........ ,v,A-nl.;lt rm.i .-;.-ir ,t i h i.i ir -.v" . "t - VV -V:v vrwv' "I. ' VV f r-r ;L v T-.A ;. V7 '" -f-o-VW;'... v.-i'-X.-? ''. v! Ov-,'.v.f.vv: ---.y-y ".-.V)- ': y ;'.. vtr,V v , ,,i'...vV4;-.t 7 C 'V";,i'l:S;!S'f' 3 ''rvl 1 ''v;' :'B':'vv v (North-Carolima :) PRSTioR N f - . -'r1 ...V. - i,-' llll - - Iff lr y,v .f-y Q.--- vp;xr -x V- ; c.;ds b 6 to. Wi' -,. Jf St: VoLi L J ; ' 'co.n g Ve ss. "'. Mr. $e veail moy tha, the houfe!gr '., into ai tbmiitteijpf iKe wholcrbn the bill .' t nor eiiaDiijnmanniiprm ly item ot nar.Kr' wuptcjr-throughout The mot toa; was ica rrjcd $ iTi7T. f: i The' houV Accordingly ? rcfoiy itfclf; Into a committeeof the wbol; on this bill, ' -Mr. Dent in the chair, wbea the bill. 7Kaving. bn reud' by gthVclerkr the chair.: ;man was procteding to read' it by fctlW. :ons i when 5i a,;-A itMriNicMisAyiih this.biil had i t-was tntiaded a nepgft; othef bufihefj of the ftflion, no mcir.lxT l;ad any certain ex rryeftatipn uf " beingattedfocfe'cTde upon it.: tor nis part," qe mutt own he: was r tiot .pjrepa red to enterityon.; the fub jeft 1 1" tvias fleceuary; taoni ai t, atr-ar var ivff Ml 4 : yiAra ty a:; 20, m 799. - .ii'jli'TTO'i. ties of the faid aft to all perfons citueos oCt he ynited j&taresi Vho t Ihall aftuine : . ih;;eeciittvip power, by-carrVifiwi -any : ircgocianoai with the executfy ; prrer of ? any 'other foreign i priace or ltatej relating to any controversy exiiiiag Wtw;cf nfuch Hat? and the' U. States. ;' 'v-'S ;'.-'1f ; 'The riouw wen t ;rttb ;-a commi ;tee on--'the ummilhed buiinefs the bank'rltpt bill:; hl)t , 'conceive aiiv neceflltv there couW hie i'iii'it: it vVouid caufe much unnece for f Kewr Jerfey, he (aid, there were peo;: ,'e;Who fofpe part' of the year niade It a uleto carry on one branch, and at oth er ntthjes. anbi;hetar)dmej!.w others j vitlv quid be (ljthcult Jor them to lay what jrar)cn iney touowea. . irwas notmere ' 5v' unneccfTiry, but woii'd prove iniurious. ". 3"his psrticularity' ie faid, was very ih-v," - Suribtis in the law for the enumeration of .uivcs, 'and.no doiibt, would prove fo in '1 " On thejiiieftionto vitrike;out. 4j Aye? i r Some 1 r 1 ?. i ng amend men t s we re made, -md the committee rofe'and reported the twecnlHscountry and ; Franc.:', ami its-' - ,1 he hou'fe then tor.k it , up," and Mr. dejndtncie,' operated' to prevent roer- 'j .'Harper renewed hts Jormer , argument rnrrftrrrDTrrpTOCiirm deuis due irom that country ': they petitioned that the houfe would take'Tuch meaf mentswete propofed and agreed Otis , propofed : r tlo ' amendments tp te 10th Icitioii, which Svere- ordered to Vt -pritedi .011 jvhjch :o'u)rihe;cotnmittcl rorelind obtained lea ve to fit again . v- vv M r r W a 1 n'pf e fen ted ape ti t lonlTrom a ' X .- - liUMUilfil 1 mm dent at the opening of the fenlori, . ill uiaiiiuurcis, nc intuitu iu wmi iu argue dow n the .too farVgiiine hopes of a ipeedv reconciliation, which misht' ai ife ironi- the (pmnumicatiori which lie-had ta make on the iubjeel: complatiung that the aft "of,, June t $th -laft, whvcJi bttke-of hlriatefeourA4)e. ;wa0ilhe:oinpnipreliionwh addrefs had hiadepofl h I it was, as tar as be had learnet- the . gei.crar jmprefl.en-. : Indeed he found ':, & difieri?ht" tone ' even atnohgit thofe viv gemltiiiCn vho had been the- loudeft . ' x he fr-cr y :ior; 'ari" f r om'.w hat.ex-:;i;iW j 1 1 1 " t ' .1 ' . 1 I 1 - ' U -utea vnen ne iau partcq.vvun tneai.' . - iNotmng was tnen near a tut a lieclara--- ilUll U1W dl-fUUW 115 WCdJ U liUiillllVlUI : 4 rthe kind. '1 hinkb g, therefore, ai Je cicJ, that the iubject is oi too novel-a -; : kipd lor general T Urination,: without 1 -ventthat tiniuryashtrTW think proper. ?;.: '- ' ';.X -v': Mr. Sewall'moved to ref"r '.the petit u &t authorities,' and to exaaifne Eng! i'lhS crecedeiits to a preat extent, rrevious to coming to a deterihihation on a iuhjeft of on to the cominittce on that part of the this magnitude:" vim 1 tee wiur me, anu gentlemen will con fent to let the bufmefs lie till next week . tie wouia not mmieit wnn t.r any turtner delay.