fyv. Jo?.: '..ft m n 11. Ii ! .n 1 wwii i ! 1 "CT, I'tt yi.mii '." " i'W ,1 ' " " 1 11 m 1 i p ' 1. 111 1 ill 1 in ii in . mmm 11 i ",! ;""".'i"' M"' l'.JL .'' ' mf'Mt '-. .,' '. V - t -'.'.V'-:' i Wii in i.'"jw 1-wrJHiA.MyKi reai...r:4v.rf..,j . -, - -, j,...,, , , , , , - T-'.rT-rrTr-T ihTTrTaMaMTrMlwittVnll r rr - - t r "". V tnttr(tptei and reit'wtd at London', V r i Ifiontintted from our V : ViMetntWr of the" NaTonaV Jnlftirnrf, ? -.gehieral in chkf, 0 ih French Di- feld-Quaftctii C5tr6,': 6tKrrhermKlor , : ' . 5 Cjttten Dirfrt r, . ' ,.''c. I fcid'; the iflomcnt, and 'ordered divifion of general 2on, who Was up-" ; ;n tbi" NUtiV w orooed ktrthe attack of . S2iitoJpiyed bctWcrtfhe"- body of troup ' which had ciarged him and the cntreitch- but a flrawr mat, and. two or thrct eartheh" -tsiitencral tfey': eat-but few thingi;? They da "uot know Uhe ufc of wind-mills titie of grdia viihjOut:apy orurhe firiill quantit jr of grain wni:h they eon vert to Hbafi' "thiy briitAs'-'with .ftonw,'jwT -inilfs which are tyr.aed by :.oieftrX-.? nent8, in order to iccoihplilh thi$ triple - 'bieft ; ' to pfetent the body of trops , f - 4 - -t . ' I ... . " -- ?.'! irom te-enieripg jrreeivnrj to be oh. We have been ouuiualty hatrltted ' by'tht Arabs," who are the'-grearetil-bb;-: hers, : Vnd the greateft yillaini on earth. afl'niTmatia the Turks; ' as well x.t the French v., acd all whofU intqcir-handa. The m'.nerai of brigade. Mureur, und'fe vetal other aids de cmp. and officer! of Jhele w reteW 0 ucealed behind 'dttche Ofiatrchcheuport their excellent little horfej, -anfort quart M is For mm that ftray too paces from the column Gen. Mu rear,-hot witlulanding tl.e rfpreientations I ; .(put oif ihexerlreaTTihofe who occupied them ; and laltly, it it mould .be oeceffary, ::-t6attacJ:"the'entmichineriti''on''' the iett,' J. u. ' rte, inftant genera)s . Vial .-td Bear. ' - advanced, they ordered the fift and third :? divifions of each battalion to range in co Jumns for the attack, while the Tecoad and fourth preferved the fame pofition, forming ' always a battalion 4 deep, and idViriced Jd Thawtairi1 the columns of it. . V " The columns of attack of gen. I?on Cl;! advanced by the; brave gen-,Rampniit threw themfelves into the entrenchavau , whh their ufual impctuofity, notw jth-." ';: ' :'n "ftanding the fire, of a. great 'quantity of . ; : , artiUry lyben the Mameludes' charged " themr 'TntpmtWf Kcj t enfreiiclu iLtlme'riti a full gallop. -Our columns had time ' to halt, tnd to form a front .' to oppole 4: ihem pa-all fides- and -: to -ftcei vethein": Vth ihe bayonet, and a, mower of bally.' - 'V At the fame inftant, the field of battle was ftrewed with the iflain. Our troops fonn .' varried the entrenchments.' Th Mamo- i 'lakes in their flight, precipitated .theia. r ffelves in Crowds on the left, but gen. Vial . - "was poftcd toicceive them. A battalion . of carabineers, under ty hofe fire hey were obliged to pafs,'madeJi dreadful fiaiightr , fthem A "great number threw them ' Serves into the Niie'and fwam off. ' More than 400 camels, loaded with v-;baj;gage,v;'irid 50' pieces of artillery, fell 4atopu"-? power. I eftimate the lofs of-ths. mcf dkeiuat jtooo -men,-t he-ehoice-tf - their eavdlry. Great art of the beys were killed or wounded, Murat bey vii wounded' irt the check Ou'fiiifs amoutui fcrved,-ly"a, taialiy which"! ;!ih v: often remarked tot'accomany men arrived ; at -their Taft hourj was defirous to afcend a looe a lutleeir.hience, , -about -zoo -paces 'from.1he.5amp. Behind it Vere three B; douifts, wh(gjaiJ3ffiiiateJ Turn ; the'repub. 1 ic has in h i m (a It a ined a real lofs. He , w;s one of the br.ivclt generals I ever knew. , There is in this.couritry yery iic . tie money, a great deal of corn, rice, ve. getables and' cattle; The republic, could not-have a colon y-rf mora c.iijacitv or richer, loll. Tlie! climate, is very .healthy, , 'owing to the ircluKis ot the nights: .': N"t w i ih it Vndin V 1 e.l""d;iys - of ni.i rc i ng,. " tacigues 01 every Kino, uie aoioiute waiit oi wine, and every thing eiic to atleviaie. . fatigue, we have had no licknels. . I he foldicrs have found' grcatrreiiJurces 'in a kind of water melons, , which are in gret abundaiice. ,'.