 'V ; v - .... ----- : .

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