- He moved therefore for the com- ;xnittee ro rife.: " Ll' ' ';'' ',' , Th queftion, for a poftponment was put and 'negatived' 3 7 to j 3. n , ,y The bllfwasj then proceeded with by feftlons. Seventeen leftions were palTcd . i through without inucJhj objection or de- pearing'in the committee as to the ro-gi:-.jprietj mome Jirts 01 the eighteellnVcVJ ' tibn of the.'b)ll, rr 7 :r , ; : '"-J MrEgglerton faid, as Le found that even thole gentlemen Who had cont'eiTcdly paid pirtieularTattentioi to this fubject, arc difagreed with refpeft to the proprie ., ty pFcc r'cainl rpy'jiliti.n'$co:i (ained ia this ' bill , be.trifted.it would iaot a pgearl w on- j derful that a new member Ihould wifh ror ; more time to ' cbnfider the fubjeft. He ' therefore.!' moved; for tixv cblSmittee to -The motion was put and carried, and " the committee rofe accordingly. The fpeaker laid before the houfe a . le'ter from the treafurer of the United-' States,'- incloHng-: his fpecie account, and the one up to the enuof June, and the o- -ther to the end of November, which waV ordered to be printed. "r V- . r Mr. S. Smith from . the committee of cfcntmerceretXJrEetfalr'w- " (lamp duty impofed upon foreign bills'of xqhangT-andisills-oHadingr by an aft laving a duty on ftamped vellum, parch. ' rnrnt a;d paper, and further to amend the -fame, which was committed tor to-mor. row, - IVtdnefJaj, December 26. --. , " Tho fpeaker laid before the houfe a re ' port from the fecretary of jhe navy; in 1 conformity tola resolution propofed by Mr. ) '. Parker, on the 1 8th inlt. which Was ordered toJxi p rinied."-' P.--, '' Mr. Grifwolfaid he wilhcd to lay a rcfolution upon the . table relative to a fubjeft -which,! in his opinu)n, dcfervei . confide ration S2l& jolycct; faidIhe,'ia..xo. punijh a enmejwhich goes to the,deftruc tion of the executive power ot the govern ment; He meant that description of crime which arife&from an interference of indi- ' urams the neceihtv of the claufc. It was j lcme t ocd realoil being affinicd' for j carried hhe jhooiejn faV6ur of ttr iking rout. Ayes 3?.. Noes .34.' ' ': ' '.: .tuificient inforrration. it the rneafure TiU-wasrOrderctk be engrofie tor a third readi: g to.motrow. Ad.- - i dual "ciuzeFs i hThenVgbcia 1 10ns of ou r executive with foreign governments. As every gentleman' mult be fatisfied of the importance of this fubjeft, and the pro. p iefy of making fdme provifton with re. fpeftjp; it, Jhe : xu(lcd Jt would meet, with no orpofttion. The refolution was in the . Mowing word Uj Refolved, that a committee be appbint- d to enquireinto, the expediency of a - -mending--awaft &c? for the ptinimment of certain crimes 10 as 10 czicna 10s pcnai. ratin? .meafures. , M r Gallatin moved i ts reference , to r the com.-nittee of commerce, &c. " T - ".On the queftion for its reference to the commi ttee of commerce, there were aye's 3'l noes 46. -.J ri;;;::-.v .','.,;.;.;:. It was then referred to the other com. uittee. : . . .v.;i:-V,':'X:---V '',t--; A meJ-ie was received from the fe ... . ..... . t .n-ae-ttraumcauagr tht?-'at ths high court ot impeachment for the trial of "M, ; Blount, the counffl in behalf of the Juc fendanf had Tubmitted a plea to the court, "J" copy of "which ;thecdnf5unicate3,l.;' wh'ua was ordered to be printed. V , vv ' - for the plea reft' red t, fee orir lajl, Mr.