- . ,. ...'. - iSigned) ; BUONAPARTE." JEftgl iiK -q d a d f 6n bed? fpar ehe3 ati difecer This officer perilhed on the road. ' It feem- ,' ed vt0 me that idm't ral Briieys was unwit j" 5 ling to reiurft to Corfu, before he ."had ti . pertained 'the pr aiicabil ity of entering l thepojt of Aiexaudria; and that the ar t my, of which lie had received imu'liigeace ' for a long tiei was in a pofition in which it woald not;' 6e obliged tq retreat.;;'" If in; this calafnitoos event he was to blame; he has'exfiafedhis fciultsby a glorious death.. , The dellinies have been deiio us topovt ; on Xn ocrtlion,- as on ' fo 'many others;, , that if tiey gTant ysa great preponderance ' inck officers of , 1 oh the' ; coinent they have given the; 1 T v - - w , ivwc;5f gTviit-w Tpvcrwr tui v attributed to .the fickienefs pf fortune. She hal not yet abandoned us. Far" frm it ; the has favoured us in the whole eju iiOJLi'iXdegKejTiiifu r lor. mer egorii Whcn I atrived before Alex - ?77y-V important pttt&u ' i;-Vr'v .v;J f vr I '" Jean BoiSSu Andre, late Freirh; rei 'v I ' 1 ucui di omyma, was inn aay wun uiy , j 1 Aiite brought here, ajpd.;.lodgd, 'ia;rhe 'A''-"" caftieof the" feven tbwers.1 Among htalili 1 Oc -papers was 'found "jfpiaflf for rcvolntiopij. f " dng'the Ottomanem pftiiis, 30,000 men are ordered toccryiiri j ' ; V ' places whrew French. jpoiitics have beeri'; ; :3 't ; jfavoured. iThiftyjfeven ca Wad in the palace ; francaile, lately occu-; ;( pted by the French ttiiftiftf r at Cooftantii i 'nopl2,.but )ijow converted; into a prifoni . where feven the 'i emigrant French !whV'-.: have taken an oath pf fidelity to ihegran4'' . : '-''' ' 4k - n . U' 1 "'! "VV ' ',-'.' -' '"('' , ; rtAMbUKUH, uctoberg, 1 :' ... Advice from Florence, of Septembet 14, fay that )he' French' have'fcntei(yJilMiL. -Ncapoiitaa dominions in.. an" HotViic manner,-though without a formar dccjafatidiv' of war. - ;"Tr T'."" ;. v ' ;; , v- f ,V'A i" We lpam from Paris, finder da,re of . September z8, that the Turkilh miai(lcf ; was that day arreted: ami thrown iutQ ' he temple, '. v -." .' iv . t' .. .' ; . . -.oaober ij. '; ;';;.;';' We heat that befides the aigrette given ; b to or 30 killed, .and no wounded.- : ' . During the night the city of Cairo wai r... -;vjcuaied.:v AH their armed floapscr? "vette's, Brigs, ahd even" a frigate, were burnt. ; iOn the 4th, our. troops ente redU V " 'Cairo. Inthe night the populace burnt ; the hoafes of the biys- and committed ;'tnahy tXceflfes.V Cairo which contains ; jnore th.an 300,009 inliabitants, has the -limit abandoned opuIace in the. world. ' After the ; great number, of .batts ' which the troops 1 command had gained 7 ovef fuperior forces,1 thought it not pr.i-,'-dtfht 'tO praife their continence and fan ; - x froid on. this occafion ; for truly this ne . kind of warfairc required, on their, part, a degree of patience forming a ftrong t; contrail, with French impeiuofity. If they ' , had abandoned themfelvcs "to their fu.l slrAi'fT; a t dour, theywould not ha ye gainc i a vicC tory which was only to be obtained by the greatetl ' cbolnels; ahd p9tience.,vThe "r -v; cavalry of the. Mamelukes Ihewed great 1 . L..bra very l They; defended their fortunes; ',-.;. I;iv i far there was not ond of "them forTwhom , U jour foldicrs did not' find tiirce,n four,' arid five hundred Louis d'ors. ' ' ;; " ' " All the luxury of thefe people con- , Tilled in' their-horfes and armsiJT'heir -r- hotife s a re iy ret ched I f is d ifficul t to fi ad . a country more fertile, or a people more . .r :.- mlferablei wore ignorant, and. more ftu p 1 .id. They prefer a button of our foldicrs, 'lj-Jjta.a crow4i of x f ranes - value j-in-theTil-" ; t 4 lagev they do riot even' know the ufe. of a ' atidria, and learned that the Englifh had r Iicen there a few days before, with a f- perior force, notwithttanding ,the tempef--; tu:ufriefs of the feather, 1 threw m fclf, on jhore at the rilk of being Wrecked .: I, remember, at tle moment when prepara tions Were makine.ior landing, there was a lignal in the ofhVg ,pf an enemy's faUo (It was the Jufttce , from Malta.) I ex- he has .ordered a rich p relent to etety claimed, Fortune, would you abandon I Britilb officer in the action of. the Nii v .roe 1 Only five days 1" 1 marched all ! and, 80,060 dila'rs to be diftributed a- ni&ht ; at preak of day I attacked. Alex.; 1 mong the failors. , ' , iJ.. ; ; ! - ' andria with three thcttfand harraffed men, ... The confidence of. the grand fefgnior wi i hout cannon, and nearly without car.- ; U (a p'reatin his new friena& tkt Ri.ffi-.o. jHvigCiV and in c days", I became matter.; -jv that he vifited thecommander of the fleet Ot;Koietta, ot imennour ; tnatis toiay, betqre Conitantinopley oa Joard his (hio. ' Incognito. The Rnlnans were at firft Joatfa to enter tM city of Conftantinople, , but they are now every day&co walkin arm i 1 -IS A t ii nvlredy ifftsbiimed in Kiry pt -v? ,:- Kor thele five days was the fqdadroiy ftieltered from the enemy, however great might he. their number i Far from it, it : ! in Atm with the .Turks. In a other 'letter'-daTd,-HcTd'CJ;iar- . tersV Cairo Auguit-'i after-givingVa-ii-; account of feveral'lktrmithcs wiin the AX abs, -the partictilars of which are no; vf ry inwrreiting.; he fays : , - " On the 6ih of J aly 1 wrote to the ad . iral'to"errter:"thF'porrofAlKatfdlia in 2x hours ; and it that was not practicable,' J to land immediately all the artillery nnJ' ttores belonging W tne army, anorot.ir.i to Corfu. ; 1 then left Alexandria in full affurance that, in three days, one of thefe -meflfuterw ouid "haycTneen aaopteo, vtm "that to. the'i4tb ot Jut y I" received no intelligence-whateyer, either Irom Rout ta ot Alexandria, A nitituue of A'rabs col letting from all pirts ot the defert, . 1 i 1 j . . 1 . . r kept conltaotiy wrrnin uvc rrunoica rouri ot"fhe:c&ai.:"';""."T;' " 0 1 the i 7th, at' length, the nport of our Vittorie-, and dmerciit pofitions, opened our c.).n naiucations. I received feyeral. letters from the admiral, J when 1 lear.jed, vith allonimment, that he re-. mained llill at Ab:ukir. I then wrote t him again, that be mult not lofe an hour, -but either enter the-port."of;;Alexandriirr or r turn, to Corfu. . The admiral had written to me 01 the 20th July, that fer vera Englifh Irrigates were come to re conno'ure, and that he was tortitytpghim- ' felf in expectation of the enemy at Abou. kir. TU4s. ft range rcfotution filled 'me with the molt- lively " alarms j ; but lVc; , time was loft ViorUhe letter ojibejfot! "iiid not-reachmeuntrrthe fame montlr;-;" . - . .1 -. v..... .. I difpatched citixen JuHen, my aid de camp, with orders not to leave1 Abou; kirr'until he lhadjfeen;the fquadrbn 'under fail. ' On the 26th the admiral wrote to me that the E.njilifli had retired, which m afure he attributed to the want of pro. vi'fionsi . . I .received this letter the" 30th, iy'the fancorierVvrhe-ijftb he w; ote (-to me, that he had at length heard oFthe f yiclbryVof tHepyramids, and the taking ' ot Jaito,,and iouna a paliage i.or enien.ig ; the port of Alexandria.' 'rlh? letter Tre :'ceivednbethbrA"ug of the lit ot AuguS the Englim attacked him Oil- the; moment he perceived tbe v mail ed re expofed during the remain der of the month of July. It receiyed -'from Rofett,-; abo'etlieotnToT' that ,; month, a fupply of rice for two months. ; " The En'ghm, in fuperior forcef were for ten days in ihcfe parts. On the 19th July it received intelligerjce of puf entire pof-."; fcinoii of Egypt, and our entry into Cairo, and it, was only. after.fortune,faw.ihat all - 1 her favours were become or no further ule thit lhe abandoned our fleet to its de-. ttiny. 