-Bayard moved, that this commu nication becommit ted to ihe manaVers"of tnat impoacnment, to proceeq tbe.reon they fhould thiol: advifcablc, He thought it was neceffary they lhould bc.inllructedr in their procrediiig rcfpeftj-ig the plea put in by the defendant's counlel:' if the.y were not inftructed,- they may ; be under the - neceflity of.aflcing-the-willof-.the-houfe refpefting any meafures they may think proper to adopt. As -irwould re move a ttumber of diHiculties, he; hoped the inftru'ftion wOuld le given.- It w;as Mr. rear preu nted a petition from Ma ryland, pray iag the at relation of fome poit roatfs.' Kcierrcd ,t t.ie committee on poft-office aiid poiV reads. . v. ... ' 52sa3eYrclVl ved it fclr' - in toa com. mitlee on the bill refpeftmgthe balances - -Ju'e;lromccrtain ftates to tlie U. States, Mr. 'Dent ;n the chair ;'; which having d greed to, tne house took it up, and on ihe . queftion for engrolGng it, for a third .reading, there were ayes' 5$. v' It was or dered a third reading to-morrow, ' ; The houfe then went into u committee -on the bill for enumerating the inhabits jants of the United States, iMr.iDent in tne cnair. . . One fchedule of the bill .reported, or- ders a defignation : of ; the.: occupation o( the inhabitants to be taken, wkich.Mr. Gtifwold moved to ftrike out. 1 ; v Mr. Harper hoped it would not, as it "Was a piece Lot. into'rmation. ivhith might prove extremely ufefui, particularly in the eftimation of any tax that might be. propofed to be laid : indeed it would be uibfolutely necefTary in the aifertion of the "amounf ot the revenue laws ; it was the ground work -the bafis of political cal- culation, on which laws mult be founded'. Befides, it would give the houfe icforma. tion of the progrefs of manufaftures and. arts, and the government jnight, by its ' foiteringcare, give t he heiping"" ; hand to . theMmpoteotJOianij&ftorics trouble could hot be much in making this' .enquiry : but its advantage may be very. -great. i-: I burfdajt Decerfibnct J, : t v 5 - 1 Mr. Otis laid, the committee: to whom ; I was rt'ierred' the bill for " amending the ; itamp act, witi) reipect to tne aury pay- table" on lo'rejgri'btlls of exchange and bills - or lauing, naa receivea injormarinn trom that it" would be heceffary to ' provide. y. fome" compenfation" for, the fuper vifof 3, Ik - who had ' the management' .of'-the itamp, , i'buraicjsras the: present law provides none. ; .1 he copiTi' tee had ug-uted the. propru ety of . making fome other "attention in k tr c hid f "'her moved ' that the committee oft he v hole be difcharged from the fur ther ccr. fide rat ion" of t ln - bill, - wi th a view ot having it recommitted 10 the lelect committee who reported it. 1 The motion was carried, arid the bill recommitted. Mr. Otis afterwards'made a report oi the pri'pofed atnendments, but owing to" fome iuforrhality,' the report w a s not rece i ved J .. ' .'..' .. . Mr. Grifwold called up for confide ra was ooLcfed to the nidtlonV Mr. Grifwold i?id, the gendenriari from Virginia had millaken the object of this rcioiution, in fuppofmg it had reference to any particular periom-i. ' Its obj d, iaid Mr. Gf is general," and- ) 1 thiAk ot the firlf importance. I think it neccfl'aiy to guard by law', againll the interference of individuals ill the ' negociatiou of our executive with the ' go v trnincn ts cf foreign " countries.--' a he preltnt lituation of Europe,-ui his opinion, tads aloud for a regula. ' ; tiqn tt ilib iiwi. 4ie did notJiuow but an iiitttfcreiice of tliis kind uiip-ht have ajreaciytken place butjtlje oojeftcf .t hi J motion wis eft.ve, and. had nothing 'tpdo with what is paU.:: If faid l;r O. litlences ot this kind., are to pali uiipunilhed, it .may be ia the pow er ot an individual, to trultrate all the deligus ot the executive. " i he at tne taction; if duch a faction lhallexilL tion the refolution, .which he ycftcrdayL may De xfM 10 a. Il.)reign untry ; to taiu upon inc tauic, lur.mc appointment o "ww u ofa committee-to confider the propriety- oppohtioii to thv? executive authority ; ot amending tne a tor tne pumiiiment ot ana vv in any one lay, mat litcn ail ot Idlll VUHW .IgrtUill tu; UlwlCU OtdlCS, 1 1 CHCC OUJUL UUk ICVCl CIV l(J DC PUUllfl fo as to prvidea penalty for any citizen ed? It certaddv ought. vPiaciiirr the who lhall uiut p the executrve aut ot tin gov.r.ment, oy commencemg.or it lhe dlitv ot tne lemUature to enmihV -..; ...6 w.. .w r..w.... ...... w,w , . H.uuyc nnr rprr-, n V. i .v nv kKUii tnai dun fe ative to anv c n roveriies or diruutesl . rv'" . -: ---j - , - - r - -- -I .:( Mr. Dayton (the freakerr hoped the fchedule Would be ftruck but, as be could ttiuct do, or lha!l exilt between i'uch The" rcioiution ha vmj berr read, srMr. Nicholas faid, he believed this to be a new fubjeft of general Iegillation, ai.d as' fuch, he did not apprehend , there was any neceflitv for making the propof. ed enquiry.;! arid, if it had any particular ' objed m view, the motion appeared to -him premature If it was founded upon what had teen feert in' the"yubliciapers,v relative to the.conduft of a certain gen. tlcraan' who has lately been in France, he " thought the mover ought to have waited until the president of the United States hx niitthc houfe in poffelfion of fafts on. this fubjeft -which, though; promifed3 : weeks a-;o, had not yet been reeeiyed.-f, Tliviced"he did not -know but thc-conduft . of this houfe, in giving an opinion upon . thefc difpatches before thry are received, had prevented the communication i and fithhoof jh buj dprbceedt Jegiflate: .. upon them, , the prefident may fuppofe they have no defirc. to fee what he has : proraifed to lay before them, and with hold them altogether. If any particular objedt has, given occafion to this new kind , of legiflaion,hejhqufc 7ttT. He7had hoped that no change had tak-- , ea-rlaaJAaSaifiof this country withf refpeft to foreign . nations which could ,have dircfted the fentimcuts of gentlemen , . A r . i r- i 1 r. j things was mending, arid he had gathered thefc hopes from the addrefs of the prcfi puniiimient of. otfentes of this kind, but rhe wifhed ihematter to,gp ter a- '- committee lor conuutration. ne hop- eJ, ho occafion would ever arife ' for bringing in to. operation a la w of ihis kino ; but if it jiiould, ic would be well to be prepared to meet it. He could ' hot fee why this7 lhould be cohfidered ' as a iutiject of irritation, as n j gentle. jL inan ; Would pretllay, that anurt- - l authorifed individual ought, to exercife' . . -'. a.poWer, which . lhould influence the nitalures ot a toreigii government with v..-', reipect to this country.--This power has been delegated by the conrtkutlori : to the prelideni rand, faid Mr- G7tlie r. people of this country -mkht as well' ' J5 anuiegiuateiorus, or erect them felves into a judicial tribunal, in jplace ;of the eltablilhed judiciarv, as that any Jn4viduorJ'etf :. i --it; vriTTv t.r:i -' "v i' ""- . T " . r" . ' "T "s idNc npuu uim or mcmicives tnis pow - . , ? ; er, ved,ed in the executive.. Gentle-, . ;-inen'tnsiy fay, .that all ''this'-is right,' but, in his oniniofvfuch praftices would be ' -flZZ dtltrudvebf th principles of pur go-, ivemtneht.XHe hoped therefore ihe re- J- - - ' folution woiddf bej agreed to. TF3iciolas' had ho idea that .1 ' ; gentleinan, from . Connefticut, ccC i;.e.?a.J:a:jnakeltretr : thought the houfe ought fopolTefctnre iuformaticn pu the fubject, before xthey 1 4. ,: ,r-- M.c: ; i ,V- ' ; vVo " t- :-'' ' - ks