1 falutc you. :": ; BUONAPARTE." ; ""TTlHtiT frWee10ernhe - fame date, ijth Augult gives an account of Euonaiiar tJ having eftablilhed an en trencned camp at four leagurs from Cai rot which kept in check the force of Mu- :ytV P'CY '" ; ' ':'-'.. ':''-'-'t': ;-'''': "'.'''.".;'' ' Gentral Uclerc, who commands '4000 men, was attacked by a body of . men, as well Ma.oclukcs as Arabs, whom he re ; pulled. ; "'"-,-' - farther Jifpatcbei not c$jih hand - - CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. j 8. , ' " "'-" ' '..'.:; 'rAn expedition agaihft the fonth of France in retaliation for the invafion of Egypt,' ... is contemplated. Our court is to furoiih ,30,000. rae. .. . Thr RulTun and Turkith fleets late' in i 'our waters prefented the grandeft fpeftacle ; "eve r fecn in this city : and it is conjec- tured tms armameni iia xor ns oujcvi .poffeffionsf the Fjenchr in. the-Adrjatic - and Ty rrhenian feasr and the golph of Genoa. The places particularly contem 4 plated are, Ancona, Cevitta .TechiaV: Sec -and jli city ofGenoa in which hcTurks ex peel to find great . booty. . Before" the Unl&an fleet lailed, admiral Uufchakrow received difpatches from his court at St. Pctermurg, upon which he had a long con feVence with the winiftry. -The greateft - degree ot union and fecrecy prevails be 1 in", ivuvi- . : . 1 y the Au . j j8thinft,LI artoaccc-' --V.19 ications of ' , ! " Oaober, f. . ; The French with 8000 men from SwltV zerland have entered the Auftrian territo-i tyj and already commi'.ed Tfome execfles. It is faid, the emperor confiders this at the actual recommencement of hoftili ties. lv ''.v - . ; ;; "'. - The crews ef eiht Fre'nlbipUn tfie harbourof 6hftaoiihbple, ; have been made prisoners of war. ' : V ' T ;;- " . . Oclober if. , " ' ;; ", A new paper on the fubjeft of the pend ing negotiation was Prefented by ftrian envoy at Rafladt,oji8tJtinftt':. it was mortj ana docs pot appear to accc leratc peacr in fine, the indications the re. commencement of ;boftilities''en crcafe daily, ': . '''' The deputation of the empire at the cortgrefs of Raftadt, . have demanded that Hamburgh, Bremen, Luneck &c beex. empted Irom all duties-on the Rhine ' The French have demanded the reafou of the march of a Rufilan army through the German territory anc Were anfwered, that theyr were riot authorifed ; to make any explanation on that fubjeft. : An exV traordinary coblnefs has commenced -each feems to waifthe others ftrikingthc T tint blow, to avoid the odium ot the re- newai ot war. LONDON. Oclobet 18. Zxtratt of a letter Jrom an officer. of the Vwguardi addreffed to Ins Jiftcr at . h Bathtfateij'ojfjbe mouth xf theMti,- , " 1 he admiral is in a fair way of re-covery--tbouj,b there wtlf be a large . fear; in his relie d but an hcMfoir able ; 11 "one . 'Moll of our French prites to- I 'M- r gethcr with lome of our ww (hips, leave us this day for Gibraltar or flng- land- AV c reihain here a feW """week lo iger with rive fail of the line, to crude 'I ! . 1 - off Alexandria-sff er which we "goltc tweeri ,the Ruffian and EngUlh miniflers, f fjvaph's to refel -1 be admiral talks of and our envan ; ana tne jormer-areL ta. ieeiiig- tTrgland m.a tewtmontps. , . ; prcfent in the private councils, on our in- Tp W iv tatan feuortaDarte'k temal itateof ainirs. Thntrrih me are cf the utmoft importance he aiid' thcwi ole army - Willi theui(ejv Trench inTcypt.' has drawn the cords of ; friendfhip bctwcca: us and; Ruflia more clo'feV -." ; ' ..', . . ; . '.' : : '-r' , y.. I M .7-1t- ' ,;v - V- " "V-1 J . . V m ' '-;--; :-;'' -;,-t-t .- ..;". ; :t . i.'.-,; :dS-A--:-'---'-'r-,'x- - 'r.;..;;;'':''-:'';.;.':' " ? : : --t rj,.-j,r:f ";; - .-;' . '.-';.','. '..-.'.' -i. ' ' - ;; ' - ' -"ru - ' ,',..' , 7 ' ;,;''""';; ;;'i "' V -

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